In temperate Europe, forest-forming tree species present considerable variation in interannual fruiting (Fernández‐Martínez et al. 2017, Pesendorfer et al. 2020). Such temporally variable and spatially synchronized seed production in plant populations, called masting, is thought to provide individuals fitness benefits associated with economies of scale (hereafter “EoS”) which decrease the cost of reproduction per surviving offspring with increasing extent of seed production (Norton and Kelly 1988, Pearse et al. 2016). Two main mechanisms of such EoS in masting are reduced pollen limitation in years of extensive flowering and satiation of seed predators in years of bumper crops (Kelly and Sork 2002). In species in which these mechanisms operate, recruitment peaks after mast years when seed predators are satiated and higher pollination efficiency during mass flowering increases relative seed viability (Crawley and Long 1995, Clark et al. 1998, Zwolak et al. 2016). However, patterns of seed production are changing worldwide in response to climate change (Pearse et al. 2017, Shibata et al. 2020, Clark et al 2021). For the many species that regenerate through masting, such changes include altered synchrony and interannual variation in seed production, which can all affect reproduction success if economies of scale determine plant regeneration, population dynamics, and community structure (Pearse et al. 2017, Shibata et al. 2020, Bogdziewicz et al. 2020b). We thus need to understand whether economies of scale operate across plant species to understand how changes in reproductive patterns affect plant fitness and regeneration. Despite rising interest in mast-seeding and its underlying mechanisms (Koenig et al. 2021; Pesendorfer et al. 2021), there are few examples of economies of scale (Nilsson and Wastljung 1987; Norton & Kelly 1988), and the interactions of underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we use a long-term data set of high spatial resolution to investigate how pollen limitation and predispersal predation vary with annual seed production in Central Europe’s few remaining old-growth montane forests.
The pollination efficiency hypothesis suggests that increased pollination success in high flowering years selects for mast-seeding (Kelly et al. 2001), providing the highest fitness to temporally variable and spatially synchronous trees (Bogdziewicz et al. 2020b). Generally, the role of pollen limitation in driving reproduction of wind-pollinated plants was long underestimated (Koenig & Ashley 2003). A series of recent studies, mostly based in North America and New Zealand, found that pollination efficiency correlated positively with flowering density, thus supporting the hypothesis (Houle 1999, Kelly et al. 2001, Rapp et al. 2013, Moreira et al. 2014, Bogdziewicz et al. 2020b). In beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), density-dependent pollen limitation was found when correlating the proportion of hollow, unpollinated seeds with stand size across a Swedish landscape, so that trees in larger stands had a higher proportion of viable seeds (Nilsson and Wastljung 1987). Similarly, across England, beech trees that are more responsive to temperature variation and thus more synchronous with their respective populations have lower proportions of unpollinated seeds (Bogdziewicz et al. 2020b). However, it is unclear to what extent the pollination-efficiency EoS occurs across European forest trees and whether it interacts with other EoS mechanisms such as predator satiation. While pollination dynamics are an important driver of fruiting dynamics in oaks (Koenig et al. 2012; 2015; Bogdziewicz et al. 2017, Schermer et al. 2019), pollination efficiency is not always improved by masting. For example, pollen limitation was not relieved by masting in Sorbus aucuparia L. or in Aciphylla squarrosa J.R. Forst. & G. Forst, two insect-pollinated species (Pías and Guitián 2006, Brookes and Jesson 2007). Furthermore, intraspecific variation in masting behavior and its underlying mechanisms has been observed in several species (Nussbaumer et al. 2018) and is therefore unclear whether pollination EoS apply universally across species ranges.
The predator satiation hypothesis proposes that seed predators are satiated by bumper crops (“mast years”) so that a larger proportion of seeds survives than in years of lower reproduction (Kelly and Sork 2002, Zwolak et al. 2022). Predator satiation is thought to be particularly effective when the mast year is preceded by a low-reproduction year, and the demographic response by the predator reduces the population (Zwolak et al. 2022). Mast seeding has been shown to reduce insect seed predation in several temperate European forest trees, including Fagus sylvatica (Nilsson and Wastljung 1987, Bogdziewicz et al. 2020b), Quercus robur L. (Gurnell 1993, Crawley and Long 1995), Larix decidua Mill. (Poncet et al. 2009), and Sorbus aucuparia (Kobro et al. 2003, Żywiec et al. 2013). However, insect predators are not always satiated by mast seeding. For example, masting can result in a bottom up effect on the insect population that effectively cancels predator satiation (Bogdziewicz et al. 2018b). Similar responses were found for small mammals with fast increases of rodent densities largely driven by seed availability in mast years (Sachser et al. 2021) leading to low seed survival at experimental dishes and in natural populations (Nopp-Mayr et al. 2012).
Moreover, masting does not satiate insects if insect predators synchronize their life cycle with periodical seed production (Kelly et al. 2000, Maeto and Ozaki 2003). Mobile predators may even be attracted to large seed crops and consume relatively more seeds than they would otherwise, thereby selecting against masting (Curran and Leighton 2000, Koenig et al. 2003). Some species can also sustain themselves on alternate food sources during low seed years, avoiding starvation and numerical reduction, and return to seeds of interest as they become increasingly available (Fletcher et al. 2010, Bogdziewicz et al. 2018a). Predator satiation benefits of EoS may therefore not be universal, but rather context- and species-dependent and thus need to be assessed case-by-case.
Here, we investigate how pollen limitation and predispersal predation vary with annual reproductive effort using a 10-year data set on seed production, seed predation, and pollen limitation in three forest-forming European species: European beech (Fagus sylvatica), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst), and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). While pollen limitation varies with annual flowering dynamics, predator satiation often shows lagged effects, detected by lower seed losses in years following a small seed crop, following a numerical response by insect populations (Silvertown 1980, Kelly & Sullivan 1997). Such sequence-dependence can thus result in very different levels of seed predation for two similarly-sized, intermediate reproductive efforts if one followed a high seed year and the other followed a low seed year. Furthermore, we test the hypothesis that interactions among the two mechanisms can dampen or amplify the EoS benefits of mast-seeding. Specifically, we predicted that pollen limitation, quantified by the proportion of hollow, non-viable seeds, would decrease the proportion of full, fertilized seeds depredated by insects, thereby reducing their density-dependent feeding rates. Finally, we test the hypothesis that EoS increase the temporal variability of viable seed densities that are subject to subsequent selection steps, such as vertebrate predation and dispersal.