One of the critical bottlenecks in engineered anatomical-scale tissues is a lack of built-in functional vasculature, which is essential to ensure exchange of gases, nutrients, and cell secreted toxins post implantation. Ideally, anatomical-scale built-in micro-vessels, that form a functional anastomosis with host vasculature within a few days, should be contained within the engineered tissue-construct to ensure graft survival. In addition, the engineered microvasculature should withstand physiological pressure without any leakage or elicit a negative immune response [47]. Microvascular networks in native tissues are organized in a hierarchical order to ensure optimal molecular exchange and function [3]. Most recent advances in the field of microfluidics have enabled self-assembly of microvascular networks within a hydrogel and tested their perfusability and potential of disease modelling and drug screening [6–8]. However, anatomical scale large pre-vascularized beds with capillary-sized micro-vessels that can be employed to engineer large, anatomical scale pre-vascularized tissues are currently lacking. More importantly, it is crucial to evaluate patency, perfusability and immunogenicity of these engineered pre-vascularized constructs in vivo. To address this challenge, we have previously developed a large hMSC-ECM sheet with dense, self-assembled microvascular networks under optimal physiological oxygen concentrations [15, 48]. Compared to the traditionally used ECM mimicking hydrogels, our hDF-ECM provides a superior compositional complexity as well as architectural tunability to guide micro-vessel growth in desired directions. To further validate its potential to engineer large tissue-constructs, the current study evaluated the patency, anastomotic capability, perfusability and the innate immune response toward these prevascularized hDF-ECM sheets in vitro and in vivo.
The aligned and randomly organized micro-vascular networks developed on the hDF-ECM scaffold exhibited a diameter similar to native capillary beds (Fig. 2) [49]. Consistent with our previous observation, aligned nano-fibrous hDF-ECM architecture showed increased micro-vessel length and density compared with micro-vessels developed on randomly organized ECM irrespective of macrophage-co-culture (Fig. 2). Importantly, self-assembled micro-vessels with diameters as small as < 20 µm showed a clear open lumen, confirming their tubular structures (Fig. 3). To evaluate immunogenicity of engineered constructs in vitro, macrophages were co-cultured with prevascularized constructs and compared with immunomodulatory hMSC-only constructs. The pre-vascularized constructs maintained micro-vascular density for 3 days, but exhibited significant degradation in vessel density after 7 days, indicating a macrophage-mediated destruction of micro-vessels (Fig. 2A). It is known that pro-inflammatory macrophage activation is dependent on anaerobic glycolysis, while anti-inflammatory macrophages rely on aerobic respiration, such as oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), for their energy demands [50]. These metabolic perturbations in macrophages within the pre-vascularized or immunomodulatory hMSC-only constructs were revealed by FLIM-based imaging of NAD(P)H and FAD, important co-enzymes of glycolysis, OXPHOS, and glutaminolysis [23, 51–53]. FLIM can exclusively evaluate macrophages within the co-culture system due to the physical separation of macrophages from hMSCs and ECs at different depths within the constructs (Fig. 4, Fig S2C). In line with the in vitro micro-vascular network characterization (Fig. 2), significantly increased bound NAD(P)H lifetime (τ2) was measured in macrophages that were co-cultured with prevascularized constructs for 7 days (Fig. 4). The difference in NAD(P)H lifetime components was exaggerated from day 3 to day 7 in pre-vascularized construct compared with immunomodulatory hMSC only constructs, possibly due to the activation of macrophages by the non-immunomodulatory HUVECs. Consistently, in the presence of macrophages, prevascularized constructs post 7 days exhibited increased expression of glycolysis associated pro-inflammatory proteins (GLUT-1 and HK2) and reduced expression of anti-inflammatory proteins (CD163, EGR2, ARG1) (Fig. 5). Whereas, owing to the immunomodulatory property of hMSCs, the hMSC-only groups (aligned and random) exhibited reduced expression of HK2 and GLUT-1 (Fig. 5B-C), and increased expression of CD163 and EGR2, proteins predominantly present in anti-inflammatory phenotypes of macrophage. EGR2 is a direct target of IL-4-activated STAT6 and has a broad functionality to further induce several transcription factors driving alternative macrophage polarization [54, 55]. ARG1 is a key enzyme involved in l-arginine metabolism, highly expressed in tumor-associated macrophages that have immunosuppressive and tumorigenic functions [56, 57]. Compared with hMSC-only group, pre-vascularized groups had increased ARG1 expression post day 3 of macrophage-culture, which further reduced on day 7, indicating a reduction in immunosuppressive activity of macrophages (Fig. 5E). One of the known mechanisms by which hMSCs promote immunomodulation is via secretion of PGE2, which activates production of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 from macrophage to suppress inflammatory phenotype [31, 58]. The highest expressions of PGE2 (Fig. 5G) and IL-10 (Fig. 6F) were observed in day 7 prevascularized groups, indicating their maximum effort to suppress inflammatory response. Taken together, results obtained from IF-based characterization, FLIM, and western blotting indicated a macrophage maneuver towards the pro-inflammatory phenotype after 7 days of co-culture with prevascularized constructs, which was further verified in cytokine array analysis. Compared with the macrophage co-cultured hMSC only group, the day 7 pre-vascularized group had increased secretion of GM-CSF, IFN-γ, IL-1A, IL-8, IL-17A, MIP-3A which are key regulators that stimulate macrophage activation, due to the presence of non-immunomodulatory HUVECs in the constructs [59]. Furthermore, the prevacularized group improved expression of pentraxin-3 that is associated with vascular inflammation and endothelial dysfunction [60], which could be the reason why micro-vessels degraded (Fig. 2A). As expected, compared to the hMSC group, pre-vascularized constructs showed enhanced expression of angiogenic growth factors (CD31, VECAM-1, Angiogenin, IGFBP-2) [61] and proteolytic degradation of ECM (uPAR) [62], which are essential for self-assembly of micro-vascular formation (Fig. 6G). Aligned or random construct architecture also had effects on the metabolic perturbations in macrophages as observed via FLIM, and the immunogenicity of the entire constructs as revealed via western blot and cytokine array. However, the perturbations caused by aligned or random architectures were not as significant as those triggered by the presence or absence of non-immunomodulatory HUVECs within the constructs (Fig. 4–6, S3).
Although in vitro macrophage co-culture is a well-accepted model to mimic innate immune response, the immunogenicity of pre-vascularized constructs in vivo was further confirmed via subcutaneous implantation in athymic RNU nude rats, which have a robust innate immune system containing granulocytes, monocytes/macrophage, mast cells, natural killer cells, dendritic cells, and B cells. It has been reported that the RNU nude rats have an even stronger innate immune response compared to normal immune compatible rats [24–28]. An anticipated recruitment of host cells surrounding implant boundary was observed during the first week, which became less evident over time as observed by histological analysis (Fig. S4). After 4 weeks, the implant was well integrated in the subcutaneous space, without any signs of a pro-longed active inflammation (Fig S4). Macrophage recruitment was increased during the first week and gradually decreased overtime, with minimal levels of macrophages observed at day 28 (Fig. 8). Importantly, recruited macrophages did not show significant difference in numbers between immunomodulatory hMSC-only and pre-vascularized constructs over time (Fig S6), proving the hypo-immunogenic nature of these engineered constructs in vivo. Detecting perfusability of human-origin vessels in vivo via human EC-targeting UEA-1 lectin injection has been widely reported [63, 64]. UEA-1 positive lumens observed in tissues harvested post 3 days implantation indicated successful anastomosis of engineered micro-vessels within as early as 3 days of implantation. A slight increase in lumen diameter than the pre-implanted vessels was observed during the first week of implantation, suggesting a possible remodeling of the engineered micro-vasculature (Fig S5B). However, no further increase in UEA-1 positive vessel diameter was observed after the first week, indicating the vessels were stable and not significantly dilated post perfusion (Fig S5B). Although HUVECs were selected as a typical model EC-types in this proof-of-concept study, they can be replaced with more advanced and clinically relevant universal or hypoimmunogenic derivatives of induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) derived ECs in future, to advance one step closer towards translational applications [65, 66]. In addition to maturing the self-assembled microvascular networks as pericytes, hMSCs are known to promote immunomodulation via secretion of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1RA), PGE2 and tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene 6 (TSG-6) [17, 31, 67] to mitigate the immune response and preserve microvascular integrity. hMSCs have been incorporated as bulk cells in the pre-vascularized construct. Their well proven multifaceted regenerative potential in several diseases [68] make the pre-vascularized construct versatile for various tissue-regeneration applications. The feasibility of creating large-prevascularized ECM sheets that can be used as building blocks will enable tissue-engineers to fabricate anatomical scale 3-D constructs to replace damaged or diseased tissues. The faster anastomotic capabilities and perfusability of these engineered microvessels will greatly improve the rate of implant survival by promptly restoring the oxygen and nutrient supply, and thereby ensuring the superior functionality or regenerative capability of implanted constructs.