The main purpose of the study was to examine and compare the performance of different body size dimensions (body weight, body height, body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio and fat-free mass) in the normalization of handgrip strength and adjusted for sex and age in a large sample of older adults. Our main findings are: (i) body height is the most appropriate body size parameters for being used in allometric scaling of handgrip strength, followed by fat-free mass and body weight; (ii) the interaction terms between body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio and fat mass with handgrip strength are not significant; and (iii) body mass and fat-free mass show residual associations with allometrically normalized handgrip strength, pointing out that these variable are incapable to completely exclude the body size effect on the handgrip strength.
Evidence recommends that handgrip strength should be normalized for body size dimensions [9,12]. The most common body size dimensions include weight [11,13–17], body height [13,14,17], body mass index [13,15], fat-free mass [14] and waist circumference [17]. Our finding of body mass exponent being 0.12 is smaller, compared to other studies conducted in older adults [12,14,16,27]. For instance, a study by Pua [16] showed larger exponents for body mass and handgrip force (0.63), ankle dorsiflexion force (0.82), ankle dorsiflexion torque (0.91) and Timed “Up & Go” Test (0.07). A study by Maranhao Neto et al. [14] found that body mass exponent for handgrip strength was 0.31, while Foley et al. [27] reported 0.40 in the body mass exponent for handgrip strength allometric normalization. Regarding fat-free mass, our results showed the exponent of 0.26, which is lower than those obtained in previous studies [14,28]. Indeed, Folland et al. [28] presented the findings, where fat-free mass exhibited higher exponents for force (0.76) and torque (1.12) and determined on average 54.0% of the variation in knee extensor torque. When the regression model was adjusted for sex, age and the level of physical activity, Maranhao Neto et al. [14] found 0.46 in the fat-free mass exponent. Our results obtained in the body height exponent (0.85) were like previous findings of 0.92 [28] and 1.1 [29]. However, higher body height exponent of 1.84 was demonstrated for Brazilian older adults [14]. The discrepancy between the exponents for different body size parameters may be due to different sample size, wide age range, adjustment for specific variables and testing measurements of handgrip strength, not being able to generalize the findings and its representativeness. Although we followed the recommendations from the American Society of Hand Therapists for testing handgrip strength [23], previous protocols have used the handgrip strength measured with the elbow in extension [14]. Nevertheless, this is the first study comparing a variety of body size parameters in relation to absolute handgrip strength and adjusting for sex and age in a relatively large sample of older adults.
Greater muscle strength is an important component of preserving from cardiometabolic, locomotor and mental diseases [11]. While the applicability of testing handgrip strength and its normalization has been well-documented in the literature [9,10], studies often fail to adjust for body size parameters with the misleading results. This study has shown that by using body height as the most appropriate body size dimension for allometric scaling, it is possible to provide an unbiased body size adjustment in elderly population.
This study is not without limitations. First, by using a cross-sectional design, we cannot determine the causality of the association between body size dimensions and handgrip strength. Second, to secure a homogenous sample on which allometric scaling was performed, this study was limited to a sample of free-living community-dwelling older adults without locomotor and mental diseases and who did not fall in the past year. Third, although we included fat mass and fat-free mass as body size dimensions, we used bioelectrical impedance analysis and more objective methods, like DEXA or computer tomography might have given different exponents. Fourth, the results of maximal testing are co-dependent with the maximal effort of participants, and because of the nature of the study, this cannot be fully guaranteed.