2.1. Climate data
An important component of the present analysis is the climatic data used for the calculation of the hazard indicators. These include parameters such as sea-level rise, extreme winds and waves for historical and future climate projections. Near-surface wind data were obtained from a large ensemble of regional climate simulations performed under the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) (Giorgi and Gutowski, 2016). Information integrated for the European (EURO-CORDEX[2]) and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA-CORDEX[3]) domains of CORDEX was used for the Mediterranean and Atlantic regions, respectively, in a horizontal resolution of 0.11° (≈ 12 km) and 0.44° (≈ 50 km). More information on the simulations and domains’ extent can be found in Jacob et al. (2020), Obermann-Hellhund et al. (2018) and Zittis et al. (2021b). Extreme wave projections for the Mediterranean were available from the Med-CORDEX[4] initiative at a horizontal resolution of 0.11° (Ruti et al., 2016; Soto-Navarro et al., 2020). However, for the Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean, additional wave simulations were performed using the WaveWatchIII model (WW3DG, 2016), driven by meteorological input from the Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model (HadGEM). WaveWatchIII solves the random phase spectral action density balance equation for wavenumber-direction spectra. These simulations were performed at a horizontal resolution of 0.25°, covering a domain from 10 to 42°N and 70 to 5° W.
2.2. The Impact Chain Approach
Impact Chains (ICs) are an effective way to visually synthesize the complex relationships between Exposure (to mean climate conditions or hazards), Sensitivity (related to physical and socio-economic features), and Adaptive Capacity of a system under investigation. In more detail, an Impact Chain is an analytical tool that helps to better understand, systemize and prioritize the factors that drive vulnerability, and thus risk, in a system under review (GIZ 2017). This could be either a human or natural system. The concept of ICs was introduced by Schneiderbauer et al. (2013) and was refined by the German Cooperation for International Cooperation (GIZ) in their Vulnerability Sourcebook (Fritzsche et al., 2014). Impact Chains have since become more and more widely used as a climate risk assessment method at the regional-to-local level for research and decision-making support. Such successful examples include the assessment of climate change impacts in several socio-economic sectors, including agriculture, water and land resource management, tourism, as well as ecosystem-based adaptation (Hagenlocher et al., 2018; Arabadzhyan et al., 2020; Schneiderbauer et al., 2020; Léon et al., 2021; Zebisch et al., 2021).
The methodology can be used for both high-level identification of key risks as well as more in-depth analysis of specific risks and adaptation strategies. Some of the advantages of using this framework include its flexibility and simplicity in calculations, its applicability to different scales (from national to local), and the consideration of the entire planning cycle of the adaptation process (Zebisch et al., 2021). This can range from identifying the adaptation demand and selecting measures to monitor and evaluate the success of adaptation interventions in lowering vulnerability. Several variations of ICs have been proposed, however, in the present study, we apply the general framework presented in Zebisch et al. (2017) and Arabadzhyan et al. (2020), which makes the assessment approach with Impact Chains compatible with the concept of risk used in the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2013). This conceptualization framework was adjusted for the risk of isolation due to Maritime Transport disruption (Figure 2) and was operationalized for the six EU islands and archipelagos under investigation (the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Corsica, Malta, Crete, and Cyprus). The three main components drive risk are:
- Hazard, related to meteorological conditions, extreme weather, and changes in such physical phenomena due to global warming.
- Exposure, related to the presence of people, livelihoods, services, infrastructure, and economic, social or other assets.
- Vulnerability, related to the propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected. Vulnerability encompasses a variety of elements, including Sensitivity (i.e., susceptibility to harm) and Adaptive Capacity (i.e., lack of capacity to cope and adapt).
2.3 Description of indicators and scenarios
As depicted in Figure 2, several indicators have been identified for each component of risk. For climate change-driven hazards, we considered the regional mean sea-level rise (MSL), extreme waves (WaX98), and extreme wind (WiX98). The two extreme weather indicators (WaX98 and WiX98) were extracted from the 98th percentile of daily maximum values for each year. Exposure indicators include the number of passengers (NPax), islands’ total population (Npop), the value of transported goods expressed in total annual freight (VGTr), and the number of ports per island or archipelago (Npor). Indicators for sensitivity include the number of isolation days (NID) and the quality of port infrastructure (Nrni). Finally, for the component of adaptive capacity, the proposed indicators are the percentage of renewables contribution to energy production (PER), the existence and efficiency of early warning systems (EWS), and harbour alternatives such as airports (Napt). Since the risk is reduced when adaptive capacity is high, indicators of this component were treated inversely, for high values are assigned to low scores (i.e., contributing to risk). A more detailed description of indicators is presented in Appendix A.
Besides the historical reference period, we considered two 20-year future periods of analysis. One near the middle of the 21st century (2046-2065) and one covering the end of the 21st century (2081-2100). Therefore, for assessing future risk, we considered projections or estimations for the indicators when these were available. This was mainly the case for the components of hazard (mean sea level rise, extreme waves and wind), exposure (population, number of passengers, value of goods), and the contribution of renewables. Two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) were considered for meteorological hazards (Meinshausen et al., 2011). One “high-emission” or “business-as-usual” pathway (RCP8.5) and a more optimistic one (RCP2.6) that is closer to the main targets of the Paris Accord to keep global warming to lower levels than 2 °C since pre-industrial times. Regarding future estimations of exposure indicators, we scaled the observed values according to the population projections (years 2050 and 2090). These projections were derived from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (https://population.un.org/wpp/).
2.4. Normalization of indicators, Weighting and Risk Calculation
Prior to the calculation of risk, the indicators needed to be normalized to values between 0 and 1. For this, we have applied the minimum-maximum normalization method as it is described in OECD (2008) and GIZ (2017). The methodology is defined in the following formula:
where Xi represents the individual data point to be transformed, XMIN is the lowest value for that indicator, XMAX is the highest value for that indicator, and Xi,0 to 1 the new value you wish to be calculated (i.e. the normalized data point within the range of 0 to 1). For most of the exposure and vulnerability components, this normalization was applied across the different islands in order to facilitate an inter-island comparison and to prioritize the cases of higher risk. As an example, for the Npop indicator, XMIN is the value for the island with the lowest population (Corsica) and XMAX is the value for the archipelago with the highest population (Canary Islands). Therefore, we assigned a value of 0 for the former and a value of 1 for the latter, while the rest of the islands were assigned values in between. For the extreme hazard indicators, in order to provide normalized values that are meaningful in terms of physical impacts we have set the minimum/maximum values according to expert judgement. Critical thresholds of the Beaufort and Douglas scales (Owens, 1982) were used for extreme winds and waves respectively. Values before and after the normalization, as well as more information on the sources of each indicator are presented in Appendix A.
Regarding the weighting of the different risk components, several weights have been examined; however, based on expert judgement and discussion with stakeholders and specialists in the Maritime Transport sector, we have considered it more appropriate to conservatively assign equal weights to all main components of risk (i.e., 0.33 for Hazard, 0.33 for Exposure and 0.33 for Vulnerability). For the Exposure sub-components (see Figure 1), we have assigned a weight of 0.33 for the Nature of Exposure and a weight of 0.66 for the Level of Exposure since the latter is of greater importance. Similarly, for the Vulnerability sub-components, we have assigned a weight of 0.25 for the factors of Sensitivity and a weight of 0.75 for the factors of Adaptive Capacity. The selection of weights is a subjective decision, nevertheless, we consider our selection to be quite conservative, and therefore we believe that a slightly different choice would not significantly affect our calculations.
Finally, after the normalization of indicators and the application of weights for the different components, the relative risk for Maritime Transport disruption is calculated according to the following formula:
The derived relative risk values, calculated for each island and period of analysis, are eventually categorised into five classes for better visualisation and interpretation of results. Values between 0 and 0.2 indicate very low risk, values between 0.2 and 0.4 low risk, values between 0.4 and 0.6 medium risk, and values between 0.6 and 0.8 high risk, while greater values near indicate a very high risk for Maritime Transport disruption.
[2] https://www.euro-cordex.net/
[3] http://mena-cordex.cyi.ac.cy/
[4] https://www.medcordex.eu/