H-rif-8-6 is a Multi-LMWB Producer. In order to confirm that H-rif-8-6 is a multi-LMWB producer, we assayed the bacteriocin activity from the caroS1K:Tn5 strain TH22-10. The results showed that TH22-10 could inhibit the SP33 growth but not Ea1068 (Fig. 1A). Further isolation of rough protein from TH22-10 and testing its function indicated that the cell extract contains nuclease (Fig. 1B), and western blotting analysis showed that this nuclease is not CaroS1K (Fig. 1C).
Although O’Shea et al. suggested that some gastrointestinal strains of Lactobacillus salivarus produce multiple bacteriocins from a single locus that are localized to mega-plasmids (15), no evidence has been provided so far and our study may be the first to confirm this hypothesis.
Homologous Analysis of Carocin S3 with Others’ LMWB of Nuclease Activity. Amino acid sequence analysis of Carocin S3, Pyocin S3, and Pyocin AP41 were observed. Highly homologous DNA fragments, i.e., LMWB obtained from H-rif-8-6 exhibited DNase activity based on amplified nested-PCR product. The amino acid sequence homology analyses of Carocin S3, Pyocin S3, and Colicin E3 were performed using DNAsis software (Hitachi, Japan). The results showed highly homologous sequences from the 360th to 568th amino acid.
We designed 2 primers, CaroS1_for2 and CaroS1_rev2, to amplify the DNA fragment by PCR experiment and subcloned this fragment into pGEM T-easy vector for preparing the DNA probe CaroS3.
Based on the sequence analysis, Carocin S3 comprises 2 overlapping ORFs, caroS3K and caroS3I. A putative Shine-Dalgarno sequence 5′-AUGGA-3′, which has also been observed in the DNA sequence of Carocin S1 and Carocin S2, is located upstream (-9 bp to -13 bp) of the start codon AUG, suggesting that it could be a ribosome binding site for caroS3K (12). Comparison of the upstream sequences of both caroS3K and caroS3I has shown that the 2 consensus sequences, 5′-TATAAAAA-3′ (-34 bp to -41 bp) and 5′-GAAGT-3′ (-61 bp to -65 bp), are both located upstream of the start codon. These results are also very similar to the Carocin S2 gene. Presumably, 5′-TATAAAAA-3′ is the − 10 promoter and 5′-GAAGT-3′ is the − 35 promoter for the Carocin S2 gene, although they differ from those of E. coli (16).
DNA libraries demonstrator and LMWB gene isolation. Chromosomal DNA from the H-rif-8-6 strain was isolated and digested using several restriction enzymes. Furthermore, it was assayed with the best restriction enzyme for creating DNA libraries as demonstrated by the Southern blotting experiment. The results showed that an approximately 4.5-kb DNA fragment was detected after BglII digestion, which was isolated from agarose gel and subcloned into pBR322 vector for demonstrating DNA libraries. Further, over 350 colonies were isolated from the DNA libraries assayed for bacteriocin activities followed by sequencing of their DNA. As a result, 11 colonies displayed LMWB activity, only one was possibly a new LMWB gene after DNA sequencing. This vector was named pBRS3, and the corresponding gene was called Carocin S3. According to Bradley’s classification, Carocin S3 is also an LMWB (2). The substrate and gene structure of Carocin S were similar to those of Carocin D (16) and Carocin S2 (4) produced by Pcc species. The 2 genes, caroS3K and caroS3I, code for the 95.6-kD and 10.2-kD components of Carocin S3, respectively.
DNA sequencing of the pBRS3 vector revealed the complete 4,143-bp DNA sequence. Further analysis of the 4,143-bp gene Carocin S3, indicated 2 ORFs. These are the 2640-bp long gene, caroS3K, and a smaller 270-bp gene, caroS3I. The stop codon (TGA) of caroS3K overlaps the start codon of caroS3I by 4-bp (ATGA). Presumably, annotation of the amino acid sequences was deduced from the Carocin S3 gene by DNASIS-Mac software, which was comparable to other analogous proteins searched using the BLAST and FASTA programs.
It could be deduced from the nucleotide sequence that ORF1 codes for a protein of 880 amino acids which shows higher homology with Carocin D (73%), and Carocin S2K (78%), the killer protein of Pectobacterium carotovorum. The ORF2 encodes 90 amino acids and shows homology with the possible immunity protein of LMWB in Yersinia pestis PY-64 strain (GenBank accession number: EIS53281). It was revealed that CaroS3K is an antibiotic-producing gene, which codes for a protein containing 880 amino acids showing a deduced molecular mass of 95.6 kDa. Similarly, CaroS3I, a product of the caroS3K-immune gene, contains 90 amino acids, displaying a deduced molecular mass of 10.2 kDa. Notably, higher homologies between CaroS3K and the other genes were found at the C-terminal end, which was thought to be the catalysis center of ribonuclease. FASTA program revealed that slitting of a segment at Gly507 toward the end of CaroS3K displayed close to 80% similarity with Carocin D and 91% similarity with Carocin S2K. Interestingly, Carocin D belongs to the DNase group of bacteriocins, whereas Carocin S2 belongs to the RNase group.
Purification and characterization of Carocin S3. Purified protein obtained from the pEN3KI construct, which contained caroS3KI encoded into the pET32a vector, was devoid of killer activity. On deleting a series of tag attachments ahead of the CaroS3 sequence, which made the plasmid pEN3KI merely conserve the T7 promoter, the purified protein expressed activity. By virtue of (His)6-tag flag, the caroS3I-expressed plasmid pES3I was constructed using the same method.
E. coli BL21 (DE3) recombinants, transformed with either pEN3KI or pES3I, were used to express the Carocin S3 proteins, CaroS3K and CaroS3I. All transformants were induced with IPTG under the control of the T7 promoter. The proteins were isolated and quantified by 40 ~ 50% ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by chromatographic separation of cell lysate. SDS-PAGE gels of purified Carocin S3 stained with Coomassie blue (described in Fig. 2) showed a lane containing the protein marker (Lane M) whose sizes (in kiloDalton) are indicated on the left. Elution of the column with a salt-gradient led to an expected band of CaroS3K at an Mr of ~ 95.6 kDa on the gel. Figure 3A displays the purification of CaroS3K with the arrowheads pointed toward enriched fractions. CaroS3I was purified by using the same procedure. A relatively stronger residual band is indicated by another arrowhead (Fig. 3B), which was predicted to have a Mr of 10.2 kDa.
The purified CaroS3K involved in the growth inhibition of susceptible indicator SP33 was characterized. The cell survival experiment was carried out by pre-incubating Pcc strain SP33 with CaroS3K at 28 °C for 60 min. After inoculating onto LB agar medium, the surviving cells were counted. The survival number decreased at increasing concentrations of CaroS3K (Fig. 4). This effect intensified with adding an initial concentration of 2.0 µg/mL, and the surviving number of cells drastically decreased. Cell populations did not survive at a final concentration of 4 µg/mL.
ESI-MS spectra for CaroS3I from purified CaroS3KI. The migration of CaroS3I from CaroS3KI on SDS/PAGE corresponded to a protein of MW 10000–11000, which is almost 1000 units greater than the anticipated MW deduced from the amino acid sequence (MW = 10.2 kD). To determine whether this high value was a result of posttranslational modification or simply the migration property of CaroS3I on SDS gel, the monomeric molecular mass of CaroS3I was determined by ESI-MS. This technique is now widely used to determine the MW of proteins. The observed MW of isolated CaroS2I is 10218.91 ± 2.10 (Fig. 5), as determined from 2 independent experiments. It should be emphasized that the immunity protein is undergoing posttranslational modification after binding to the killer protein.
The immunity protein probably interacts with the killer CaroS3K. Loading the purified Carocin S3 complex, we observed a band that co-electrophoresed with the immunity protein on SDS acrylamide gel, suggesting that the two proteins strongly interact with each other which clearly demonstrated that, for CaroS3K, the bound immunity protein is not a prerequisite for cell attachment or translocation, because the free Carocin has exactly the same bactericidal activity as the Carocin complexed to its immunity protein.
The in vivo activity revealed that in the presence of CaroS3I, CaroS3K does not demonstrate any cytotoxic effect against Pcc SP33, a strain that is normally sensitive toward the cytotoxic effects of CaroS3K. Irrespective of its mechanism of action, the immunity protein cannot pass into Carocin-sensitive cells or even prevent the attachment of Carocin to its cell surface receptors. If these were possible, treatment of CaroS3I with CaroS3K in vitro would result in an active protein in vivo. Such changes are expected for a molecule whose role is to protect Carocin-producing cells, but not cells that are targeted by Carocin. Results of the ESI-MS assay and CaroS3K inhibition activity assay reveal that CaroS3I recruited CaroS3K to form a new complex in which CaroS3K loses its DNA nuclease activity. In contrast, CaroS3I alone worked also as a DNA nuclease, and its activity was inhibited when combined with CaroS3K. The recruit mechanism between CaroS3K and CaroS3I is interesting and needs further investigation.
The amino acid sequence of CaroS3K has a signal peptide region (SPD) and 3 putative domains. The SPD (1–150 a.a.) does not share sequence similarity with any other protein as indicated by the FASTA homologous search performed from the Swiss port. It is regarded as the signal peptide domain, which may act as a signal for extracellular secretion by type III secretion system and is highly homologous at the same region of Carocin S2. Interestingly, on attempts to delete SPD of CaroS3K, we found that CaroS3K cannot be transported outside the cell like the FliC-KO strain (12).
Domain I (151 ~ 294 a.a.) is regarded as the translocation domain and is approximately 45% homologous to the translocation domains of Carocin S2K and colicin E3 (data not shown). Presumably, it directs the cytotoxic domain to the periplasmic space (17, 18), suggesting that this domain is likely Domain I of CaroS2K and also carries the putative TonB box (a sequence recognition motif DTMTV) found in the N-terminal domain of CaroS3K, which is thought to participate in bacteriocin translocation (8). Thus, we suggest that Carocin S3 could also be a TonB-dependent bacteriocin.
Domain II (295 ~ 506 a.a.) is implicated as the receptor-binding domain and was found to be approximately 83% homologous to the receptor-binding domain of Carocin S2 and 25% to colicin E3.
With regards to the C-terminal amino acid sequence from 507 ~ 880 a.a. of Carocin S3, two sub-regions were separated, Domain III-A (507 ~ 695 a.a.) and Domain III-B (695 ~ 880 a.a.). However, the function of Domain III-A is still unknown and needs further investigation. Domain III-B showed high sequence homology (80%) to the H-N-H endonuclease domain protein of Serratia odorifera 4Rx13, and the H-N-H motif was easily found in some endonucleases belonging to different species.
However, the amino acid sequence of Carocin S1 was found different from those of Carocin D, Carocin S2, and Carocin S3. Both Carocin S1 and Carocin S3 are produced from the same strain, H-rif-8-6, which suggests that Carocin S3 is a different type of LMWB.
The amino acid sequences of CaroS31 structural genes were homogenously aligned using BLAST, and the results did not show any related structural functions. However, literatures on related bacteriocins, such as Pyocin and Colicin, suggest that immunity protein comes after the killer protein. Hence, we reasonably speculate that this part is Carocin S3 immunity gene, CaroS31.
Nuclease activity of Carocin S3. The homology comparison of Carocin S3 showed that CaroS3K was a certain kind of nuclease. Thus, the genomic DNA from the indicator strain Ea1068 was extracted after incubation with the purified protein CaroS3K. Electrophoretic patterns showed that CaroS3K significantly digested deoxyribonucleic acids similar to the digestion of EcoRI-digested genomic DNA (Fig. 6A). According to Bradley’s classification, Carocin S3 is also an LMWB (2). The substrate and gene structure of Carocin S3 were similar to those of Carocin D (16) and Carocin S2 (4) produced by Pcc species. The two genes, CaroS3K and CaroS3I, code for the 95.6-kD and 10.2-kD components of Carocin S3, respectively.
Furthermore, to examine the killer activity of CaroS3K, it was mixed with an equal mass of CaroS3I whose immune activity could be observed in vitro. The quantity of digested segments (lane 6), shown in lanes 3 and 4, dramatically disappeared. Thus, it could be verified that CaroS3I significantly inhibited the killer activity of CaroS3K.
Interestingly, CaroS3I not only inhibited CaroS3K activity, but CaroS3I alone could also digest deoxyribonucleic acid (Fig. 7A and Fig. 7B). However, the nuclease efficiency of CaroS3I was considerably lower than that of CaroS3K.
In Fig. 8, producer cell contains CaroS3K and CaroS3I. The CaroS3K/CaroS3I complex did not exhibit DNA nuclease activity inside the producer cell (Fig. 8A). The in vitro assay demonstrated that the producer cell releases CaroS3K to the target cell which exhibited nuclease activity against the target cell’s DNA. Similarly, when the producer cell releases CaroS3I to the target cell, it also caused damage to the target cell’s DNA but not as severe as the CaroS3K. To further investigate the nuclease activity, in vitro assay of the mixed CaroS3K and CaroS3I were done. Both CaroS3K and CaroS3I left the producer cell but only CaroS3K entered the target cell leaving the CaroS3I outside (Fig. 8B). The result showed that CaroS3I loses its nuclease activity.
Both CaroS3I and CaroS3K have DNA nuclease activity. However, they lose their nuclease activities when mixed. The protein function of CaroS3I needs to be further investigated.