We quantified the potential activity of common hydrolytic enzymes associated with C (BG, CB, XY), N (NAG) and P (ALP) degradation. The EEA in this study were at the lower end of EEA reported across selected terrestrial, freshwater, and estuarine ecosystems (Table 5). Differences in potential enzyme activity between studies are likely explained by differences in biological and physico-chemical site conditions. Investigating freshwater wetlands across the United States, Hill et al. (2018) found that EEA were strongly correlated with sediment C, N and P, suggesting site-specific controls which partly explains the considerable differences in EEA between Snells Beach and Hobson Bay.
In this study, ALP activities were higher than the activity of C and N associated enzymes in both estuaries (Fig. 2). Lower activities of BG and NAG compared to ALP have also been reported in estuarine mudflats in French Guiana (Luglia et al. 2019) and mangrove habitats (Saraswati et al. 2016) (Table 5). This finding suggests deficiencies of inorganic N and P. Under P limitation, microbial communities will spend energy to produce C- and N-acquiring enzymes related to the P metabolisms (Chen et al. 2018). This is supported by the correlation between ALP, BG and NAG activities (Table 3). Higher ALP have also been related to sediment OM quantity and quality (Waldrop et al. 2004). Enrichment of C and/or could result in changes of soil C:N:P ratios and greater deficiencies of N and/or P, resulting in increased activities of N and P-cycling extracellular enzymes (Hoppe et al. 2002; Criquet and Braud 2008). The positive correlation between ALP activity and sediment C and N content at Snells Beach supports the existence of such a link.
Table 5
Hydrolytic enzyme activities (min - max) of soils and sediments across selected ecosystems/studies
Ecosystems | Location | BG | CB | XYL | NAG | ALP | Reference | |
(nmol h− 1 g− 1) | | |
Terrestrial soils | Global | 176–9200 | 33-2700 | nd | 42-4820 | 983- 15800 | (Sinsabaugh et al. 2008) | |
Freshwater wetlands | Global | nd | 857–4008 | nd | 1480–13278 | 322–3150 | (Kang and Freeman 2009) | |
Mangrove peat (fertilised) | Belize | 30–375 | 10–240 | nd | 20–300 | 10–750 | (Keuskamp et al. 2015) | |
Mangroves | Florida, USA | 6-300 | nd | 30–210 | nd | 10–900 | (Saraswati et al. 2016) | |
Mangroves | South Andamans, India | 170–260 | nd | nd | nd | 460–600 | (Dinesh et al. 1998) | |
Estuarine mudflats | French Guiana | 90–540 | nd | nd | nd | 240–2280 | (Luglia et al. 2019) | |
Coastal ecosystems | Hongkong | 150–4000 | nd | nd | 200–2100 | 1000–13000 | (Luo et al. 2018) | |
Tidal flat/salt marsh | Hangzhou Bay, China | 2870–4170 | nd | nd | nd | 16200–21400 | (Shao et al. 2015) | |
Estuarine sediment | Whangateau, New Zealand | 320–710 | nd | nd | nd | 350–550 | (Crawshaw et al. 2019) | |
Tidal flat | Snells Beach, New Zealand | 10–65 | 2–16 | 1–9 | 5–51 | 19–156 | This study | |
Edge | | 30–127 | 4–25 | 8–24 | 25–88 | 33–189 | This study |
Mangroves | | 34–152 | 2–36 | 8–49 | 29–117 | 32–320 | This study |
Tidal flat | Hobson Bay, New Zealand | 3–48 | 0.1-3 | 0.1-4 | 1–8 | 2–84 | This study |
Edge | | 1–39 | 0.1-6 | 0.1-2 | 1–7 | 2–91 | This study |
Mangroves | | 2–34 | 0.1-4 | 0.1–14 | 1–26 | 3–52 | This study |
nd = not determined |
Sediment depth and habitat effects
Enzyme activities varied considerable between transects especially in the upper sediment layer (Fig. 2a-j). A high variability in enzyme activities between locations has also been reported by others (Arnosti et al. 2014) and is partly explained the variation in microbial communities, environmental conditions, and sediment characteristics. For example, bioturbation by burrowing macrofauna results in small-scale differences in EEA (Luo and Gu 2018). These differences have been related to changes in sediment characteristics such as C and N content and quality of burrow walls compared to the surrounding sediment (Luo and Gu 2018). Varying distances of the transects to tidal creeks and thus differences in inundation regimes may contribute to the large-scale differences in EEA as enzyme activity has been shown to respond quickly to inputs of OM from sedimentation events (Meyer-Reil 1987).
Despite the spatial variation in EEA, we observed a sediment depth and habitat effect (Fig. 2i-j). Extracellular enzyme activity (per g sediment) of C, N and P associated enzymes tended to decrease with depth across habitats (Fig. 2a-j). A decrease in enzymatic activity with soil and sediment depth has been reported terrestrial and coastal ecosystems (Freeman et al. 2001; Luo and Gu 2018; Chowdhury et al. 2019). A major factor explaining the decrease in microbial and enzyme activity is the decline in OM, root biomass, available nutrients, and microbial activity with depth (Eilers et al. 2012; Stone et al. 2014; Li et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2021). This is supported by our findings showing strong relationships between sediment and OM related sediment characteristics (sediment C and N) and indicators of microbial activity (hot water extractable organic matter) and enzyme activities (Table 4). Higher activity of hydrolytic enzymes in the upper sediment layer may also be driven by the higher availability of oxygen in this layer enhancing microbial activity (McKee and Seneca, 1982; Freeman et al. 2001).
Besides depth, habitat had an effect on the enzyme activity (per g sediment) at the muddy site (Snells Beach), where higher EEA was observed in sediment under mangroves compared to tidal flat habitats (Fig. 2a,c,e,g,i). Consistently higher EEA in the sediment under saltmarsh communities compared to non-vegetated tidal flats were found in tidal wetlands in China (Shao et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2021). Further, a gradual decline in EEA with decrease in mangrove forest coverage across the Indian Sundarbans was reported by Chowdary et al. (2019). Higher EEA in vegetated habitats have been related to higher above and below ground biomass influencing microbial community composition and activity and in turn EEA (Sinsabaugh et al. 2008; Kang and Freeman 2009; Shao et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2021; Tang et al. 2021). Further, root exudates have been reported to stimulate microbial activity through the provision of high-quality sources of C (Reboreda and Caçador 2008; Oliveira et al. 2010; Luo and Gu 2018). It has also been reported that root biomass can influence enzymatic activities directly, through the exudation of phosphatases or low molecular weight organic molecules, enhancing enzymatic activity (Nannipieri et al. 2011).
Higher enzyme activity at Snells Beach between the mangrove and edge habitat (Fig. 2) might be related to changes in the aboveground-belowground linkages. Mangrove habitats were characterised by higher aboveground biomass compared to the edge habitat (Wei et al. in review). A higher activity of BG in older mangrove ecosystem than pioneer stages in French Guiana was explained by an increase in OM decomposition of aboveground litter (Luglia et al. 2014).
Extracellular Enzyme Activity And Physico-chemical Sediment Characteristics
Enzyme activities of all five hydraulic enzymes differed considerably between the muddy and sandy estuary with EEA at the muddy estuary being up to 10-fold higher than the sandy estuary (Fig. 2). Further, the relationships between EEA and physico-chemical sediment characteristics were markedly different between the two sites (Table 4). We hypothesise that sediment texture (mud content) was the main underlying factor governing EEA in this study. Snells Beach was characterised by high mud content, salinity, more acidic pH, and relatively high OM content. In contrast, Hobson Bay was sand dominated, had a lower salinity and OM content.
We found a strong positive correlation between mud content and EEA at muddy Snells Beach (Table 4). An increase of enzyme activity with increasing mud content have been reported in previous studies and has been explained by the higher surface area of mud rich sediments providing a larger area for bacteria to live ( Oliveira et al. 2010; Kravchenko et al. 2019). Similarly, clay particles may adsorb phosphatase and thus contribute to high ALP activities found in estuaries in French Guinea during the wet season (Luglia et al. 2019). In contrast, larger pore sizes and lower aggregation in the sandy Hobson Bay may have resulted in the loss of OM (Kravchenko et al. 2019). The negative correlation between mud content and enzyme activity at Hobson Bay (Table 4) is in line with findings reported by Luo and Gu (2015). Luo and Gu (2015) measured enzyme activity in bulk sediment and different particle size fractions (clay, silt, sand) collected from non-vegetated intertidal and mangrove habitats and found that C and N associated enzymes had a higher activity in the sand fraction. The findings were explained by a smaller C:N ratio in sandy soils suggesting a higher supplier of N (Luo and Gu 2015). Enzyme activity at Hobson Bay was significantly negatively correlated with sediment C:N ratio which implies that quality of OM may have been an important factor driving EEA at Hobson Bay (see below). Further, coarser sand fractions (> 200 µm) have been found to contain a large amount of polymeric material which may partly contribute to higher enzyme activity (Marx et al. 2005).
We found positive correlations between salinity and EEA at muddy Snells Beach (Table 4). While EEA increased with salinity in some studies (Neubauer et al. 2013; Bai et al. 2021), a decrease (Morrissey et al. 2014; Servais et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2022) or no correlation was reported in other studies (Chambers et al. 2013). Increasing salinity in a subtropical tidal wetland stimulated root growth and activity which in turn enhanced the production of C-degrading enzymes (Bai et al. 2021).
Enzyme activities at muddy Snells Beach were negatively correlated with sediment pH (Table 4). Negative (but not significant) relationships between enzyme activities and soil pH were reported in mangroves in the South Andamans (Dinesh et al. 1998). Sediment pH at Snells Beach was outside the optimal pH range of C, N, and P associated enzymes (Sinsabaugh et al. 2009) which may have hampered enzyme production. Sediment pH reflects the plant community composition at a given site and has been shown to influence OM quality and microbial community composition through changes in nutrient availability (Sinsabaugh et al. 2009). The relationships between enzymes and soil pH differs across studies depending on the pH range of sampled soils and enzyme assay (e.g. has the buffer pH been adjusted to match the enzyme pH optima) (Uwituze et al. 2022).
High mud content at Snells Beach was associated with higher sediment C and N content and water extractable carbon and nitrogen (data not shown). In this estuary, we also found strong positive correlations between sediment C and N and the EEA all five hydrologic enzymes (Table 4). This is in line with other studies and a global metanalysis reporting close relationships between soil OM content and C, N, and P related enzymes (Dinesh et al. 1998; Sinsabaugh et al. 2008; Luo and Gu 2018). This suggests that hydrolytic enzymes are sensitive to resource availability across vegetated and non-vegetated habitats with higher OM stimulating microbial activity and thus enzyme activity (Sinsabaugh et al. 2010; Luo and Gu 2018; Luglia et al. 2019). The strong relationship between enzyme activity and hot water extractable carbon (Table 4), which is an indicator of microbial biomass (Ghani et al. 2003), supports the assumption of microbial activity driving EEA. Higher soil organic C content may also result in the build-up of enzymes in the soil matrix as soil OM can form stable complexes with free enzymes (Naidja et al. 2000).
We found a decrease in ALP (Snells Beach) and CB, XYL, NAG, and ALP (Hobson Bay) with increasing sediment C:N ratio (Table 4). The C:N ratio is used as an indicator of source of OM (terrestrial versus marine) (Emerson and Hedges 1988; Meyers 1994) and a measure of OM quality (Swift et al. 1979). The C:N ratios found at Snells Beach (10–12) show that OM is of mixed origin with both marine and terrestrial input. The catchments around Snells Beach are dominated by pasture and plantation forestry and sediment erosion rates are high (Temple and Parsonson 2014) which may partly explain the higher C:N ratio. The slightly lower sediment C:N ratio at Hobson Bay (9) suggest a higher proportion of marine input enriched in proteinaceous material (C:N ratio of 7, Meyer-Reil 1987). Phosphatase activity was negatively correlated with sediment C:N ratio in both estuaries (Table 4) which may indicate the role of ALP as an important enzyme regulating microbial responses to substrate quality.
Relationships between cold water extractable organic matter and EEA varied between enzymes and estuaries (Table 4). The inconstant pattern may be explained by the fact that cold water extractable organic matter contains both substrates and end products of enzymatic reactions ( Herbert and Bertsch 1995; Bonnett et al. 2006). Based on previous studies, higher cweC and cweN concentration increases substrate supply for microbial activity and stimulates the synthesis of new enzymes (Song et al. 2011). However, the tidal cycles accelerate the diffusion and dilution of enzymes and soluble substrates, reducing contact probability (Burns et al. 2013). Given the comparatively low sediment C and N concentration at sandy Hobson Bay, substrate-limitation may explain low EEA (Burns et al. 2013). Some of our findings suggest that enzyme activity at Hobson Bay is mainly driven by the quality of the OM.
Enzyme Stoichiometry
In addition to quantifying enzyme activity, we calculated enzyme activity ratios to assess the relative recalcitrance of sediment (i.e., BG:ALP ratio) and the acquisition of N (BG:NAG ratio) and P (BG:ALP ratio) relative to C. The mean BG:NAG ratio at Snells Beach was 1.25 which is lower than the global average of 1.81 (Sinsabaugh et al. 2009). This suggests that the sediment at Snells Beach might require more N for microbial growth and cell maintenance compared to Hobson Bay (BG:NAG ratio: 5.13). Mean BG:ALP ratios (Snells Beach: 0.66; Hobson Bay: 0.77) and NAG:ALP ratios (Snells Beach: 0.55; Hobson Bay: 0.19) were lower than the global average of 1.64 and 0.79, respectively (Sinsabaugh et al. 2012; Moorhead et al. 2013; Waring et al. 2014). Further, the ratio of BG:NAG versus BG:ALP ratio in most samples in this study plotted above the 1:1 line. These findings suggest that the sediment across all habitats at Snells Beach and Hobson Bay were P and P & C limited (Fig. 4). This is in line with previous findings reporting P limitation in mangrove sediments (Luo and Gu 2018) and tidal wetlands (Zhai et al. 2022).
Although mangroves are often rich in OM several studies reported that mangrove sediments are often deficient in nutrients, in particular N and P (Middelburg et al. 1996; Reef et al. 2010). At Snells Beach, the high mud content may contribute to a physical and/or chemical protection of C, resulting in a microbial C limitation (Lehmann and Kleber 2015). In contrast, nutrient limitation at Hobson Bay may be driven by the low OM content. In addition, cyanobacteria in tidal flats and mangroves are able to fix both atmospheric C and N (Alvarenga et al. 2015; Vogt et al. 2019), which in turn may reinforce P limitation. Further, P limitations can occur, particularly when N loads to estuarine or coastal waters are high relative to P (Li et al. 2015). Both estuaries are potentially subject to increased N influx from urban (Hobson Bay) and agricultural (Snells Beach) sources. Nitrogen limitation was only observed in a few mangrove samples at Snells Beach (Fig. 4) which supports this explanation.
The common P-limitation for primary productivity in freshwater wetlands (Hill et al. 2014) would induce soil P deficiencies and stronger competitiveness with woody plants (Fenner and Freeman 2020); consequently, P might be more limited than N for microbial decomposers in wetland soils. Higher losses of P due to leaching may partly explain lower P availability and higher levels of P microbial limitation at sandy sites.
Salinity-related reduction in sediment P availability and increase in plant P demand under salt stress accelerating plant microbial competition for P, have been shown to increase microbial P limitation (Zhai et al. 2022). To offset P limitation, microorganisms optimize their energy allocation to produce P-acquiring enzymes (Cui et al. 2020). Moreover, P-containing molecules are physically and chemically shielded by the macromolecular SOM (Chen et al. 2018; Hill et al. 2018). Therefore, if P becomes relatively restricted in soils, microorganisms will simultaneously expend energy to produce C- and N-acquiring enzymes associated with P metabolism (Chen et al. 2018), which supports our finding that microbial P limitation was also related to the activities of BG and NAG.