We evaluated whether maintaining high host species diversity could be a potential strategy to reduce tick-borne disease hazard in forested areas in the Netherlands. To this end, we collected questing ticks from 19 forest fragments with distinct wildlife assemblages and tested these for the presence of tick-borne micro-organisms. Using six different indices of host species diversity as well as total host availability, we found no significant correlations with the NIP or DIN for any of the ten tick-borne symbionts that we detected. These results were consistent regardless of whether we used the relative abundance of host species, or the proportion of larvae fed by each host species to calculate the diversity indices. Thus, our results do not support evidence for a dilution effect in Dutch forests, suggesting that maintaining high species diversity of native wildlife is unlikely to reduce tick-borne disease hazard at the scale of local forest patches.
Our results are in line with a number of empirical studies that challenge the concept that high host species diversity buffers against tick-borne disease hazard [39,40,59–61]. Initial studies that advocated the dilution effect hypothesis focused on the Lyme disease system and relied heavily on computer simulation models [23,28], with limited empirical data from a single research site [20,29,30]. Moreover, the latter studies focused on NIP rather than DIN, and hence did not address the actual acarological risk [31,33,62]. Other studies have focused on human Lyme disease incidence, reporting either negative or positive correlations with host species richness, depending on the spatial scale [26,63,64]. Besides several concerns regarding the use of human incidence data, these studies were conducted across larger spatial scales and their results are therefore difficult to interpret or apply at the local, within-forest scale.
Another issue is that past studies often relied on proxies for host species diversity, such as forest fragment size [58,60,65]. The underlying assumption is that smaller forest fragments have lower host species diversity and higher relative abundances of competent reservoir hosts [58]. This however, is not necessarily true. Fragmentation can sometimes increase overall habitat diversity, edge effects, and landscape complementation, which in turn can increase host species diversity [66]. Moreover, many wildlife species have adapted to anthropogenic environments, including incompetent reservoir hosts such as deer in the case of B. burgdorferi s.l., which may reach high abundances in suburban environments [59,62]. For example, Linske et al. [59] reported significantly higher host species richness and encounter abundance in small, fragmentated residential woodlands than in large, unfragmented woodlands of Connecticut. Although residential habitats had reduced B. burgdorferi infection prevalence in rodents, this finding was driven by host encounter abundance, not host diversity [59]. The complex and variable effects of fragmentation on wildlife communities may explain the discrepancies between studies, with some reporting positive relationships with Lyme disease hazard [58,65] and others finding no relationship at all [29,60,67]. Thus underlining the importance of directly measuring host species diversity when testing the dilution effect hypothesis [59,62].
Studies that did directly measure host species diversity found limited evidence for dilution effects in the Lyme disease system. For example, Logiudice et al. [29] found no relationship between Shannon diversity and NIP, and a significant but weak negative relationship between species richness and NIP that disappeared when sites with small sample sizes (< 30 ticks) were removed from the analyses [29]. States et al. [61] compared the NIP and DIN of B. burgdorferi-infected I. scapularis ticks between species-poor islands and species-rich mainland communities and found no difference in NIP and higher DIN on islands, contrary to what would be expected based on the dilution effect hypothesis. Werden et al. [68] found that the role of host species diversity was context-dependent, as the interaction between rodent abundance and species richness resulted in either dilution or amplification. In Europe, Ruyts et al. [40] did not find any relationship of host species diversity (as measured by species richness and exponentiated Shannon diversity) with either NIP or DIN. While Gandy et al [41], found that deer density (non-competent hosts) had no effect on Lyme disease hazard, as their role in amplifying tick densities negated their effect of reducing pathogen prevalence.
Importantly, Ruyts et al. [40] already highlighted how the ecology of B. burgdorferi s.l. is much more complex in Europe than in the US, with important implications for the role of host species diversity. In Europe, different host species are associated with different Borrelia genospecies, so that more diverse wildlife communities support more diverse Borrelia communities [40]. As these different Borrelia genospecies vary in severity of Lyme disease manifestations [69], adding additional host species could potentially increase Lyme disease hazard by providing larval ticks with bloodmeals from host species that carry more virulent genospecies [40]. In our study, correlations between different measures of host diversity and the NIP and DIN for Borrelia garinii (a genospecies that can cause neuroborreliosis) were statistically non-significant, but the direction of these correlations were all positive. Given that current forest management strategies in the Netherlands are targeted at further increasing biodiversity within forests, future studies should re-evaluate this relationship.
Although our results suggest that increasing host species diversity is unlikely to reduce tick-borne disease hazard at the local, within-forest scale, the potential effect of other “biodiversity conservation” strategies in other habitats and at other spatial scales warrants further investigation. For example, the Dutch government committed to increase nature areas by 80,000 ha by 2027. This not only includes different types of forests, but also natural grasslands, heathlands, wetlands, and open dune habitats. In some cases, forest patches within Natura 2000 areas are cleared to make way for other habitat types [70]. Such habitats are characterized by different abiotic conditions and host communities than forests, and hence have different tick densities and infection prevalence [71,72]. Whether and how increasing biodiversity at the landscape-scale (e.g. by intermingling forests with other types of habitat) can reduce tick-borne disease hazard, is an open question that warrants further investigation.