Figure 1a represents the photos of the 10-nm-thick MoOX films on silica glass annealed in air for 5 minutes at different temperatures (100oC, 200oC and 300oC). All of the samples are visually colorless and transparent. From the corresponding optical transmittance spectra in Figure 1b one can see that the transmittance spectrum of the 100oC-annealed MoOX film almost overlap with that of the unannealed film. Higher annealing temperatures result in a lower transmittance at 600-1100 nm range, which could be assigned to free carrier absorption induced by oxygen vacancies [41]. Thicker MoOX films (20 nm) are deposited onto polished Si wafers to measure the refractive index n and extinction coefficient k more accurately. The refractive index in Figure 1c lies in the 1.8-2.5 range, which is consistent with other literatures [28, 29]. The n curves as well as the k curves (Figure 1d) have a little difference among the four samples. The n at 633 nm of the 20-nm-thick films decreases slightly, which is summarized in Table 2.
The surface morphologies are then characterized by AFM as shown in Figure S1. The corresponding root mean square (RMS) roughness is listed in Table 2. The as-deposited 10-nm-thick MoOX thin film (Figure S1a) has an RMS roughness of 4.116 nm, which is in accordance with the wave-like surface morphology. As the annealing temperature goes higher (Figures S1b-d), the surface undulation of the MoOX film becomes larger while the featured structures become smaller and much denser probably due to the dewetting process [42]. After annealing at 300oC, the RMS roughness reaches 12.913 nm. It is also noted that the 20-nm-thick films are less rough with the RMS around 1 nm (Table 2). The dewetting process is also suppressed as indicated by the RMS measurements as a function of annealing treatments.
Table 2. Root Mean Square Roughness (unit: nm) of 10 nm/20 nm Post-annealed MoOX Films on SiO2 wafers and Refractive Index n at 633 nm of the 20 nm Films.
Annealing temperature (oC)
RMS-10 nm
RMS-20 nm
n at 633 nm
MoOX has a natural tendency to form oxygen vacancy defects [43], which may impact on the molecular structure. In order to identify such vacancy related molecular structure variations, Raman spectroscopy measurements are conducted on MoOX(20 nm)/Si(<100>). There are no characteristic peaks of MoOX in the Raman spectra under green light (532 nm) excitation (Figure S2), which is independent to the thermal treatment. When the excitation is changed to ultraviolet light of 325 nm, characteristic bands of MoOX appear, which generally locate at 600-1000 cm-1 (Figure 2). The sharp peak of 515 cm-1 in all samples corresponds to Si-Si bond. For the intrinsic and 100oC-annealed MoOX films, Raman bands are present at 695, 850 and 965 cm-1, which are from [Mo7O24]6-, [Mo8O26]4- anions, and (O=)2Mo(–O–Si)2 dioxo species, respectively [44]. When the film is annealed at 200 oC, the 965 cm-1 band shifts to 970 cm-1, which is assigned to Mo(=16O)2 dioxo species [45]. The Raman spectrum of the 300oC-annealed MoOX film exhibits bands at 695, 810 and 980 cm-1. The band at 810 cm-1 is from Si–O–Si bond, while the (O=)2Mo(–O–Si)2 contributes the band at 980 cm-1. The results indicate that annealing at different temperatures will affect the chemical composition of MoOX film, which may indicate the difference of oxygen vacancy concentration of each sample.
XPS is conducted on MoOX films (10 nm) to quantify the relative content of each oxidation state and the oxygen to molybdenum (O/Mo) atomic ratios. After Shirley background subtraction and fitting by Gaussian-Lorentzian curves, a multi-peak deconvolution of the XPS spectra is conducted. The Mo 3d core level is decomposed into two doublet peaks with a doublet spin-orbit splitting ΔBE 3.1 eV and a peak area ratio of 3:2 [9]. As shown in Figure 3, the peak of Mo6+ 3d5/2 core level centers at ~233.3 eV binding energy. For all of the samples, a second doublet at ~232.0 eV, which is denoted as Mo5+, is required to obtain a good fit to the experimental data [6]. The O/Mo ratio is calculated by the following formula [46]:
where I(Mon+) is the individual component intensities from the Mo 3d spectra. n relates to the valence state of Mo ion, i.e., 5 for Mo5+ and 6 for Mo6+. The factor 1/2 is due to that each oxygen atom is shared by two molybdenum atoms.
The O/Mo ratios of all samples as listed in Table 3 are below 3. Oxygen loss and oxidation state transitions have been reported during transition metal oxides deposition [1]. Since the XPS measurements are ex-situ, the air exposure to the thermally evaporated MoO3 films at room temperature could also increase the oxygen vacancies [16, 47]. The O/Mo ratio of the unannealed MoOX film is 2.958, while post annealing at 100 oC increases the value to 2.964. Higher annealing temperatures then reduce the O/Mo ratio gradually. The highest O/Mo ratio of the 100oC-annealed sample might be explained by the thermally activated oxygen injected from air to the MoOX film [35]. Figure S3 compares the Si 2p XPS spectra of the 10-nm-thick annealed MoOX films. The Si 2p XPS spectrum of the unannealed sample shows dual peaks of silicon elements and Si4+ peak. A Si2+ peak appears when annealed at 100oC. When annealed at 200 and 300oC, peaks of Si4+, Si3+ and Si2+ exist simultaneously. In addition, the calculated X in SiOX for the four samples are 2, 1.715, 1.672 and 1.815, respectively. The oxygen atoms in SiOX are from MoOX, therefore, the O/Mo ratio depends on the balance between SiOx taking oxygen and air injecting oxygen. By the way, as the annealing temperature goes higher, the signal of Si element becomes weaker, indicating thicker SiOX interlayers [23].
Table 3. O/Mo Ratio and Work Function of the Post-anealed 10-nm-thick MoOX Films on Silicon Wafers. Effective Minority Carrier Lifetime of Silicon Wafers Covered by the Post-annealed MoOX Films.
Annealing temperature (oC)
Without MoOX (Bare Si)
O/Mo ratio
Work function (eV)
Effective minority carrier lifetime (μs)
Reducing the cation oxidation state of an oxide tends to decrease its work function [1]. UPS is utilized to calculate the work function of MoOX films as a function of thermal treatment. Figure 4a shows the secondary electron cut-off region of the UPS spectra, from which a minor vibration of work function can be seen. From Figure 4b we can see, after post air annealing, the defect peaks in the valence band area [34] become weaker. Table 3 lists the O/Mo ratio evaluated from XPS fitting and corresponding work function evaluated from UPS secondary electron cut-off for samples on polished silicon wafers. The results of the work function and the stoichiometry of MoOX are also depicted in Figure 4c, where a strong positive correlation is disclosed. An increase of the O/Mo ratio from 2.942 to 2.964 leads to an increase of the work function by roughly 0.06 eV.
Before applying the MoOX films as passivating contacts on p-Si wafers, one-dimensional energy band simulations are conducted using AFORS-HET [39] to get a clear image of the p-Si/MoOX heterocontacts. The thicknesses of p-Si and MoOX film are set as 1 μm and 10 nm, respectively. The acceptor concentration of p-Si is 1 × 1016 cm-3, resulting in a work function of 4.97 eV. Since MoOX is an n-type material [48], oxygen vacancies concentration variation is simulated by changing the donor concentration at the range of 1 × 1016 cm-3 to 1 × 1020 cm-3. Figure 5a shows that the work function and donor concentration of MoOX is exponentially correlated. Figure 5c and d depicts the simulated band structure as the donor concentration (ND) of MoOX is 1 × 1016 and 1 × 1020 cm-3, respectively. Both the bands of p-Si and MoOX are bent due to the work function difference and Fermi energy equilibrium. Efficient carrier extraction requires that photogenerated holes in the valence band of p-Si recombine with electrons presented in the MoOX conduction band that are injected from the adjacent metal electrode [5, 49]. The band bending in p-Si, MoOX and the total band bending are shown in Figure 5b. As the work function of MoOX (WFMO) changes, there is no obvious change in the band feature of p-Si. In contrast, the band bending in MoOX, which represents a favorable built-in electric field for electron injection, increases as its work function increases. We can conclude that the increase in the MoOX work function will raise the total band bending of p-Si/MoOX contact, most of which lies in the MoOX part. Therefore, a high work function of MoOX is desired from the aspect of hole extraction at the p-Si/MoOX interface.
Figure 6 depicts the dark I-V characteristics of the p-Si/MoOX contacts using Cox and Stracks method (see Figure S4 for the schematic illustration) [50]. The slope of the I-V curve increases with the increase of the diameter of dot electrode. The I-V curves of the unannealed and 100oC-annealed samples are linear, with the specific contact resistivity (ρc) fitted as 0.32 and 0.24 Ω‧cm2, respectively. Although annealing at 100oC would make the SiOX layer at the p-Si/MoOX interface thicker, the WFMO is higher than that of the unannealed MoOX film, so the corresponding sample shows the best hole transport characteristic. The I-V curves of the samples annealed at 200 and 300oC become nonlinear at small dot diameter and could not be considered as ohmic contact. Compared with the samples annealed at 100oC, samples annealed at higher annealing temperatures possess lower currents. As the small drop of work function, the main reason would be that higher annealing temperature causes thicker SiOX layer at the p-Si/MoOX interface, making it more difficult for carriers to tunnel through the oxide barrier.
The passivation qualities of the MoOX(10 nm)/p-Si heterojunctions as a function of thermal treatment are characterized in terms of effective minority carrier lifetime (τeff). The injection-level-dependent τeffs are shown in Figure S5, where the τeffs at an injection level of 1×1015 cm-3 are listed in Table 3. The unannealed MoOX film shows the best passivation ability. Higher treating temperature leads to lower τeff, which is the combined result of the chemical passivation of the interfacial SiOX and the field effect passivation of MoOX, as larger X in SiOX means fewer dangling bonds of silicon and larger X in MoOX means larger built-in electric field intensity.
The MoOX films are then adopted into the p-Si/MoOX(10 nm)/Ag configuration (Figure 7a) to investigate the influence of MoOX’s electronic properties on the device performance. The light current density versus voltage (J-V) curves are shown in Figure 7b. The average J-V characteristics are shown in Figure 7c-f. The lower VOCs after annealing are in line with the lower τeff. All cells, except for the ones with MoOX annealed at 300oC, share similar JSC (~38.8 mA/cm2), which means the minor difference in optical index of MoOX and variation in the thickness of the interfacial SiOX have little influence in the effective optical absorption of bulk silicon at long wavelength range. The best PCE of solar cells with unannealed MoOX films is 18.99%, which is similar to our previous report [23]. A PCE of 19.19% is achieved when 100oC annealing is applied. The PCE improvement mainly comes from the elevated fill factor (FF) with reduced series resistance, as demonstrated by the low contact resistance in Figure 6b. Inefficient transport of holes leads to the decrease of FF, which is prominent on the devices with 300oC annealing. Higher annealing temperature leads to PCE drop that is originated from reduced VOC (degraded field effect passivation of MoOX) and FF (thicker SiOX interlayer reduces the carrier tunneling probability).
Overall, the performance of the p-Si/MoOX heterojunction solar cell is affected by the passivation quality, work function and band-to-band tunneling [31] properties of the hole-selective MoOX film. The passivation performance of the present structure is still poor, leading to relatively lower VOC. Therefore, efficient surface passivation will be a research focus for non-doped carrier selective contacts.