The tire byproduct 6PPD-quinone is lethal to several salmonid species when it is washed off roads into waterways. We study private consumer demand for a hypothetical, reformulated “Salmon Safe” tire with an online survey of n=695 vehicle owners in California, Oregon, and Washington. Using a pre-registered study design, we also test whether consumers comprehend information differently when the science component of the survey is presented as narrated video or static text and images, and whether forcing consumers to deliberate for 45 – 60 seconds affects their decision and choice certainty. We find that the median respondent would be willing to pay approximately 10% more, or $76, for a set of four reformulated tires, though approximately 25% of subjects were willing to pay $225 or more. Information presentation and forced deliberation had no effect on willingness to pay for reformulated tires or comprehension, but weak (and negative) effects on choice certainty.