The ongoing decline of salmonid species is a conservation issue of striking global importance due to their importance in recreational and commercial fisheries, as well as cultural practices being iconical species (Nicola et al., 2018). As such, the observed declining trends in all age classes from brown trout and age class 1 + of Atlantic salmon are worrisome, yet not surprising. It should be noted, however, that for adult Atlantic salmon, the low number of caught individuals is likely related to the migratory period being in fall rather than in summer when the sampling was conducted. Only one individual was caught over the entire period, not allowing for any conclusion, especially considering that not all adult individuals immigrate into rivers (Metcalfe & Thorpe 1992). Further, almost 80% of the collected juvenile salmon were identified as stocked individuals, suggesting low reproduction and sea return rates. Amidst the higher availability of data, brown trout declined similarly. Yet, without information on stocking pressure, it remains difficult to evaluate the observed declines. Although declining trends were expected, they mirror forecasts predicting their decline and even disappearance, as it could be expected that below a certain threshold, a recovery of populations is unlikely (Hutchings, 2015).
4.1. The mixed signals of trends
Although fishing was not banned and angling pressure, the presence of dams, and water quality impoverishment have remained constant until the first decade of the 21st century, localized populations were described to have recovered ‘naturally’ in a very short period (in 2004–2006) to population sizes comparable to those of the mid 1980s (Lobón-Cerviá, 2009). However, albeit the lack of an appropriate baseline, the data indicated a contrasting trend over one decade in terms of declining density and biomass trends for both species. While this could be linked to an observed decrease in observed density of stocked individuals of the Atlantic salmon over time (of both age classes), the dominance of stocked brown trout did not decrease. Concomitantly, we found no significant trend in either species spatially (see Supplementary Figure S2), not regarding the stocking density over time (Supplementary Figure S3), substantiating our assumption that stocking efforts remained constant. Yet, with only ~ 20% of mostly 1 + juveniles of the Atlantic salmon not having been stocked and thus, no sufficient recovery being identifiable in an increasing presence of natural reproduction in 1 + Atlantic salmon, the substantial natural reproduction is only occurring in the case of the Atlantic salmon but not the brown trout (Sahashi et al., 2015; Iida et al., 2018). Thus, the decline in the stocking ratio noted in 1 + Atlantic salmon can, however, not be unequivocally attributed to an increase in natural reproduction, especially considering that wild adult population abundance has likely declined over the same period. Surprisingly, the percentage of stocked 0 + Atlantic salmon decreased when compared to 1 + individuals, suggesting a higher mortality in stocked individuals as stocked individuals were likely less fit (Schill et al., 2017).
An increasing spatio-temporal variability in recruitment (i.e., the process of small, young fish transitioning to an older, larger life stage) and its success were strongly linked to increased variability in stream discharge and stream-bed quality (Burkhardt-Holm, 2008). In turn, recruitment as well as stocking efforts appear to be the major determinants of year-class strength and hence, of population size (Lobón-Cerviá, 2009) since the ratio of naturally spawned to stocked recruits (particularly age class 1 + of the Atlantic salmon) increased over the duration and towards the end of the study period. This resulted in about ⅓ of Atlantic salmon parr being naturally recruited and a higher share of naturally spawned individuals of the Atlantic salmon mostly occurred between 200 and 500m asl. While this suggests that intense stocking may mostly occur in this range, it also suggests that intensive stocking may negatively affect natural recruitment (Sahashi et al., 2015) and can limit the distribution of both species spatially, as localised presences may be particularly affected (Aprahamian et al., 2003).
Furthermore, although information on the actual stocking effort was unavailable, it remains questionable if intense stocking is of interest for the conservation of natural salmonid populations and biodiversity in general. This is because salmonids are capable food-web manipulators, with smaller individuals predating invertebrates, and fish occurring more frequently with increased size (Radke et al., 2003), and high numbers of stocked individuals ultimately altering nutrient cycles and affecting community compositions (Martin et al., 1998; Maucieri et al., 2019). While there is concern that stocked individuals cause genetic pollution (Palmé et al., 2012) and are not as competitive as wild populations (Weber & Fausch, 2003), other studies’ findings indicate long-term caveats and drawbacks on recruitment (due to elevated mortality rates among native and stocked individuals; Ayllon et al., 2006; Almodóvar et al., 2020) and that often, no stocked individual returns as adult in the successive years (Saltveit, 2006; Finnegan & Stevens, 2008). As such, the data shows that conservation efforts should consider that any stocking practice will ultimately induce a high degree of competition that can inversely alter community compositions (Kennedy & Strange, 1986) and cause top down and bottom-up effects within trophic webs, decreasing the survival rate of naturally recruited individuals (Lynam et al., 2017).
4.2. Site characteristics and selected environmental data
Data limitation and the resulting interpretation are incessant issues in long-term studies (Picket, 1989; Ellner & Turchin, 1995), in particular for the conservation of protected species like salmonids (Niemelä et al., 2005). Long-term salmonid studies with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution are rare (but see Niemelä et al., 2006; Nicola et al., 2018). This is also true in this study, as abiotic measurements were not available throughout the entire study period and every individual sampling point and therefore, could not be included into the applied GAMs without a considerable loss of statistical power. The observed trends, however, do not explain declines in salmonids. Environmental degradation and inadequate hydromorphological conditions (O'Briain et al., 2019), concomitant anthropogenic activities and impoundments, may nonetheless have created an interruption of continuum processes as described by the ‘serial discontinuity concept of lotic ecosystems’ (Ward & Stanford, 1983) affecting in particular the Atlantic salmon. The results further indicate a decline in precipitation (which can be interpreted as a proxy for runoff) and an incline in temperature – both particularly congruent with the studied period – being indicative of a worsening of habitat suitability. Considering past declines and stress due to climate change (Isaak et al., 2012), the observed decline in available oxygen – arguably driven by climatic changes – poses another substantial threat for salmonids, not projecting a favourable situation for salmonid species (Whitmore et al., 1960).
Amidst the particular cases of migration obstacles eliminations (; AMBER Consortium, 2020) and changing environmental policies (e.g., as implemented in the EU Water Framework Directive or the EU Biodiversity Strategy), latitude and elevation significantly affected both species’ juveniles. In addition, Atlantic salmon in northern Spain occur mostly at lower altitudes and in a condensed spatial range while brown trout covered a greater range with a limitation in elevation (Barquin et al., 2012). Indeed, it may be reasoned that the further south a mature salmon migrates, the more dams and weirs must be overcome – especially considering the even spatial distribution of barriers (e.g., dams or weirs) still in place in Cantabria (Supplementary Figure S1). The effect of such barriers is subsequently emphasised by the frequency of barrier occurrences increasing the further south and the higher a stream extends into the Cantabria mainland (Rodeles et al., 2017), concomitantly substantiating the effect of latitude and elevation as a barrier. This is especially true for the anadrome Atlantic salmon, as underlined by the observed elevation effect. Yet, as previously shown (see e.g., Jonsson & Jonsson 2004; Friedland et al., 2009), an increase in the NAO-index positively affected both species (in terms of biomass and density), adding to the importance of this abiotic factor in management and monitoring. However, the identified correlation with the NAO-index in this study could be explained by the NAO-index systematically impacting the environmental conditions in the rivers, which again – albeit existing stocking pressure – could impact the catchability during electrofishing (Sætre et al., 1999; Ottersen et al., 2001).
Regarding the first hypothesis, however, the results presented here indicate that there are no clear differences in the effects of environmental changes between both species. Nonetheless, the available data suggests that both species are likely to be affected differently due to the variability found across both species’ spatial distribution by environmental variables. This is further emphasised by their specific hydromorphological requirements (Armstrong et al., 2003).
4.3. Implications
Both species showed decreasing trends despite extensive stocking efforts in Northern Spain (Almodóvar et al., 2020). These trends can only partially be explained with environmental changes (Fairchild et al., 1999; Isaak et al., 2012; Mills et al., 2013), suggesting that factors not recorded in our study, such as overexploitation, pollution, or hydromorphological degradation, could affect both species substantially; albeit possibly to a different extent. This is particularly worrying as both species are of high conservation but also recreational interest. The brown trout in particular is an important angling species with high socio-economic value, creating a complex legislative situation that makes effective management and conservation difficult (Almodóvar et al., 2002). Exemplary, it should be noted that past declines in brown trout and Atlantic salmon accelerated recent declines in the European freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera which relies on either species for its reproduction (Geist et al., 2006; Filipsson et al., 2018), but seemingly persists in the study area (Perea et al., 2022). However, having observed an increase in the share of naturally spawned individuals towards the end of the study, raises hope for a potential future recovery at least for the Atlantic salmon.
As a direct response to documented declines and concomitant to the declared aim of the EU Water Framework Directive to re-establish longitudinal connectivity and ecological quality (Council of the European Commission, 2000), the removal of barriers (e.g., weirs and dams) and the construction of fish passages was already initiated (Branco et al., 2014). The EU biodiversity strategy ( or projects such as AMBER ( target these impoundments that create an interruption of continuum processes (Belletti et al., 2020) and greatly detriment any recovery of salmonids, especially populations of the Atlantic salmon (Hill et al., 2019). Such efforts should be continued in alliance with the targets of Annex II of the Habitat Directive and the designation of Special Areas of Conservation, and Annex V that requires management plans for the exploitation of the species listed (Council of the European Communities, 1992).
Related efforts to repopulate rivers with the Atlantic salmon by conservation stocking of age class 0 + or age class 1 + have mostly failed to achieve any detectable amelioration (Salveit, 2006; Bacon et al., 2015), while recolonization often occurred without anthropogenic efforts following an improvement in river connectivity and habitat conditions (Kiffney et al., 2009; Perrier et al., 2010; Griffiths et al., 2011). When aiming to recover or possibly sustainably harvest native populations in the future, they must be promoted more extensively. This is, because the current conditions of either species are best reflected by decreasing trends which cannot be compensated with stocking alone. Therefore, it is important to prioritise rivers for conservation measures (Verspoor et al., 2008) and consequently use a variety of existing conservation and management tools. Considering that the Atlantic salmon is a migratory species makes the construction of fishways and elimination of migratory barriers the prime targets for management (Hill et al., 2019). This is not the case for Brown trout, making the restoration of its habitats crucial (Stewart et al., 2009), also benefitting the Atlantic salmon as habitat requirements of year classes of both species overlap (Armstrong et al., 2003). Regarding the study area, several measures have been applied quite recently (See Goldenberg-Vilar et al., 2022). These include aside from the stocking efforts of the Regional Government of Cantabria (Spain), the demolition of barriers and construction of fish passage devices in the frame of the National River Restoration Strategy of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO). This was done across the whole study area throughout the studies duration. Among these actions, initiatives of the hydrographic and regional administrations further include weir demolitions to restore the ecological connectivity in different rivers of Cantabria for salmon and trout to ensure reproductive migration under the umbrella of the DIVAQUA Life project (; Goldenberg-Vilar et al., 2022). The aim of the DIVAQUA Life project is to restore and improve the ecological and functional processes (ecological connectivity, hydrological regime, sediment transport, etc.) that occur in the aquatic ecosystems of the Natura 2000 network sites within the DIVAQUA area (Branco et al., 2022). In another outstanding initiative, hydroelectric facilities have constructed a fish lift and several fish ladders for the salmon recolonization of the Nansa River upstream of a 20 height dam (Hernández-Romero et al., 2022). In addition, long-term monitoring which has been conducted and will continue in the future will reflect possible changes, as naturally recruited Atlantic salmons have been captured during the sampling in the Nansa River, upstream of the mentioned dam for the first time, which reflects a first positive outcome of applied measures (Bravo-Córdoba et al., 2022; Hernández-Romero et al., 2022). As the longitudinal connectivity is being recovered, the habitat for salmonid reproduction and feeding should be improved through environmental flow management, guaranteeing both minimum flow rates as well as magnitude and timing of extreme flows during the most sensitive bio periods (King et al., 2016).
This study however also suggests that even though stocking might maintain the appearance of healthy populations, it may fail at promoting reproduction and could hinder sustaining natural populations (Sahashi et al., 2015; Almodóvar et al., 2020), thereby diminishing the potential of native populations to recover (Lorenzen et al., 2012; Hutchings, 2015). Here, genomic resources could select specimens from the same genetic lineage that are competitive to increase the effectiveness of stocking and help manage the density and biomass of both species (Waples et al., 2020).
It should nevertheless be noted that using uncalibrated electrofishing data to analyse temporal trends has previously been criticized for its limitations and biased capture probabilities (Honkanen et al., 2018; Glover et al., 2019). However, abundance-based information can be valuable for stakeholders and governments. As such, the current monitoring of salmonid populations should consider individual basins to detect those limiting factors on which action must be taken: improving habitat continuity and hydromorphological management at critical points to increase the potential useful spawning and recruitment habitat. Ultimately, the monitoring of the repercussions of this type of actions on the dynamics of salmonids will provide clues for the optimisation of habitat management plans to change the current negative trends.