The geodiversity of the southern and eastern part of the province of Jaén can be catalogued of high and considering that values near 20 points are reached in some points, but is lower than the maximum values obtained in the northern part of this province, about 24 points (Fernández et al. 2020). Thus, the lithologic index shows similar values in both areas, with maximum values of about 13–14, giving practically the same classification intervals. The same situation can be found in the pedologic index, with maximum values of 8–9. Meanwhile, the geomorphologic index presents higher values in this area, up to 13, than in the northern area, up to 9. Contrary, the hydrology index reaches values slightly lower (12) than in the north, probably due to a higher order of rivers in this part. However, the main difference is found in the minerals index, and especially the paleontological index, that present values much higher in the northern that in the south-eastern part. Finally, the geosites are very similar between both areas (up to 3).
In the sections on the geological and geomorphological settings of the considered area, it was shown that the geomorphological features are strongly controlled by the lithology and tectonic structures. This is recorded in the high correlation (Table 3) between the geomorphologic and lithologic indices, as well as between the hydrology and lithologic indices. In addition, the geodiversity index shows a high correlation with the previous partial indices (Table 3). The strong and significant correlation between these partial indices and with the geodiversity index was also detected by Fernández et al. (2020) in their analysis of the geodiversity in the Variscan Massif of the north of the Jaén Province. These authors explained it considering the lithological control of the geomorphological and hydrological features and the fact that these partial indices contributed a high value to the geodiversity index.
A weak correlation but still significant (at the p-value of 0.01) was also obtained between the biodiversity index and the lithologic, geomorphologic and hydrology indices (Table 3). This can be considered a record of the dependence between biodiversity and the nature of the rocks, the geomorphological features (largely conditioning the relief) and the hydrological characteristics of the region. This correlation between those partial indices of geodiversity and biodiversity is also detected between the geodiversity and biodiversity indices, which shows a potential dependence between both parameters. This was already explained by Parks and Mulligan (2010), Tukiainen et al. (2016) or Crisp et al. (2022). These authors postulated that geological factors (lithology, geomorphology, hydrology, pedology processes) condition the development of ecosystems and thus the colonization of new habitats. Similarly, the weak correlation (0.26; Table 3) between the endangered species index and the hydrology index could be understood considering that living beings need water for their vital activity. Thus, where it is easier to acquire water, the greater the concentration of organisms will be. In fact, a correlation coefficient of 0.27 has been obtained between biodiversity and the hydrology index (Table 3), which shows this certain interrelation between both natural elements, which can be extrapolated to that existing between endangered species and the hydrology of the area. However, Fernández et al. (2020) did not find this relationship in their study of the northern part of the province of Jaén.
The analysis of the correlation between geodiversity and biodiversity is observed in the maps (Figs. 6 and 7). A noteworthy feature in the region is the existence of symmetry in the distribution of geodiversity index values. The geodiversity gradient map (Fig. 6b) shows a central part, extending from the SW to the NE, wider in the southern part than in the northern part, with high and very high geodiversity values. On both sides of this central zone, the geodiversity index values decrease towards the NW and SE. The histogram in Fig. 8a shows the surficial distribution of the different values of the geodiversity index, in which high values predominate (slightly more than 25% of the area considered). This area with very high geodiversity (Fig. 8a) could be defined as a geodiversity hot-spot in the sense of Gray (2013, 2018) or Brilha et al. (2018), who associate this concept with areas with a significantly high value of geodiversity. To define it in the sense of Bétard and Peulvast (2019), one would have to link the hotspot with geological elements that show degradation risk and therefore require conservation procedures. For the time being, there are no studies highlighting deterioration and, therefore, the need for specific conservation actions.
Much of the area covered by the geodiversity band of high and very high values coincides with the orogenic front and the confluence of disparate geological domains, both in lithology and geoforms and in the development of soils and hydrology parameters, which favor these high and very high geodiversity values (Figs. 1 and 6b). However, this distribution of geodiversity has no apparent relationship with the distribution of biodiversity (Figs. 7, 8b), given that in most of the territory (approximately 60% of the territory) the biodiversity index is low (Figs. 7, 8b).
Geodiversity and biodiversity in the NPA
Cazorla, Segura and las Villas Natural Park (CSVNP)
When overlapping the borders of the NPA in the considered region with the geodiversity gradient map (Fig. 6b), it is striking that this natural park is located in a region where the high geodiversity index is located in the central and northern part of the natural park, while the other NPA, which will be discussed later, belongs to areas with high and very high values of the geodiversity index (Fig. 6b). This lack of concordance between high/very high geodiversity index value and NPA had also been found in the natural parks of Sierra de Andújar or Despeñaperros in the north of the province (Fernández et al. 2020). An analysis of the lithological index value in the CSVNP (Fig. 4a) shows that low (2; Fig. 4a) and medium (3; Fig. 4a) values predominate. This is closely related to the lithologies considered in this area, belonging to the Prebetic. In the map of Fig. 3, four lithological groups have been distinguished which, in general, are quite homogeneous, since they are different types of limestones, marls and dolomites, with occasional presence of shales and sandstones.
In addition, although the tectonic structures of this geological domain are made up of some thrusting scales towards the NW, large folds predominate, which are responsible for the topography of the natural park. This means that the geomorphological structures are basically of the slope or ramp type with the development of large valleys through which watercourses of varying size flow. This would justify that the main value of geomorphologic index is also medium or high value (Fig. 4b), although there are areas with very high values, especially towards the NE part of the NPA.
The tectonic and geomorphological structures favor the development of valleys occupied by watercourses of varying rank, which, on the one hand, collect surface runoff water, when there is precipitation, and, on the other hand, can be courses fed by the aquifers themselves. Both the lithological homogeneity and the simplicity of the geomorphological structures would justify that the pedologic index (Fig. 4c) of this NPA is predominantly very low, although there are some grids with low and medium values. Considering the dominant lithologies in the CSVNP (limestones and dolomites) and its geomorphology, the hydrology index value is predominantly high and very high (Fig. 4d). In addition, limestones and dolomites are good aquifers, so, there is groundwater, regardless of the level of precipitation. On the other hand, according to the data provided by the minerals (Fig. 5a), paleontological (Fig. 5b) and geosites (Fig. 5c) indices, they have little influence on the geodiversity value of this natural park.
The high value of the geodiversity index reaches 40% of the surface of the NPA (Fig. 9a), while the medium and low values are close to 30%. Overall, more than 95% of the territory occupied by the CSVNP has a geodiversity ranging from low to high, while the very low and very high values hardly reach 2% of the territory (Fig. 9a).
The predominant value of the biodiversity index in the CSVNP (Fig. 9b) is very high, followed by high and medium values. Only in the northern zone and in the southern border of the NPA, low values have been detected. An analysis of the spatial distribution of the biodiversity index values in this NPA (Fig. 7) shows that the very high value of this index occupies a surface close to 40% of the natural park, followed by the medium value (close to 35% surface). The high biodiversity index value is close to 15% of the park's area (Fig. 9b). Finally, the low and very low values occupy less than 10% and 5% of the park's surface, respectively. It should be noted that the high value of the endangered species index (Fig. 7c) is clearly dominant in the CSVNP, although there are some grids with medium values in the northern of the park.
The concordance between the biodiversity index and the endangered species index (Table 3) could be due to a close relationship between both, which could be interpreted as the basic factors that prevailed in the definition of this NPA. Thus, if consider the sum of the surface with low and medium values of the geodiversity index, it is close to 60% of the park's area (Fig. 9a), while the medium, high and very high values of the biodiversity index of this NPA are close to 90% (Fig. 9b).
After analyzing all of the above data, it should be understood that geodiversity has not been sufficiently considered in the delimitation of the area covered by this natural park.
Sierra Mágina Natural Park (SMNP)
An analysis of the location of the SMNP on the geodiversity gradient map (Fig. 6b) shows that the values of the geodiversity index vary from high to very high. Figure 9c shows that approximately 60% of the area covered by the NPA has a very high geodiversity index, while practically the other 40% is high (Fig. 9c).
The lithologic index (Fig. 4a) in this NPA shows medium values as dominant, followed by high and very high values, which is consistent with the lithological groups considered (Fig. 3); these are mainly limestones of several types and dolomites, both of Jurassic age, although there are also Triassic, Cretaceous, Neogene and Quaternary lithologies, the latter three being less representative. This is in accordance with the fact that in the SMNP there is a predominance of Subbetic units, which are thrusting, at the base of which, Triassic materials usually appear.
Only in the north of the natural park there are small tectonic units (Sierra de Bedmar-Jódar, Aznaitín, Sierra de la Golondrina) attributed to the Prebetic of Jaén, made up of Cretaceous limestones and dolostones. This lithologic homogeneity means that the pedologic index is dominated by very low values, although it can reach high values in the northwestern area of the natural park. The geomorphologic index (Fig. 4b) in this NPA has predominantly high values, although there is also a grid in the eastern zone with a very high value. This could be related to the complex tectonic structure, mentioned above, together with the presence of large folds and an important development of an exo- and endo-karst controlled by post-orogenic fractures, which favored the infiltration of rainfall. To this must be added that the structure in stacked thrust units and the large folds favor the development of geomorphological forms controlled by these tectonic structures. This could condition the disparate values of the hydrology index (Fig. 4d), which vary from low to very high, without being able to establish a predominant value. As in the case of the CSVNP, the minerals (Fig. 5a), paleontological (Fig. 5b) and geosites (Fig. 5c) indices have little or no influence on the value of the geodiversity index.
The biodiversity index in the SMNP (Fig. 7) has low, medium, high and very high values (also scarce). The surface distribution of these values in this natural park is shown in Fig. 9d; around 35% of the park's surface has a medium biodiversity value, followed by the high value, which is distributed over 30% of the surface. Areas with a low biodiversity index occupy approximately 25%, while those with very high biodiversity represent less than 10% of the area of this NPA.
Outside the boundaries of the natural park, low and very low biodiversity index values predominate. This would also be supported by the fact that the endangered species index (Fig. 7c) shows the high value as dominant in the SMNP. The fact that the natural park shows high and very high geodiversity index values (Fig. 9c) can be explained by geological features, such as the NPA's position at the front of the Betic Orogen, where there is a confluence between units of the BEZ, Accretionary Complex and materials from the Autochthonous of the Guadalquivir Basin.
After reviewing all of the above data, it can be interpreted that the geodiversity present in the territory was considered for the delimitation of this natural park.
Other natural areas
In this section, it is analyzed other natural areas, protected or not, which, due to their relevance among the population, deserve special consideration. These are: Sierra Sur de Jaén and "Alto Guadalquivir" Natural Area.
In the territory covered by the Sierra Sur (located between the city of Jaén and the southern border of the province) are reached the maximum values of geodiversity index of the whole area studied in this paper. There is no declared natural protection figure, but there are two peri-urban parks, Santa Catalina and Monte la Sierra, although the highest values are found somewhat further south (Fig. 6). In this case, the geological context, which conditions the lithologic, geomorphologic, pedologic and even hydrology indices are very similar to those found in the SMNP, with Subbetic units stacked by thrusts, at the base of which Triassic materials usually appear, together with Jurassic limestones and dolostones, and more Cretaceous marly rocks, giving truly spectacular shapes and colorations to the territory.
There are also interesting morphologies in favor of the tectonic structure with the development of a karst that allows the infiltration of rainfall. There are medium-high values of the biodiversity index (Fig. 7a, b) and of the endangered species index (Fig. 7c). This leads us to think that, in this sector, as shown in the geodiversity gradient map (Fig. 6b), a larger NPA could be delimited, considering both biodiversity and geodiversity criteria.
In the "Alto Guadalquivir" Natural Area, named as special conservation zone (ZEC in Spanish), it was find a high geodiversity (Fig. 6), especially due to its high lithological, geomorphological and hydrological value. In this case, geologically it is located where the mountain front is more diffuse, but in which there are units of the Guadalquivir Accretionary Complex, where materials of different origins are tectonically intercalated, in transition to the autochthonous materials of the Guadalquivir Basin and with the presence of Quaternary materials. This lithological diversity influences the variety of morphologies, and from the hydrological perspective, there are orders of high channels and detrital aquifers in the Quaternary materials around the Guadalquivir River. In view of the geodiversity of the area, this natural area could be extended a little further, especially to the southwest of the zone, in areas close to SMNP, so that the very high values of geodiversity that have been detected would be included in the delimitation of the NAP (Fig. 6).