Studying color morph combination in the populations of a given polymorphic insect is of a great importance. For instance, color polymorphism in H. axyridis is considered as an index for different seasonal (Osawa and Nishida 1992), geographic, and climatic conditions (Dobzhansky 1924, 1933; Komai 1956; Belyakova 2013) in which the population has expanded, and also a consequence of the condition in which the individuals’ immature stage have developed (Michie et al. 2010). So, having a realistic knowledge of populations’ combination in terms of morphological features, can help us understand the context in which the population and the individual have developed. Moreover, it helps us predict the future state of a population in an area, newly invaded by H. axyridis.
During samplings for H. axyridis, blacklight trap arrested less melanic individuals compared to what was observed in the population living on the plants in the same area. There are a couple of studies reporting differential attraction of blacklight for male and female individuals of some species (e.g. Garis and Snyder 2010), nonetheless, this is the first study questioning the ability of blacklight traps in giving a convincing representative of natural populations in terms of the color morph combination.
Although there are a few theories suggested, there are no determined explanation on why insects are attracted to artificial light sources. A popular, but still not fully conclusive and convincing explanation for their flight-to-light behavior is that they fly to a strong light source mistaking it for the moon (Hsiao 1973). When it comes to more specific and detailed differences among individuals of a given species, it is even more difficult to justify the behavior.
In the light spectrum, short wavelengths are strongly attractive to many insects (Barghini and de Medeiros 2012; Mikkola 1972 Wakefield et al. 2016; Owens and Lewis 2018; van Langevelde et al. 2011; Brehm et al. 2021). The capability to perceive the ultraviolet light is a crucial constituent of insect vision and is used for several purposes. For instance, insects use UV light to locate open space. The sun and the sky are the only natural sources of ultraviolet light, and when insects fly from the interior of vegetation towards open space, they seek a UV-bright light gap (Goldsmith 1961; Hu and Stark, 1977). The second important use of UV light occurs while foraging. Some flowers (Frolich 1976; Silberglied 1979), fungi (C. L. Craig, personal observation), and liquids (Schwind 1985) reflect UV light and attract insects searching for food resources, mating, or oviposition sites (Graic and Bernard 1990). Finally, some predatory animals employ this feature to trap their prey. For instance, primitive spiders produce silks that reflect ultraviolet (UV) light, which together with their UV reflecting body, attract flying insects. (Graig and Bernard 1990).
There are a considerable number of studies concerning wavelength spectrum, in which animals’ photo receptors show maximal sensitivity (Kelber et al. 2003). In spite of the similarity of the basic pattern of spectral sensitivity of insect photoreceptors in most insects, there are also differences in the spectral sensitivity (Briscoe and Chittka 2003). Consequently, variation in attraction between different (groups of) insects can be expected (Somers-Yeates et al. 2013). The spectral sensitivity is currently unknown for many orders or only known for a small number of species. Hence, the physiological interpretation of the found patterns is currently impossible (van Grunsven et al. 2014).
Mercury vapor gas light (200–600 nm), as a white light source, emits light in a wider spectrum of wavelength than blacklight does (320–400 nm), covering a wider range of spectrum than most of other artificial light sources. When it comes to different sampling methods for insects, generally, for arboreal species like H. axyridis, foliage beating, compared to blacklights, gives us a better understanding of the population combination in terms of the color morphs and sex ratio. So we can consider its samples as a criteria to which other sampling methods can be compared.
As mentioned earlier, the most studied cases regarding skewed sampling of blacklight traps have focused on moths’ sex ratio. For coccinellids, it was suggested that sampling with blacklight traps could bias documentation of the relative abundance of species in a given area (Koch & Hutchinson 2003; Hesler et al. 2004). Now, according to the results of this study, we can claim that blacklight trap can also cause interspecies biased sampling compared to the actual combination in a population in terms of morphological characteristics. Although there are many studies reporting variation in insects’ spectral sensitivity among different families and different genus of a family (van Grunsven et al. 2014), it was unexpected to observe differential phototaxic reaction within a species, stemmed from a morphological difference.
Regarding the morph differential reaction against blacklight, a number of explanations are possible. For instance, the two morphs might perceive and respond to UV light in different ways. One morph might have a more limited flight range, or some combination of these and other factors might be occurring. Such suppositions have not been studied yet. Similar reaction to black and visual light sources in the indoor experiments, where ladybirds flying ability was limited and they had to walk towards the light sources, shows that the effect of light type appears when the insect has to move a longer distance or when it is able to use its flight ability. So the difference between the two morphs of H. axyridis can also be sought in the difference of the two morphs in perceiving or reacting to environmental stimuli while flying. There are some studies indicating photopreference changes in flies whose flight ability is manipulated, so that they have to walk towards the light sources rather than flying (McEwen 1918; Benzer 1967; Gorostiza 2016). These studies attribute flies’ different phototacic behavior to their less assessment of the environmental conditions, rather than their hypoactivity.
What insects receive as heat energy from light sources, may be another factor making the light source more or less desirable for them. Melanic form of H. axyridis, as the darker morph, absorbs more heat and can reach a higher body temperature than non-melanic forms (Brakefield and Willmer 1985; Trullas et al. 2007). Generally, proportion of the darker morph in the population decreases in the generations living during warmer seasons (Osawa and Nishida 1992) or towards warmer regions (Dobzhansky 1924, 1933; Komai 1956; Belyakova, 2013). In our study also samplings in early spring, resulted in more melanic specimens as compared to the samplings during summer. Darker individuals can reach higher metabolic rate and biological activity (Digby 1955; Lusis 1961; Dixon 1972; Benham et al. 1974; Muggleton et al. 1975; Willmer and Unwin 1981; Brakefield and Willmer 1985; Stewart and Dixon 1989; De Jong et al. 1996; Soares et al. 2011). Such differential effect of heat on the two color morphs, may make them avoid or welcome some types of light sources or spectral light waves when considering the light source as heat source too.
Since most of the studies concerning skewed sampling of blacklight traps have focused on the sex ratio, we decided to study this feature too. Consequently, there was no difference neither among the sampling methods, nor between the seasons in terms of the sex ratio. While sex ratio of our samples ranges from 40.8–44.3%, an earlier study in the same region separated only 36% females in their samplings (Mardani-Talaee et al. 2019). In other studies done in different geographical locations, sex ratio ranged from 41.1–87.5% (Seo et al. 2008; Nedved and Kalushkov 2012; Osawa 2001; Nalepa et al. 1996). Such differences are attributed to the season and place of samplings (Osawa 2001; Seo et al. 2008), air humidity (Nedved and Kalushkov 2012), and male killing microorganisms.
As an urban pest, morph frequency and distribution of H. axiridis should be studied in urban areas with different types of light pollution and between urban areas and non-light-polluted landscapes. While recent increasing urban light pollution may be a driver of the current decline of many nocturnal insects in industrialized countries (Groenendijk and Ellis 2011; Fox et al. 2011; Conrad et al. 2006; Hu and Stark 1980; Fox 2013), urban illumination, may also affect non-nocturnal insects such as ladybirds in terms of the population combination and distribution. Studying morph combinations in the populations living in the areas with or without artificial light pollution can add more information to our current data.
Although according to the results of the current study we cannot suggest any robust explanations for why melanic specimens of H. axiridis are less attracted to blacklight traps, at least we now know that sampling by blacklight traps should be done more cautiously and be supported by data from other methods of sampling in order to have a more realistic estimation.