A major feature of the developing and adult eye lens is the presence of an oxygen gradient that parallels the naturally occurring surface to core differentiation of immature lens epithelial cells into mature transparent fiber cells [4]. We therefore hypothesized that hypoxia-activation of HIF1α could regulate lens gene expression levels required to achieve the mature form and function of lens cells. Consistently, a previous study showed disrupted lens structure upon lens-specific deletion of HIF1α that included dissociation of lens fiber cells, extensive lens vacuolization and disintegration of the entire lens shortly after birth [68]. Consistent with an essential role for HIF1 in lens structure and function, we have established that both hypoxia and activation of HIF1α are required for the elimination of non-nuclear organelles during lens fiber cell formation through HIF1α-dependent activation of the mitophagy protein BNIP3L [23].
Although theHIF1α-dependent lens phenotype is well established, the range and spectrum of lens genetic pathways governed by HIF1α have not been identified. To identify these pathways and their sub-components, we employed a multiomics approach using CUT&RUN [24, 25] to identify and map the genomic complement of HIF1α-DNA binding complexes in the lens, RNA seq to identify the range and spectrum of gene expression changes directly corresponding with specific HIF1α-DNA binding complexes and ATAC sequencing data to examine the chromatin accessibility of the identified genes [33].
Our analysis identified 8,375 HIF1α-DNA binding complexes in the lens genome. HIF1α-DNA binding complexes were more likely to cluster near TSS compared to a computer-generated random distribution of HIF1α-DNA binding complexes (p < 2.2x10− 16). 2,576 (30.8%). HIF1α-DNA binding complexes were mapped to regions within 10kbp of the nearest TSS. Consistent with the specificity of these HIF1α-DNA binding complexes, the HIF1α consensus sequence motif (5’-RCGTG-3’) was highly enriched in the identified HIF1α-bound genomic regions (E < 3.6x10− 111). Collectively, these results suggest an important role for HIF1α in the regulation of multiple lens pathways and genes. Consistent with HIF1α playing an important role in lens gene regulation, 1,186 (14.2%) HIF1α-DNA binding complexes were localized to regions of open chromatin and the HIF1α consensus sequence motif was enriched in the identified open chromatin regions [33].
CUT&RUN has been shown to outperform traditional ChIP-seq methods in resolution, efficiency, and data quality [24]. Therefore, we chose CUT&RUN as a robust method of detecting and mapping HIF1α-DNA binding complexes across the chick lens genome. We are confident that our CUT&RUN mapping is accurate since it replicated our previous finding using ChIP-qPCR that HIF1α binds to a 5’ proximal regulatory region of the Gallus gallus BNIP3L gene upon HIF1α activation [23]. Analysis of all HIF1α-DNA binding complexes indicated an enriched HIF1α signal and motif analysis of the identified HIF1α-DNA binding complexes confirmed the HIF1α binding consensus sequence as the most significantly enriched motif. To our knowledge, this study is the first CUT&RUN analysis of HIF1α.
Of the genes containing HIF1α-DNA binding complexes within 100kbp from the TSS 96 genes were transcriptionally activated in association with HIF1α binding (log2FC > 0.6, p < 0.05) while 106 genes were transcriptionally repressed in association with HIF1α binding (log2FC < -0.6, p < 0.05). This relationship was statistically significant for both upregulated genes (χ2 test p < 0.001) and downregulated genes (χ2 test p < 0.01). Many of the genes identified to be activated by HIF1α in lens cells are associated with pathways critical for lens homeostasis, structure and transparency including glycolysis [44], TNF-alpha signaling via NFKB [45, 46], reactive oxygen species pathway [26], mTORC1 signaling [27], epithelial-mesenchymal transition [47–50], heme metabolism [51, 52], UV response [44], and apoptotic pathways [53–55].
A striking feature of the data is that an almost equal number of lens genes are repressed upon HIF1α binding suggesting that HIF1α acts as both an activator and a repressor of lens gene expression. Although many previous studies have identified HIF1α as a transcriptional repressor of individual genes [69–72], to our knowledge this is the first study to identify HIF1α as a genome-wide repressor [73].
Many of the HIF1α-repressed genes identified in this study are associated with Wnt signaling, lipid metabolism, and cell adhesion (Table S3). These pathways have previously been implicated in lens cell differentiation and homeostasis [48, 60, 61, 74–78]. This novel finding suggests a role for HIF1α-dependent repression of these pathways could regulate lens differentiation. Consistently, previous studies have shown that HIF1α represses specific genes associated with Wnt signaling in skeletal muscle and osteoblasts [79, 80] and other studies have shown that both HIF1 and HIF2 reduce expression of enzymes needed for fatty acid breakdown in lipid metabolism [81].
In addition to establishing HIF1α as both an activator and a repressor in lens cells, our analysis also identified a novel association between gene regulation and the distance of HIF1α-DNA binding complexes relative to TSS’s of activated or repressed genes. Specifically, HIF1α binding to regions within 3kbp of gene TSS’s is significantly associated with gene activation. Conversely, HIF1α binding to more distal regions between 3kbp-10kbp of gene TSS’s is significantly associated with gene repression. This difference has implications for the mechanisms underlying HIF1α control of gene expression in the lens and likely a wide-variety of other tissues. It is possible that HIF1α-DNA binding complexes within 3kbp of TSS’s promote open complex formation through interactions with other transcription factors and transcriptional co-activators that might be required for HIF1α activation including EP300, CBP, and HIF1β [6, 7, 9]. Conversely, distant HIF1α-DNA binding complexes more than 3kbp from TSS’s may repress open complex formation of gene expression by recruiting these transcriptional regulators away from TSS’s. These possibilities are consistent with previous studies linking the action of transcription factors with proximal or distal binding [82, 83]. To our knowledge, the present study is the first to-date to find a statistically significant association between genome wide HIF1α binding site distances and activation or repression of multiple genes.
Many of the identified HIF1α-dependent genes also have well established functions critical for lens cell metabolism, structure, transparency, differentiation, and development. An autosomal dominant mutation in the identified HIF1α-activated PANK4 gene is associated with congenital posterior cataract [65] and is therefore critical for lens transparency. The HIF1α-activated ENO1 gene (tau crystallin) is both a lens structural protein and a glycolytic enzyme [63]. BNIP3L, BMP4, GATA3, CDKN1B, HES5, JAG1, and VEGFA all play important roles in lens cell development and differentiation (Table S3) [23, 56, 60, 67, 84–91]. Therefore, this study suggests that activation of HIF1α in the lens plays a crucial role in maintaining these important lens-specific functions.
In addition to identifying known HIF1α-dependent genes, the present analysis also identified 151 novel HIF1α-dependent genes. These include but are not limited to JARID2, BMP4, SIX4, GATA3, ARID5A. These genes are involved in metabolism, chromatin remodeling, development and differentiation of a variety of tissues and cell types (Table S3). Their identification suggests novel HIF1α-dependent roles of the genes in lens and other tissues and suggest novel functions for HIF1α.
Although 202 genes showed a direct relationship between binding of HIF1α and gene activation or repression, an additional 324 genes exhibited activated or repressed gene expression upon HIF1α activation in the absence HIF1α binding. These results suggest that HIF1α acts to regulate downstream events that control expression of these genes including downstream transcription factors or chromatin remodeling proteins encoded by BHLHE40, HDAC1, JARID2, KDM3A, and KDM5B (Table S3) detected in the present report and previously established to be regulated by HIF1α [43]. These downstream factors could activate or repress expression of these genes by altering chromatin accessibility.
4,509 genes that exhibited HIF1α binding did not exhibit altered expression levels even though they were the nearest neighbor to HIF1α binding sites extending out to 100kbp away from cognate TSS’s. This is not uncommon, as many previous studies have found that not all transcription factor binding sites are associated with active changes in gene expression [83, 92] and it is possible that activation or repression of these genes by HIF1α is dependent on the presence of additional transcription factors and/or co-activators/co-repressors not present or active under the conditions of the present study. Alternatively, the data could indicate a role for HIF1α in chromatin structure and/or maintenance and future studies will be needed to address these possibilities.