Many water resource challenges are rooted in hydrogeochemistry, a field that combines hydrology and mineral/rock chemistry (Zhu and Schwartz 2011). Therefore, future changes to hydrogeochemical processes that affect water quality must be considered in efforts to solve issues related to global warming. Furthermore, the demand for water is increasing rapidly due to population increase, industrialization, urbanization, and mechanization, which causes water supplies to be depleted thereby causing pollution (Falkenmark, 1994). Though water can be recycled and treated for both industrial and domestic usage, the expense of managing and treating it may be substantial (Eyankware et al., 2014). Hence, in order to manage water resources sustainably meeting human requirements, hydrogeochemical data on water resources are crucial.
The world’s surface water chemistry is mainly controlled by three major mechanisms; atmospheric precipitation, rock dominance, and the evaporation-crystallization process (Gibbs et al., 1970). The hydrogeochemical processes reveal the zones and the suitability of the water quality for different uses, including drinking, farming, and industry. It also helps to understand the changes in water quality due to rock-water interaction as well as anthropogenic influences (Kumar et al., 2006). The hydrochemistry of river water is impacted by a number of anthropogenic activities, such as mining, quarrying, and dumping, as well as natural processes like weathering, precipitation, and ion exchange. As a result, water pollution has emerged as one of the world's most significant environmental issues today (Edet Okereke, 2014; Pasquini et al., 2012; Nganje, et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2008). Hence, to manage water resources sustainably and meet human requirements, hydro-geochemical data on water resources and fluxes are crucial (Zhu et al., 2011). Hydrogeochemical studies have been carried out around the globe by several researchers.Kumar et al. (2008) studied the chemical characteristics of the surface, groundwater, and mine water at the upper catchment of the Damodar River Basin, India to evaluate the major ion chemistry and the geochemical processes controlling water composition and suitability of water for domestic, industrial and irrigation uses. The research showed that the water was acceptable for irrigation as well as domestic usage. Similarly, Gupta et al. (2016) focused on the hydrogeochemical investigation of water samples from the Rangit River, Sikkim, India for human consumption and agricultural purposes. The study visualized that the major hydrogeochemical facies in upstream river water as (K+-Ca 2+-Mg2+-HCO3− ), whereas (Ca2+-K+-HCO3– ) predominated in downstream sections of the river. The high equivalent ratios of (Ca2+-Mg2+)/ (Na+-K+ ) and the low ratio of (Na+- K+) in the study evidenced that the chemical composition of river water is mostly influenced by carbonate weathering, with partial contribution from silicate weathering. Further, Eyankware et al. (2016) assessed the anthropogenic activities on the hydrogeochemical quality of water resources of Ekaeru Inyimagu and its environs at Ebonyi State of Nigeria. The study reveals that a decline in water quality poses a major health challenge to the inhabitant of the study area. In addition, similar studies on the hydrogeochemical composition of ChuTalas River basin located in Central Asia revealed the dominancy of calcium bicarbonate as the major ion (Ma et al., 2020). Similar composition (CaMg–HCO3 ) was also observed in the Shiyang River of China mainly from the weathering of silicates and carbonates (Zhang et al., 2021).
However, there were very few hydrogeochemical investigations conducted in Nepal, most of which were on rivers and lakes that were situated at high altitudes. For example, in the Khumbu and Imja Khola at elevations ranging from 4530 to 5480 m, Tartari et al. (1998) examined the chemistry of 31 lakes while taking atmospheric loads, the geo-lithological and morphometric properties of the watershed, and surface waters into account. According to the study, the ionic content of the water in those lakes was mostly caused by the weathering of the rocks in the watershed. The study also revealed a direct connection between weathering events and the existence of glaciers, indicating that global atmospheric warming may have decreased the length of snow cover, increasing the contact time between precipitation and rocks, causing rapid ice melting and glacial formation. Raut et al. (2012) analyzed some major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ & K+) and anions (Cl-, SO42- & HCO3 -) on high altitude Himalayan Lake Gosainkunda in the Langtang National Park and their research revealed that the lake was predominant with calcium (Ca2+) and chloride (Cl-).
Similarly, the studies on water quality and solute sources of the Marshyangdi River reflect sulfide, silicate, and carbonate weathering in the watershed. Based on the geochemical analysis the surface waters located in differ different segment from different watersheds in the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence (THS) and Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) segments of the upper Marshyangdi drainage basin were characterized by a marked contrast in terms of solute load, and belong to different hydrofacies (Ghezzi et al., 2019).
Further studies on hydrogeochemical studies on snow-fed watersheds are few, for example, Pant et al. (2018) studied the hydrogeochemical variations in the Gandaki River Basin, and Sharma et al. (2021) studied major ions and water quality for irrigation of Nepalese Himalayan rivers. As snow-fed Himalayan rivers are more vulnerable to climate change because of the region's rapid warming which is nearly three times higher than the global average (Kulkarni et al., 2013; Shrestha & Aryal, 2011) hydrogeochemical studies play an important role in such watersheds. Thus, due to limited hydrogeochemical studies on such watersheds, this study aims to assess the spatio-temporal composition of major ion chemistry along with the assessment of the water quality based on physicochemical characteristics with respect to cations and anions in current and future contexts in a snow-fed Himalayan River Marshyangdi. In addition to this, other stressors such as the alteration of the flow regime, particularly as a result of the development of hydropower may also impact the hydrogeochemical process in a Marshyangdi Watershed. There are 47 hydropower plants in the various phases of operation in the Marshyangdi Watershed (DOED, 2020), where three major hydropower plants are already in operation. So, there might be a possibility of changing the hydrology of rivers impacting water quality.