Study population
Patients who were subjected to a visit at the Fertility Center of Shenzhen Zhongshan Urology Hospital, China, from January 2016 to October 2017 were enrolled in this study. Women who experienced two or more consecutive habitual miscarriage were included in the RM group, while fertile women who experienced at least one successful pregnancy without any abortions were included in the control group. An initial investigation was performed in all women before the recruitment and included the collection of information regarding the medical history, karyotype analysis, systemic and gynecological examination, and endocrine examinations.
The exclusion criteria were the following: patients with (1) abnormal chromosome karyotype; (2) infection with toxoplasma gondii, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus or herpes virus; (3) genital tract malformations; (4) abnormal endocrine hormone level; (5) a male infertile partner. All the enrolled patients were not pregnant and they did not receive any drug therapy when the peripheral blood was collected. According to the above screening criteria, 49 patients with RM and 11 fertile women were recruited in this study.
This study was performed according to the “Declaration of Helsinki”, and the protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Shenzhen Zhongshan Urology Hospital. All patients enrolled in this study provided written informed consent.
Human erythroleukemia cell line K562 (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, China) were used as target cells to evaluate the cytotoxicity of pNK cells. K562 cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium (Gibco, USA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Hyclone, USA). 3,3′-Dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate (DIO) (1911717; Invitrogen, San Diego, CA, USA) was used as a lipophilic tracer, and it was dissolved in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) at a final concentration of 3 mM. Propidium Iodide (PI) (MKCB0899V; Sigma) was used to detect necrotic cells.
The phenotype and expressions of receptors and cytotoxic granules in NK cells and subpopulations were analyzed by flow cytometry and it is listed below. The following antibodies were used: fluorophore-conjugated monoclonal mouse anti-human antibodies such as PE-cy7-conjugated anti-CD56 (557747; BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA, USA), PerCP-conjugated anti-CD3 (347344; BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA, USA), FITC-conjugated anti-NKG2D (11e5878; eBioscience, ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA, USA), PE-conjugated anti-NKp30 (12e3379; eBioscience, ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA, USA), APC-conjugated anti-NKp46 (17e3359; BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA, USA), FITC-conjugated anti-CD158a (556062; BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA, USA), PE-conjugated anti-CD158b (559785; BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA, USA), PE-conjugated anti-granzyme B (561142; BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA, USA), Alexa Fluor 647-conjugated anti-perforin (563576; BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA, USA), and Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated anti-granulysin (558254; BDPharmingen, San Jose, CA, USA). All antibodies have been pre-diluted in aqueous buffered solution containing BSA and ≤ 0.09% sodium azide.
Nk Cell Cytotoxicity Assay
NK cell cytotoxicity assay was performed as previously described (16, 17). The peripheral blood mononuclear cells were used as the effector cells and were isolated by density gradient centrifugation using Ficoll-Paque Lymphoprep (Axis-Shield PoC As, Oslo, Norway). K562 leukemia cells were used as the target cell and were stained with DIO after washing in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). The two types of cells were co-cultured in 96-well Costar plates (Corning Incorporated, Corning, NY, USA) at a effector:target ratio of 12.5:1, 25:1, 50:1, and incubated at 37 °C and 5% CO2 for 4 h. PI was added into each well, NK cell cytotoxicity was analyzed by flow cytometry and the death rate of K562 cells was calculated.
Detection Of Pnk Cytotoxic Granules By Flow Cytometry
Peripheral blood was collected before 10:00 AM during the mid-luteal period of the menstrual cycle and placed in heparinized tubes. 100 uL peripheral blood was drew and incubated with antibodies against the cell surface markers CD3 (5 µL) and CD56 (5 µL) for 15 min. The erythrocytes were lysed by 1x FACS lysis solution (3349202; BD Pharmingen). The cells were permeabilized by 1x Permeabilizing Solution 2 and the cells were incubated for 10 min. Next, the cells were incubated with antibodies against the cytotoxic granules granzyme B, perforin and granulysin (10 µL each) for 30 min. Finally, the cells were analyzed by BD FACSCanto II flow cytometer equipped with BD FACSDiva software.
Detection of the receptors mediating the cytotoxicity of pNK cells by flow cytometry
In order to evaluate the expression of the receptors on the surface of NK cells, the heparinized blood was incubated with antibodies against CD3 (5 µL), CD56 (5 µL), NKp30 (5 µL), NKp46 (5 µL), NKG2D (5 µL). In addition, another aliquot of the peripheral blood was incubated with antibodies against CD3 (5 µL), CD56 (5 µL), CD158a (10 µL), CD158b (10 µL). Both aliquots were incubated for 15 min in the dark, then 1x FACS lysis solution was used to lysis the whole blood. Cells were analyzed by BD FACSCanto II flow cytometer equipped with BD FACSDiva software.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0 (IBM, Chicago, IL, USA). Kolmogorov-Smimov test was used to evaluate the normal distribution of the data. Results were expressed as mean ± SD when the data were normally distributed, or as median (quartile) when the data were non-normally distributed. Inter-groups differences were examined by independent t-test when the data were normally distributed, or by Mann-Whitney U test when the data were non-normally distributed. The difference in NK cytotoxicity between groups was analyzed by a general linear model. The difference was analyzed using Pillai’s Trace test when Mauchly’s test of sphericity resulted in a value of P ≤ 0.05, or Sphericity Assumed test when the sphericity test resulted in a value of P > 0.05. A two-tailed P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.