The investigated profiles show variations in the characteristics of PlQ sediment, attesting to the chaotic proluvial sedimentation with different material available at different times and locations. The material on top of PlQ sediments could be genetically related to them in case of OPO and H2 profiles; however, particle size distribution, color and mineralogy differences in DOT profile indicate that the overlying material did not originate from the PlQ sediment, but from the loess deposited on top of it. Namely, the sand contents and coarse/fine sand ratios of the DOT 120 and DOT 300 samples (Table 1) point to a clear lithic discontinuity between the two layers (IUSS Working Group WRB 2022). Furthermore, the moist soil color is dark yellowish brown for the DOT 300 and very dark greyish brown for the DOT 120, with their hues far apart (Table 1). The upper portion of the DOT profile (samples DOT 25 and DOT 120) represents a Stagnosol, i.e. a soil in which periodic stagnation of precipitation water on/in the poorly permeable subsurface horizon causes reducing conditions and stagnic properties (IUSS Working Group WRB 2022). In Croatian Stagnosols (i.e. Pseudogleys), the textural-structural vertical contrast is attributed to the top-down soil formation on initially vertically homogeneous loess deposits, through the following sequence of major pedogenetic processes: leaching and acidification, lessivage, pseudogleying (Rubinić et al. 2014, 2015). All of the above processes are confirmed in the upper part of the DOT profile by the vertical trends in soil pH and content of clay (Table 1), SiO2/Al2O3 ratio and contents of TiO2, Fe2O3 and MnO (Table 2).
Particle size distribution shows high clay content in all PlQ sediments. Less clay in the upper parts of the profiles could be influenced by the local topography (slope inclination) causing washing out of the clay fraction from the surface horizons. Anthropogenic influence, especially in H2 location, which is surrounded by residential lots, could also be significant.
Low pH is related to the mineralogy and chemical composition of the samples, i.e. the absence of carbonate phases and leaching out of basic cations. The relatively higher pH values in H2 borehole are accompanied by slightly higher concentrations of basic cations.
Small differences in mineralogy between PlQ sediments and weathered material and soil developed on top of them reveal different weathering conditions. The presence of gibbsite in DOT 300 sample indicates advanced weathering (Hsu 1989). It is postulated that Al-oxides form from feldspar in conditions of excessive drainage with a clay mineral intermediate, typically kaolinite, in case of moderate drainage (Hsu 1989 and references therein). Gibbsite occurrence in DOT 300 sample is characteristic for high intensity weathering, so here it is possibly indicative of Mid-Pliocene warm period (Prista et al. 2015; Szabó et al. 2022), during which this particular PlQ deposit could have been formed. Diaspore present in DOT 25 and H2 25 and H2 70 samples indicates somewhat less intensive chemical weathering in more recent cycles.
The intensity of weathering could be also viewed through feldspar presence. Plagioclase and K-feldspar in trace amounts are present in all of the studied samples. The persistence of feldspar would, contrary to Al-(oxy)hydroxides presence in the previously mentioned samples, indicate weathering regime of lower intensity; however, abundant feldspar presence in the original rocks and initial soil formation in this area could also explain their persistence (Huang 1989).
The comparison between past and more recent weathering products on the SE slopes of Medvednica Mt. reveal subtle differences in clay mineral assemblage. As clay minerals in soils and weathering profiles reflect both the variety of parent material as well as the transformation and neoformation processes that may have occurred in previous weathering environments (Wilson 1999), these differences can serve to show the changing environmental conditions prevailing during past (Pliocene) weathering cycles and more recent (Quaternary) ones.
Persistence of goethite in clay fractions of DOT 300 sample and throughout H2 borehole with the exception of H2 150 sample even after dithionite treatment could point to high level of Al substituted Fe (Jeanroy et al. 1991). Al-rich goethite is formed in highly weathered conditions like tropical and subtropical soils, saprolites and bauxites, as well as in weakly acid reductomorphic environments (Schwertmann and Taylor 1989)
The principal finding of mineralogical analysis is the occurrence of HIMs in the topmost samples, specifically DOT 25, H2 25 and H2 70. The presence of HIMs in OPO samples is inconclusive. The wide diffraction maximum between 14 and 10 Å in K-saturated air-dried samples can indicate the presence of hydroxyl interlayering (Meunier 2007), but may also indicate smectite that does not collapse fully in case of high relative humidity. Such a finding of transitional clay mineral phases implies the current nature of weathering processes and corresponds well with acid to moderately acid pH values (Table 1) and low organic matter content. HIMs can be formed from chlorite weathering, or from the deposition of hydroxy-Al polymeric components within the interlayer spaces of expandable clay minerals (Barnhisel and Bertsch 1989; Skiba et al. 2011). The latter is the most plausible explanation for the investigated samples, as no chlorite was detected in any of the samples, and there is a trend of less expandable clay minerals in the surface samples where HIMs are detected. HIMs are likely to weather to kaolinite (Barnhisel and Bertsch 1989) so their stability here implies that current weathering conditions are not suitable for kaolinite formation. The presence of HIMs is also indicative of acid environment, initial soil development and moderate climate with interchanging wetting and drying cycles (Rich 1968; Karathanasis 1988; Barnhisel and Bertsch 1989; Skiba et al. 2011). Ideal pH range for HIMs development is between 4.0 and 5.8 (Rich 1968); however their formation was recorded even at pH > 5 if little organic matter is present (Georgiadis et al. 2020 and references therein). Based on the color of the samples (Table 1), low levels of organic matter are implied, which would explain HIMs in the uppermost parts of the profile where wetting and drying cycles are most pronounced and there is no hindrance from the organic matter. Presence of HIMs has an impact on soil characteristics, i.e. hydroxy-Al interlayer reduces expandability of smectite and vermiculite as well as CEC which decreases with increasing amount of fixed Al (Meunier 2007). In the samples studied here, clay minerals contribute dominantly to CEC as shown by the increase of CEC values when clay fraction is separated (Table 2). CEC of bulk samples is decreased in the topmost samples of all the profiles, including OPO in which presence of HIMs is doubtful. A conclusion can be made that the decrease in CEC of the bulk samples is mostly influenced by the decrease of the overall clay content.
The measured layer charge represents an average value of expandable clay minerals in the samples, and since the calibration of the measurement method was done only for smectites (Kuligiewicz et al. 2015a), absolute values above 0.6 p.f.u. should be interpreted with caution. However, the clay minerals composition and CEC of the clay fraction are in line with the obtained LC values. The relative increase of absolute LC values in the surface samples corresponds to clay mineralogy showing less smectite and more vermiculite and/or HIMs. Considering the LC values measured in the samples, it is possible to assume smectites to be high-charge, according to the classification criteria proposed by Emmerich et al. (2009). This corresponds somewhat with Wilson (1987) postulating that soil smectites tend to be more Fe rich and show intermediate charge characteristics. Gillot et al. (2001) suggested that high-charge smectites are present in younger soils because further weathering and/or pedogenesis, which desaturates smectites and leads to lower absolute LC values, has still not taken place. On the other hand, absolute LC values of the samples being around 0.6 p.f.u., which is the arbitrary border separating smectite and vermiculite group (Środoń 2006), would suggest the vermiculite layers present in the samples are on the lower end of the absolute LC spectrum for this group of clay minerals. Pai et al. (2006) have linked low-charge vermiculites with areas of more intense weathering, so the possible explanation here could be that vermiculite layers are inherited and recycled from the past weathering events.
The relationship between measured LC and CEC of the < 2 µm fraction in the studied samples is inversely related (Fig. 10). Although the correlation is not too strong, it suggests that LC values above 0.6 obtained with O-D method are likely to be correct. The only exception is H2 150 sample, where the LC is the highest among all the samples, while CEC is moderate. This inconsistency is additionally surprising because of the lack of vermiculite in XRD patterns of clay fraction separated from H2 150 sample. Nevertheless, in general, low CEC is connected with high LC, and the clay mineral composition of the samples. For DOT 25 and DOT 120 samples low CEC is most likely caused by the abundance of HIMs, where cation exchange is hindered by hydroxyl interlayers. In OPO profile, where the LC corresponds to high-charge smectites, the CEC is higher than in DOT and H2 profiles. In samples OPO 25 and OPO 40, even though the LC is almost the same, the difference in CEC might be explained by possible hydroxyl interlayering in the OPO 25 sample.
The shape of O-D stretching envelope and the fact that νO-D is not well separated (Figs. 10–11), could point to some illite-expandables mixed layering, but could also be due to small particle size (< 0.2 µm) used in the analysis (Kuligiewicz et al. 2018).
Overall, mineralogical composition of the studied samples can be used to differentiate the weathering products formed in different environmental conditions. Plio-Quaternary sediments, formed largely in Late Pliocene, also containing older weathering products, speak to a more intense weathering regime visible in the occurrence of Al (oxy)hydroxides, Al-rich goethite and the dominance of low-charge expandables in the clay fractions. More recent weathering material shows less intensive weathering regime, mainly visible in the formation of HIMs. Additionally, layer charge values can also be interpreted in the same sense; even though this trend is not observed in all of the studied profiles, there is an abundance of high-charge expandable layers in the surface samples, in line with their hindered transformation in the conditions of less intense weathering.