Subjects and set-up
In total, nine carrion crows (5 male, 4 female) participated in this study. They were all donated from private owners or collected from sanctuaries over the course of five years to form a captive colony at the Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle (KLF) in Grünau, Austria. Specifically, three crows arrived as nestlings and were hand-raised to fledging at KLF; four crows were hand-raised by other persons and arrived shortly after fledging at KLF, and two other crows arrived as adults at KLF (Table S1 in Supplementary Information).
All birds were individually marked with coloured leg bands. From 2007 to 2012, they were housed socially in one group at KLF and each bird’s dominance status was determined during that period (i.e., prior to splitting them up into pairs), once per year via approach/retreat interactions, displacements at food, and show-off displays. Within a pair, male crows are generally dominant over females. In 2012, the crows moved to a newly built aviary complex at the Cumberland Wildpark Grünau, Austria (Fig. 1a). The aviary complex consisted of five outdoor holding compartments (24 m2 each) and a central indoor area for experiments (circa 21 m2). At the time of Experiment 1 (2012), three birds had formed a pair bond with a partner of the opposite-sex and thus were housed in pairs in three visually separated holding compartments; the others were housed in one social group in the remaining holding compartments. At the time of Experiment 2 (2014), all birds were housed in pairs. All holding compartments were connected via doors to the indoor experimental area with thick wooden walls, which blocked any view and attenuated most sounds. The experimental area could be further divided into two equally-sized test compartments (Fig. 1a, b). Crows were fed twice a day (morning, afternoon) with a mixture of meat, fruit, vegetables and milk products. The amount of food given to the birds per day did not change during the experiments, but the preferred items were shifted to the afternoon feeding in order to keep up the crows’ motivation to work for treats throughout the day.
All birds were well habituated to brief individual separation for experimental testing and entered the experimental area on a voluntary basis after being called by name. Prior to the experiments, they were all trained on a TC computer, i.e., they had to discriminate between depicted images in a two-choice task by pecking the rewarded stimulus. The images were displayed next to each other, in the centre of the screen on white background. When choosing a positive image, a ‘beep’ (frequency = 300 Hz, duration = 100 ms) was played back as acoustical reinforcement, and the subjects received a food reward; choosing a negative image produced an error sound (frequency = 150 Hz, duration = 300 ms), the presentation of a red screen for one second and no food reward. If the subject had chosen a negative image in the previous trial, a ‘correction trial’ followed, i.e., the same stimulus pairing was displayed again, allowing the birds to learn from their mistakes.
Five of the crows had already participated in another discrimination study on a TC (involving depicted objects or conspecifics; Braun 2013). To ensure that all crows were at a similar level of performance at the onset of the current studies (75% correct), they received additional TC training before Experiment 1 and 2, respectively (see Supplementary Information for details). We used dried dog food as a reward in the experiments. Dried dog food is highly preferred by the crows and not part of their standard daily diet.
Experiment 1
We equipped both indoor compartments of the experimental area with identical TC computers (Elo Touch Screen; distance between computer screens: approx. 70 cm). The partition between the two compartments consisted of wire mesh so that we could test two subjects in physical separation but in full visual and auditory contact. Subjects could thus work on their own computer and observe their neighbour working on the other computer.
We exposed eight crows (4 m, 4 f) to a series of eight discrimination tasks using images of non-human animals of different taxonomic groups (Fig. S1 in Supplementary Information). Per task, the crows had to discriminate a small number of images of two taxonomic groups (e.g., 4 butterflies and 4 bees, half of the subjects were shown butterflies as S+, the other half bees). The resulting eight different images were presented in different combinations three times per experimental session (n = 24 trials/session). Crows were tested on a given task until they reached criterion (75% correct at first choice, over three consecutive sessions). They could solve the task by different means, e.g., rote learning or categorization. We were specifically interested in how long it took them to reach criterion under different social settings (four experimental conditions, see below), irrespective of the cognitive mechanism used.
Crows were tested in fixed dyads consisting of one male and one female each, who were not mated partners but familiar with each other (Table S1 in Supplementary Information). Each dyad was presented with the eight discrimination tasks in four settings: condition (1), ‘simultaneous start’ (both subjects were present in adjacent compartments and could simultaneously work on the task), condition (2), ‘focal head start’ (the focal subject performed the entire task while the dyad partner was present in the adjacent compartment; then the dyad partner performed the task while focal was present), condition (3), ‘focal waits’ (the dyad partner performed the entire task while the focal subject was present in the adjacent compartment; then the focal subject performed the task while the dyad partner was present), condition (4), ‘alone’ (each bird performed the task without the other being present in the experimental area). All four conditions were conducted in a randomised order per dyad. To control for the possibility that images of certain taxonomic groups were easier or more difficult to discriminate than others, we ran the four conditions twice with different taxa to discriminate (series 1: fish, reptiles, canines, insects; series B: molluscs, rodents, spiders, amphibians; Fig. S1 in Supplementary Information).
To test whether crows differed in the number of trials to reach criterion across the four experimental conditions, we calculated a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) (family = negative binomial) with condition, status (dominant or subordinate), and series as fixed factors and individual and pair as random factors. Subsequently, we calculated Tukey Contrasts (multiple comparisons of means) as post-hoc tests on the fixed factor condition (Table 1).
Experiment 2
We tested six crows (3 male, 3 female), five of which had participated in Experiment 1 (Table S1 in Supplementary Information). The other three birds who had participated in Experiment 1 were not available anymore (two died due to parasite infections, one was transferred to a different facility). The setting was the same as in Experiment 1, except that the partition between the two indoor compartments was now opaque, i.e., in the experimental area, birds were visually, but not acoustically, separated from each other (Fig. 1b). This allowed us to apply auditory feedback from putative conspecific co-actors similarly to the set-up used by Seta (1982) for humans and by Schmitt et al. (2016) for long-tailed macaques. The auditory feedback was given twice in Experiment 2, so that it combined the head start condition (feedback first) and the simultaneous condition (feedback during own session) of Experiment 1. Further details on the methods of Experiment 2 can be found in the Supplementary Information.
Because of a time gap of more than a year between the two experiments, all birds received additional training on the two-choice task procedure as described above. This pre-step ensured that all birds were accustomed with the basic procedure (choosing the positive out of two images) and with receiving acoustical feedback upon their choices (positive ‘beep’ with 300 Hz, 100 ms; error sound with 150 Hz, 300 ms plus red screen and correction trial; this procedure was identical to that of Experiment 1). During this initial step, we also audio-recorded the birds’ pecking sounds when choosing correct or incorrect images using a direction microphone (Sennheiser) and audio recorder (Marantz Solid State Recorder PMD661).
In the second training step, all subjects were presented with novel categories of images, i.e., images of male and female humans (Fig. S2 in Supplementary Information). We opted for this type of discrimination task because i) discriminating 2D human images is within the cognitive capacity of birds (Loidolt et al. 2003; Troje et al. 1999) and ii) recognizing specific humans (researchers, caretakers) out of otherwise anonymous people (visitors to game park) is an ecologically relevant problem for our crows. As we planned the study together with the first macaque study (Schmitt et al. 2016), we could also use the same images for discrimination. We presented 20 images per session in a randomised order (8 passport cut-outs, 6 half-body, 6 whole-body images); half of the birds were rewarded for choosing male images, the other half for choosing female images. We set a relatively moderate criterion of 70% of correct first choices in three out of six consecutive sessions to allow enough variance and thus also room for improvement in performance for the following test. This learning criterion was reached in an average of 32.5 sessions (range: 16-40).
After the criterion was reached and right before the test, the crows conducted three daily sessions in the exact same way as in the subsequent test (see below), but without a second bird being present in the experimental area and without any sound being played back. These pre-test sessions served to establish the performance level of each crow (proportion of correct choices), which the playbacks in the test were then based on (for details on how playbacks were assembled see Table S2 in Supplementary Information).
In test sessions, the crows faced a putative co-actor, which was either their mate they shared an aviary with (‘partner’) or a conspecific from an adjacent compartment (‘non-partner’; Table S1 in Supplementary Information).
Subjects could determine the identity of the co-actor at the beginning of a session, when both birds were let into the indoor area of the aviary together. They were then placed separately into the two visually isolated compartments with the TC computers from where they could hear but not see each other (Fig. 1b). Out of sight of the subject, the co-actor was then returned to the housing compartment and a playback mimicked its performance in the experiment. To ensure the subject would believe the co-actor was still present, we released it quietly and subsequently provided food to the co-actor so as to keep the bird from vocalising. The co-actor never acted in a way that would suggest this had not worked (e.g. calling or searching for the co-actor). Furthermore, the playback sounds did not just include positive or negative feedback to the choices made at the TC, but also individual, pre-recorded pecking sounds the birds had made at the TC. The experimenter (IGF) exposed the focal subject twice to the same playback sequence of 20 trials in which the putative co-actor pecked the TC and received positive and/or negative feedback sounds. In the first round of playback, the focal subject’s TC was switched off so as to ensure that the subject’s attention was not diverted from hearing the playbacks. In the second round, the TC was switched on and the focal subject could perform the task while listening to the playback of the putative co-actor again. The ratio of positive to negative trials in the playback mimicked a performance of the putative co-actor that was moderately or extremely better or moderately or extremely worse than the subject’s discrimination in the pre-test sessions (moderate standards: average number of positive sounds plus or minus one standard deviation; extreme standards: average number of positive sounds plus or minus four standard deviations; see Table S2 in Supplementary Information). The subject thus heard pecking sounds by the putative co-actor and a performance, which had been calculated and assembled based on its own performance. In the control condition, no playback was played.
Test conditions were presented in a pseudo-randomised, counter-balanced order in six blocks (Table S3 in Supplementary Information). Three blocks were conducted with the partner as the putative co-actor, three with a non-partner. Within each block, each condition was tested once, resulting in 30 sessions per bird and thus three sessions per condition with a partner and three with a non-partner. Conditions were sessions with a moderately better or worse standard, an extremely better or worse standard or alone. Typically, one session was conducted per day. Per session, 10 of the displayed stimulus pairs were familiar images from the training sessions; the other 10 pairings consisted of novel images. Interspersing novel images should increase the difficulty of the discrimination and thus the variance in subjects’ performance. The order of the familiar and novel images displayed in each session was randomised.
To test whether standard extremity and/or category membership (relationship to co-actor) had an effect on the birds’ performance (proportion of correct choices) when discriminating stimulus pairs, we fitted Generalised Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) applying random intercept/random slope models with a Gaussian error structure. We used a beta distribution with a logit link for analysing the birds’ performance when choosing the correct stimulus out of two familiar or two novel stimuli. We fitted a GLMM for all stimulus pairs to examine whether the familiarity of images shown had an influence on the number of correct choices made by the animals. We modelled fractions of correct choices made by the birds, i.e., the percentage of the positively rewarded stimulus (S+) pecked out of the two images in a stimulus pair, the direction (playback played, i.e., better or worse), extremity of the standard (moderate or extreme), the social relationship to co-actor (partner or non-partner) and the stimulus familiarity (familiar or novel image) as fixed effects. According to our hypothesis, we added the interaction of direction with extremity and direction with relationship to the co-actor; bird ID and test block were used as random effects. The data and analysis code can be found in the Supplemental Information.