Hydrolysis of GVL and formation of 4-HVA as a function of pH (time and temperature)
g-Valerolactone (GVL) belongs to the group of carboxylic acid derivatives. The structure exhibits a cyclic ester, which is formed by an intramolecular reaction of a hydroxycarboxylic acid under the elimination of water (Graham 2004). Due to the relatively large size and high energy barrier, g-lactones are stable heterocycles and do not decompose readily in a neutral aqueous solution at ambient conditions. Hydrolysis only appears via a nucleophilic substitution mechanism in both, acid and basic catalyzed solutions. Thereby, a water molecule attacks the electrophilic carbon of the carbonyl group and causes an acyl-oxygen cleavage. At certain conditions, the heterocyclic ring of g-valerolactone (GVL) is thus opened, resulting in the formation of 4-hydroxyvaleric acid (4-HVA) under the establishment of an equilibrium (Gómez-Bombarelli et al. 2013a, 2013b). In accordance with the conditions proposed by Lê et al. (2016) for the fractionation of Eucalyptus globulus sawdust (Lê et al. 2016a), the stability of GVL was determined in a 50 wt% aqueous solution at 180°C in the absence of wood.
The importance of heating was proven again. Hydrolysis of GVL to 4-HVA was observed only at elevated temperatures. After reaching equilibrium, stability was determined by repeated re-analysis. The extent of hydrolysis depends on the GVL concentration or, conversely, on the amount of water. In the case of 50 wt% GVL, 3.5 mol% of 4-HVA was obtained. In contrast, in the case of 87 wt% GVL, no more than 0.8 mol% 4-HVA was yielded.
At neutral conditions, water acts as a weak nucleophile and an increase of the acidity enhances the basicity of the water. Furthermore, an acid catalyst activates the carbonyl group by protonation of the carbonyl oxygen and thus a nucleophilic attack by water is favored (Fig. 1a) (Graham 2004).
The effect of acidic conditions regarding a 50 wt% GVL aqueous solution was traced by a stepwise elevation of the H2SO4 concentration from 0.2×10-5 wt% to 6 wt% at elevated temperatures (150 – 180°C) at reaction times between 30-180 min. After all, the formation of 4-HVA did not exceed 4 mol% and with decreasing acidity to near neutral, the 4-HVA concentration remained constant at about 3 mol% (Fig. 2a). Post-synthesis stability was determined by NMR analysis at frequent intervals. As no changes were detected, equilibrium was reached after the treatment.
The results are consistent with the general theory of acidic ester hydrolysis. The acid-catalyzed mechanism is a reversible reaction resulting from the absence of salt formation. In acidic conditions, the protons of the acid are regenerated (Graham 2004) and thus only a small amount of acid (0.7 wt%) is sufficient to reach the maximum concentration of 4-HVA (4.3 mol%).
Previously Wong et al. (2017) investigated the acidic hydrolysis of 87 wt% GVL at room temperature using high concentrations of H2SO4 (0.01 - 4.05 mol/L) and HCl (0.02 - 2mol/L), yielding in < 4 mol% of 4-HVA (Wong et al. 2017). In compliance with our results, no decomposition of GVL was recognized at room temperature and at elevated temperatures (~150°C) an equilibrium with its decomposition product 4-HVA was detected. The addition of sulfuric acid resulted in the formation of a stable GVL/4-HVA equilibrium.
Besides, the hydrolysis of esters is favored in an alkaline environment as well. Thereby, the hydroxide ion gained from a strong base like NaOH acts as a nucleophile, which attacks the electropositive carbon of the ester unit. At these certain conditions, the reaction is irreversible and driven towards the formation of the salt. A carboxylate ion is formed and stabilized by a suitable positive counter ion (Fig. 1b) (Clayden et al. 2012; Graham 2004). The presence of sodium 4-hydroxyvalerate after the reaction of GVL with aqueous NaOH was also confirmed by Horváth et al. (2008) (Horváth et al. 2008).
The alteration of time and temperature had no significant effect on the GVL hydrolysis (Fig. 3). As a result, the experiments were conducted in an alkaline environment at the constant time (30 min) and temperature (180 °C) with the variation of the NaOH dosage. Higher concentrations of NaOH (≥ 0.2 wt%, pHinitial = 8) facilitated the GVL ring-opening (≥1 mol%) already before heating illustrated by a gradual drop of the pH (Fig. 2c). After the treatment, stabilization was reached, and no decrease in the pH value was recognized. The addition of less than 0.2 wt % of NaOH resulted in the formation of < 4 mol% of sodium 4-hydroxyvalerate (Fig. 2b), while an amount of 21 mol% 4-HVA was observed as the largest amount in a 7 wt% NaOH solution. This result confirmed the significant influence of the alkaline environment on the stability of GVL. Higher concentrations of NaOH help to shift the equilibrium toward the formation of sodium 4-hydroxyvalerate. The linear increase of 4-hydroxyvalerate implied that the GVL hydrolysis could extend beyond 21 mol% by a simultaneous elevation of NaOH to values of ˃7 wt% However, such high concentrations of alkali are neither favorable nor practical for pulping purposes, and for technical reasons, no further investigations have been performed.
Moreover, a bi-phasic system was observed after the mixing of 50 wt% GVL solution with ≥ 1.3 wt% NaOH. Both phases were analyzed. The upper organic phase released an enrichment of GVL and the lower aqueous layer of the 4-hydroxyvalerate. This phenomenon is commonly known as a salting-out effect. A large amount of salt decreases the solubility of GVL and causes a liquid layer formation.
Furthermore, GVL remains stable at the pH range 2-7 at ambient conditions (Fig. 2c).
Effect of 1H NMR solvent on the GVL/4-HVA equilibrium
Choosing a suitable solvent for 1H NMR analysis was one of the prerequisites for the accurate determination of the GVL and 4-HVA equilibria. An equal amount of sample (0.01 g) was dissolved in four different solvents (DMSO-d6, acetone-d6, acetonitrile-d3, and D2O) and immediately analyzed. The change in the solutions was monitored at regular intervals until the equilibria were reached. As expected, the 1H NMR spectra revealed differences in the chemical shift. However, large variations in the 4-HVA concentrations were observed too, which implies that not all solvents used showed inert behavior. The 4-HVA concentrations measured in DMSO-d6 and D2O were comparable to a sample analyzed without any NMR solvent (ca. 4.3 mol%). In contrast, lower amounts of 4-HVA were formed in acetone-d6 (0.3 mol%), and acetonitrile-d3 (0.1 mol%) (Fig. 4).
As a result, DMSO-d6 was chosen as the most suitable solvent for 1H NMR analysis due to the highest accuracy of the results, the good dissolution behavior of all components, and the well-defined, non-overlapping peaks of the -CH3 groups of GVL, 4-HVA, and the standard (1,3,5-TMB) (Fig. 5). The DMSO-d6 peak at 2.5 ppm was always defined as an internal reference peak, and the concentration of GVL and 4-HVA was detected via integration of the peak area (shift at 1.29-1.30 ppm and 1.01-1.04 ppm, respectively) with regard to the standard. In pure GVL, no 4-HVA was recognized at position 1.01-1.04 ppm. Unlike at basic and acidic conditions a 4-HVA peak was formed (Fig. 5). The complete spectra with detailed shifts can be found in Online Resource.
GVL hydrolysis and formation of 4-HVA during Betula pendula fractionation
The degradation of GVL during fractionation may negatively influence the recycling of GVL and further increase the operational costs of the whole process. Lê et al. (2018) studied the quantitative recovery of GVL from the spent liquor obtained from the fractionation of Eucalyptus globulus in 50 wt% GVL at 180°C during 150 min. Two different approaches were investigated, one by applying the vacuum distillation of water and the other by the extraction of GVL through liquid CO2. The recovery yield of GVL from the feed (spent liquor) for both methods was 90% and 87%, respectively, taking into account the ~5% loss from the total input (handling, operational losses, and analytical errors). The spent liquor consisted of 47.07% of GVL, 47.27% of H2O, 3.73% of lignin, 0.71% of organic acids (e.g. formic, acetic, levulinic), 0.65% of dissolved carbohydrates, and 0.57% of furanic compounds (Lê et al. 2018b). In this regard, it is not excluded that the fraction of organic acids in the spent liquor contains 4-HVA.
Therefore, in this study, the stability of GVL was examined under real pulping conditions. Betula pendula sawdust was fractionated in 50% GVL with and without the addition of H2SO4 or NaOH at 180°C using a reaction time of 120 min. The NMR analysis revealed that the spent liquor contained 4-HVA and a small amount of acetic acid (Online Resource). The presence of levulinic (LA) acid and formic acid (FA) was not detected by NMR. In a highly acidic environment (20 kg H2SO4/t wood), the formation of 4-HVA was 5.6 mol% and in an extremely alkaline (192 kg NaOH/ t wood), the 4-HVA did not exceed 6.0 mol% (Fig. 6/ Table 1).
In comparison with the results achieved in the absence of wood, the 4-HVA slightly increased in acidic pulping. The fractionation of carbohydrates is followed by a series of chemical reactions including acidic hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds. As a result, acid-catalyzed reactions lead to the degradation of hexoses forming LA and FA at higher temperatures (Sjöström 1993). Further reduction of LA by hydrogenation yields 4-HVA which lactonizes to GVL (Deng et al. 2010; Yan et al. 2009). Therefore, the slight increase of 4-HVA during the fractionation can be caused not only by GVL hydrolysis but also by the reduction of LA by H2SO4. On the contrary, the carboxylic acids derived from the fractionation of wood, may partly neutralize NaOH and hence, lower the concentration of 4-HVA.
The presence of 4-HVA in the spent liquor complicates the recovery of GVL and shifting the equilibrium toward GVL would be desired. Al-Shaal et al. (2012) suggested conversion of LA to GVL at room temperature using Ru/C as a catalyst, and they discovered that a substantial amount of 4-HVA remained in the solution, indicating that 4-HVA requires higher temperatures or a catalyst to initiate dehydration to GVL at 25°C (Al-Shaal et al. 2012). The suggested conditions could be possibly applied at the beginning of the fractionation enabling one-pot biomass fractionation and complete GVL production. Alternatively, the potential to convert 4-HVA to GVL or to recover it from spent liquor employing liquid CO2 serves as a basis for the upcoming research.