Cataract is the leading cause of preventable blindness and visual impairment throughout the world according to world health organization (WHO). Cataract affects 20.5 million Americans aged 40 years and older or about 1 in every 6 people in this age range. Cataract surgery includes Intracapsular cataract extraction, Extracapsular cataract extraction, phacoemulsification, Manual small-incision cataract surgery and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. (1)
Astigmatism may result from curvature abnormalities of the cornea (Fig. 1). (2)
Calculation of intraocular lens implant power requires calculation of corneal curvature power and axial length of eye. (4)
There are different types of formula available for IOL power calculation, Royal college of ophthalmologists recommendations AL < 22.0 mm-Hoffer/SRK-T, AL 22.0-24.5 mm –SRK-T/Holliday/ Haggies, AL > 24.6 mm –SRK-T. (5)
Previous studies highlighted that measuring of IOL power is based upon preoperative Keratometric reading consequently they did not account on the change of K-reading produced by cataract surgery.
Cornea is a transparent avascular tissue that acts as a barrier against infection and form with the tear film, the refractive surface of the eye. It is prolate in shape, its anatomy is shown in Fig. 2. The corneal horizontal diameter is 11.5 to 12.0 mm (6) and it is 1.0 mm larger than the vertical diameter. Corneal shape and curvature are governed by the intrinsic biomechanical structure and extrinsic environment. Anterior stromal rigidity is important in maintaining the corneal curvature. (7)
Differences in collagen bundle organization of anterior stroma contribute to a tighter cohesive strength that explain why the anterior curvature resist change to stromal hydration more than posterior stroma, which tend to more easily develop folds. (8)
Astigmatism is responsible for 13% of refractive error of human eye. High degree of astigmatism is associated with amblyopia and some association between astigmatism and development of myopia. In astigmatism, the refractive power of the eye varies in different meridian so the image is formed as a conoid of sturm which formed of a primary focal line (called sturm's line), a circle of least confusion and a secondary focal line (sturm's line) perpendicular to the first one (Fig. 3). (10)
Corneal astigmatism, lenticular astigmatism and retinal astigmatism summation form the total astigmatism of the eye. Most astigmatism is corneal in origin. (12)
Javal rule is used to predict total astigmatism based on corneal astigmatism
At = K + P (Ac) K & P are constant by 0.5 and 1.25 respectively. The average non corneal astigmatism was found to be -0.46: -0.50 D (Dunne, 1991) while posterior corneal astigmatism is 0.18: -0.31 D (13)
Astigmatism can be classified according to axis direction (Fig. 4) into with the rule astigmatism, in which the steepest meridian is near the vertical than the horizontal (90+-30), against the rule astigmatism, in which the steepest meridian is near the horizontal than the vertical (180+-30), and Oblique astigmatism, in which both meridian are more than 30 degrees from the horizontal and vertical meridians (45+_15) (11, 13).
About 70% of cataract population has at least 1.00D of astigmatism & 33% of patients undergoing cataract surgery are eligible for treatment of pre-existing astigmatism. (14). Prevalence of corneal astigmatism before cataract surgery is 67.7% corneal astigmatism between 0.25 & 1.25 D, 27.5% was 1.25D or higher and 4.8% has less than 0.25 D of corneal astigmatism. (15)
Cataract surgery is regarded as refractive surgery when we are aiming at eliminating corneal astigmatism. So when planning a surgery both spherical and astigmatic components should be taken into account to achieve emmetropia postoperatively. (16)
Developments in phacoemulsification devices, changes in operation techniques and use small incision in cataract surgery led to reduction of operation–induced astigmatism. There are several techniques for dealing with the preexisting astigmatism intraoperatively. The most important step in treating the astigmatism is to find out the exact source, magnitude and axis of astigmatism then take the decision about the exact technique that’s appropriate for the case. (17)
Cylindrical component is evaluated by automated and manifest refraction, placido ring reflections, keratometry, corneal topography and wave front aberrometry. Other factors need to be taken into account such as age and the corneal characteristic of both eyes. (17). Javal rules predicted the total astigmatism of eye based on the corneal astigmatism. (18) Total astigmatism = K + P (corneal astigmatism) K, P represent constant 0.5 and 1.25 respectively. Keller and colleagues supported Javal's rule by studying total corneal astigmatism by a computer assisted videokeratoscope. (19)
Corneal astigmatism measured by topography or keratometry and refractive cylinder measured by wavefront or manifest refraction, the difference is known as ocular residual astigmatism. (20, 21)
Corneal topography gives qualitative and quantitative image map based on evaluation of corneal curvature. It evaluates 8000:10000 points. In contrast, manual keratometry has only 4 data points within 3mm to 4 mm of central anterior surface of cornea, while low magnitude of astigmatism so may be useful in screening astigmatism. Corneal topography and keratometry are objective measures of corneal refractive power. (22)
The corneal or limbal incisional procedures to correct preoperative astigmatism have to involve keratometry, topography, refraction or a combination because treatment of refractive astigmatism without regard to corneal astigmatism may result in remaining or even increase in corneal astigmatism.
Faber perform perforating anterior transverse incision to reduce idiopathic astigmatism. (23)
Lans first appreciated that the flattening in a corneal meridian after placing a transverse incision was associated with steepening in the opposite meridian. (24) also demonstrate that the deeper and longer incision had more effect. Nordan proposed a simple method of straight transverse keratotomy with target corrections 1–4 D. (25)
So the surgical procedures to correct corneal astigmatism include: 1) Creating a clear corneal incision (CCI) on steep meridian of astigmatism during phacoemulsification, (26) biaxial microincision phaco with enlargement of one incision to 2.8 is not astigmatic neutral. (27)
It was found that 2.75mm CCI induced small astigmatic change regardless site of incision, (28) while superior 2.8mm CCI show larger astigmatic change than temporal which considered astigmatic neutral. (29)
The clear corneal temporal incision (CCTI) showed less SIA than clear corneal on axis incision (CCOI). Incision between 1.6:2.3 mm had better SIA than small incision cataract surgery. SIA is the change occurs in postoperative astigmatic value than preoperative. It can simply be detected by subtraction method or Fourier, Jaffe, Cleymans nector analysis. (30)
2) Opposite side clear corneal incision (OCCI): When corneal incision on opposite sites 180 degree on steepest meridian is made, that leads to more flattening of cornea. Lever & Dahan were the first to apply an OCCI on steep axis (31) that showed Keratometric astigmatic changes of 0.75 to 2.80 D postoperatively. (32) So it can be used to correct mild to moderate astigmatism. (33)
3) Limbal relaxing incision (LRI): In LRI two small curvilinear limbal incisions are done on steep axis to make it flat. Its preferred technique to reduce preexisting mild to moderate astigmatism or even high, as its easy, quick, low cost, less irregularity and refraction variability, earlier stability in vision and less glare (34) but its surgeon dependent as its far from center so it has less flattening effect so it need to be large to get the needed effect while denervation of cornea can occur lead to dry eye and healing problems.
5) Toric Intraocular lens implantation (TIOL): It can be used for correction of moderate to high astigmatism. Its advantage is that it's precise, predictable and reliable. First foldable silicon toric plate haptic IOL was implanted in 1992 by grabow and shepherd. (35)
Perfect astigmatism correction can be done by TIOL. A lot of factors may affect the efficacy of correction of astigmatism by TIOL as incision location and rotation of TIOL. It was proven that corneal incision on steepest axis could reduce the cylinder power of TIOL and lower the chance of postoperative irregular astigmatism that lead to improve of the postoperative quality of vision. (36)