Hydrogen consumption of halophilic microbes. With the increased interest in storing H2 in the subsurface and especially in salt caverns, it becomes important to understand the risks of microbial H2 consumption during storage within high-salt environments. Many Bacteria and Archaea can live and even strive under high salt concentrations. Although high salinity environments are hostile for many groups of microorganisms 13,29, diverse microbial communities can still be found in high-saline environments like salt lakes and also salt caverns 30. However, a distinction between halophilic and halotolerant must be made. The former ranging from slightly to moderate to extreme) require a certain amount of salt to grow and show their optimum growth behavior typically at salinities above 100 g/L (Oren, 2011) and can tolerate up to extreme ranges (> 200 g/L). The latter, do not need high salt concentrations but can tolerate it to a certain degree. Salinity is a common stress factor and microorganisms have different strategies to adapt to the osmotic pressure imposed by the ionic strength of the surrounding environment 31. Both strategies, the “salt-in”- or the “osmotic solutes” strategy, require a certain amount of energy (ATP) to uphold cell activity. Either ATP is used directly in the production of compatible solutes (Oren, 2006), or ATP is required to uphold the correct sodium and potassium gradient between the inside and the outside of the cell. This is also the reason why many halophilic microbes living at the “energetic edge”, using much energy for upholding their cell stability, tend to grow slower compared to non-halophilic counterparts. Therefore, it is very important to specifically assess H2 oxidation by halophilic H2-oxidizers because the relative kinetic rates in such environments are largely unknown.
To estimate the H2 consumption rates and associated effects in high-salt subsurface environments, we investigated and cultured two halophilic microorganism which belong to the two most relevant metabolic groups regarding H2 consumption: i) Sulphate reduction is a very widespread metabolism with many different microbial groups potentially using H2 as electron donor in the presence of sulphate as electron acceptor 32, resulting in the production of the toxic and corrosive gas H2S; ii) Methanogenesis from H2 and CO2 is another highly relevant H2 consumption process, which recently received major attention for potentially producing “green” methane (biomethanation) in the subsurface after injecting renewable H2 with captured CO233. The two investigated strains in our study are halophilic with Desulfohalobium retbaense at a salt optimum at 12% growing up to 24% 23 and Methanocalculus halotolerans with the optimum of 5% growing up to 12.5% salinity 24. Both strains were originally described to be able to use H2 for growth, both requiring acetate as an additional carbon source. To estimate the potential H2 consumption kinetics in the high-saline subsurface we carefully cultured the strains with different volumes of H2 in the headspace. We clearly observed H2 consumption over time, with an increased H2 loss relative to the initial concentration when growing with 10% H2 instead of 40% or 100%. H2 is normally a very scarce electron donor in the environment, typically in the nmol range. So high amounts of H2 seem to have a negative effect on cellular H2 uptake or involved hydrogenase enzymes. It is known from H2-producing cultures that increased H2 partial pressure has a product-inhibition effect on the enzymes 34. A similar effect could be at play also during H2 oxidation, but details need to be further investigated. D. retbaense was not able to oxidize all the provided H2 in the 40% and 100% H2 set-ups although acetate and sulphate was provided in excess. This lack of continued activity or consumption can be explained by an intense pH increase during H2-oxidation. It can be seen in the reaction rate of H2-dependent sulphate reduction (1) that this reaction is a proton consuming process leading to an increase in surrounding pH 35,36. This also explains the near complete absence of gaseous H2S throughout our study. At higher pH H2S will be in its highly soluble form HS- (HS− + H+ ⇋ H2S). HS- is a weak acid which should partly counteract the pH increase but clearly the intense H2 oxidation is the main driver and overrides the HS- effect. In biogas plants and biocorrosion studies it is commonly reported that intense sulphate-reduction can lead to a pH increase 37,38. As biogas and corrosion involves also intermediate H2, this is also a direct effect of H2 oxidation. Although it has been long known that H2 is an electron donor for SRMs, it was never clearly described that the significant pH effect limits the microbial activity when growing on pure H2. As the pH approached pH 9, which is beyond the acceptable limit for D. retbaense, its activity ceased. Another inhibiting effect could be significant amounts of dissolved HS- (theoretically based on the amount of H2 consumed: 1.4, 1.9 and 3.6 mL for the 2x10%, 40% and 100% H2 respectively), which might have an additional inhibitory effect. When growing on lactate as an electron donor, pH did not rise significantly with an end value of pH 7.8 after 7 days with H2S concentrations far beyond 15% of the headspace. So, the observed pH effect is purely associated to H2 oxidation.
We were however not able to correlate the overall volume of H2 consumed with the pH. In the 40% set-up the strains consumed 6.6 mL (consumption minus the diffusion loss observed in the sterile controls) and in the 100% set-up it consumed almost double with 12.4 mL and both reached a pH 9.1–9.2. One possible explanation could be that under 100% H2 atmosphere more H2 is dissolved in the media. H2 has a low solubility in water (0.0014 g gas per kg water at 37°C) and even lower in saline brine. So, growth will be limited by H2 dissolution, which will be increased with higher H2 concentration or pressure. Given the optimal growing conditions in the beginning (optimal pH and nutrients) and a high initial cell number, 100% H2 gives the cells more electron donor to be active in the initial growth phase compared to 40%. Another possibility are concurrent chemical reactions of the H2 gas with the slightly alkaline media, leading to additional abiotic H2 loss. Further careful investigations combined with chemical and biological kinetic modelling will help to answer understand the H2- and proton consumption.
The H2 electron chain towards sulphate is well understood and relatively conserved in members of the Deltaproteobacteria 39, therefore it can be assumed that the observed effects of pH increase when grown on H2 is a general phenomenon and not strain specific.
Similarly, methanogenesis is a proton consuming process (reaction rate 2). Also, during methanogenesis the Archaea are consuming bicarbonate/CO2 from the media, which reduces buffer potential and increases pH as described previously 40. We observed in our set-ups with M. halotolerans a pH increase, although not as intense as with D. retbaense. All H2 was consumed in all cases although activity rates decreased during the end of incubation for the 100% H2 bottles probably because pH increased and was close to the upper pH limit of this strain. Again, the strain had much higher relative consumption rates with 10% H2 compared to 40 and 100%. Renewed addition of 10% gave an even increased rate which is related to an increased cell number.
Potential risks for souring of salt caverns. Halophilic Archaea and Bacteria have been isolated from pure halite crystals in salt mines 41 and it is therefore expected that that also salt caverns will be habitat to a diverse set of microbes. Recent studies of salt cavern microbiology showed microbes in all studied caverns 11. Also, our studied salt cavern brine was microbiologically active and after several months of incubation with and without nutrient addition we observed H2 consumption. With addition of the growth booster yeast extract (supplying microbes with a variety of vitamins and trace elements) and the carbon source acetate, a significant H2 consumption was measurable together with acetate consumption, H2S production and also a significant pH increase. At the end of the incubation the pH increased 1 log factor from an initial 7.5 to 8.5. This shows that H2 oxidation by halophilic SRMs does indeed lead to a significant pH increase similarly to what we observed with our type strain D. retbaense. In the pure brine bottles without addition of carbon source or yeast extract, H2 consumption was less pronounced. This shows that the natural community is limited by a certain growth factor, trace element, vitamin or similar. No H2S formation was measurable but again a pH increase indicating sulphate-reduction. We hope to be able to identify and enrich the sulphate-reducing community in future studies to better understand the growth behavior.
If we assume that the studied sulphate-reducers will also be active in the salt cavern when in contact with H2, there is indeed a real risk for H2 loss and souring. The sampled cavern brine has a very high sulphate content of over 4000 mg/L (~ 44 mM), which gives sulphate-reducing organisms sufficient electron acceptors. A back of the envelope calculation of a typical salt cavern with a volume of 600.000 cubic meters (most volume will be occupied with gas but roughly 3000 m3 will be brine in the sump together with insoluble minerals) contains 12.6 metric tons of sulphate in the cavern to be potentially converted by sulphate-reducing organisms. However, in case of 100% sulphate conversion without any additional input, the cavern could contain around 3E + 06 L liters of H2S or only 0.6% of the total cavern volume. Based on the equilibrium (1), four times the amount of H2 would be needed as electron source (1.2E + 07 L), a loss of around 2% of the total volume. As we observed in our enrichments, another limiting factor will be the amount of available carbon source and/or growth factors, which could lead to a H2 loss of maximum 5–13% under laboratory conditions. The consumption rates will be dependent on the surface area of the brine-gas interphase and therefore the cavern shape. A higher surface area will allow for a higher H2 availability for the microbes. Dissolved organic carbon has been detected in the cavern brine of around 85 mg/L and was most likely introduced by the leaching process using diesel oil as a leaching blanket or by different operational procedures. Still, additional growth enhancers were necessary for significant sulphate reduction to occur, which significantly slowed down when pH approached 9. This means that during the first H2 storage cycles, some volumes of H2 will be converted by microbes until the pH value will be outside of the optimum for these microbes to strive. As a cautionary note, that the derived laboratory enrichments can only give hints about the metabolic potential in extreme environments since most microbes do not grow under lab conditions. A much more complex and chemolithoautotrophic community with higher cell numbers might be present and active in the cavern leading to a) faster H2 consumption and b) longer and more intense H2 consumption. For example, it could be that alkali-tolerant strains will take over H2 oxidation as soon as neutrophilic strains reached their limit or a certain adaptation to higher pH will occur. Indeed, given the production of methane after 170 days when pH was seemingly too high for the sulphate-reducing community, methanogenesis is inferred.
Our data shows that artificially leached salt cavern can contain H2-consuming microbes, especially sulphate-reducers which seem to be nutrient limited and additionally will significantly increase pH. Field tests are now required to understand if the observed effects regarding H2 consumption and pH will also occur in the cavern itself