Soil geochemistry, plant phenotype, and alpha diversity
Overall soil nutrient conditions differed between old-fields and alvars (Table 1; MANOVA: F(30, 54) = 6.56, P < 0.0001). Alvars had almost double total nitrogen (F(2,40) = 5.41, P = 0.008), 8-9% higher pH (F(2,40) = 18.29, P < 0.0001), and 50-60% less magnesium than old-field soils (F(2,40) = 13.57, P < 0.0001). The wet alvar soils had double the organic matter (LOI) (F(2,40) = 5.70, P = 0.007), ~80 % more calcium (F(2,40) = 5.00, P = 0.011), and more than double the amount of boron (F(2,40) = 6.10, P = 0.005) than old-field soils. Wet alvar soils had over 2 mg/kg more of phosphorus than both dry alvar soils and old-field soils (F(2,40) = 4.42, P = 0.018). Old-field soils had more copper (F(2,40) = 4.04, P = 0.025) than both dry and wet alvar soils. Additionally, soil depth varied by habitat with dry alvars having the most shallow soils and old-field having the deepest soils (F(2,81.24) = 74.30, P < 0.0001). Alvar plants were ~50% shorter than old field plants (F(2,85) = 48.16, P < 0.0001) and produced fewer buds (F(2,85) = 9.38, P = 0.0002) and flowers (F(2,85) = 5.00, P = 0.009), especially in the wet alvar habitat. A summary of soil geochemistry and phenotype results can be found in Table 1. Both alvar habitats had higher observed bacterial OTUs (~13%) than old-fields (F(2,63) = 5.88, P = 0.005; Fig. 1a). Fungal OTU richness was ~28% higher in the old-field compared to dry alvar habitats but similar to the wet alvar habitat (F(2.52) = 3.35, P = 0.04; Fig. 1b). Old-field habitats also had lower bacterial Shannon diversity (F(2, 63) = 8.77, P = 0.0004; Fig. 1c). However, fungal Shannon diversity did not significantly differ (F(2,52) = 2.70, P = 0.08; Fig. 1d) between the habitat types.
Microbial community analysis
Habitat type drove differences in bacterial (PERMANOVA: F(2,63) = 1.57, R2 = 0.04, P = 0.007) and fungal (PERMANOVA: F(2,52) = 1.25, R2 = 0.05, P = 0.003) community composition (Fig. 2a &b, Table S3a&b). Plant height was also associated with bacterial (PERMANOVA: F(1,63) = 1.80, R2 = 0.03, P = 0.01) and fungal (PERMANOVA: F(1,52)= 1.35, R2 = 0.03, P=0.005) community composition (Fig. 2a &b, Table S3a&b). Soil depth, bud number, and flower number were not correlated with bacterial or fungal community composition (Table S3a&b). We analyzed a subset of our samples that had associated soil geochemical data to ascertain associations between principal component axes describing variation in soil attributes and microbial community composition. Using model selection, we found the minimal model for bacterial community composition included micronutrients (PERMANOVA: PC3, F(1,34) = 1.58, R2 =0.04, P = 0.026), soil organic matter (PERMANOVA: LOI, F(1,34) = 2.16, R2 =0.05, P = 0.001), pH (PERMANOVA: F(1,34) = 2.76, R2 = 0.07, P = 0.001), and potassium (PERMANOVA: F(1,34) = 1.57, R2=0.04, P = 0.031; Fig. 3a, Table S3c). The micronutrient with the heaviest loading on principal component 3 was magnesium. The minimal model for fungal community composition included micronutrients (PERMANOVA:PC1, F(1,32) = 1.31, R2=0.04, P = 0.002 and PC2, F(1,32) = 1.22, R2=0.04, P = 0.018) and total nitrogen (PERMANOVA: F(1,32) = 1.48, R2=0.04, P = 0.001; Fig. 3b, Table S3d). The micronutrient with the heaviest loadings on principal component 1 was calcium and principal component 2 was iron (Table S4).
Indicator species
Thirty-six bacterial taxa were differentially abundant between the three habitats. Of these six were found on the dry alvars and six were found in the wet alvars. The remaining 24 were unique to old-fields (Table S5). Four fungal taxa were differentially abundant between the three habitats. Fungal OTU 20 was more abundant in old-fields and aligned to a potential plant pathogen (Cadophora malorum). Three taxa were more reliably found in the wet alvar (OTU 223, 477, and 613; Fig. 4). Fungal OTU 223 aligned to an ascomycete in the genus Metacordyceps chlamydosporia, an entomopathogenic fungi. OTU 613 is in the order GS05, in the phylum Rozellomycota a widely distributed soil fungus (or a fungus-like organism). OTU 477 was potentially also in the Rozellomycota but the designation was less clear (Table S6).
Identifying microbial taxa correlated with plant phenotype
We didn’t find any correlations between plant phenotypes and fungal PCA axes, independent of habitat, indicating that environmental variables are driving both plant height and fungal community composition. Similarly, we didn’t find any correlations between bacterial PCA axes and the number of buds or flowers produced by plants. We did however find a significant correlation between plant height and bacterial PCA axis 2, regardless of habitat specific effects on height (Table S7). To understand which bacterial taxa were correlated with plant height across habitats we chose fifty bacterial taxa with the highest loadings on PCA 2 and individually tested those for correlations with plant height. We found that OTU 5 (F(1,66)= 18.16, R2=0.20, P<0.0001) and OTU 57 (F(1,66)= 19.59, R2=0.22, P<0.0001) were positively correlated with plant height (Fig. 5a&b), after correcting for multiple comparisons. OTU 5 is in the MB-A2-108 group of the phylum Actinobacteriota and OTU 57 is in Ilumatobacteraceae in the same phylum.