Our results demonstrate that in a cohort of patients with no documented history of trauma or nasal surgery, there was some degree of septal deviation with an average of 8.14° when measured at its maximum. There was also an element of deviation at the septal insertion to the CP (0.89°), but the septal deviation was more prominent at its insertion to the MC (2.02°). The deviation at the CP had no correlation with the MSD. However, there was a correlation observed between MSD and the septal deviation at the MC. Our results suggest that greater deviations at the septal insertion to the floor of the nose are related to an increased overall septal deviation.
An explanation for the lack of correlation observed between the angle of deviation at the CP and MSD could be explained by tilted cribriform plates. This could also explain why there was an overall much smaller mean deviation at the CP (0.29°) compared to the MSD (8.14°). If the cribriform plate is tilted, even if there was a near perpendicular (90°) septal insertion into the roof, there would still be an overall septal asymmetry and apparent deviation due to the tilt at the point of septal insertion to the roof. This may have relevance in patients undergoing submucosal resection of the septum while preserving the dorsal bony and cartilaginous strut. While the septum may inherently be straight, it might still be leaning to one side (due to the angulated cribriform plate) resulting in residual septal deviation observed clinically. The patient may never truly have a straight septum in the midline due to variance in their cribriform plate and therefore still experience symptoms.
Another explanation might be related to the septal development. Lindahl described developmental deviations as being usually smooth (‘C’ or ‘S’ shaped) with traumatic deviations being more irregular [20]. As our cohort had no documented history of trauma or surgery, the septal deviations observed are likely to be related to developmental issues. The development of the septum in isolation is not well researched, with most studies in the literature evaluating its development in relation to midfacial growth6.
The nasal septum mostly grows in the first two years of life with endochondral ossification occurring until around 36 years of age6. It therefore follows that developmental nasal septal deviation would therefore have to occur in utero or during the early stages of life as the cartilaginous septum is developing. Excluding genetic causes and other craniofacial abnormalities, various explanations for this have been put forward in the literature [21]. These include intra-uterine microtrauma due to prolonged contact of the uterine wall and the fetal head during key stages of development, or various positions of the extremities of the fetus with the uterine wall from month four onward [22]. There have also been studies demonstrating correlation between nasal pyramid deformity, intrauterine stress and intramembranous ossification [23]. Furthermore, mammalian studies have that the nasofacial skeleton may act to constrain growth of the nasal septum and therefore induce deviation due to restriction; an effect that may be true in humans [9].
This does not however explain why the septal deviation observed in this study was more related to MC deviation and not CP deviation. A recent scoping review evaluated the literature pertaining to the nasal cartilage and its development but it did not comment on such a relationship or find any studies examining it [6]. A potential theory for this relationship between overall septal deviation at the MC but not the CP is earlier ossification of the septum close to the CP. This would allow further growth of the lower part of the septum at its insertion at the floor of the nose which leaves it at risk to deviation for a longer time than the upper part of the septum where its insertion at the roof is ossified and fixed earlier.
A recent study also assessed high anterior septal deviation using CT scans [19]. This study found a similar angle of septal deviation (8.9°) to our study (8.14°) however their measurements were conducted in a more anterior plane. While CT scans have been used as a measurement tool in other studies, these have focussed on other aspects such as the nasal aperture [24,25], septal surface area [14], and or relationship with the anterior nasal spine [17] and have not examined the septum in terms of its deviation and insertion points.
Our study is not without limitations. The use of a retrospective cohort brings with it recall bias especially with respect to trauma and surgical histories. It is known that childhood trauma can have a high influence on overall septal growth. While we tried to minimise this by excluding patients with a documented trauma history, some patients may have not disclosed this and therefore have been included. In addition, while our sample represented all patients undergoing a CT sinus at our centre over a two-year period, the overall number included for analysis was fairly small. Despite this, our n value was comparable to similar studies conducted in this field thus far. In addition, the authors note that that there were some CT scans where the anatomical landmarks were not wholly consistent.