Our findings suggest that there is adaptive growth of the DA and AoI in utero that may facilitate critical blood flow to vital organs in neonates with primary obstruction of systemic or pulmonary circulation. This concept was, in part, demonstrated in the chick embryo model [8,9] and fetal lamb studies [4,10]. A similar mechanism has been implicated in human fetuses [2]. This regulatory role of the DA and AoI was also demonstrated in anatomically normal late fetal circulation with pulse Doppler measurement in human fetuses [3,11]. We postulate that relative antegrade blood flow largely determines the size of cross-sectional areas of certain vascular structures including DA and AoI in ductus-dependent complex CHD. Through assessing relative cross-sectional areas of valve orifices and vascular structures soon after birth under PGE1 infusion, we were able to demonstrate that the DA in concert with AoI undergoes adaptive growth to overcome the hemodynamic obstacles induced by primary cardiovascular structural abnormalities.
4.1 What regulates the size of fetal vascular structure
Final cardiovascular morphology in OSC or OPC may be determined by both genetically regulated primary morphogenesis and secondary hemodynamic effects [12]. Abnormal genetic programming, subsequent signal transduction in the second heart field, and altered neural crest migration are known to cause primary structural abnormalities in the conotruncus and aortic arch vessels [13,14]. While genetic predisposition that regulates organized cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration contributes to the morphogenesis of outflow tracts and great vessels, wall shear stress may play a dominant role in regression, persistence, or growth of the original pharyngeal arches, as demonstrated in chick embryos [15]. Flow-induced morphological growth of a vascular structure is an important determinant in regulating the size of the structure to provide sufficient perfusion to meet the metabolic demand of the fetus [16,17].
The relative size of the AVO, DA, and DAo may reflect the amount of combined cardiac output these vessels support. Heyman and Rudolph demonstrated this principle in their study of term and preterm infants without CHD [18]. In structurally abnormal hearts, adaptive alterations in patterns of blood flow must occur to support the developing fetus. For example, in OSC, the DA provides most of combined cardiac output, resulting in the largest PDA size after birth. In cases of OPC, the LV carries virtually all the combined cardiac output, by which the development and caliber of aortic valve, ascending aorta, and AoI are significantly enlarged.
The DA is a unique muscular arterial vessel arranged in spiral and longitudinal layers with its patency heavily dependent on PGE where PGE-induced impaired elastogenesis inhibits its evolution to an elastic artery [19]. Neural crest cells differentiate into vascular smooth muscle cells of aortic arch vessels in a site-dependent fashion. Bergwerff et al. demonstrated that the DA, the derivative of the sixth embryonic arch, receives an extensive neural crest contribution but does not join the other arch derivatives in their elastogenetic differentiation [20]. In contrast, the AoI is a part of the aorta consisting of multilayers of elastin lamina distinct from the DA, and its patency is independent of PGE. The AoI originates from the fourth embryonic arch and was shown to reveal unique features of vascular structure distinct from the rest of the aortic arch components in the mouse model, which helps us understand the pathogenesis of interrupted aortic arch and aberrant subclavian artery [21]. It is intriguing to see the similar purposeful flexibility of DA and AoI in fetal development despite their different embryonic background and histological features. The underlying regulatory mechanisms that regulate collaborative growth of DA and AoI are yet to be elucidated.
4.2 Combinational adaptive growth of DA and AoI
In OPC, the LV provides most of the systemic cardiac output (both brachiocephalic and placental circulation), whereas the DA exclusively serves as a conduit to perfuse the lungs that receive no more than 20% of the combined cardiac output in humans (approximately 8 to 10% of combined cardiac output in fetal lambs) [4]. In contrast, in OSC, the right ventricle bears the responsibility of supporting most of the systemic circulation via the DA, including placental flow [22]. This increased output produces a larger-caliber DA, consistent with our current data. Moreover, we demonstrated that patients with less severe aortic valve obstruction (i.e., OSC-nAA) did not require the DA to accommodate as much flow as OSC-AA. Hence, the DA was noted to be smaller, while a larger DA was seen in AA (OSC-AA) (Figure 1).
Similarly, we expect the caliber of the AoI to increase when it accommodates increased blood flow in cases of LV outflow tract obstruction. Normally, the LV ejects an estimated 40-50% of the combined ventricular output, but only 10% of that traverses the AoI to the DAo, while the rest is directed to the head and neck vessels [4]. When there is complete obstruction of the LV output, the head and neck vessels are exclusively supplied by RF across the AoI. As the degree of LV outflow tract obstruction increases, more RF across the AoI is required. When we assessed the size and caliber of the AoI, infants with AA (OSC-AA) had a larger AoI compared with those with non-atretic aortic valves (OSC-nAA) (Figure1). In OSC patients, presence of RF across AoI was associated with smaller AVO (Figure 2), suggesting adaptive growth of AoI to maintain sufficient brain perfusion that would have been otherwise compromised by a severely restricted antegrade flow across the aortic valve (no antegrade flow in OSC-AA). Fetal AoI plays an important regulatory role as an arterial watershed between brachiocephalic and subdiaphragmatic circulations [11,23].
4.3 Brain-sparing effect as a critical regulatory factor
In utero, the fetal brain is very sensitive to hypoxia and thus induces a “brain-sparing phenomenon” to ensure its optimum growth [24-26]. By this mechanism, fetal blood flow is redistributed away from peripheral vasculature and prioritized toward an essential circulation through direct vasodilatation of the cerebral vascular bed and simultaneous peripheral vasoconstriction [25,27], allowing an RF across AoI with [4] and without CHD [3]. With CHD, especially in OSC, critical hemodynamic alterations occur in utero and lead to these changes [28,29]. Adaptive growth of the DA and AoI is attributed to the increased blood flow following the decrease in cerebral vascular impedance, a critical process in preserving cerebral oxygen delivery in complex CHD [6,30] similar to the mechanisms of cerebral hemodynamic adaptation seen in fetuses with placental insufficiency. We speculate that autoregulation of cerebral circulation in utero is a primary determinant of the secondary adaptative growth of the DA and AoI. This principle was demonstrated in our study of patients comparing OSC-AA with OSC-nAA groups and nAA-RF with nAA-nRF groups.
4.4 Limitations
We acknowledge certain limitations in this study. First, the circulatory model in this study, an early neonatal circulation under PGE1 infusion, is different from late gestational fetal circulation because of postnatal changes resulting in increase in pulmonary blood flow due to lowered pulmonary vascular resistance and an absence of the placenta. However, we postulated this model is similar to the late gestational fetal environment while acknowledging these differences. Second, we measured total cross-sectional areas to estimate the amount of blood flow passing across the specific structures of interest, not the flow itself. In addition, we represented cross-sectional areas by (diameter)2 of the structure, assuming all cross-sectional areas are round. In fact, some may be of an oval shape. Flow is also influenced by impedance of distal vasculature and viscosity of blood, which were not examined in this study. Lastly, this is a retrospective study with a small size of 94 patients, limiting the power of this investigation.