Because of their variety and complex pathophysiology, gliomas are the least understood of all cancers. Multiple epigenetic and genetic alterations affecting tumour suppressor genes such as PTEN, p53, MGMT, Rb, and others are typical features of diverse brain neoplasms. Recent research has established a relationship between inflammatory and tumour development, citing the inflammatory milieu as yet another distinguishing hallmark of all brain neoplasms. Tumour growth involves numerous molecular and cellular pathways, as well as a wide spectrum of components. Cytokines are crucial components of physiological inflammatory responses and help to maintain homeostasis. Cytokines significantly boost the proliferation and invasiveness of gliomas. Some of the pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-1, IL-8, and TNF-α all play key roles in inflammation by modulating T and B cell development and activation. According to research, many solid tumours release inflammatory cytokines that can regulate cancer cell proliferation and invasion. Some of the anti-inflammatory cytokines include IL-4 and IL-10, which help suppress tumour growth and invasion via suppressing the activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In their study of murine gliomas, Qian et al. (2018) found elevated IFN-γ and demonstrated its direct correlation with PD-L1 receptors (Qian et al., 2018). In their study on human glioma tissue, Zhang et al. (2022) concluded that IFN-γ-associated genes are independent prognostic factors for predicting glioma patients' overall survival (Zhang et al., 2022). In the present study on human glioma tissue, IFN-γ expression was significantly higher in gliomas than in the control group, which is consistent with previous research. Nonetheless, a comparable increase of IFN-γ was also observed in meningiomas. See Table 3. Shan et al., (2015) hypothesised that the poor prognosis of glioma is due to IL-6-induced tumour growth and invasion in their study on human glioma tissue, serum, and CSF(Shan et al., 2015). Chen et al., (2016) discovered that the cytomembrane MMP14 was activated by IL-6 produced by astrocytes, promoting glioma cell motility and invasion via MMP2 (Chen et al., 2016). West et al. (2018) demonstrated the role of IL-6/STAT3 signalling in glioblastoma in their study comparing prior papers (West et al., 2018). Ansari et al., (2023) discovered high amounts of IL-6 and TNF-α in the peripheral blood of high-grade gliomas in their investigation on human serum, indicating the disease's invasiveness (Ansari et al., 2023). In the current investigation on human glioma tissue, there was a significantly increase in IL-6 expression with a when compared to the control group, which was consistent with earlier studies (West et al., 2018) (Ansari et al., 2023). Nonetheless, a comparable increase of IL-6 was also observed in meningiomas. See Table 3. In their investigation of the glioma cell lineage culture model, Lu et al. (2007) revealed biological responses to IL-1β and TGF-β in close proximity to the tumour (Lu, Tian, Han, Vogelbaum, & Stark, 2007). Tarassishin et al. (2014), discovered an abnormal expression of IL-1β in gliomas in their work on the glioma cell lineage culture model (Tarassishin, Casper, & Lee, 2014). Fathima et al. (2014) found evidence that IL-1β enhances glioma cell motility, invasion, and proliferation in their investigation of glioma cell lineage culture (Fathima Hurmath, Ramaswamy, & Nandakumar, 2014). IL-1β was elevated in the current investigation on human glioma tissue and demonstrated a significant difference when compared to the control group, which was consistent with earlier results. Nonetheless, a comparable increase of IL-1β was also observed in meningiomas. See Table 3. Hands et al. (2013) used a bioplex immunoassay to estimate cytokine levels in human serum and discovered higher expression of IL-8 in glioma patients' serum (Hands et al., 2013). This investigation on human glioma tissue found considerably higher levels of IL-8 expression as compared to the control group, which was consistent with earlier findings (Hands et al., 2013). Nonetheless, a comparable increase of IL-8 was also observed in meningiomas. See Table 3. Maruno et al. (1997) discovered endogenous TNF-α in cells of numerous origins in glioma tumours, including tumour vasculature, in their investigation on human glioblastoma tissue (Maruno, Kovach, Kelly, & Yanagihara, 1997). Peng et al. (2014) demonstrated the effects of TNF-α on glioma cell viability, proliferation, and apoptosis in their investigation on glioma cell lineage culture (Peng & Ying, 2014). In their study, Wang et al. (2022) created a TNF-α family-based signature to predict the prognosis of a glioma patient (Wang, Lin, Zhu, & Signaling, 2022). Ansari et al. (2023) discovered high amounts of IL-6 and TNF-α in the peripheral blood of high-grade gliomas in their investigation on human serum, indicating the disease's invasiveness (Ansari et al., 2023). This investigation on human glioma tissue found a considerable increase in TNF-α expression when compared to the control group, which was consistent with earlier research. Nonetheless, a comparable increase of TNF-α was also observed in meningiomas. See Table 3.
Table 3
In this study, the results of IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-8, and TNF-α (pro-inflammatory cytokines) expression compare to earlier investigations.
IFN-γ | Qian et al (2018) (Qian et al., 2018) | Murine glioma | IFN-γ was INCREASED and showed its direct co-relation with PD-L1 receptors |
Zhang et al (2023) (Zhang et al., 2022) | Human glioma tissue | IFN-γ related gene signature (INCREASED) |
In the present study (2023) | Human glioma and meningioma tissue | INCREASED IFN-γ expression in both glioma and meningioma. |
IL-6 | Shan et al (2015)(Shan et al., 2015) | Human tissue, serum, and CSF | IL-6 was INCREASED |
Chen et al (2016)(Chen et al., 2016) | Cell lines | IL-6 was INCREASED |
West et al (2017)(West et al., 2018) | Comparison of previous articles (Human tissue) | Role of IL-6 - STAT3 signaling in glioblastoma. (INCREASED) |
Ansari et a l(2020)(Ansari et al., 2023) | Human serum | INCREASED expression of IL-6 |
In the present study (2023) | Human glioma and meningioma tissue | INCREASED expression of IL-6 in gliomas and meningiomas. |
IL-1β | Lu et al ( 2007) (Lu et al., 2007) | Cell culture | Dose-dependent cross-talk between TGF and IL-1 (increased) |
Tarassishin et al (2014) (Tarassishin et al., 2014) | Cell culture | Aberrant expression of IL-1β in gliomas (increased) |
Fathima et al 2014 (Fathima Hurmath et al., 2014) | Cell culture | IL-1β promotes the proliferation of glioma cells (increased) |
In the present study (2023) | Human glioma and meningioma tissue | IL-1β was increased in glioma and meningioma tissue. |
IL-8 | Hands et al (2012) (Hands et al., 2013) | Human serum | INCREASED IL-8 in serum of glioma patients. |
In the present study (2023) | Human gliomas and meningioma tissue | INCREASED IL-8 expression in gliomas and meningioma. |
TNF-α | Maruno et al (1997) (Maruno et al., 1997) | Human glioma tissue | TNF-α INCREASED (distribution of endogenous TNFα in gliomas) |
Peng et al (2014) (Peng & Ying, 2014) | Cell lineage | Effects of TNF-α on cell viability, proliferation, and Apoptosis of glioma cells |
Wang et al (2022) (Wang et al., 2022) | Data sets of human gliomas | Comprehensive analysis of TNF family in diffuse gliomas (INCREASED) |
Ansari et al (2020) (Ansari et al., 2023) | Human serum | INCREASED expression of TNF-α |
In the present study (2023) | Human glioma and meningioma tissue | TNF-α was INCREASED in gliomas and meningioma tissue. |
In the current study revealed about the pro-inflammatory cytokine levels of IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-8, and TNF-α were found to be dramatically elevated in gliomas as compared to the control group and showed a significant difference, which was consistent with previous studies. There was no difference in the cytokine milieu concerning the grade of gliomas, which was inconsistent with previous studies. These pro-inflammatory cytokines of glioma tissue were also compared with pro-inflammatory cytokines of meningioma tissue, and no significant difference was observed. See Table 3.
Huettner et al. (1995, 1997) discovered elevated mRNA expression of IL-10 in human glioma tissue and proposed that IL-10 may promote to the advancement of astrocytes by dampening the patient's immune system (Huettner, Czub, Kerkau, Roggendorf, & Tonn, 1997; Huettner, Paulus, & Roggendorf, 1995). Zhang et al. (2019) report in their cell lineage culture investigation that IL-10 enhances glioma growth by upregulating KPNA2 (Zhang et al., 2019). Ansari et al. (2023) found reduced IL-10 in human serum, indicating a suppressive effect of pro-inflammatory cytokines on IL-10 (Ansari et al., 2023). IL-10 expression was significantly lower in this current investigation on human glioma tissue compared to the control group, which was consistent with previous findings (Ansari et al., 2023). Nonetheless, a comparable decrease of IL-10 was also observed in meningiomas. See Table 4. Joshi et al. (2001) discovered that human brain tumors in situ overexpress IL-4R when compared to normal brain tissue in their work on glioma cell lines(Joshi et al., 2001). This present study on human glioma tissue found a significant drop in IL-4 expression when compared to the control group, which contradicted previous research (Joshi et al., 2001). According to Ansari et al. (2023), decreased IL-4 expression may be related to the suppressive action of pro-inflammatory cytokines (Ansari et al., 2023). Nonetheless, a comparable decrease of IL-4 was also observed in meningiomas. See Table 4.
Table 4
In this study, the results of IL-10 and IL-4 (anti-inflammatory cytokines) expression compare to earlier investigations.
IL-10 | Huettner et al (1995) (Huettner et al., 1995) | Human glioma tissue | INCREASED mRNA of IL-10 |
Huettner et al (1997) (Huettner et al., 1997) | Human (in vivo/ in vitro) | INCREASED IL-10 expression |
Zhang et al (2019) (Zhang et al., 2019) | Cell culture | IL-10 promotes glioma progression via the upregulation of KPNA2. |
Ansari et al (2020) (Ansari et al., 2023) | Human serum | DECREASED IL-10 expression |
In this study (2023) | Human glioma and meningioma tissue | DECREASED IL-10 expression in gliomas and meningiomas. |
IL-4 | Joshi et al (2001) (Joshi et al., 2001) | Cell lines | INCREASED expression of IL 4 receptors |
In the present study (2023) | Human glioma and meningioma tissue | DECREASED expression of IL 4 cytokines in gliomas and meningiomas. |
This current study pattern revealed about the anti-inflammatory cytokine levels of IL-10, IL-4 are consistent with the findings of Ansari et al., who hypothesised that higher pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-8, TNF-α may account for lower levels of IL-10 and IL-4 in glioma tissue when compared to the control group. Anti-inflammatory cytokine levels were comparable regardless of glioma grade. There was also no noticeable change in anti-inflammatory cytokine levels between glioma and meningioma tissue. See Table 3 and Table 4.
Gliomas are distinguished by their widespread invasiveness, tumour necrosis, and angiogenesis. VEGF, FGF-2, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and other inflammatory cytokines are the threads that connect angiogenesis and cancer (Coppola et al., 2014; Folkman, 2007; Lakka & Rao, 2008; Thomas & Omuro, 2014). When comparing the current study to prior studies, Mentlein et al. (2004), in their study on cell lineage culture, demonstrated the importance of VEGF receptor expression in glioma cells (Mentlein, Forstreuter, Mehdorn, & Held-Feindt, 2004). Folkins et al. (2009) discovered that glioma cancer stem-like cells increase tumour angiogenesis via VEGF in a mouse model (Folkins et al., 2009). Exogenous VEGF increases glioblastoma stem cell multiplication, according to Xu et al. (2013) in their cell culture study (Xu, Wu, & Zhu, 2013). This study on human tissue found significantly higher levels of VEGF expression when compared to the control group, which is consistent with earlier research. Nonetheless, a comparable increase of VEGF was also observed in meningiomas. See Table 5.
Anderson et al. (2008) discovered FGFR (the FGF receptor) overexpression in glioblastoma cells in their investigation on human glioma tissue (Anderson, McFarland, & Gladson, 2008). FGF-2 was highly overexpressed in this present investigation on human glioma tissue as compared to the control group, which was consistent with earlier reports. Nonetheless, a comparable increase of FGF-2 was also observed in meningiomas. See Table 5
Table 5
In this study, the results of VEGF and FGF-2 (anti-inflammatory cytokines) expression compare to earlier investigations.
VEGF | Mentlein et al (2004)(Mentlein et al., 2004) | Cell culture | Significance of VEGF receptor expression in gliomas cells |
Folkins et al (2009) (Folkins et al., 2009) | Mice models | Gliomas tumor stem-like cells promote tumor angiogenesis via VEGF |
Xu et al (2013) (Xu et al., 2013) | Cell culture | Demonstrated that exogenous VEGF stimulates glioblastoma stem cell proliferation |
In the present study (2023) | Human glioma and meningioma tissue | INCREASED VEGF expression in gliomas and meningiomas |
FGF-2 | Anderson et al (2009) (Anderson et al., 2008) | Human glioma tissue | Glioblastoma cells have overexpression of FGF receptor |
In the present study (2023) | Human gliomas and meningioma tissue | INCREASED expression of FGF-2 in gliomas and meningiomas. |
Overall, glioma tissue displayed an upregulation of pro-inflammatory and angiogenic cytokines and a downregulation of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and IL-4), with no discernible variation between glioma grades. There was no discernible difference between the expression patterns of cytokines in glioma and meningioma tissue. This demonstrates that the production of these cytokines in gliomas and meningiomas is merely a host immunological response. Tumorigenesis, invasiveness, and the ability to metastasize are hallmarks of gliomas and are directly attributable to epigenetic and genetic alterations. Immunotherapy against gliomas has been tried in clinical trials for decades, and while it has a good safety profile, it has not been proved to be effective in reducing the growth of gliomas. Only the anti-VEGF medication bevacizumab is currently licensed for recurrent glioblastoma. The immune checkpoint inhibitor nivolumab is now being tested in humans. Redirecting immunotherapy away from cytokines is necessary. Molecular studies in cancer biology are desperately needed so that the genetic alterations can be targeted. For instance, the tyrosine kinase inhibitor "imatinib" has proven to be an effective targeted therapy in CML for the single mutation (BCR/ABL fusion). Tamoxifen was created as a result of research into the HER2-Neu receptor in breast cancer. However, tumour heterogeneity and the fact that these genomic and epigenomic changes differ from patient to patient have made the development of targeted therapy for gliomas more challenging. As an adjunct to the current standard of care, it may be beneficial to evaluate the efficacy of newer medications targeting individual molecular subtypes of gliomas in upcoming clinical trials.
We found that pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines were significantly up- and down-regulated in the brain tumour compared to the control brain. To a similar extent, we found that pro-angiogenic cytokines were significantly upregulated in the brain tumour compared to the control brain. Although the expression of these cytokines was dramatically changed in brain tumours, this change did not occur consistently across tumour grades. Neither the glioma nor the meningioma samples displayed any discernible variation in expression. Brain tumours alter their cytokine environment in a way that is more similar to a systemic host immune response. Additional analysis of protein expression, signalling, and protein interaction networks in conjunction with a clinical panel for pain scoring may help explain the relationship between inflammatory mediators, targets for tumoral progression, signalling pathways, and cancer pain therapy. Our small sample size suggests that while cytokine expression does distinguish between control and tumour patients, it may not be useful for identifying glioma sub-stages.
Our findings revealed that there was a statistically significant up and down-regulation in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines respectively in the brain tumor samples, compared to control brain samples. Similarly, we also observed a statistically significant upregulation in pro-angiogenic cytokines in the brain tumor supernatants, compared to control brain supernatants. Even though, brain tumors showed a significant alteration in these cytokine’s expression, it was not significantly altered amongst the tumor grades. Further, there was also no significant change in expression between the glioma and meningioma samples. The change in the cytokine milieu in brain neoplasms is more like a generalized host immune response. Based on our limited sample analysis, we conclude that while the cytokine expression differentiates between normal and tumor patients, the cytokine expression analysis may not be positively used for distinguishing the glioma sub-stages
The small sample size for each tumour grade grouping is less for comparison between the tumor groups. There were no serum samples in this study. We analyzed commonly abrogated cytokines, and chemokines in this analysis, however, any unbiased analysis of all the human cytokines perhaps gives the best data in this kind of setting. However, due to funding limitations, we could not able to perform such an analysis.