The abrupt shift in GPP over Eastern China-Mongolia
We examine the first leading mode of GPP variability over East Asia for the period of 1982–2013 by using the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) (Fig. 1). The first eigenvectors and principal components (PCs) of GPPFLUXCOM and GPPNIRv explain 20.9% and 14.1% of the total variance, respectively. The maximum variation of GPPFLUXCOM and GPPNIRv is consistently located in the Eastern China-Mongolia region (40°–52°N and 110°–124°E). In addition, the PCs of both first leading modes consistently show a distinctive phase shift around the year 2000. Specifically, there is a positive phase until the 2000s and a negative phase afterward, suggesting a decrease in vegetation productivity around the year 2000 in the Eastern China-Mongolia region. Note that the phase shift in GPP with decadal time scale is comparable in magnitude to their interannual variability, and even larger for GPPNIRv in particular.
Eastern China-Mongolia is a semi-arid temperate grassland region with limited precipitation18,19. Previous studies have reported that vegetation productivity is strongly dependent on water availability in semi-arid regions across Northern China17,19, suggesting the possibility that changes in GPP are caused by changes in precipitation over the Eastern China-Mongolia region. Therefore, we further examined the changes in GPP and precipitation in this region and their relationship (Fig. 2). There is a prominent decreasing shift in GPP in the late 1990s; a positive anomaly before the late 1990s, and a negative anomaly afterwards. This result is consistent with the PCs of the first leading mode shown in Fig. 1c and d. The pronounced decreasing shift in precipitation in the late 1990s is also observed. From 1999 to 2007, the average GPPNIRv (GPPFLUXCOM) decreased by 11% (6%) compared to the period of 1990 to 1998, and precipitation also decreased by 28% during the same period. This is consistent with previous studies that found a decreasing shift in summer precipitation in Northeastern and North China in the late 1990s20,21.
It has been reported that the phase change of the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) can affect the regional precipitation in East Asia through atmospheric teleconnections21–24. After the late 1990s, the Pacific entered a negative phase of the PDO (Fig. 2), and the upper-level atmospheric circulation was changed accordingly. The East Asian westerly jet stream (EAWJS) is weakened and poleward shifted. The poleward-shifted EAWJS changes the jet-related secondary meridional-vertical circulation23, making an anomalous descending motion to the northern parts of East Asia. Subsequently, the anticyclonic circulation is dominant over the target region in a negative PDO phase, resulting in less precipitation in the late 1990s.
The GPPFLUXCOM and GPPNIRv anomalies are positively correlated with the precipitation anomaly in Eastern China-Mongolia (r = 0.92 and 0.63, P < 0.01). These results are consistent with a previous study that showed a positive relationship between decreasing precipitation and GPP over Northern China from 1999 to 201117. On the contrary, temperature and solar radiation have relatively low correlation coefficients (r = − 0.45, P < 0.05 and r = − 0.31, P < 0.1) with GPPFLUXCOM anomaly and no statistically significant correlation with GPPNIRv anomaly at the 95% confidence level. These results suggest that the decreasing shift in precipitation associated with the PDO phase shift is probably responsible for that of GPP in the late 1990s. However, it should be noted that the GPP and precipitation show more dramatic changes than the PDO index, suggesting that other processes can be involved in the dramatic shift. For example, changes in the strength of the land-atmosphere coupling can lead to rapid changes in precipitation25, which will be discussed in more detail in the Discussion section.
We further examine whether these decreasing shifts of GPP and precipitation are statistically significant based on the Lepage test. The phase shifts of GPPFLUXCOM, GPPNIRv, and precipitation around 1999 are all statistically significant (Fig. 3). The GPPFLUXCOM and GPPNIRv show the most significant abrupt shifts in 1999–2000 and 2000–2001, respectively (P < 0.05). Precipitation also shows the most significant abrupt shift in 1999–2000. This is consistent with the results of previous studies20,21, which showed the abrupt change point of summer precipitation around 1999 over Northeastern China. These highest HK values are largely determined by the standardized Wilcoxon rank sum statistic, indicating that these statistically significant abrupt shifts mostly come from the large changes in the mean state. To test the robustness of the Lepage test, we vary the length of the moving windows, and similar results are found using window lengths of 8- to 11-years, which show the same significant abrupt shift year of GPP and precipitation (Supplementary Fig. 2).
Vegetation productivity is significantly regulated by temperature and CO2 concentrations, as well as precipitation10. For example, the abrupt changes in NDVI in Southwest China were mainly driven by changes in temperature during 1982–201526. Therefore, to confirm whether precipitation is a major cause of the regime shift in GPP around 1999, we evaluate the relative contributions of changes in temperature, precipitation, and CO2 concentrations to the GPP shift. We apply multiple linear regression to the GPP with respect to normalized climate factors (precipitation and temperature) and CO2 concentrations. Based on the reconstructed GPP, we estimate the contributions of the climate factors and CO2 to the GPP shift between period 1 (P1: 1990 to 1998) and period 2 (P2: 1999 to 2007). It is evident that there is a decrease in the reconstructed GPPFLUXCOM (− 1.44) and GPPNIRv (− 0.93) between P1 and P2, indicating a significant decrease in GPP during P2 due to climate factors and CO2 (Fig. 4). Among them, it is clear that the decreased in GPP mostly due to the change in precipitation (GPPFLUXCOM:−1.49, GPPNIRv:−1.19). Temperature also contributes to the decrease, but its impact is minor (GPPFLUXCOM:−0.045, GPPNIRv:−0.064). Increasing CO2 leads to an increase in GPP in P2 due to the fertilization effect7,27. These results indicate that the change in precipitation is mainly responsible for the statistically significant regime shift in GPP around 1999. In summary, there are significant abrupt changes in GPP in Eastern China-Mongolia over the past three decades, which can be attributed to the abrupt decrease in precipitation.
The inter-model diversity of the abrupt shift in GPP over Eastern China-Mongolia GPP
To support the robustness of the regime shift in GPP, we further analyze the output of offline land surface models participating in TRENDY. Using the simulations provided by TRENDY, we isolate the time-varying GPPclimate−forcing and the GPPCO2−forcing (details in Section 2.1). As shown in Fig. 5a, an abrupt shift in GPP around the year 2000 is well captured in the multi-model ensemble (MME) mean of the TRENDY models. This change is statistically significant based on the Lepage test (Fig. 5b). However, there is significant diversity and spread among the individual TRENDY models, especially in their HK values (Fig. 5b). Of the twelve models, only eight models show a significant abrupt shift in GPP in 2000–2001 (Strong shift group: CLASS-CTEM, CLM5.0, JULES-ES, JSBACH, ORCHIDEE-CNP, ORCHIDEE, SDGVM, and VISIT), while the other models do not simulate abrupt shifts (Weak shift group: LPJ-GUESS, CABLE-POP, DLEM, and ISBA-CTRIP).
We further investigate the differences in GPP between the strong and weak shift groups (Fig. 5a). The red and blue horizontal bars show the mean values of GPP for the two groups during period 1 (P1': 1991 to 1999) and period 2 (P2': 2000 to 2008). Although the two groups show quite similar interannual variability, their decadal variability is different. The weak shift group shows a smaller mean state change (5.64 TgC month− 1) in GPP between the two periods than that of the strong shift group (17.4 TgC month− 1).
To examine the driver of the abrupt shift in GPP and the cause of the differences between the groups, we quantify the contributions of the climate and CO2 forcings to the mean state change in GPP from the TRENDY models. We calculated the differences in normalized GPP separated by each forcing by subtracting the mean of P1' from P2' (Fig. 6). In all the models, GPP decreases from P1' to P2' and is mostly driven by the GPPclimate−forcing (Fig. 6a). The decrease in GPPclimate−forcing is mostly driven by changes in precipitation rather than temperature and solar radiation (Supplementary Fig. 3). Additionally, in terms of GPPclimate−forcing, the TRENDY models also present the aforementioned precipitation-induced regime shift in GPP, which is consistent with satellite and reanalysis data.
The effect of CO2 forcing shows the opposite of climate forcing, but the impact is relatively small: the MME mean of GPPCO2−forcing differences (0.26) is smaller in magnitude compared to that of GPPclimate−forcing (− 1.40). In particular, the four models in the weak shift group (LPJ-GUESS, CABLE-POP, DLEM, and ISBA-CTRIP) have a higher sensitivity of GPP to CO2 and a lower sensitivity to climate compared to the other group (Fig. 6a). These characteristics are more obvious in the group means (Fig. 6b): the MME means of the GPPCO2−forcing and GPPclimate−forcing differences for the weak shift group (the strong shift group) are 0.42 (0.18) and − 0.98 (-1.60), respectively. The differences in the sensitivity of GPP to CO2 and climate forcing between the models lead to significant differences in the changes in GPP between the two groups.