Cacao (Theobroma cacao) is a basic crop for the livelihood of more than 8 million smallholder farmers, which has been qualified as a commercial crop alternative to Erythroxylum coca (used to manufacture cocaine), helping the conservation and restoration of the tropical rainforest (Wade et al., 2022) and the development of the peace process in Colombia. However, cacao trees (as well as willow and poplar) have a capacity to extract higher amounts of Cd from the soil compared to other plants in general (Gramlich et al. 2018, Barraza et al., 2019), accumulate it in their beans and transfer it to chocolate and other derived products. As reported by Gramlich et al. (2018) and Correa et al. (2021), generally Latin American countries contain higher values of Cd in dried cocoa beans than those in West Africa and since the European Union and Codex Alimentarius (CODEX) have established limits for Cd in chocolate products, cocoa bean exports in Latin America may be limited by the levels of Cd present. For the food industry for example, Contreras et al. (2012) report that Cd cannot exceed 0.5 mg kg− 1 and the maximum allowable limits in cereal grains (including chocolate) according to the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are 0.1 mg kg− 1 (Berg & Licht, 2002). However, the European Union, which imports about half of the world's cocoa production, defined in 2019 a maximum permissible Cd content in cocoa products of 0.1–0.8 mg kg− 1, this upper limit being the maximum content in cocoa solids, especially affecting fine cocoa produced in Latin America that has a high solid cocoa content (Wade et al., 2022). In addition, some Colombian soils in the area of the municipality of Yacopí produce cocoa beans with notably high Cd levels (above 3 mg kg− 1) that difficult their commercialization (Rodríguez et al., 2019). Therefore, it is necessary to adequately understand which are the soil attributes and/or properties that interfere in the accumulation of heavy metals such as Cd in cocoa beans used for chocolate processing.
Cd, like other metals present in soils, can be found in various chemical forms that interfere with its phytoavailability, because total Cd represents less than 50% of the Cd adsorbed by the plant (Correa et al., 2021, Duplay et al., 2014, Udovic & McBride, 2012). The distribution of an element between various fractions depends on the physical, chemical, mineralogical and biological properties of the soil, so it is important to characterize the Cd concentrations associated with different soil fractions and to recognize those that correspond to bioavailable forms (Martínez & Rivero, 2005), in order to identify the ecological risk associated with Cd contamination (Shahid et al., 2016), since the chemical speciation is key to control the destination as the toxicity of this element in the soil-plant system (Landrot et al., 2012).
Different studies indicate that contaminants such as Cd are initially delayed, but after a period active ingredients in the soil cause it to react and be released back into the environment (Kotresha et al., 2021). For Cd, a susceptibility to periodic and prolonged saturation in soil has been reported (Moghal et al., 2022). In most soils, 99% of total Cd is associated with soil colloids, occurring as cationic (CdHS+, CdOH+, CdHCO3+, CdCl+), and anionic (Cd(HS)42−, Cd(OH)3−, Cd(OH)42−, CdCl3−) (Kabata-Pendias & Sadurski, 2004) species. At low pH, Cd in soil solution is predominantly present as Cd2+, CdSO4 or CdCl+, whereas in alkaline solutions the less bioavailable species CdHCO3+, CdCO3 or CdSO4 predominate (Sauvé et al., 2000). Being clear that the acidity of the soil solution controls Cd solubility, therefore, in acid soils, solubility is mainly controlled by organic matter and Fe and Mn oxides and hydroxides (Jiao et al., 2012), whereas in alkaline soils with pH above 7.5, Cd is not easily mobilized and is adsorbed and precipitated, as CdCO3, and possibly Cd3(PO4)2 (Kabata-Pendias, 2011).
In this soil-plant relationship, Cd does not have a specific cellular entry pathway, it enters the plant through root uptake accidentally transported by specific and non-specific transporters of essential elements such as Fe2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Cu2+ and Mg2+ (Mendoza-Cózatl et al., 2011, Eller & Bir, 2019, Correa et al., 2021, Shaaria et al., 2021). Calcium (Ca) and Cd compete for the same Ca transport channels (Shaaria et al., 2021), due to their chemical similarity, since Ca has a similar diameter and valence to Cd and therefore a low Ca concentration increases Cd uptake, due to lower Ca competition and ionic activity at root uptake sites (Eller & Bir, 2019).
Estimation of Cd forms in soils has been carried out by individual extractions and sequential extractions. Sequential extraction divides the total Cd content into different operational sets or fractions (Bacon & Davidson, 2008, Rao et al., 2008), which allows the evaluation of the contribution of these different fractions in soil sorption and contributes to the understanding of Cd binding mechanisms (Kotresha et al., 2021), considering that fractionation estimates the association of the metal of interest (Cd) with other chemical species present in the soil, which favors the understanding of its bioavailability and potential leaching (Kotresha et al., 2021, Martínez & Rivero, 2005). In general, this technique provides information on the origin, mode of occurrence, biological and physicochemical availability, mobilization and transport of metals in the soil (Mohammed & Moghal, 2016).
Within these fractions there are soluble forms, such as water soluble, “exchangeable” and acid soluble that have been related to the Cd phytoavailability (Kosolsaksakul et al., 2014, Sungur et al., 2014). The “residual fraction” corresponds to the Cd that is part of the silicates, inherited from or occluded within parent materials; this fraction is considered to have low phytoavailability (Nogueira et al., 2010, Aikpokpodion et al., 2012). For Mohamed et al. (2010), there is a fraction associated with organic matter, which includes binding to fulvic and humic acids which have an affinity to chelate Cd (Bernal et al., 2007). Such a fraction may be of great importance because soils cultivated with cocoa are characterized by an accumulation of organic matter, which can be related to the presence of Cd in the upper layers, mainly due to the decomposition of leaf litter, woody tissues from pruning, dead roots and residues of harvesting (Beer, 1988, Wood & Lass, 2008). Recent research using stable isotopes of Cd has shown that Cd bioaccumulated into the cocoa leaves become the “litter” which falls on the soil below trees and enrich the total Cd and heavy stable isotopes in the surface soil layer (Barraza et al., 2019).
When Cd is associated with anthropogenic activities due to its artificial incorporation into the soil, there are higher contents in the soluble fractions, whether it comes from the parent material, since higher contents can be found in the residual fraction (Rao et al., 2008, Nogueira et al., 2010).
In the present research, the traditional fractionation of Cd in soil samples from cocoa-producing farms was carried out to characterize the chemical forms of cadmium in the soils of Yacopí. Due to the relationship of relatively high concentrations of Cd in the soil and in cocoa plants, it is necessary to define those forms that are highly phytoavailable for cocoa cultivation, because the knowledge of Cd speciation informs soil remediation studies (Bade, 2012).
Therefore, to understand this relationship of the different Cd forms with the contents of the element in cocoa beans, a statistical analysis was developed based on some spatial regression models using the taxonomy of Elhorst (2014), in which case Cd in beans was used as a response variable and the contents of the different fractions were used as explanatory variables. Taking into account that the hyperaccumulative character of Cd presented by cocoa trees may be due to the greater availability of the element in the soil, due to the recycling of Cd from leaf litter and pod husks that reach the soil, which when rapidly decomposed in tropical climates, becomes a source of easily available Cd in the most superficial horizons of the soil, where the fine roots of cocoa trees are located (Gramlich et al. 2018), whose root hairs are the most active ion absorption zones (Song et al., 2016). It is to be expected that the forms associated with organic matter have an important participation in the Cd contents that are translocated to the beans. This modeling strategy based on spatial regression models allows finding positive or negative impacts of the different fractions on Cd accumulation in beans, which could suggest that a change in any of these fractions in the soil could remediate its accumulation in cocoa beans.