2.1 Sampling Area
For both ADCYAP1 analysis and astrocyte morphometry we collected individuals with mist-nets during the wintering period in the mangroves of the Amazon River estuary. All individuals were collected between 2012 and 2017, in the northeastern of Pará state, at the municipality of Bragança, Pará, Brazil, on the Canela Isle (0 ° 47'33.52 "S 46 ° 43 ' 8.55 "W), Lombo Grande Isle (0 ° 47'33.52" S 46 ° 43'8.55 "W), Praia do Pilão (0 ° 47'46.08" S 46 ° 40'29.64 "W), Baiacu Beach (0 ° 47'32.55 "S 46 ° 46'52.05" W), Quatipuru Mirim Beach (0 ° 46'35.61 "S 46 ° 52'57.66" W) and Otelina Isle (0 ° 45'42.57 "S 46 ° 55 ' 51.86 "W). Captured wintering birds included C. semipalmatus, C. pusilla and A. macularius. The non-migratory C. collaris, a resident of South America, was also captured and compared with the long-distance migratory species [44,45]. Immediately after capture, biometric data were obtained from all individuals.
Birds were captured in compliance with license No. 44551-2 of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), minimizing discomfort during handling as much as possible.
2.2 ADCYAP1: Microsatellite Genotyping
Microsatellites have been used in ecological and conservation studies since the 1990s [46]. The comparison between the length of the alleles and the nucleotide composition of the base of the sequence makes it possible to identify variation in the microsatellites [47]. Allele size variation is identified by polymerase chain reaction - PCR amplification [48]. In the present report we carried out DNA isolation and purification from stored blood samples of 53 individuals with distinct migratory behaviors: A. macularius (n = 12), C. pusilla (n=14), C. semipalmatus (n = 13) and C. collaris (n = 14). After blood collection (less than 100 µL), all captured animals were released back into the wild, except for five individuals of each species used in morphometric studies. We followed the recommendations of the DNA extraction protocol of Wizard® Genomic Purification Kit (PROMEGA).
For Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), specific primers were used that flank microsatellite repetitions of the ADCYAP1 locus [49]. To amplify the ADCYAP1 loci, the M13 tail technique proposed by [50] was used. The principle of the technique is to use primer pairs that flank repetitive DNA sequences to amplify samples of genomic DNA and to examine the size of the amplified alleles on a sequencing device [51,52]. The PCR reaction was performed using a total volume of 13µL containing 5 ng of DNA, 10µL Buffer, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 1.2 mM dNTP, 8 pM M13 probe and reverse primer, 0.5 pM of primer forward and 1 unit (U) of Taq DNA polymerase. To find the best hybridization temperature for the studied species, PCRs were performed with temperature gradients between 50 and 60°C. The PCR reaction consisted of an initial denaturation of 94°C for 5min, followed by 30 cycles of 94°C for 30s, 51°C for 45s and 72°C for 45s, followed later by 8 cycles of 94°C for 30s, 53°C for 45s and 72°C for 45s, with a final extension of 72°C for 10min [for more details on PCR see ([49]]. We used the standard microsatellite genotyping method in the ABI 3500XL fragment analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Subsequently, peak patterns were analyzed by the Fragment Profiler 1.2 program (Amersham Biosciences) and organized in Microsoft Excel 2019.
To detect and identify genotyping errors resulting from null alleles, allele drop out and stuttering related to ADCYAP1 locus, we used the software MICROCHECKER [53]. We used ARLEQUIN v3.5 [54] to measure genetic diversity in terms of number of alleles per locus (A), observed (HO), and expected (HE) heterozygosity [55]. We tested for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium [56] and analyzed population differentiation at gene ADCYAP1 through FST and RST statistics with a significance level α < 0.05.
2.2 Immunohistochemistry
Five individuals of each species were used for morphometric astrocyte studies. All birds were anesthetized with Isoflurane [57], euthanized with an anesthetic overdose, and perfused transcardially with 0.1% heparinized phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for 10 minutes, followed by 4% paraformaldehyde pH 7.2-7.4 for another 30 minutes. After craniotomy, brains were removed and stored in 9% phosphate buffer (Sigma Aldrich - S3264) and then cut in the coronal plane. Eighty µm thick sections were obtained using a vibrating blade microtome (LeicaVibratomeVT1000S). Serial anatomical sections (1:6 interval) were subjected to immunohistochemical reactions using GFAP selective marker for astrocytes.
2.3 Three-dimensional reconstruction
For the three-dimensional reconstruction of positive GFAP astrocytes, an optical microscope (Eclipse Ci, NIKON) with motorized stage and analog-digital converters (MAC6000 System, Ludl Electronic Products, Hawthorne, NY, USA) was used. This system was coupled to a microprocessor that controlled the movements of the microscopic stage with the aid of a specialized program (Neurolucida, MBF Bioscience, Williston, VT USA) to store the spatial information (X, Y, Z coordinates) of each digitized point of interest. Three types of cells were identified: protoplasmic, fibrous and radial astrocytes similar to previous descriptions [22–24]. In this study, we used only protoplasmic astrocytes.
The contours of the hippocampal formation [58,59] were determined on a low power objective (4x lens). To identify astrocyte morphological details and to ensure greater detail in 3D reconstructions, the low power lens was replaced by a high-power oil immersion 100x lens PLANFLUOR, (NA 1.3; DF = 0.2 µm; Nikon, Japan).
264 astrocytes from the hippocampal formation of A. macularius, 251 of C. pusilla, 302 of C. semipalmatus and 260 of C. collaris were reconstructed in three dimensions. To select astrocytes for reconstruction a random and systematic stereological sampling approach was adopted [60]. For this, we used squared probes (50µm x 50µm) separated from each other by a 900µm x 900µm grid interval (Fig. 1). The grid interval was estimated to obtain a minimum of 50 reconstructed astrocytes per animal and it was selected based on the total area of the hippocampal formation. The number of probes per section was proportional to the area of the hippocampal formation of each section.
Only astrocytes located within the limits of the box were selected for analysis. In cases where there were no cells within the box that met the pattern of complete immunostaining and branch integrity, the closest astrocyte outside the box border was chosen for reconstruction. Due to minimal shrinkage in the X/Y axes, the correction for shrinkage induced by histological processing was applied exclusively for the z axis, and corresponded to 1.75x, as previously recommended by [61].Twenty morphological variables were used for morphometry: total branch length, branch surface area, tortuosity, total branch volume, base diameter of primary branches, total number of segments, segments / mm, number of branching points, tree surface area (µm²), planar angle, complexity, convex hull perimeter (µm), convex hull area (µm²) 2-D, convex hull surface area (µm²), convex hull volume (µm³), and Vertex: Va, Vb, Vc, K-dim (fractal dimension) (see Table S1 for details).
2.6 Statistical Analysis
2.6.1 Morphometry
With a total of 1077 reconstructed astrocytes from groups of migrant and non-migrant birds, we performed a multivariate statistical analysis using 20 morphological parameters. This procedure was used to identify possible morphological clusters within each species. Morphometric data for all astrocytes were obtained using Neuroexplorer software (MicroBright Field Inc.). To search for morphological characteristics shared by astrocytes, only quantitative morphometric variables with multimodality indices (MMI) greater than 0.55 were selected, to identify which variables are multimodal or at least bimodal. MMI was estimated based on the parameters of asymmetry and kurtosis of each morphometric variable, where in which M3 is asymmetry, M4 is kurtosis and n is the sample size [56].
Hierarchical cluster analysis using Ward's method or Ward’s Minimum Variance Clustering Method [62] was applied to multimodal variables. See https://www.statisticshowto.com/wards-method/ for detailed explanation. The morphometric variables used in the cluster analysis (MMI > 0.55) were subjected to discriminant analysis, using Statistica 12.0 software. This procedure identifies which variables contribute most to the formation of clusters. The software compares matrices of total variances and covariances using multivariate F tests to determine if there are significant differences between groups (for all variables). In the analysis of the step-forward discriminant function, the program builds a step-by-step discrimination model. In this model, at each test stage, all variables are reviewed and evaluated to determine which variable contributes the most to discrimination between groups. If any variable did not have a p-value below 0.05 or did not occur in all studied species, it was disregarded in the subsequent analyses so that we could detect the morphometric variables that provided the best separation between the astrocyte morphological classes suggested by the cluster analysis.
Following discriminant analysis, we found morphological complexity to be the variable shared by all species that contributed most to cluster formation. We did an initial test of normality (Shapiro-Wilk) [63] and homogeneity of variances [64] (Table S2) and then transformed the scale of complexity values into decimal log units to perform an independent univariate General Linear Model (GLM) test [65]. We used the Sidak test [66,67] for paired tests, and for effect size used the Cohen d test [68].
For a priori multivariate comparison tests, data with continuous variables were transformed into values of Log (X + 1) [69] and normalized [70] to correct additivity effects of factor and scale diversity, respectively. Then we generated Euclidean similarity matrix where the data were exchanged to verify significant differences (setting α = 0.05) through dispersion homogeneity tests (PERMIDISP) [71] and the Analysis of Variance by Multivariate Permutation [70].
In PERMIDISP, we verified whether the differences found were associated with sample dispersion using the distance protocol between the centroids with 9999 permutations and paired tests. In order to have the values of pseudo - F in PERMANOVA, we verified possible differences in the location of the samples by treating the distance matrices using the residual permutation method under a reduced model (“residuals under a reduced model”) with 9999 repetitions, sum of the squares like “type III” (McArdle and Anderson 2001) and paired tests (pseudo - t). The tests were considered two factor (“species” and “type”) and treated as fixed. All tests were generated using the PRIMER E software [70].
2.6.2 Analysis of ADCYAP1 Microsatellites
The migration distance traveled by each migrant species was estimated using information available on the departure of birds from North America (breeding site), to their arrival at the isles of Bragança estuarine region in South America (wintering site) [72–79]. C. semipalmatus, C. pusilla and A. macularius are long-distance migratory birds whereas C. collaris is classified as a resident specie of South America (Piersma 2016). C. semipalmatus travels around 8,039 km, while C. pusilla travels 9,309 km and A. macularius around 13,139 km. We adopted 0 (zero) for the migratory route of C. collaris [72–79] (see Fig. 2).
Because our samples were small (n < 30) and the data did not follow a normal distribution, a Spearman rank correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the degree of correlation between migratory distance and size of the microsatellites.
To detect differences in the size of the microsatellites between the species, PERMANOVA was performed, as an analogue to univariate ANOVA. We followed the same criteria described above in the morphometric analyses. For this test, however, we used the residual exchange method under an unrestricted model with 9999 repetitions with sum of squares for “Type III” [80] in the PRIMER E software [70].
2.7 Photomicrographs and Post-Processing
For photomicrographs, a digital camera (Microfire, Optronics, CA, USA) coupled with a Nikon microscope (Eclipse Ci, NIKON) was used, and acquired images were post-processed for brightness and contrast with Adobe Photoshop software (Adobe Inc San José, CA, USA). We selected images of the most representative astrocytes of each cell type indicated by the hierarchical cluster analysis. For the choice of the representative cell of each group (“average cell”), the distance matrix was used to obtain the sum of the distances of each cell relative to all others. It is assumed that the cell that best represents a group has the smallest sum of distances. The matrices were constructed with the combination of all cells of a given group taken pairwise, followed by the weighted calculation of a scalar Euclidean distance between cells using all morphometric variables. [23,24].