Patients with severe/critical COVID-19 infections should be considered for follow-up PFT, especially if they had more extensive systemic inflammation and radiological changes at presentation. In comparison, patients with mild infections did not have any PFT abnormalities or residual CXR changes and usually would not require follow-up PFT. We found that DLCO defects were the most common PFT abnormalities, consistent with studies performed in other centres where DLCO defects constituted 20–45% of the PFT abnormalities.8, 18, 19 These defects could arise from the loss of ventilated alveolar units, alveolar membrane damage or microvascular abnormalities.20 Patients with severe COVID-19 may experience delayed or absent initial adaptive immune response, leading to uncontrolled viral replication which triggers a cytokine storm with extensive pneumocyte injury and endothelial cell damage.21 Hence, patients with severe COVID-19 were more susceptible to alveolar and endothelial injury and were more likely to develop DLCO defects than those with less severe disease.22 This trend was observed among COVID-19 survivors across different ethnicities.22–24 We also found that elderly patients were more likely to have DLCO defects, possibly due to the age-related attenuation in T cell response.23
Restrictive ventilatory defects were seen in 28% of our patients, similar to the prevalence reported in literature (8–20%).8, 24 None of our patients with restrictive ventilatory defects had pulmonary fibrosis with volume losses. We hypothesised that obesity could have contributed partly to the restrictive and DLCO defects observed in our study, overestimating the true prevalence of COVID-19 related PFT changes. Extrapulmonary causes, such as obesity, respiratory muscle fatigue and localised microvascular changes have been frequently cited as causes of restrictive defects.20, 25 For example, a multi-centre study on post-COVID-19 PFTs cited obesity as a possible explanation for the impaired DLCO and FVC in almost 80% of the cases.25
We observed obstructive ventilatory defects in 3 patients and diagnosed one of them with asthma due to a positive methacholine challenge (Supplemental table 2). Obstructive PFTs identified in COVID-19 survivorship clinics were usually due to other lung conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).22, 26 Hence, the detection of obstructive PFT patterns in COVID-19 survivors should be interpreted with caution and prompt further workup for an underlying chronic lung condition with the initiation of appropriate therapies (e.g. inhalers).
Overall, the true prevalence of COVID-19-related PFT abnormalities might have been overestimated by the underlying pulmonary and extrapulmonary conditions.22, 25 In the present study, 9 of the 23 patients with PFT abnormalities had undiagnosed asthma, COPD or were morbidly obese. Hence, future studies on COVID-19 related PFT changes should consider excluding patients with chronic lung conditions and account for the extrapulmonary causes such as obesity.
Timing of PFT
Patients with persistent CXR abnormalities at 12 weeks post-infection should be considered for PFT based on the British Thoracic Society guidelines.27 However, the duration and interval were not specified. Performing the PFT too early post-infection might overestimate the prevalence of COVID-19 pulmonary sequelae and lead to unnecessary follow-ups and testing.
We noted a lower proportion of abnormal PFT at 6 months post-infection (28%), than other studies which performed PFT at 1–3 months post infection (40–50%).22, 28 Early PFT abnormalities may be due to post-infection interstitial and alveolar injury, and would not be representative of the chronic pulmonary sequelae, considering biological and physiological recovery can occur over months following the acute infection.29
In a single-centre study on 85 patients with non-critical COVID-19 patients (not requiring mechanical ventilation or ICU care), DLCO values were the lowest at time of discharge and recovered over time, albeit marginally from 80–86%.30 Another single-centre study on 83 patients with severe COVID-19 showed that the predicted DLCO rose from 77–88%, between 3 months and 12 months post-infection.31 A meta-analysis on post-COVID PFT changes also reported a lower prevalence of impaired DLCO in the studies with a 12 month follow-up (31%), compared to those with a 6 month follow-up (39%).8 Lastly, previous studies on non-COVID-19 ARDS also showed a steady increase in DLCO and spirometry measures over time; DLCO recovery may lag behind those of FEV1 and FVC, sometimes normalising only after 5 years post-ARDS.32, 33
Though there were no statistically significant PFT improvements over the 12 months study period, we observed that half of the DLCO defects due to COVID-19 had normalised by 18 months post-infection (Supplemental table 1). Hence, we proposed that patients at risk of pulmonary sequalae can receive their initial PFT at 6 months post-infection with repeat PFT at 6 months interval (considering the recovery of DLCO defects might only occur 12–18 months post-infection).
Radiological sequalae
Most of our study patients with mild/moderate disease achieved complete resolution of their presenting CXR changes. Patients who received a CT scan, mostly those with severe disease and DLCO defects, did not have any fibrotic changes. It is known that COVID-19 survivors with mild/moderate disease seldom sustain significant structural lung abnormalities.34, 35 Patients with more severe infections and ARDS may sustain long-term ILAs, though these were mostly mild non-fibrotic GGOs and/or reticulations (38–48%).31, 36–38 Fibrotic changes were rare (10–12% of all post-COVID-19 ILAs) and localised (involving less than 25% of the lung parenchyma).31, 36–38 These fibrotic ILAs can be of limited clinical significance; less than 2% of the patients with fibrotic ILAs and DLCO defects were symptomatic or dyspnoeic.39 Thus, CT imaging should only be considered in patients with severe disease when there is high suspicion for pulmonary fibrosis or pulmonary embolism as the alternative cause for persistent symptoms or DLCO defects.
Like DLCO defects, ILA may resolve over time. A meta-analysis on the CT abnormalities following COVID-19 reported a lower prevalence of ILAs over time (39% at 6 months compared to 31% at 12 months follow-up), though this did not reach statistical significance.40 The association between reticulation changes and DLCO defects had also been shown to attenuate over time.41 Hence, we postulated that biological recovery from COVID-19 likely occurred in the majority of patients in the first few months after illness, and might continue beyond one year in patients with residual defects.
Impact of COVID-19 on QOL
Besides the pulmonary and structural defects, COVID-19 infection could adversely impact patient’s QOL both during and after the infection.24 We found that patients with more severe disease had lower PCS and MCS scores compared to those with milder diseases, consistent with the literature where COVID-19 survivors with severe infections had worse and more sustained QOL impairments compared to those with mild infections.42 Patients with critical illness who were admitted to ICU showed the worst QOL indices, as part of the post-intensive care syndrome.43 Patients with more comorbidities (including hypertension, diabetes, chronic lung disease) and higher BMI had a poorer QOL post-infection, in particular, lower PCS scores.42, 44, 45 Similar to the present study, previous studies showed that patients with impaired DLCO had a worse QOL regardless of the disease severity.24, 46 Hence, patients with these risk factors should be identified early and followed up closely. They should be considered for early review by pulmonary rehabilitation and be referred for psychological support as required.
Our study followed up COVID-19 survivors over regular intervals with repeat PFTs. Globally, there were few similar studies, considering the costs and time needed to perform PFTs which would be prohibitive especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Our study findings could serve as a guidance for clinicians to decide on when and whom to perform PFTs. Moreover, we defined abnormal pulmonary function based on the LLNs, which has been shown to be less prone to misclassifications especially in older populations.12 We also adopted a clear definition on the ILAs based on the Fleischner Society guidelines, to avoid misinterpreting terminologies and overestimating the prevalence of pulmonary fibrosis.
We had a small sample size which limited the statistical strength of our results and conclusions. The failure to observe statistically significant differences in DLCO and SF-36 between the two severity groups at 9 and 12 months could be caused by the higher attrition rates at these intervals. Patients who completed the entire study period were likely to be more health conscious, giving rise to selection bias. Nonetheless, our major findings were like those of other larger studies; for example, DLCO defect was the commonest PFT abnormality and the associated risk factors were age, disease severity and the degree of systemic inflammation. Lastly, CT imaging was not done in almost half of the indicated cases due to patient refusal. This further limited our analysis of the prolonged COVID-19 radiological sequalae.