4.1. Sample fabrication
All tellurite glass samples were fabricated using the TZN composition of 75TeO2-15ZnO-10Na2O (in mol%). Commercially sourced raw materials were used: TeO2, ZnO, Na2CO3, SnO, SnO2 and HAuCl4 with 99.9% or higher purity. HAuCl4 aqueous solution (10 mg/ml) was prepared by dispersing HAuCl4 salt into corresponding amount of ultra-pure water (Millipore Milli-Q lab water system) in a thoroughly cleaned glass vial (with reagent grade 69% HNO3 and ultra-pure water), which was stored at low temperature (~ 4 oC) for later use.
All precursor bulk glass samples (hereafter referred to as Starting glass samples, S1 – S8) were fabricated by melting the ~ 100 g TZN glass batches (which were undoped, or doped with SnO or SnO2, or doped with gold as HAuCl4 aqueous solution) in a gold or silica crucible at temperature T1 for a duration of t1 in air atmosphere, followed by casting the melt in a brass mold (preheated to 240 oC), which was then annealed at ~ Tg (293 oC for TZN) for 2h and slowly cooled down to room temperature. Note that for the glass batch doped with HAuCl4 aqueous solution, it was homogenized by manually grinding in an agate mortar with an agate pestle for 10 min in air atmosphere, before melting and the subsequent processes. The dopant type and melting conditions are provided in Table 1.
Powders of the bulk starting glass samples were prepared by manually crushing and grinding in an agate mortar with an agate pestle for 10 min in air atmosphere. All starting glass powders used for reheating have particle sizes mostly in the range 1–100 µm (Figure S3).
Reheating of starting glasses in bulk or powder form resulted in so-called bulk Reheated glass samples (b#R-§) and powder Reheated samples (p#R-§), respectively, where # represents the number of the starting glass sample and § represents a certain reheating temperature and time schedule (Table 2).
The Reheated glass samples were fabricated by reheating a bulk piece (~ 4 cm3) or the powder of the corresponding starting glass (~ 20 g) in a gold crucible at temperature T2 for a duration of t2 in air atmosphere and subsequent quenching of the melt in a brass mold, which was then annealed at ~ Tg (293 oC for TZN) for 2h and slowly cooled down to room temperature.
Table 1
Melting conditions and Au content for the TZN starting glasses. ppm refers to parts per million by mass. n/m refers to not measured.
Sample | Crucible | Batch Doping | T1 (oC) | t1 (min) | Au content (ppm) |
S1 | silica | 10 ppm Aua | 750 | 60 | 3 ± 0.9b |
S2 | gold | none | 750 | 60 | 6.3 ± 1.4b |
S3 | gold | none | 800 | 60 | 19.1 ± 3.1b |
S4 | gold | none | 850 | 60 | 75.2 ± 3.5b |
S5 | silica | none | 750 | 60 | < 0.1b |
S6 | gold | 2 w% SnO | 750 | 60 | n/m |
S7 | gold | 2 w% SnO2 | 750 | 60 | n/m |
S8 c | gold | none | 750 | 60 | n/m |
a Au in the form of HAuCl4 aqueous solution doped into the TZN glass batch.
b Au content measured via solution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), where < 0.1 ppm refers to Au content below the detection limit (of 0.1 ppm)
c Although this starting glass was fabricated under the same conditions as S2, a different sample name was used considering this starting glass was further powderized and mixed with ruby (Al2O3:Cr3+) nanocrystals for fabricating another sample (refer to footnote a in Table 2).
Table 2
Reheating conditions for reheated TZN glasses, along with the measured LSPR peak wavelength, the Au NP diameter determined using electron microscopy or Mie simulation (\({D}_{EM}\), \({D}_{Mie}\)), the particles’ volume number density determined using electron microscopy or Mie simulation (\({N}_{EM}\), \({N}_{Mie}\)) and planar number density determined using optical microscopy (\({N{\prime }}_{OM}\)). For the sample name, the first number refers to the starting glass used for reheating, while the second number represents the reheating temperature and time schedule used to make the sample. n/a refers to not applicable due to lack of Au NPs, and n/m refers to not measured.
Sample | T2 (oC) | t2 (min) | LSPR peak (nm) | DEM (nm) | DMie (nm) | NEM (1010/cm3) | NMie (1010/cm3) | N’OM (107/cm2) |
b2R-1 | 570 | 10 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
p2R-0 | 510 | 10 | 605 | 33 ± 13 | 36 | 6.88 ± 1.53 | 4.97 | n/mg |
p2R-1 | 570 | 10 | 645 | 62 ± 9 | 62 | 1.23 ± 0.27 | 0.91 | 0.39 |
p2R-2 | 590 | 10 | 680 | 71 ± 12 | 78 | 0.83 ± 0.18 | 0.56 | 0.26 |
p2R-3 | 610 | 10 | 710 | 84 ± 12 | 90 | 0.52 ± 0.12 | 0.41 | 0.19 |
p2R-4 | 570 | 20 | 660 | 65 ± 10 | 69 | 1.07 ± 0.24 | 0.54 | 0.28 |
p2R-5 | 570 | 30 | 698 | 89 ± 28 | 86 | 0.35 ± 0.08 | 0.19 | 0.16 |
p3R-1 | 570 | 10 | 642 | 60 ± 11 | 60 | 4.29 ± 0.70 | 2.77 | 1.09 |
p4R-1 | 570 | 10 | 638 | 75 ± 23 | 58 | 7.21 ± 0.34 | 4.56 | 1.65 |
p5R-1 | 570 | 10 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
p8R-1a | 570 | 10 | 642 | n/m | n/m | n/m | n/m | n/m |
a The starting glass powder was mixed with ruby nanocrystals prior to reheating. This glass was initially fabricated for another purpose but it also led to the discovery of a new method for the in-situ formation of gold NPs in TZN glass as detailed in the Results section.
4.2. Characterization and Calculations
Solution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Solution ICP-MS was used to determine the total Au concentration (\({w}_{Au})\) in the starting glass samples (S1 – S5) in ppm-weight. Specifically, for each glass sample, ~ 0.1g in pulverized form was digested in 10 ml of aqua regia (37% HCl: 69% HNO3 = 3:1, in volume fraction) in a Perfluoroalkoxy alkane vial with cover for 48 h at room temperature. After digestion, the sample solution was further diluted 20 fold with ultra-pure water (Millipore Milli-Q lab water system). The Au standard solutions with concentrations of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 µg/L prepared by diluting the 10 mg/L Au stock solution with diluted aqua regia (20 fold by ultra-pure water), together with a blank solution of the diluted aqua regia were used for calibration. The sample solutions, together with the calibration solutions, were analyzed by solution ICP-MS on an Agilent 7500cx ICP-MS (Adelaide Microscopy) to quantify the Au concentrations in TZN glass samples.
Electron Microscopy (EM)
EM imaging via Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) or Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and elemental analysis via Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) were used to identify and measure the size Au NPs in glass.
For the sample p2R-0 with smallest NP size, STEM coupled with EDS was employed to identify Au NPs, using an ultra-high-resolution, aberration-corrected FEI Titan Themis 80–200 operated at 200 kV (Adelaide Microscopy). The glass piece used for testing was pulverized in an agate mortar (in air atmosphere) in the presence of isopropanol for 30 min. The isopropanol solution containing dispersed glass powders (0.1–10 µm) was drop-cast onto a standard copper grid and dried for further STEM and EDS analysis. STEM images were taken in a high-angle angular dark field (HAADF) configuration to identify Au NPs in glass matrix by the Z-contrast related to the atomic number Z (i.e., brighter pixel indicates higher atomic number). STEM-EDS maps were acquired to further confirm the elemental nature of Au NPs.
For all other samples, SEM coupled with EDS was employed to identify Au NPs, using a FEI Quanta 450 FEG Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope operated at 10 kV (Adelaide Microscopy). Each glass piece used for testing was fractured in air atmosphere and then coated with a thin graphite layer (~ 15 nm) prior to SEM imaging to minimize charging from electron accumulation on the sample surface. SEM images were taken in backscattering mode to identify Au NPs near the surface of samples by the elemental Z-contrast. EDS spot analysis on different regions of each sample was further conducted to confirm the elemental nature of Au NPs.
EM image analysis
For the sample p2R-0 with smallest Au NP size, the size distribution of Au NPs in the sample could only be determined based on 7 different Au NPs due to the difficulty in find Au NPs under STEM, leading to large uncertainty in the Au NP size distribution. For the other samples, the size distribution of Au NPs was determined from images showing 20–30 different Au NPs.
The Au NP number density determined via EM image analysis (NEM) was obtained by first measuring the total Au concentration (\({w}_{Au}\)) in the sample under consideration via ICP-MS and the volume averaged Au NP diameter (\({D}_{EM-VA}=\sqrt[3]{\frac{\sum _{i=1}^{n}{D}_{i}^{3}}{n}}\), where \({D}_{i}\) is the measured diameter of the ith Au NP) in the sample via EM image analysis. From these two measured values and assuming that all Au+ ions were transformed to Au NPs during the powder reheating, the Au NP number density is calculated using known values for Au density (\({\varrho }_{Au}\)=19.32 g/cm3), TZN glass density (\({\varrho }_{g}\)=5.15 g/cm3 38) via \({N}_{EM}=6\bullet {w}_{Au}\bullet {\varrho }_{g}/(\pi \bullet {\varrho }_{Au}\bullet {D}_{EM-VA}^{3})\).
UV-Vis spectroscopy
For both the starting and the reheated glass samples, the extinction spectra (\(E=-{log}_{10}T\), where \(T\) is transmittance) were measured for polished samples of ~ 2 mm thickness using Agilent Cary 5000 UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer. Note that the step at 800 nm in the extinction spectra of most samples is due to detector changeover.
For the reheated glass samples showing distinct LSPR bands, in order to separate LSPR contribution from all other light-attenuation effects such as Fresnel reflection or scattering by gas bubbles, surface defects and possibly non-metallic crystals of the glass matrix and impurities (hereafter referred to as background contributions), the extinction value at 1000 nm (\(E\left(1000nm\right)\)) was used as a measure of these background contributions for all wavelengths. By subtracting a constant background value from the whole measured extinction spectrum across 350–1000 nm, a spectrum (\(\varDelta E\left(\lambda \right)=E\left(\lambda \right)-E\left(1000\text{nm}\right))\) is obtained which represents the LSPR extinction. By normalizing the LSPR extinction spectrum (\(\varDelta E)\) to the sample thickness (\(d\)), the measured extinction coefficient spectrum of LSPR (\(\varDelta {\epsilon }_{meas}=\varDelta E/d\)) is obtained. Detailed justification of the background subtraction strategy is provided in the SI.
Mie theory based calculations
The calculated LSPR extinction cross section (\({\sigma }_{calc}\)) spectra were obtained using the MiePlot version 4.6.04 software provided by Philip Laven 39. Input parameters include particle size and size-dependent complex refractive index of Au NPs, as well as real refractive index of the glass matrix.
The use of appropriate dielectric functions (refractive index) of Au NPs is critical to accurately calculate the extinction spectra of Au NPs. To determine if quantum correction beyond the extended Drude model is required in this work, the extinction spectrum of 20 nm Au NPs (lower size limit for the Drude model) in TZN glass was calculated using the extended Drude model based refractive index of Au via the program provided in Ref 40. The peak position of the calculated extinction cross spectrum for 20 nm Au NPs in TZN glass is at 590 nm, which is at shorter wavelength compared to the measured LSPR peak wavelengths for all TZN glass samples in this work. This indicates the size of the Au NPs in all the TZN glass samples is larger than 20 nm and, therefore, the extended Drude model is sufficient to correct the refractive index of Au NPs for calculating the LSPR extinction cross section \({\sigma }_{calc}\).
To allow comparison between calculated and measured LSPR spectra, the same method of background subtraction was used, namely the value of calculated \({\sigma }_{calc}\) at 1000 nm was subtracted from the whole calculated \({\sigma }_{calc}\) spectrum over 400–1000 nm. In this way, the calculated extinction cross section spectrum \(\varDelta {\sigma }_{calc}\) is obtained, which shows zero intensity at 1000 nm as for the measured extinction coefficient spectra \(\varDelta {\epsilon }_{meas}\).
The Mie calculations were employed to find the \(\varDelta {\sigma }_{calc}\) spectrum that fits best to the \(\varDelta {\epsilon }_{meas}\) spectrum under consideration, which enabled to predict the Au NP size corresponding to the measured LSPR spectrum, based on the following relationship between extinction cross section, \(\sigma\), (based on natural logarithm) and extinction coefficient, \(\epsilon\), (based on common logarithm) 41:
\(\epsilon =\frac{{\sigma \bullet N}_{Mie}}{2.303}\) 1
where \({N}_{Mie}\) is the number density of Au NPs. The details of the LSPR spectrum fitting and Au NP size prediction are as follows.
First, the calculated LSPR extinction coefficient spectrum \({\varDelta \epsilon }_{calc}\) that fits best to the measured spectrum \({\varDelta \epsilon }_{meas}\) was obtained as follows: The\(\varDelta {\epsilon }_{meas}\) spectrum shows a distinct LSPR peak at a specific wavelength (such as 645 nm for sample p2R-1 shown in Fig. 5b). Mie calculation was done by setting a certain particle size (along with the corrected refractive index of Au and refractive index of TZN glass), which yielded \({\sigma }_{calc}\) spectrum and subsequently \(\varDelta {\sigma }_{calc}\) spectrum with its peak wavelength best matching that of the measured peak wavelength (by trial-and-error). Then, the Mie calculation based Au NP number density (NMie) was determined via:
\({N}_{Mie}=\frac{2.303(\varDelta {\epsilon }_{meas peak})}{{\varDelta \sigma }_{calc peak}}\) 2
where \(\varDelta {\epsilon }_{meas peak}\) is the peak intensity of the \(\varDelta {\epsilon }_{meas}\) spectrum, and \({\varDelta \sigma }_{calc peak}\) is the peak intensity of the \({\varDelta \sigma }_{calc}\) spectrum. Finally, the whole \({\varDelta \sigma }_{calc}\) spectrum was multiplied with \({N}_{Mie}\) to obtain the calculated (i.e., fitted) LSPR extinction coefficient \({\varDelta \epsilon }_{calc}\) spectrum according to Eq. 1.
For a specific Au NPs size distribution, the calculations were done according to:
\({\varDelta \epsilon }_{calc}=\frac{\sum {{\varDelta \sigma }_{calc k}N}_{Mie k}}{2.303}\) 3
where\({\varDelta \sigma }_{calc k}\) and \({N}_{Mie k}\) are the calculated extinction cross section and number density of Au NPs with size range \(k\), respectively.
To deconvolute the absorption and scattering contributions of the LSPR extinction of monodisperse Au NPs, the calculated (fitted) LSPR absorption and scattering cross sections \({{\Delta }\sigma }_{calc abs}\) and \({\varDelta \sigma }_{calc sca}\) were extracted from the calculated LSPR extinction spectrum \(\varDelta {\sigma }_{calc}\). \({N}_{Mie}\) obtained via Eq. 2 was then used to multiply the \(\varDelta {\sigma }_{calc abs}\) and \(\varDelta {\sigma }_{calc sca}\) spectra to obtain the calculated (i.e., fitted) LSPR absorption and scattering coefficient spectrum \({\varDelta \epsilon }_{calc abs}\) and \({\varDelta \epsilon }_{calc sca}\) according to Eq. 1.
Due to mismatch between the experimentally observed non-monodispersed nature of Au NPs in all samples relative to the theoretically monodispersed Au NPs in the Mie calculations, the NMie values calculated according to Eq. 1 represent an undervalued Au NP number density. For the comparison of the Au NP number densities obtained via Mie calculation and EM image analysis, the NMie values were normalised to the NEM value of the p2R-1 sample.
Dark-field optical microscopy
Dark-field optical microscopy was employed as a non-destructive optical technique to identify Au NPs (> 50 nm) showing strong LSPR scattering in TZN glass samples p2R-1 – p2R-5, p3R-1 and p4R-1, using an inverted Olympus BX51 microscope equipped with a dry dark-field condenser (U-DCD, N.A. up to 0.80). The scattered light from Au NPs within the focal volume was collected by a MPlanFL N 50x / 0.80 objective (MPlanFL N); and the images were taken using a DP50 digital camera employs a 1/2 inch, 1.5 million pixel CCD, with fixed exposure time of 200 ms.
Dark field optical microscopy was used as an alternative method to determine a measure of the Au NP number density. Specifically, the planar Au NP number density (\({N{\prime }}_{OM}\)) represents the number of Au NPs detected per cm2 in the focal plane of a dark-field optical microscope image. To allow comparison of the N’OM values with the NEM values, the N’OM values were normalised to the NEM value of the p2R-1 sample as done for the NMie values.
Note that similar dark field optical microscope setting (except using 5x / 0.15 and 20x / 0.45 objectives, with auto-adjusted exposure time) was employed to demonstrate the size range of the TZN glass powders used for reheating.