The discussions led to the development of 22 key points to consider when designing and conducting n-of-1 trials, which are detailed in the following section. The key points are subdivided into two sections and the sections have been subdivided further into 12 themes, as described in Table 3.
Table 3: DIAMOND key points – sections and themes
Section 1: When it is appropriate to under an n-of-1 trial
Prevalence of health condition
Type and attributes of health technologies
Questions that can be addressed
Section 2: Design and analysis considerations for n-of-1 trials
Choice of outcome
Choice of comparator
Target of treatment
Number of health technologies and periods
Patient and public input (PPI)
The full list of key points are given in Table 4.
3.1 DIAMOND key points explanation and elaboration
Where applicable, case studies are provided to provide exemplars for specific key points. A list of case studies, and the key points they relate to, can be found in Table 5. It should be noted that studies signified as not meeting certain key points may be due to a lack of information in the available report(s).
Key point 1
An n-of-1 trial should be undertaken where there is a decision to be made regarding the treatment of an individual patient. In some circumstances, an n-of-1 trial could provide sufficient evidence of effect for a health technology to be commissioned for that patient.
n-of-1 trials have particular utility where there is large variation in treatment efficacy from patient to patient and so decisions for individual patients are needed.
Prevalence of health condition
Key point 2
There are limited options for the assessment of efficacy for very low volume interventions, such as health technologies for ultra-rare diseases, as the size of the patient population may make it impractical or infeasible to recruit the number of patients required for a conventional parallel group trial. In these cases, n-of-1 trials may be a useful alternative to a conventional parallel group trials as a means of increasing precision when cases are rare. For an example of an n-of-1 trial undertaken in a rare disease, see case study 1 [9].
Type and attributes of health technologies
Key point 3
n-of-1 trials can be designed to assess a wide range of health technologies such as drug treatments (see case study 2 [10]), medical devices (see case study 3 [11]) and dietary (see case study 4 [12]) and behavioural interventions (see case study 5 [13]), provided they meet the criteria specified in key points 4 (onset of effect) and 5 (carryover effects).
Key point 4
In order to be suitable for study using an n-of-1 trial, a health technology must have an onset of effect that is quick enough that it can be measured within a study period.
The onset of effect will impact the length of the periods in an n-of-1 trial and thus the length of the study overall.
Key point 5
In an n-of-1 trial, it is important that any carryover effects from one period have expired before an assessment of effect for a subsequent period is conducted. This is to ensure that any effects observed in this assessment can be attributed to the treatment condition of that period. Washout techniques (see key point 19) can be employed to ensure that sufficient time has elapsed for carryover effects to expire.
Key point 6
n-of-1 trials can be used to provide evidence of whether the benefits of a health technology outweigh its drawbacks for a particular patient.
For an expensive health technology, an n-of-1 trial might be used to assess whether a particular health technology is effective in a particular patient (see case study 6 [14]). If the health technology produces a clinically meaningful effect in a patient, the cost of commissioning it for this patient might be justified. If the health technology is does not produce a clinically meaningful effect in a patient, then the cost of the n-of-1 might be justified by preventing unnecessary costs of commissioning a treatment that does not result in a clinically meaningful improvement for a patient.
If a health technology has significant associated side effects which affect users to differing extents, an n-of-1 trial might be used to inform an understanding of the trade-off between benefits and harms for that individual patient. n-of-1 trials are unlikely to be implemented for common, safe, low-cost treatments.
Questions that can be addressed in an n-of-1 trial
Key point 7
The four questions that can be assessed within n-of-1 trials are:
- Does the health technology work at all? An n-of-1 trial answering this question will likely be assessing a novel health technology for which there is no evidence in the patient population nor an existing treatment to which it could be compared (see case study 7 [15]). If the n-of-1 trial was evaluating a drug treatment, the assessment may be of the investigative therapy against placebo (see case study 8 [16]).
- Does the health technology work better than the existing treatment(s)? It might be important to answer this question when there is an existing treatment option for a patient as well as a novel one to be assessed (see case study 9 [17]). If the n-of-1 trial was evaluating a drug treatment, the assessment may be of the investigative therapy against an active treatment control.
- Which health technology is best for a particular patient? This question may be asked in two situations:
- Where a treatment has high patient to patient variability in efficacy - if there is more than one treatment option available with no clear rationale for which will be optimal for a particular patient, for example, because there is high interindividual variability in treatment response, an n-of-1 trial could be used to determine the treatment choice for each patient (see case study 10 [18]).
- Where a number of treatment options are equally efficacious – here a decision will need to be made about on outcomes other than the primary efficacy outcome including factors like patient preference.
- Does the efficacy of the treatment vary between individuals? A series of n-of-1 trials would be required to answer this type of question, where each of the individual trials would be answering one of the other questions above. For example, an n-of-1 study could establish the treatment effect of a novel drug treatment compared to placebo for an individual patient. If this were conducted in a number of patients, an assessment could be made of whether the effect is consistent across all patients or within a particular subgroup of patients.
Choice of outcome
Key point 8
For most questions, an efficacy outcome will be used as the primary outcome (see Table 4). The choice of efficacy outcome may be influenced by practical considerations such as the time to onset of effect. If the time to onset of effect is long, then an outcome that is usually a secondary outcome (i.e. a surrogate) could be the primary outcome for the study. For example, an early time point assessment of the primary outcome could be used if this is predictive of the final response.
Clinical biomarkers could also be used as the efficacy outcome if these are predictive of the efficacy effect. If an assessment of efficacy is not the primary research question, then patient preference (see case study 11 [19]) or quality of life could be the primary outcome. Efficacy outcomes could be secondary outcomes in such a study.
Table 4: Design considerations for n-of-1 trials
Question a
Does the health technology work at all for a particular patient?
Does the health technology work better than the existing treatment(s) for a particular patient?
Which health technology is best for a particular patient?
Does the individual treatment effect vary between patients?
When there is high variability in effect between patients
When there is a number of equally efficacious treatments
Individual n-of-1 trial
Individual n-of-1 trial
Individual n-of-1 trial
Individual n-of-1 trial
Series of n-of-1 trials
Primary outcome b
Patient preference
Control c
Placebo (drug trial) / standard of care (behavioural or other trial)
Active treatment
Active treatment
Active treatment
Placebo / standard of care / active treatment
a See key point 7, b see key points 8, 9 and 10, c see key point 11
Key point 9
Those trials that are being undertaken to assess the efficacy of an expensive or risky treatment may require more stringent design considerations than those trials that are being undertaken on a more informal basis to dictate care (see also blinding – key point 20). An example of this is case study 6 [14].
In such a situation, sufficient evidence of clinical improvement is required. For example, just collecting patient preference may not be sufficient, but more objective measures of a clinically significant effect may be required, as well as PROMs.
Key point 10:
n-of-1 trials can be used not only to assess the effect of a health technology on
the primary efficacy outcome, but also other outcomes which are important to the patient. Such outcomes could be the primary outcome, or secondary outcomes, for the trial. For an example, see case study 11 [19]. For example, an n-of-1 trial could be used to assess the effect of different
therapies on treatment side effects. Alternatively, patient preference for care delivery might be assessed. n-of-1 trials might make the personalisation of outcomes possible
Choice of comparator
Key point 11
Different comparators are appropriate to answer different research questions. See elaboration of key point 7 and Table 4.
Target of treatment
Key point 12
An n-of-1 study can be undertaken to assess a health technology in the improvement of the:
- Condition/disease itself – the patient will benefit as their health condition will improve (see case study 12 [20]);
- Symptoms of the condition – the patient will benefit as their quality of life will improve (see case study 13 [21]);
- Side effects - the patient will benefit as their quality of life will improve but also their health condition may improve as the treatment may be better tolerated, improving adherence (see case study 14 [22]);
- Patient satisfaction – if two health technologies have equal efficacy but with different posology patient preference could determine the choice of treatment. The patient will benefit as they get the treatment which works best for them in terms of their daily life.
Number of health technologies and periods
Key point 13
Most n-of-1 trials compare two health technologies (e.g. drug and placebo or two
active treatments – see case study 3 [11]). Designing these trials is more straightforward than those evaluating more than two health technologies, which incur greater practical and logistical challenges such an increased study duration (see case study 9 [17]).
It is possible to conduct n-of-1 trials evaluating more than three health technologies, particularly if the period and washout lengths are short (see case study 15 [23]), however it might be preferable to instead conduct more than n-of-1 trial.
Key point 14
The more study periods there are in an n-of-1 trial, the greater the precision in the evaluation of effect as there are more evaluations of the health technologies. However, decisions about the number of study periods must take into consideration the overall study length.
For some n-of-1 trials, having many study periods may be practicable. For others it both might not be practical or even required - for a patient preference study it might be possible to get an answer in just two study periods.
The DIAMOND review of n-of-1 studies found that the median number of study periods in an n-of-1 trial was six (see case study 13 [24]). This seems to represent a balance between precision and feasibility.
Key point 15
Where feasible, n-of-1 trials should be double blinded – for an example, see case study 17 [25]. Blinding is more difficult in n-of-1 trials of certain types of health technologies, such as behavioural or dietary interventions.
Blinding may be challenging in n-of-1 trials of drug treatments due to difficulty obtaining a suitable placebo or due to obvious differences in the appearance or effects of active treatments to be compared.
Blinding may be more important in n-of-1 trials because of crossover design. If a double-blind is not possible, n-of-1 trials may be conducted as single-blind or open label trials. Even for open label trials it is optimal to incorporate some blinding, such as blind assessment of outcomes.
Key point 16
Randomising the sequence of treatment allocation has the advantage of evenly
distributing (on average) both known and unknown confounding factors between the health technologies.
Blocking randomisation using a block size equal to the number of health technologies in the study has the advantage of preventing the generation of undesirable sequences such as AAAABBBB which would make the study sensitive to drop out as, if a patient dropped out halfway through the study, they would only have data from treatment condition A that could be analyses. A block size of two will produce a sequence such as ABBAABAB. In this example, if a patient dropped out of the study after two periods, it would still be possible to assess their experience of both health technologies for the patient.
Even if there is no patient dropout there could be issues with an allocation AAAABBBBB if there is a time effect for the underlying condition in the patient. A sequence of the form ABBAABAB would help to mitigate against this. A pitfall of randomising with a small block size is that the patient and clinicians are more likely to work out or guess the treatment allocation.
It is typically not possible to conceal the block size from a patient in an n-of-1 trial, in order to uphold the ethical and legal requirement of informed consent. The risk of working out or guessing the treatment allocation should be weighed against the risk of patient withdrawal.
Key point 17
An interim analysis may be considered if there are six or more study periods and
the study is long enough to assess effect in the reduced number of periods. Continuing switching between treatments may become difficult if the patient is experiencing a noticeable improvement or deterioration in their symptoms under one particular treatment such that there is sufficient evidence of effect for an individual patient prior to the planned completion of the trial.
The rationale for stopping the study early should be done on a study-by-study basis and where possible should be pre-specified [26] . See key point 22 as information from other patients may inform the decision. See case study 10 for an example study with interim analyses [18].
Key point 18
Where there are likely to be carryover effects from one study period to the next, a washout period should be implemented between study periods – for example, see case study 18 [27]. The required length of washout will be determined by characteristics of the intervention. Where it would be inappropriate to withdraw treatment for a period of washout, the use of active washout should be considered. This where patients are switched immediately from one treatment to another (if safe to do so) but measurement starts once the effect of the previous treatment has disappeared and steady state has been reached.
Although longer washout periods are generally desirable it can potentially lead to harm for the patients if treatment was withdrawn and therefore full washout can raise ethical concerns.
An active washout therefore is valid design when full washout will lead to harm. With the design the assumption is when we make the clinical assessments the efficacy will be for the treatment in that pathway.
It is worth noting that carry-over is not just influenced by treatment. For outcomes such as patient reported outcomes there can be psychometric carry over as patients can recall how they responded in previous periods
Key point 19
Determining the effect of treatment based solely on statistical significance should
be avoided. Clinical significance should also be considered (see case study 14 [22]). Where possible, a definition of a clinically important effect should be defined in the protocol, in order to introduce a degree of objectivity to an otherwise subjective assessment.
Key point 20
Within-patient analysis of an n-of-1 trial will determine whether a clinically important effect has been observed. Replication is informative in the assessment of response as it enables an
assessment of the personalised response to treatment for an individual patient including if the effect is consistent or varies.
Key point 21
If a series of n-of-1 trials is conducted in which there is a consistent effect of treatment observed across all patients (or in a subgroup of patients), then it would be possible to combine the individual estimates of effect using meta-analysis to obtain an overall estimate of effect. See case study 9 [17].
Quantifying the effect within individual patients is still the primary analysis (see key point 2), but a meta-analysis is informative.
These estimates will inform clinical practice overall – for example a recommendation could be made for all patients to receive the new treatment including those who have been in an n-of-1, as if the effects are consistent outcomes seen overall can be used for individual patients.
Patient and public involvement (PPI)
Key point 22
PPI might be especially important in n-of-1 trials due to their personalised nature.
Input may be sought from the patient who will be taking part, disease specific charities, affiliated support groups or hospital/Trust specific advisory groups. During the design and planning of the trial, input may be sought into the patient facing materials (e.g., PIS), outcomes and the treatment and follow-up regimes. During interpretation and dissemination, input may be sought into how the results are presented and shared with other patients