In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the NPA from widefield OCTA and macular vascular changes in DR. A similar study was performed in the past, but Hajdu et al. assessed peripheral ischemia using ultrawide field angiography [11]. They revealed no association between the leakage index and VD of the SCP and DCP. FA is an important imaging, although the leakage of fluorescein and PC scars interfere with the quantification of the NPA. On the other hand, OCTA can clarify the structural details of the NPA and is the same no matter when it is taken. Additionally, widefield OCTA has high sensitivity and specificity for detecting the NPA [12]. This study could quantify peripheral NPA more accurately than previous studies.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that quantitative OCTA metrics on the SCP and DCP correlated with DR severity [13, 14]. In this study, VD of the SCP and DCP also decreased significantly with DR severity (Table 2). Previous studies have suggested that the deep capillary layer was more severely affected in DM [15–17]. The density of the smaller vessels in the deep retinal capillary layer is greater than that in the superficial layer [15, 18]. We hypothesize that capillary dropout occurs more frequently in the deep retinal capillary layer than superficial layer to compensate for the reduced macular blood flow and consequent hypoxia and ischemia during DM. Moreover, many previous studies reported that the FAZ region enlarged with advancing DR severity [19–21]. However, according to Bhanushali et al. and Durbin et al., the FAZ area had the lowest sensitivity and specificity to other vascular parameters investigated as indicators of DR [22, 23]. This finding may be attributed to the high interindividual variability in the FAZ area. This study also showed that the FAZ area and perimeter were not related to DR severity. Therefore, the FAZ parameter may be used as a part of the diagnostic procedure for DR, but may be unsuitable as a parameter when used alone.
Several studies have highlighted the importance of the peripheral retina in DR and found that peripheral retinal ischemia is associated with an increased risk of DR worsening [24–26]. Nicholson et al. emphasized that there was no significant change in the posterior pole, whereas the difference was predominantly seen in the periphery, with the peripheral NPA being significantly higher in eyes with PDR than in those with NPDR [27]. Peripheral nonperfusion appears to be the determining factor in PDR. We reported that the NPA detected by widefield OCTA increased with worsening DR severity, and only the difference between the moderate NPDR and PDR groups reached significance [9]. This study demonstrated the same result. Cui et al. reported that the detection capability of the NPA from widefield OCTA was comparable with widefield FA images [28]. They supported widefield OCTA as a useful, noninvasive alternative to widefield FA in NPA detection. Consistent with previous reports, the NPA from widefield OCTA correlated with DR severity.
Hirano et al. indicated that 3 × 3 mm macular OCTA images were the best for predicting the presence or absence of DR [29]. However, as retinopathy worsens and, the macular damage aggravates and enlarges, so the 6 × 6 mm macular OCTA images could be more suitable to detect these changes. Specifically, in our study, the average DCP-VD obtained 6 × 6 mm area had the strongest inverse relationship with the NPA. We hypothesize that 3 × 3 mm images to be more appropriate for early DR and 6 × 6 mm images for advanced DR. Alam et al. also observed that the sensitivity of vascular dropout, or VD reduction, is higher in the perifoveal region than in the parafoveal region [30]. The relatively low sensitivity of VD in the parafoveal area could be due to the variable shapes and size of the fovea within 3 × 3 mm images.
A study reported that the capillary dropout in the moderate-to-severe NPDR group mainly occurred in the periphery and most frequently in the temporal quadrant [31]. Pathologic examinations had also shown that vascular abnormalities occur more frequently in the temporal retina than in the nasal retina [32]. Furthermore, a recent study using ultrawide field imaging reported that vascular lesions occurred more frequently in the temporal fields than in the nasal fields [33]. Alam et al. demonstrated that temporal–perifoveal region was the most sensitive region for the early detection of DR [30]. Kaizu et al. reported that capillary dropout associated with DR can be localized with spatial bias by area segmentation measurements using OCTA [14]. The radial peripapillary capillaries (RPC) nourish the inner portion of the nerve fiber layer around the optic disc [34]. The RPC was not depicted in the temporal macula observed with widefield OCTA [35]. Yasukura et al. investigated the NPA of DR in each segmented by the distances from the optic disc on a widefield OCTA image [36]. They revealed that the NPA developed more frequently in the peripheral area from the optic disc and explained this result as follows; the RPC may be associated and the higher perfusion pressure close from the optic disc. We consider that even in the same horizontal raphe, the nasal region is anatomically more likely to be supplied with radial peripapillary capillaries, whereas the temporal region is more prone to ischemia, and this part must be sensitive for DR progression. In this study, the stepwise multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that the temporal–perifoveal region of the DCP was the best predictive factor for the NPA. However, the adjusted coefficient of determination was not so high, and it is hard to identify that the NPA can be estimated from only temporal–perifoveal DCP-VD. Ashraf et al. reported that in eyes with predominantly peripheral lesions, the macular vascular metrics did not correlate well with retinopathy severity [37]. Previous studies have demonstrated that in some cases the periphery of the retina is affected by ischemia, while the central retina is largely unaffected [38]. Nonperfusion in diabetic eyes is thought to exist on a spectrum from peripheral to posterior nonperfusion, with eyes of varying nonperfusion ratios in between. It is possible to say that decreased temporal–perifoveal DCP-VD predicts the presence of peripheral ischemia, but the reverse is not necessarily true. Preservation of temporal–perifoveal DCP-VD does not necessarily mean that there is no NPA or neovascularization in the peripheral regions. Therefore, changes in the temporal–perifoveal region of the DCP may be a predictor of peripheral ischemia and lead to early detection of DR progression. No significant difference was found among the groups with BCVA, but DR progression will lead to poor eyesight. It will be difficult to take widefield OCTA in patients with poor visual fixation, and we can prove that macular OCTA is useful for simple and quick determination. These OCTA quantitative vascular measurements may be used as biomarkers to detect changes with DR progression.
This study had several limitations. First, OCTA itself is subject to image artifacts and automated segmentation errors, especially when DME is present. However, there was no significant difference in central macular thickness with respect to DME, which affects vessel density measurements, and we believe that the factors that affect vascular density measurements have been eliminated as much as possible. The evaluation of vascular changes can be influenced by signal intensity. If the signal strength is low, details of the VD cannot be observed. Therefore, we used only OCTA images with a signal strength of > 6/10. We often saw poor image quality in the peripheral areas in the widefield OCTA images, widefield OCTA was standardized at 18 × 18 mm. Second, we included patients who had undergone anti-VEGF injections and/or PRP. In particular, in the PDR group, more than 90% of the patients had undergone PRP because after treatment at another hospital, patients who need further treatment are referred to a university hospital. Several studies have reported that NPA appears stable after anti-VEGF injections and/or PRP [39, 40]. Russell et al. have noted that it is difficult to determine whether the vascular dropout is a result of PRP or simply reflects the course of retinal ischemia in PDR [39]. Although retinal ischemia can progress during the course of PDR, PRP is not the cause and adjusting for PRP treatment will not change the outcome. To avoid any potential impact of the treatments, eligibility criteria was established based on these results, and only patients who had not received any injection and/or PRP in the previous 6 months were included. Further studies using OCTA are needed to investigate completely treatment-naïve retinal nonperfusion and verify whether temporal–perifoveal DCP-VD is the best predictive factor of the NPA. Additionally, we used two different OCTA machines to evaluate macular and widefield vascular parameters. The standardization of the quantitative analysis of OCTA images for research and clinical practice has been suggested to be difficult because of incomparability among OCTA devices [41]. Various algorithms, wavelengths, scan patterns, image resolution, segmentation definitions, and image-processing protocols such as denoising and artifact removal produce differences in retinal vessel measurements. Further studies using the same OCTA are needed to investigate that impairment in the temporal–perifoveal DCP region is the best predictive factor for the NPA. In this study, widefield OCTA was used to assess peripheral ischemia. Widefield FA image has a wider angle of view than widefield OCTA, and widefield FA is superior in terms of wide-angle capability. However, fluorescence leakage masks ischemic areas, it will underestimate NPA. Since FA image is changing after contrast injection, it can be said that the quantification of NPA is influenced by which phase of the FA image is used. In this respect, OCTA images are the same no matter when the image is taken and the NPA quantification is accurate. Therefore, compared to previous studies, this study can objectively detect NPA and is reproducible. Finally, this study includes the relatively small number of eyes. We assume that this is because of strict criteria by excluding patients with severe diabetic complications and those who had anti-VEGF injections and/or PRP therapy within 6 months. Further study is needed to increase the number of cases in the future. However, we believe that ocular complications and low signal intensity of OCT images narrowed the number of patients initially enrolled, thus increasing the reliability of this study.
In summary, diabetic macular nonperfusion was significantly associated with the NPA of DR. In a busy outpatient setting, it is difficult to perform widefield OCTA image on all patients. Therefore, it is clinically very useful to perform macular OCTA at first, because if the temporal-perifoveal DCP has dropped out, it can be predicted that there is NPA in the peripheral as well. Our study suggests that impairment in the temporal–perifoveal DCP region from macular OCTA indicates that peripheral ischemia correlated with DR severity.