Our results identify hotspots for environmental impacts found in regions of intense crop production. However, through PLANTdex, the study spatially differentiates crop production systems and their environmental impacts. Areas with high total impacts and PLANTdex scores indicated priority regions where agricultural intensification should be limited or practices adjusted to reduce impacts (e.g., South-east Asia and Central America). Whilst others showed low PLANTdex scores and low total impacts, indicating areas where potential intensification could occur (e.g., western U.S.A.). On the other hand, some regions showed low total impacts and high PLANTdex scores per tonne, such as South Africa and Madagascar, signifying environmentally sensitive regions where agricultural production under current practices should not expand.
At the country scale (both within and between), stronger negative correlations between production and PLANTdex is ideal for reducing global environmental impacts. Although all countries should constantly be adopting sustainable agricultural techniques, the global production vs impact ratio contribution indicator identified countries where sustainable intensification of crop production could potentially occur (countries with ratios below 1) and where countries with values greater than 1 may consider policies and techniques to reduce their global contribution to environmental impacts (Fig. 2). However, it may not be practical to vary production in particular countries or regions. Whilst dietary and cultural requirements may mean demand for particular crops is less in certain countries, other countries may not have the optimal environmental characteristics to intensify production. Additionally, producing crops further away from where they are consumed increases environmental impacts further down supply chain of the product's life cycle, through increasing transportation and distribution impacts. On the other hand, decreasing production may impact localized food security and the livelihoods of those who rely on specific crops for employment and income. The global production vs impact ratio contribution indicator provides an easy tool to support decision makers to assess crop commodity impacts in specific regions and can be used at the 5 arcmin scale to support investment & policy decision making.
Crop-specific extreme impact analysis showed no single crop had similar extreme impacts to specific indicators (Fig. 3). Some less heavily produced crops exhibited high extreme impacts across all indicators. However, as demands shift due to consumption and supply (e.g. for wheat alternatives due to recent conflict events24), global policy efforts may use extreme impact analysis to channel their legislation towards reducing extreme impacts associated to specific crops as their demand increases (e.g. rye) (Fig. 3).
Trade-offs and synergies were exhibited by this research between impact indicators (Figs. 3 & 4). Stronger synergies existed between environmental indicators than trade-offs, particularly between biodiversity indicators; indicating high species densities and vulnerability can often exist in the same region across habitats (land, freshwater, marine). Water stress and biodiversity impact synergies may exist due to the increased vulnerability of species in environments with low surface water volumes, increasing the species densities over reduced areas and volumes for species to survive, which are often optimal agricultural growing regions too. Trade-offs between marine biodiversity loss and GHG emissions may be due to nitrogen impacting both GHG emissions and marine biodiversity loss. Hence, nitrogen removed from fields and entering marine receptors via hydrological pathways reduces the nitrogen available for denitrification and N2O (a GHG) emissions. Similarly, trade-offs between GHG emissions and freshwater biodiversity loss should be higher than indicated in this study, as nitrogen may also impact freshwater species. However, due to global eutrophication modelling limitations, only phosphorus is considered to impact freshwater environments25. Additionally, synergies between GHG emissions and aquatic biodiversity can also exist due to excessive fertilizer use lending to high emissions to the atmosphere and aquatic environments. Other trade-offs may exist due to crop production in certain countries (e.g., rice farming in countries with a monsoon season, such as China having lower water stress impacts but still having high GHG emissions due to anaerobic decomposition in rice paddy fields- S.I. Figure 2), or variations in environmental impact spatial extents with minimal overlap (e.g., land and marine biodiversity loss in Uganda for cassava and sorghum - S.I. Figure 2).
Most indicator pairings did not show consistent trade-offs or synergies, suggesting policies used to reduce impacts in one indicator may impact another indicator adversely depending on location and crop type. One example is between GHG emissions and water stress indicators, where wheat and oil palm showed an average synergistic correlation of 0.33 (synergizing) and − 0.37 (trade off), respectively (S.I. Figure 2). This suggests policy used to reduce the impacts of water stress via irrigation strategies may also reduce GHG emissions for crops such as wheat, however, it may increase GHG impacts for oil palm production. Sustainable irrigation strategies have the potential to decrease GHG emissions. However, variability in the effect of GHG emissions exists between crops, irrigation strategies, gases emitted, and cultivation practices (e.g. whether fields are flooded)26. Additionally, for some indicator pairings, countries had relatively consistent correlations across the various crop types, indicating the strong influence of the environmental sensitivity in those countries (S.I. Figure 2). In India, land and freshwater biodiversity loss consistently showed strong synergistic correlations (~ 0.43). Other indicator pairings showed varying correlations according to crop type for the same country, suggesting a strong influence of the cropping system resource use efficiencies due to excessive resource use intensities. For example, in China, correlations between GHG and water stress showed moderately strong trade-offs in rapeseed, groundnut and cotton production and moderately strong positive synergies in wheat, maize and potato.
Different economic and physical attributes may explain some of these relationships between indicators (Fig. 4). Lower impacts in both high-income and high-production regions suggest these regions benefit from more efficient farming practices, reducing environmental resource losses through economies of scale and investment. Low impacts from lower-income and production regions may be due to more suitable physical attributes for the growth of specific crops (e.g., high temperatures found in lower-middle-income countries are more suitable for oil palm and cassava production). Or the lack of agricultural inputs (e.g., water and fertilizers) reduces environmental losses. Considering physical factors, higher organic carbon contents improve soil structures for terrestrial biodiversity (e.g., plants and microorganisms) and increase soil drainage, replenishing groundwater reserves. However, better drainage can cause more significant nutrient leaching, particularly nitrogen, impacting marine biodiversity loss and reducing denitrification for GHG emissions. Where higher temperatures, rainfall and slopes exist, greater runoff pathways may exist within biodiverse sensitive regions, particularly around the tropics, leading to more significant impacts across biodiversity indicator
PLANTdex is evaluated here as a baseline impact year, circa 2000, for environmental impacts without considering the policy regulations, incentive programmes or sustainable agricultural practices that may alter the environmental impact of crop production in specific regions since 2000. This is due to the current quality and availability of agricultural data and environmental indicators for more recent years being inadequate27. Hence, the novelty of the PLANTdex, having a high spatial resolution, allowed us to develop 32 collaborative environmental governance frameworks to encourage knowledge exchange for sustainable agricultural practices. The results identify transregional frameworks can be produced at the sub-national, national, and international levels with countries that are not necessarily within the same continent. The results also determined that a single policy framework may not be suitably applicable across all regions in one country and would need to be tailored for each crop type using the analysis within this study. Such spatially-explicit frameworks based on physical and economic attributes are critical to exchange knowledge to reduce environmental impacts and work towards the UN SDGs27. Sustainable practices within these framework regions can be replicated in other regions within the same framework due to similar production, economic levels, physical characteristics and environmental sensitivities. Developing collaborative frameworks with similar attributes have previously been motivated in global agricultural research by grouping regions with similar climates28
The high uncertainties identified through different PLANTdex builds (varying normalization, weighting and aggregation - Section 4.5), relayed the importance of a clear and transparent methodology that fits the distribution of the data and targeted extreme impact interests. The sensitivity analysis indicated the normalization and aggregation processes are dominant input factors to an index. As such, index development should occur with expert opinions who understand the indicator datasets, their potential correlations and good index formations depending on the ethos of the final index. The ethos of the index should be developed in collaboration with stakeholders and represents what the index is meant to achieve. In sustainability, this would refer to either soft or hard sustainability outcomes, along with understanding which environmental issues are of particular importance to stakeholders for weighting considerations29.
PLANTdex has limitations (section 4.6), which include lack of stakeholder opinion and target thresholds, as well as data limitations embedded within the indicators, their interconnectivity and quantity of indicators. All of these can be improved within subsequent formations of PLANTdex and its embedded indicators. Nonetheless, PLANTdex's novelty lies in its high spatial resolution due to its spatial globally standardized indicators, developed from strong evidence-based environmental and biodiversity models. PLANTdex shortens the gap between global and local environmental impact profiling, providing the initial global analysis to assess region- and crop-specific environmental impact hotspots needed to measure biodiversity impacts. This enables crop commodity stakeholders to benchmark their environmental impact against others and supports corporate decision making for sustainable crop commodity trading and sourcing decisions, encouraging score improvement via comparable regional drivers for behaviour and mitigation solutions30, whilst supporting initiatives such as the TNFD31.
We recommend further research into developing evidence-based indicators for good agricultural practices or policies to allow leveraging against PLANTdex scores, offset environmental impacts and support good agricultural practices in decision-making processes. We also recommend that livestock is also considered, as 65% of all agricultural land is used for pastoral farming.