The study investigated potential relationships between the psychomotor fatigue threshold and the lowest heat stress limit (borderline between some and great thermal discomfort on the humidex scale) during incremental exercise, simulated in an environmental test chamber.
Heat stress is becoming more and more common at major sporting events. Recently, the Word Cup in Brazil in 2014 and the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2021 were held in extreme thermal and hygroscopic conditions (Chmura et al. 2017; Kissling et al. 2020). Currently, such conditions apply to players playing in the World Cup in Qatar, where players will perform at the borderline of some and great thermal discomfort (Sirangelo et al. 2020). The consequence of this is a decrease in endurance and speed abilities (Mohr et al. 2010; Özgünen et al. 2010; Chmura et al. 2017). However, in hot and humid environments, top-level players modulate their activity pattern, lowering physical activity while maintaining technical-tactical efficiency (Nassis et al. 2015). This is possible by maintaining the level of psychomotor fitness. Why is this happening? Perhaps because, as claimed by Chmura and Nazar (2010), the highest efficiency of the central nervous system occurs with higher fatigue tolerance.
Once again, it turned out that the psychomotor fatigue threshold (TPF) occurs at a higher running speed than the lactate threshold (TLA), even in difficult thermal conditions such as the lowest heat stress limit. In our research, TPF occurs at a running speed of 14.25 km·h− 1, which is significantly higher than the TLA speed (13.43 km·h− 1). In such conditions the physical efforts generated a great amount of heat which in short intervals reached 720 W·m− 2. At the same time intensive processes of heat loss by convection and evaporation were noted. These were intensified by air movement. In spite of this, during short TLA and TPF phases the net heat storage reached 310–326 W·m− 2 and at maximal physical effort almost 400 W·m− 2. In those phases the physiological subjective temperature registered by thermal sensors at the skin reached 48–51°C, which was felt as very hot. In elevated air temperature (28.5°C) and air movement (2 m·s− 1) in the chamber a significant amount of sweat was generated and evaporated from the skin. In consecutive phases of the experiment evaporative water loss reached 976–1195 ml per hour. One should remember that each phase of the experiment lasted 2–3 minutes and such great values of M, S and EWL did not present a risk of overheating and dehydration of the body (compare Kampmann et al. 2012). Intensification of sweating is an effective way to reduce the risk of overheating, both in sport and working environments (Nielsen 1996; Smolander 1987; de Freitas and Ryken 1989; Błażejczyk and Szyguła 2004).
Comparing the research of Chmura and Nazar (2010) and Konefał et al. (2022) performed in thermoneutral conditions, the results of our research showed that in heat stress conditions the TPF occurs at lower running speeds: by 0.23 km/h and 0.75 km/h, respectively. This proves lower tolerance of the CNS to increasing fatigue under heat stress conditions. It follows that difficult ambient conditions are conducive to a significant acceleration of the occurrence of the TPF. At the lowest heat stress limit, runners achieve optimal psychomotor performance faster (at lower running intensity). This is beneficial from the point of view of technical and tactical activity of soccer players (Nassis et al. 2015). On the other hand, the TLA, regardless of climatic conditions, was at a relatively constant level in all the mentioned studies. It should be emphasized that the temperature of 28.5°C with humidity below 60% is the lower limit at which the high risk of heat stress begins (Grantham et al. 2010). Presumably, a higher value of ambient temperature or relative air humidity would cause a deeper physiological response, e.g. changes in the lactate threshold (Tyler et al. 2016).
When analysing the TPF at the lower heat stress limit in the context of practical use, it is interesting what percentage of the maximum values of physiological parameters accompanies the shortest reaction time, the highest level of differentiation of audiovisual stimuli and making optimal decisions. According to our research, under these conditions, the TPF occurs at 84% of maximum running speed and 52% of maximum LA concentration. In addition, the TPF occurs at 91% HRmax, 73% VEmax, and 84% VO2max. Paying attention to the percentage value of the maximum lactate concentration, it can be concluded that the value recorded in heat stress is not too high. There are studies showing that even with a higher percentage of the maximum lactate concentration – up to 57% – and rapidly increasing fatigue, the efficiency of the central nervous system may still be optimal (Chmura and Nazar 2010). When an athlete is in heat stress, it causes a rapid increase in all analysed parameters, the most noticeable of which is an increase in heart rate (Boonruksa et al. 2020; Coker et al. 2020).
In the modern game of soccer, large reserves are seen in the optimal performance of players, and in this aspect a new quality is sought (Mota et al. 2023). In order to implement information about TPF in soccer training, percentage values are needed to determine when it occurs. One of the most commonly used physiological parameters by which we can assess the moment of occurrence and then monitor the load on the TPF is %HRmax (Muñoz-López and Naranjo-Orellana 2020). In addition, %VO2max can also be used in practice (Wingo 2015). In our research, in heat stress CRT shortened with increasing exercise intensity of young soccer players, to approx. 84% of VO2max (HR – 177 bpm), and then rapidly increased, and in research of Chmura et al. (1994) at 75% of VO2max (HR – 164 bpm). The values were lower probably due to the tests being performed in a more comfortable environment (Coker et al. 2020).
Monitoring loads at the threshold of psychomotor fatigue allows one to push the limit of the highest efficiency of the CNS towards ever higher intensity of effort and ever greater tolerance of increasing fatigue in the brain. The cause of exercise fatigue is complex (Lin and Kuo 2013). One of the neurotransmitters associated with central fatigue is serotonin. It is well documented that prolonged exercise increases serotonin levels (Steinberg et al. 1998; AbuMoh’d et al. 2020) as opposed to intermittent exercise (Eichelberger and Bilodeau 2007). In our study, the level of serotonin concentration steadily increased with increasing load in the progressive test. At the threshold of psychomotor fatigue, it was 93% of SERmax. However, despite the study being conducted at the lowest heat stress limit, the level of this parameter in all subsequent measurements was within the physiological norm (ISO/DIS 7933 (2004)). In order to better understand the efficiency of the CNS functioning at the threshold of psychomotor fatigue, further research is needed, also taking into account other neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline and tryptophan, including in conditions of heat stress (Meeusen et al. 2006; Klass et al. 2016; Robertson and Marino 2016).
The authors are fully aware of many factors that could have influenced the results of the present analyses. One limitation was the performance of the tests in a climatic chamber. Also, the effort during the tests was performed on a treadmill, which is not specific to soccer. Therefore, these results should be treated with caution. In order to better understand CNS performance, more complex psychomotor tests that are more sensitive to hot environmental conditions should be included in future research (Piil et al. 2017). It would be advisable to continue research on TPF in different age groups and training levels, taking into account different CRT measurement methods and different exercise protocols. In addition, it would be worth analysing psychomotor parameters under the influence of higher heat stress.
In order to use the intensity at the TPF threshold in practice, it is proposed to first determine the psychomotor fatigue threshold based on the course of changes in speed and correctness of reaction (CRT) during exercise with increasing load. After determining the TPF, one can start implementing a system of exercises that stimulate the body to break the fatigue barrier in the brain. For example:
Run with increasing intensity until reaching the lactate threshold (2 minutes), then continue running with the threshold load for 3 minutes, then accelerate for 30 seconds until reaching the intensity at the psychomotor threshold. Then, we perform a 15-second run with a constant intensity occurring at the psychomotor threshold. Next, we move on to active rest, lasting 3 minutes. We carry out active recovery with the use of balls. The load is repeated once in a training session, and twice in a weekly microcycle (Chmura 2014).
The implementation of such exercise will allow the TPF to shift towards higher loads and greater tolerance of the brain to increasing fatigue. Intensities at thresholds can be measured in the simplest way by measuring HR. It can only be used for well-prepared aerobic endurance athletes from the U-17 groups.