Datasets and statistical analysis
DiRECT study overview
Samples analysed were collected from participants enrolled in the DiRECT trial. Participants enrolled were between 20 and 65 years of age, diagnosed with T2D within the previous six years and had a BMI of between 27 and 45kg/m2. Ethics approval was granted by West 3 Ethics Committee in January, 2014, with approvals by the National Health Service (NHS) health board areas in Scotland and clinical commissioning groups in Tyneside52. Participants were excluded if: they were using insulin, had a glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) concentration of ≥12 % (≥108 mmol/mol), had more than 5kg weight loss in the preceding six months and/or had an estimated glomerular filtration rate of <30 mL/min per 1.732 m2. Other exclusion criteria include malignancy, heart failure, recent myocardial infarction (<6 months), enrolment in other clinical trials, addiction to illegal drugs, difficulty in understanding the study, current use of drugs to treat obesity, eating disorders, pregnancy or admission to hospital for depression or use of antipsychotic medication52. General practitioner (GP) practices were assigned to control or intervention, which was dependent on the practice list size (number of patients registered to each practice). This was done to ensure that the intervention/control allocations were balanced across centres and list size (small <5700 or large >5700). Therefore, centre and list size are variables used for stratified randomization26. Participants in the control group received best-practice care by guidelines. The intervention group followed the Counterweight-Plus weight management programme53. This programme involved a total diet replacement (TDR) phase using a low energy diet (825-853 kcal/day) for 3-5 months. Following the TDR there was a structured food reintroduction phase of 2-8 weeks. Participants then attended monthly weight loss maintenance visits. Those in the intervention group had their antidiabetic and antihypertensive drugs discontinued. In total, there were 306 individuals recruited into the study, with 149 patients included in each intention-to-treat population (in both intervention and control groups) after removal of participants that had been randomised in error or removed consent52.
Age and sex were self-reported. Height was measured with the Frankfort plane horizontal, with a
portable stadiometer (Chasmors Ltd, London). Weight was measured using Class 111 approved calibrated scales (Marsden Group UK). Blood was donated at various timepoints including at baseline (week 0) and at 1 year (~week 52), when HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, HbA1c and plasma glucose were measured. Systolic blood pressure was measured with the patient seated, rested and with legs uncrossed for ≥5 mins. BMI (kg/m2) was calculated by dividing the weight (kg) by the square of the height (m).
DiRECT proteomics and statistical analysis
Blood was taken from participants by venipuncture into 9 mL vacutainers with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) at baseline and at 1-year post-randomisation. Blood samples were centrifuged to derive plasma samples and plasma was stored at -80°C. Protein detection was performed by the SomaScan® assay by SomaLogic. This was performed on 569 samples from 302 individuals. This technique uses Slow Off-rate Modified Aptamers (SOMAmers) which make direct contact with proteins and quantifies protein levels in relative fluorescence units (RFUs) by using a DNA microarray54. This quantification is a product of both the affinity of the SOMAmer for the target and the concentration of the protein. Measurements returned by SomaLogic had undergone internal processing, where data were hybridised control normalised, intraplate median signal normalised, plate scaled, calibrated and adaptive normalized; further details of these adjustments can be found in the technical note by SomaLogic55. There were 5284 proteins included in the array, of which 4601 proteins remained after internal technical quality control (QC), including the removal of non-human proteins. The proteomic data were then subject to a study-level QC using the “metaboprep” R package56, with data from both timepoints QC’d together. Although this package was primarily developed for use with metabolomic data, the functions are also applicable to proteomic data. The following input parameters were used for exclusion of protein measurements: extreme missingness (>80%) for each individual or each protein, user defined missingness of >20% for each individual or each protein, protein measurement >5 SDs from the total peak area (sum of protein level for each individual at proteins with no missingness), and >5 SDs from the mean of principal complements (PCs) PC1 and PC2. These filtering criteria excluded 4 samples based on PC outliers, leaving 565 samples from 300 participants. On merging with clinical data (as analysed in the primary results paper52), 292 participants (146 per study group) and 552 samples remained and were therefore included in statistical analyses. In the control group, there were 145 samples at baseline and 143 at endpoint. In the intervention group, there were 143 samples at baseline and 121 samples at endpoint (Figure 6).
The metaboprep package also calculated the number of independent proteins by using pairwise Spearman’s correlation coefficients between proteins (2380 representative proteins based on correlation coefficient of 0.5). The Shapiro-Wilk test was implemented to identify proteins which have a normal distribution (W≥0.95). Only 644 out of 4601 proteins had W statistics ≥0.95 and therefore all data were transformed to meet normality assumptions for analyses. Data were rank normal transformed to give a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 and data were adjusted for age and sex. The units of protein measurements are therefore in normalised SD units. Analyses were performed using R version 3.6.1.
The effect of the intervention on plasma proteins was estimated using a linear mixed model (lmer() function from the “lme4” R package). Within this model, the timepoint (visit), treatment group, centre and list size were included as fixed effects and the subject was included as a random effect. The centre and list size of each GP practice were stratification variables within the trial, therefore they were included as covariables57. The estimate for the effect of the intervention on protein was reported as the interaction coefficient for treatment group (with control group as reference) and timepoint (with baseline as reference), where the direction of effect indicates the change in protein level when comparing endpoint to baseline (i.e. a negative slope indicates the intervention reduces the level of the protein). A p-value was derived by performing an ANOVA of two fitted models, one including and one excluding the interaction term, under the conditions of a maximum likelihood (ML) model. A summary of this analysis is provided in Figure 6. We used a Bonferroni multiple adjusted p-value of 0.05/2380=2.1x10-5 to guide strength of associations based on the number of representative proteins at a Spearman’s correlation coefficient of rho=0.5. All effect estimates, measures of precision and p-values are presented in full in the supplementary material.
By-Band-Sleeve study overview
By-Band-Sleeve is a multi-centre trial which aims to determine which bariatric surgery type is the most effective for weight loss and quality of life (out of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the laparoscopic adjustable gastric band and the sleeve gastrectomy) (NIHR09/127/53,UK) at three years after randomisation. The trial was granted research ethics approval by the Southwest Frenchay Research Ethics Committee (reference 11/SW/0248). Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. The study is funded by the NIHR and aims to report this year. This trial began recruitment (as part of an internal pilot phase) in December 2012 in two centres, where the initial bariatric surgeries included the gastric bypass and gastric band58. The sleeve gastrectomy was later added as a third bariatric surgery within the trial and the number of participating centres increased to twelve59. The trial completed recruitment in September 2019 with 1341 patients having been randomised. The trial reported the cardiovascular disease history, medication, full blood count measurements and cardiometabolic risk factors of participants. Due to the results of the trial not being published, the exact BMI change that occurred in By-Band-Sleeve cannot yet be reported.
Ten of the twelve participating centres elected to collect samples for future research with all participants enrolled at these centres being given the option to consent to sample collection at baseline (pre-randomisation) and 36-months post-randomization for this purpose. Samples were collected using 4ml clot activator gel vacutainers and centrifuged at the specific site then stored at -80°C. Samples were shipped on dry ice. A subset of these samples were used in this study for proteomic profiling. Specifically, only sample pairs (those collected from the same patient before and after surgery) were selected for proteomics analysis. These sample pairs were collected at Musgrove Park Hospital (Taunton, UK) and were available for analysis as of December 2020.
By-Band-Sleeve proteomics and statistical analysis
Samples were thawed and randomly aliquoted across three plates, ensuring pairs of samples (from the same individual) were on the same plate, and sent to Olink in February 2021. This resulted in 250 serum samples from 125 participants being analysed. Within this manuscript, data from the By-Band-Sleeve trial refers to this subset of patients and their data from the trial. Samples were analysed by the Olink Explore 1536 panel (Olink Proteomics, Uppsala, Sweden). Olink uses proximity extension assay (PEA) technology to detect and quantify protein levels60. This technology uses pairs of antibodies bound to DNA tags. When the antibodies bind to the protein, the DNA tags hybridise and can be quantified using next generation sequencing Illumina® NovaSeq platform. Proteins are measured in normalized expression (NPX) units which are on a log2 scale. This panel provides a maximal readout of 1536 proteins (Supplementary Table 6). Olink detected and returned data for 1472 proteins after excluding proteins that failed internal technical QC procedures. Samples with QC warnings from Olink (internal control deviation of more than ±0.3 NPX, at least 500 matched counts or deviation of negative controls < 5 SDs of the predefined value) were left in but further study-level QC was implemented using “metaboprep”56. Olink flagged proteins which fell below a lower LOD, however as the data were further QC’d by “metaboprep” and subsequently rank normal transformed, no proteins were excluded based on the LOD. It has also been reported that including values that are lower than the LOD helps with increasing statistical power and in increasing the normality of the data51. Information about the percentage of samples that fell below the lower LOD for each protein are provided alongside the results.
The input parameters for exclusion in “metaboprep” were the same as for the proteomic data in DiRECT. From a total of 250 samples (125 pairs) and 1472 proteins (following Olink QC above), two samples were excluded as PC outliers (leaving complete 123 pairs). As in DiRECT, a Spearman’s rho of 0.5 (tree cut height of 1-rho=0.5) was selected to determine the number of independent or representative proteins, which totalled 805. The proteomic data was rank normal transformed, residuals then adjusted for age and sex, and the residuals used for the main analysis. We removed participants from the analysis if they did not have a surgery date or if the surgery date was after their 36-month post-randomisation appointment, therefore suggesting they had not yet undergone surgery (N=4). Participants were also removed from analyses if, after study-level sample QC, they had missing proteomic data at one of the timepoints (N=1). This left 118 individuals for the main analyses.
Similar to DiRECT, a linear mixed model was used to assess the effect of timepoint (at baseline and 3 years after randomisation) on plasma proteins, where the timepoint was added as a fixed effects predictor and subject as a random effects predictor. P-values were derived by comparing models with and without timepoint using an ANOVA, where a multiple testing adjusted p-value of 0.05/805 (number of independent proteins at a correlation of r=0.5)=6.2x10-5 was used to guide strength of associations. R version 4.0.3 was used for the analysis of By-Band-Sleeve data.
INTERVAL was a trial that aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of reducing the time between blood donations in a population free from major (self-reported) disease. The study enrolled around 50,000 participants. A subsample of the cohort (N=3,301) also had plasma protein measurements on the SomaScan (SomaLogic) platform. We utilized these MR results which we have previously published to identify proteins with causal evidence for BMI-driven effects20. Within the analysis, a genetic risk score (GRS) for BMI was constructed using 654 SNPs weighted by available betas from summary statistics of the genetic variants associated with BMI from a recent GWAS meta-analysis61. Two-stage least squares analysis was used to derive one-sample MR estimates for the effect of BMI on 4034 proteins (3622 unique proteins as some proteins were targeted by more than one SOMAmer). MR analyses were conducted in the 2729 participants with genetic data, BMI, and protein data. MR results provide the average difference in protein in rank normalized SD units per 1 normalized SD (~4.7 kg/m) higher BMI.
Comparison analyses
The effects of caloric restriction and bariatric surgery-induced weight loss were compared to identify consistencies in signal. Results were combined by restricting both results to unique UniProt IDs, then merging DiRECT and By-Band-Sleeve results based on the UniProt ID of the protein62. Consistency was determined by effect estimates having the same direction of effect and the corresponding p-values passing pre-specified thresholds in both studies. Opposing effects were defined as estimates displaying opposite directions of effects (for example, the protein levels were raised with one intervention but reduced with the other) and corresponding p-values passing the pre-specified thresholds. Proteins were categorised as only being associated with one intervention where the p-value only passed the pre-specified threshold in one study. Differing effects or null effects in only one study could point towards intervention-specific effects. As proteins were measured using different technologies in each trial, we also explored whether it is appropriate to compare estimates derived using SomaLogic and Olink. For this, we used published correlation information from Haslam et al. to explore how well protein measurements correlate across platforms31. Haslam et al. calculated Spearman’s correlation coefficients for every protein that was detected in both platforms, along with the 95% confidence intervals. We integrated these correlation results with our results from each intervention to aid interpretation. For example, the correlation data can help infer whether discordant results are likely due to biological effects specific to the intervention and/or study sample, or whether the differences may be arising due to technological differences across platforms, such as the technologies picking up different isoforms or variants of the same protein31. References made herein to ‘correlations across platforms’ refer to these published estimates31.
Proteins with consistent or opposite effects across interventions were compared with published MR results in INTERVAL again using the UniProt ID to merge the information. As we used the MR results to look up pre-specified protein results, we deemed MR estimates as putatively causal effects if the 95% confidence intervals did not cross the null (p<0.05). Proteins which had evidence for a consistent direction of effect across all three study designs were explored as drug targets by searching on DrugBank32 and using published drug target data from Finan et al.33. We determined if the protein is currently (or has the capability to be) targeted by a drug and extracted what currently approved drugs are used for. This was performed as one way of exploring the possible role of the protein in health and disease.