2.1 Site description
The study was carried out from August 2010 to May 2014 on a semi-arid sandy grassland dominated by Festuca pseudovina, Carex stenophylla and Cynodon dactylon located at the Kiskunság National Park in Hungary, at Bugac site (location 46.69 N, 19.6 E, 114 m a. s. l.). The mean annual precipitation (2004-2013) was 575 mm, and the mean annual air temperature was +10.4 °C. The grassland has been kept under extensive management (grazed by cattle) for a minimum of 20 years (Koncz et al. 2014). According to the FAO classification (Driessen et al. 2001) the soil is classified as Chernozem with a soil texture of sandy loam with a sand: silt:clay ratio of 81:11:8 % in the top soil layer and with high total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) contents (Balogh et al. 2015).
2.2 Soil and mycorrhizal sampling and analyses
At the beginning of the experiment soil samples were taken from the root-excluded and root- and mycorrhiza excluded soil cores in 2 replicates from each at a depth of 0-10 cm, 10-30 cm, 30-50 cm and 50-80 cm.
To avoid soil disturbance soil samples for microbial analyses were taken at the end of the experimental period (May 2014) in two replicates from each soil core (from both the verge and the middle of the tubes) from five depths (0–10; 10–20; 20–30; 30–40; 40–50 cm). Fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis assay was used to estimate the total microbial activity in soil samples expressed in microgram fluorescein released g-1 dry soil (Adam and Duncan 2001).
The length of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal hyphae separated by wet-sieving and centrifugation (Bååth and Soderstrom 1979) were measured after being stained with agar solution (0.75%) containing trypan blue (0.05%) and were then dried at 70 °C for 24 h. Intersection method (Tennant 1975) was used to determine the hyphal length under a binocular microscope.
2.3 Experimental design
In September 2010, prior to the beginning of the experiment, ten soil cores (with the parameters of 800 mm in depth, 160 mm in diameter, except for one with an inner diameter of 500 mm) were placed into the soil after the removal of roots by sieving. Four soil layers were separated: 0-10 cm, 10-30 cm, 30-50 cm and 50-80 cm and the root-free soil was then re-packed layer by layer into vertically placed PVC tubes. The walls of the five deep soil collars were partially removed and the resulting windows were covered with inox mesh membranes (40 µm pore size) to exclude root in-growth, while allowing the penetration of mycorrhizal hyphae (Rhet+myc). Five other tubes were left intact with no window cuts, hence the penetration of both roots and mycorrhizal hyphae was excluded in these repetitions (Rhet). Soil tubes were placed at a distance of 50 cm from one another and 6 m away to the south from the eddy covariance tower . Additional control plots (Rs) with undisturbed soil and vegetation were also selected in the vicinity of the tubes (within a distance of 2 m).
Since regular regrowth removal was applied (seedlings were removed) in the tubes, grass litter in these plots originated from the surrounding vegetation, whereas grass litter in the control plots were produced in situ.
2.4 Gas exchange measurements
In the present study gas exchange was monitored by applying two different systems: eddy covariance system (EC) and automated soil respiration measuring system (ASRS) and the extent of the measured area differed by several orders of magnitude (the size of the EC flux footprint area was larger). The average vegetation composition and cover and soil characteristics in the EC footprint area (Koncz et al. 2014) served as a basis when selecting the area for the establishment of the experiment with the partitioning setup. The NEE and GPP estimates can be considered to be representative also of the small-scale ASRS measurements.
2.4.1 Eddy covariance setup and measurements
The EC system at the Bugac site was established in 2002 and since then it has been continuously measuring the CO2 and heat fluxes (sensible and latent). The system consists of a CSAT3 sonic anemometer (Campbell Scientific, USA) and a Li-7500 (Licor Inc, USA) open-path infra-red gas analyzer (IRGA) placed at a height of 4 m (anemometer direction: N), both connected to a CR5000 data logger (Campbell Scientific, USA) via an SDM (synchronous device for measurement) interface. Additional measurements were made in our study: precipitation (ARG 100 rain gauge, Campbell, UK), air temperature and relative humidity (HMP35AC, Vaisala, Finland), global radiation (dual pyranometer, Schenk, Austria from 2002 and CMP3, Kipp&Zonen, The Netherlands from 2013), incoming and reflected photosynthetically active radiation (SKP215, Campbell, UK), volumetric soil moisture content (CS616, Campbell, UK) and soil temperature (105T, Campbell, UK). The listed measurements were performed in the method described in Refs. (Nagy et al. 2007) and (Pintér et al. 2010).
2.4.2 Automated soil respiration system (ASRS)
Rs was measured using an open dynamic automated soil respiration system consisting of an SBA-4 infrared gas analyser (PPSystems, UK), pumps, flow meters (D6F-01A1-110, Omron Co., Japan), electro-magnetic valves and ten PVC/metal soil chambers. Soil CO2 was continuously monitored from July 2011, several months after the installation of the tubes in order to allow the mycorrhizal hyphae to penetrate the meshed tubes and to avoid artefacts from soil disturbance. The small size (10.4 cm high with a diameter of 5 cm, covering a soil surface area of 19.6 cm2) of the chambers allowed us to apply the ASRS without the need to cut the shoots or leaves of plants, thus avoiding the interruption of vegetal transport processes. A white metal cylinder with 2 mm airspace in between was applied to enclose the PVS chambers, with which application chambers could be stabilized and warming caused by direct radiation could be prevented. Four vent holes with a total area of 0.95 cm2, also serving as an ingress for precipitation into the covered area, were drilled on the top of the chambers. This ASRS - suitable for continuous, long-term and unattended measurements of Rs – was used in previous experiments as well (Balogh et al. 2011, 2015).
Respiration rates of autotrophic and mycorrhizal components could not be calculated directly. Differences between the average respiration rates of specific plots were used to determine the trend in the components’ contribution to the Rs. We calculated the respiration components as follows:
Measurements using the ASRS chambers were carried out as follows: (i) 6 chambers measured Rs in the control plots (Rs, randomized positions within the area), (ii) Rhet + myc was measured by 2 chambers in the windowed PVC tubes with inox mesh (iii) and the remaining 2 chambers measured Rhet in the windowless, intact PVC tubes. To obtain sequential spatial replications for every treatment type, the positions of chambers were changed within the corresponding treatments every two weeks during the study period. Following each hour of operation, the system was kept at rest for one hour, thus data were collected in every 2 hours from each treatment. It should, however, be noted that data recorded in the first cycle (first 30 minutes of every 2 hours) was excluded from the analysis since the optimalisation of the system takes approximately 30 minutes, during which time the build-up of CO2 concentration can be observed within the chambers (despite the vent holes). One chamber was measured for 3 minutes with the reference/analysis air being switched in every 7 seconds, which resulted in 12 measurements (36 min) / day for each chamber.
In addition, soil temperature and moisture of an Rs plot (TRs) and an Rhet plot (TRhet) were measured at a depth of 5-9 cm by two sensors (5TM, Decagon Devices, USA) attached to the system.
2.5 Data processing and modelling
Data processing and statistical analysis were done in R (Team 2022). Gaussian error propagation was used to calculate propagated uncertainties for the averages and model parameters.
Diel patterns of respiration for Rs, Rhet+myc, Rhet, Rrhizmyc, Rmyc and Rrhiz were modelled using a sine wave function (Savage et al. 2013):
where y0 represents the mean respiration rate over the time period modelled (µmol CO2 m-2 s-1), a is diel amplitude (µmol CO2 m-2 s-1), c corresponds to the shift of minimum and maximum diel peaks (radians), and TOD is time of day in hundreds. Using parameter c we calculated the peak timing of respiration (PTR). Differences between PTR values and peak time of GPP and Ts (obtained by the fitting of eq. 4) were used to calculate time lags between the respiration activities, GPP and Ts.
As another approach to estimate the time lags between these processes we also used GPP data and the calculated components of soil respiration to calculate Pearson correlation coefficients at different time lags using ccf function (cross-correlation) of R.
Time lag calculations based on sine wave model fitting (eq. 4) and cross-correlation were applied on the whole dataset and in a moving window approach as well. Model fitting and ccf function were used at every data point ±5 days. Only significant model fits and correlations (P<0.05 for model parameters) were used for further analysis and interpretation.