The BA.2 Omicron VOC is More Aero-Stable than the Delta VOC
Previously, we reported that the aerostability of the VOCs of SARS-CoV-2 (wild type, Alpha, Beta and Delta) correlated with the variant’s stability in alkaline growth medium over short time periods (under five minutes) (15). Specifically, it was reported that as the virus has evolved from wild type through to Delta VOC, it has become both more sensitive to high pH and less aero-stable. The relationship between pH and the aerostability of the (Omicron) BA.2 VOC is compared to the Delta VOC to further explore this comparison (Fig. 1). Firstly, the aerostabilities of the Delta and BA.2 VOCs within aerosol droplets are reported at moderate/low (40%) and high RH (90%) values in Fig. 1A. At 40% RH, the Delta and BA.2 VOCs exhibit similar decay profiles. This is consistent with our previous studies where all VOCs exhibited a similar decay profile when the RH is below the droplet efflorescence threshold, highlighted by the near instantaneous loss of ~ 50% of viral infectivity associated with the efflorescence event. At 90% RH, the overall rate of decay of the BA.2 VOC is much slower than the Delta VOC. At 5 minutes, relative to the Delta VOC, the total percentage of viable aerosolized viral load of the BA.2 VOC is 1.7 times higher. At 90% RH, the general structures of the decay profiles for both VOCs are consistent with previous VOCs, with an initial lag period of ~ 15 seconds, followed by a rapid loss to ~ 2 minutes, and a more gradual subsequent decay.
Under high alkaline conditions in the bulk phase, the BA.2 VOC is found to be more resistant to high pH conditions than the Delta VOC assessed via two different measurements of infectivity (Figs. 1B and 1C). This is consistent with the hypothesis that the differences between aerostability of the Delta and BA.2 VOCs are likely a consequence of their relative stability in a highly alkaline solution. BA.2 is the first VOC of SARS-CoV-2 that we have demonstrated to have an increase in stability at high pH when compared to a previous VOC. The microbiological mechanisms underlying these differences in pH sensitivity remain unclear and are in need of further research.
Collectively, the data shown in Fig. 1 support the hypothesis that high pH achieved in aerosol, with an initial composition that has high abundance of bicarbonate (such as saliva (26) and growth medium), is a major factor in driving loss of viral infectivity in the aerosol phase (15). The implication of this proposed mechanism is that any gaseous species (e.g., CO2) that can affect aerosol pH is likely to impact viral infectivity.
SARS-CoV-2 Aerostability Correlates with the Ambient Concentration of Gas Phase Carbon Dioxide
In poorly ventilated, occupied, indoor spaces, ambient [CO2(g)] commonly reaches concentrations exceeding 2,000 ppm (27) and can reach levels upwards of > 5,000 ppm in more crowded environments (28). The impact of elevated CO2(g) levels on the aerostability of SARS-CoV-2 is explored (Fig. 2). The maximum titre of the BA.2 VOC that can be grown in the cell culture is approximately an order of magnitude less than that of the Delta VOC. Both the sensitivity and the throughput of the CELEBS technique are dependent on the initial viral load of the individual droplets. Thus, in order to explore the effect that [CO2(g)] has on viral aerostability across a broad range of conditions and over very long time periods, only the Delta VOC was used, as it afforded a much higher measurement throughput.
When compared to a typical atmospheric [CO2(g)] (~ 500 ppm), any increase in the [CO2(g)] results in a significant increase in viral aerostability after 2 minutes (Fig. 2A). When ambient air flow into the CELEBS was substituted with compressed (CO2 free) air, no change in virus aerostability was observed. It is notable that whilst the increase in [CO2(g)] to ~ 6,500 ppm resulted in a more significant increase in aerostability, it did not result in complete stabilization of virus in the aerosol phase (Fig. 2A).
With the rate of loss of viral infectivity increased by elevated aerosol alkalinity, any improvement in aerostability of SARS-CoV-2 resulting from elevated [CO2(g)] would be expected to increase over time with a greater tendency towards neutral pH due to the dissolution of carbonic acid. The effect of droplet exposure to elevated [CO2(g)] over prolonged time periods on the infectious viral load is reported in Fig. 2B and it can be seen that elevated [CO2(g)] had a considerable effect on the overall decay profile. Consider first the characteristics of the decay profile of the wild type SARS-CoV-2 in the aerosol phase above the efflorescence point (14). From droplet generation until ~ 2 minutes, no loss of infectivity is observed. After 2 minutes there is a rapid loss of infectivity over a moderate time-period (minutes), followed by a slower decay (tens of minutes). The profile for the Delta VOC is similar, but with the initial lag period shortened to ~ 15 seconds. In this case, when the [CO2(g)] is elevated, the period of rapid decay is absent or greatly abbreviated and the decay profile transitions directly from lag to a slow decay. As a result, the Delta VOC in elevated [CO2(g)] is as aero-stable as the wild type at 500 ppm CO2 after 5 minutes, becoming more stable after 20 minutes. Indeed, an elevated [CO2(g)] had a dramatic effect on the remaining relative infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 over time (Fig. 2C). After 40 minutes, approximately an order of magnitude more viral infectious units remained viable in the aerosol phase at elevated [CO2(g)] when compared to the loss expected under ambient (well ventilated) conditions. This increase in the relative abundance of infectious particles is likely to result in increased risk of transmission of the infection.
Viral aerostability is often reported as having a half-life (29) with the decay assumed to follow first order (exponential) reaction kinetics. This assumption presupposes that the mechanisms involved in infectivity loss do not change over time, even though the chemical composition and physical conditions inside an aerosol droplet vary over time. The appropriateness of making such assumptions is explored in Fig. 2D. In the bulk phase, the pH driven decay follows first order kinetics. This is consistent with high [OH−] driving the loss of viral infectivity, with this concentration remaining constant over time. However, the decay dynamics are markedly different in the aerosol phase with the rate of loss slowing over time, and slowing more so at higher [CO2(g)]. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the aerosol reaches high pH before being buffered towards a neutral pH by trace acidic vapor over longer time periods (condensable carbonic acid in this case), regardless of RH. However, the decay rate is never found to increase over the entire time-period studied, suggesting that the pH of the aerosol does not pass through neutral to become acidic during the time period when more than 95% of the viral infectivity is lost. Again, this is consistent with the condensation of a weak acid, carbonic acid in this case. However, an estimate of a half-life of ~ 80 minutes could be estimated from the data falling between 20 and 40 minutes at [CO2(g)] of 3,000 ppm if one were to assume a first order decay. This aligns with the half-lives reported for systems in which the [CO2(g)] is neither measured nor controlled (29).
Collectively, the data shown in Fig. 2 show that the interplay between aerosol alkalinity and CO2 has a profound effect on the overall aerostability of SARS-CoV-2. Any increase in [CO2(g)] results in an increase in aerostability.
Depending on Variant pH Sensitivity, Ambient [CO 2 ] and Solute Composition Can Affect Viral Aerostability More than Relative Humidity
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many infections were traced to super-spreader events (30), suggesting that transmission of the virus over longer distances was possible under some (as yet uncertain) conditions. Conversely, the apparent effectiveness of mitigation strategies such as social distancing regulations (7), use of face shields/masks (31) and installation of plexiglass shields (32) suggests that SARS-CoV-2 was also commonly transmitted over short distances. Thus, it is important to understand how environmental factors affect the aerostability of SARS-CoV-2 over time periods as short as 15 seconds.
Fixing the time in the aerosol phase at 15 seconds, the BA.2 VOC is found to be more aero-stable than the Delta VOC across a broad range of RH (Fig. 3A). Effectively, during the first 15 seconds post-aerosol generation there is no loss of infectivity of the BA.2 VOC when the RH is above the efflorescence point of the particle (RH ~ 50%). Below that, the characteristic rapid loss of approximately half of the viral infectivity is observed, a consequence of the efflorescence event. This is consistent with the loss observed for the others SARS-CoV-2 VOC we have studied (14, 15, 33) as well as for mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), another coronavirus (34). However, the Delta VOC rapidly loses over half of its infectivity within 15 seconds of being in the aerosol phase, regardless of RH (below 90%) and across a broad range. Collectively, the data in Fig. 3A show that the initial decay of the Delta VOC is largely RH independent, while the initial decay of the BA.2 VOC is highly RH dependent.
Given that the BA.2 VOC is more robust than the Delta VOC over the 15 s time period, the impact of [CO2(g)] and [NaCl] on the aerostability of the Delta VOC have been explored further. The effect that a moderate increase in [CO2(g)] has on the aerostability of this SARS-CoV-2 VOC is reported in Fig. 3B. Regardless of RH, increasing the [CO2(g)] will drive the pH of an alkaline respiratory droplet towards neutral to some degree. As a result, at an RH of 80% and below, moderate increases in the [CO2(g)] are shown to increase viral aerostability. This increase in [CO2(g)] results in a doubling of the remaining aerosolized viral load after 15 s, regardless of RH.
The solute composition of saliva between individuals may vary widely. Moreover, an individual’s salivary [NaCl], as well as the ratio of NaCl to other solutes, may vary dramatically as a result of short-term events, such as oral stimulation (35), or larger physiological changes, such as pregnancy (36). The effect that altering the initial [NaCl] of the starting formulation on the short term aerostability is reported in Fig. 3C.
We previously reported that the fraction of SARS-CoV-2 in a particle that resides in the salt crystal following the efflorescence event is shielded and thus remains infectious. Accordingly, any observed increase in sustained infectivity below an RH of 50% can be attributed to the increase in the volume of the particle that forms a solute salt crystal. The same trend is observed in Fig. 3C: the addition of NaCl results in a significant increase in sustained aerostability at RHs below 50%. Between the RHs of 50% and 75%, we previously reported that the physical structures of MEM droplets is complex with phase structures across a population of droplets that are a mixture of a homogeneous liquid droplet form and liquid droplets containing a suspension (e.g. emulsion or salt crystals) (14). When the [NaCl] is doubled, the proportions across a population is such that all particles undergo a phase change when the RH is below ~ 75% (Supplemental Fig. 1). Accordingly, the crystalline form offers protection to the virus when the RH is below ~ 75% and this protection is more pronounced when the [NaCl] is doubled. Hence, the remaining fraction of infectious virus remains higher across all RHs below 75%. At 80% RH, no phase change is observed and the increase of [NaCl] has no effect on the viral aerostability.
Risk of Transmission is Highly Affected by Ambient Concentrations of CO
The dependence of the overall risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission on the explicit decay dynamics inferred from measurements with the CELEBS technique has been investigated using a Wells-Riley model (37). The effects that environmental factors such as [CO2(g)] and humidity on the likelihood of disease transmission have been explored. The Wells-Riley model is based on transmitted quanta that inherently assume a uniformly mixed room ("gas" phase like), which is only true for small particles largely in bronchiolar and laryngeal mode, both < 5 µm diameter. The decay data measured in this study are for droplet sizes in the oral mode (initially > 50 µm diameter). We use the infectivity decay data from these large droplet measurements to inform estimates of transmission risk for the small aerosol fraction and to estimate the relative changes in risk that result from changes in [CO2(g)].
Typically, models assume that the aerosolized viral decay has a half-life of 1.1 hours (38) when estimating the risk of COVID-19 transmission, a rate of decay which is negligible when compared to the effects of even the poorest ventilation. As shown in Fig. 1, viral decay dynamics are more complex than the assumed single exponential decay. Moreover, the rapid early decay in infectivity of aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 we report here, as well as previously (14), appears to contradict the consensus opinion that airborne transmission prevails as the dominant mode of transmission. However, our objective here is to demonstrate that the decay dynamics reported in Figs. 1A and 2B are actually consistent with this consensus, especially in indoor environments. We therefore focus on the limit of a well-mixed indoor environment using the Wells-Riley framework and using our refined characterization of the infectivity decay rate.
Central to the Wells-Riley approach is the number of infectious units (“quanta”) that remain active in a room. In a ventilated environment, the probability that an aerosolized unit remains in the room after some time is described by Eq. 2.
(Eq. 2):\({p}_{active}=1-exp\left(\frac{-t}{{\tau }_{vent}}\right)\)
where \({\tau }_{vent}\) is the characteristic time to cycle air in the room. We consider typical ventilation rates for \({\tau }_{vent}^{-1}\) in the range 0.5–8 hr− 1 with smaller numbers indicating a poorly ventilated space (39). Any effect of droplet removal by deposition which may occur for coarser droplets is ignored. The fraction of droplets remaining viable to initiate infection is \({p}_{active}I\), where I is their infectivity. Initially we consider ventilation within a fully recirculating system where the [CO2(g)] remains constant so that we can assume the decay in infectivity directly follows that reported from the CELEBS data; this set-up models a closed Heating, Ventilation and Air-Condition (HVAC) system. We assume the HVAC system perfectly filters the air of aerosol droplets, although this is a crude oversimplification (40). Later we will allow for varying [CO2(g)] in order to model ventilation and mixing with an outdoor air source (from e.g. opening a window). For convenience we fit the CELEBS data (Figs. 1A and 2B) with two exponentially decaying functions (details in Supplementary). In poorly ventilated environments, the viability of aerosolized virus is dominated by the intrinsic decay in infectivity (Fig. 4A). Air recirculation dominates in better conditioned environments leading to convergence of the long-time decay (Fig. 4B). We compare these model predictions with a simple exponentially decaying infectivity with the widely assumed aerosolized half-life of 1.1hr (29).
In the Wells-Riley model, the infection probability \({p}_{I}\) is assumed to depend exponentially on the number of infectious units (“quanta”) received \(n\), i.e. \({p}_{I}\left(t\right)=1-exp\left(-n\left(t\right)\right)\). This is essentially a consequence of the independent action hypothesis (41). The typical number of quanta received increases linearly in time \(t\) as \(n\left(t\right)=c\stackrel{\prime }{V}t\) where c is the concentration of quanta in the well-mixed air and \(\stackrel{\prime }{V}\) is the minute volume of exhaled air (from breathing) which we take to be 7.5 L/min. The steady state quanta concentration is found where \({p}_{active}I\) balances the rate that infectious quanta are produced and released into the environment (details in Supplementary). For illustration purposes, we consider a 10×10×3=300 m3 classroom with up to 40 occupants where there is a single infected individual. The quanta production rate by an infected individual is considered to be in the range 0.01–0.1 s−1 for SARS-CoV-2 (38). We assume a value of 0.1 s−1 for illustrative purposes, with the understanding that this factor remains a major source of uncertainty in transmission models. The probability of onwards transmission in a poorly ventilated classroom is similar for all datasets at low [CO2(g)] (Fig. 4C), because only the long-time behavior matters in this well-mixed limit. By contrast, the probability of onwards transmission rises much more rapidly for the high [CO2(g)]. The amplifying effect of [CO2(g)] is visible but less pronounced in a space with good ventialtion using e.g. an open window (Fig. 4D).
For risk management we must consider the risk that any susceptible individual becomes infected, rather than just a single individual. The probability that at least one individual becomes infected is:
(Eq. 3):\(1-{\left(1-{p}_{I}\left(t\right)\right)}^{N-1}\)
where \(N\) is the room occupancy. As a measure of risk, we invert this relationship to determine the length of time the classroom space can be shared until there is a 50% chance that secondary transmission has occurred. The probability of a successful transmission (assuming a well-mixed environment) as a function of viral aerostability and ventilation is explored in Fig. 5. Estimates for the Delta variant at high [CO2(g)] are comparable in magnitude to predictions with a decay time assumed from the drum studies. Moreover, the [CO2(g)] is estimated to have a profound effect on overall risk both in terms of room occupancy and ventilation rates.
Sustained [CO2(g)] at a higher concentration at a fixed ventilation rate (e.g. more recirculation of room air and less mixing of fresh air) means lower aerosol pH, means greater survival means shorter time until 50% transmission. Assuming a slower decay consistent with the drum data does not incorporate the rapid initial loss of infectivity which means at the same quanta emission rate, there is more infectious virus and shorter time to reach 50% infectivity. Outdoor air, lowers the CO2 concentration, mixing in low CO2 fresh air, that means the pH remains higher, means lower infectivity, means longer time to reach same infectivity as ACH goes up.
Despite the rapid initial decay (Figs. 1A and 2B), the Wells-Riley model prediction estimates that long distance transmission is possible. However, the Wells-Riley model neglects short-time decay indicating that short-range airborne transmission route (from e.g. direct conversation) may be underestimated in these conventional approaches. Collectively, the risk estimations from the Wells-Riley model demonstrate the importance of ventilation in mitigating risk as it addresses aerosolized viral load on two fronts: firstly, the rate of loss of viral infectivity in the aerosol phase (e.g. lower [CO2(g)] increases decay rate) and, secondly, the physical reduction of the number of viral containing particles (e.g. displaced from the room). The Wells-Riley model demonstrates the importance of [CO2(g)] and RH on long distance transmission risk. In the future, the effect the rapid loss of infectivity in the aerosol phase at low RH has on short distance transmission risk should be explored using a CFD model.