Low diversity in shallow lineages
Here we uncovered four putative genetic lineages of S. intersepta throughout the Florida Keys. This, along with the depth specificity of certain lineages is very similar to M. cavernosa and Siderastrea siderea populations in the Florida Keys (Rippe et al., 2021). We found that shallow-specific lineages (<30 m) exhibit lower genetic diversity than depth-generalist lineages, which were abundant on mesophotic reefs (Fig. 3). The abundance and diversity of the depth-generalist Blue lineage, which dominates the mesophotic sites has persisted throughout the recent past, with a large population expansion circa 100 kyr before present and contraction shortly thereafter. This pattern is also similar to M. cavernosa and S. siderea in the region, where multiple lineages undergo similar population flux. While in S. intersepta, M. cavernosa, and S. siderea population changes appear to occur during glacial cycles, the estimation of mutation rate and generation time make the absolute values of Ne and time uncertain (Rippe et al., 2021).
Samples for this study were collected in August–September 2019, when SCTLD was present in the Upper Keys and Lower Keys, but before it emerged in the Dry Tortugas (Dobbelaere et al., 2022). The patterns of lower diversity within shallow lineages were not driven by the SCTLD outbreak as they are consistent across all sampling sites, including those within the Dry Tortugas that had not yet been affected by SCTLD at the time of sampling. If a genetic bottleneck event is responsible for these observed patterns, it would be more likely that the decades of coral loss seen throughout shallow reefs in FKNMS contributed to the lack of genetic diversity. Particularly, events like dark spots syndrome outbreaks where S. intersepta experienced mortality of 3.8% yr-1 from 2002–2004 and episodic ocean warming which significantly decreased shallow forereef scleractinian cover between 1999 and 2009 (Porter et al., 2011; Ruzicka et al., 2013).
The observed lack of diversity within shallow lineages is expectedly correlated with a higher prevalence of more highly inbred individuals. While clonality of coral populations is typically assessed in population genetic analyses, many studies have not explicitly examined inbreeding within populations. Inbreeding may have fitness and evolutionary consequences and has often been considered rare in marine environments, due to the perceived lack of barriers and a large potential for larval dispersal (Knowlton and Jackson, 1993; Olsen et al., 2020). However, inbreeding may be more common in benthic marine invertebrates than previously thought, with many species showing inbreeding frequencies as high as that of terrestrial plants (Olsen et al., 2020). The high levels of inbreeding detected in shallow lineages may be driven by individuals from discrete founder events (i.e., “sweepstakes reproductive success”; Hedgecock, 1994). If cohorts of larvae from a cross between closely related parents successfully co-recruit to the same reef, we would expect patterns of closely related and inbred groups of individuals within a population, as we see here with shallow S. intersepta populations. Although collective dispersal of larvae has been more commonly applied to fish species, there is recent evidence in benthic marine species, including corals (Barfield et al., 2020). Collective dispersal, and thereby co-recruitment patterns are influenced by larval swimming behavior, which may be similar among inbred and related larvae (Burgess et al., 2022). Together these phenotypic similarities and settlement preferences may contribute to the patterns observed in shallow S. intersepta populations. Stephanocoenia intersepta exhibits high rates of fertilization (>95%) among collected eggs, thought to be a consequence of colonies holding multiple eggs within polyp tentacles that are not released until after fertilization (Hagman, Gittings, and Vize, 1998; Vermeij et al., 2010). This reproductive strategy may contribute to high rates of inbreeding if nearest neighbors are also close relatives or clones, as has been found in some coral species (Lord et al., 2023; Shilling et al., (in press)) Phenotypic settlement behavior, co-recruitment patters, and elevated rates of local larval retention and recruitment may all have an effect on the lower diversity observed in shallow S. intersepta lineages in FKNMS.
This highlights an important need to evaluate multiple populations of critical coral species for genetic diversity, especially in the context of conservation biology (Beger et al., 2014). Mesophotic populations in FKNMS have so far been less impacted by SCTLD and have the potential to provide genetic diversity to shallow reefs throughout the region. Even if mesophotic S. intersepta populations are unable to successfully provide viable larvae to degraded shallow reefs in the future, they may be useful moving forward for “seed bank” collection or colony “rescue” and rearing/breeding within land-based nurseries to aid in ongoing and future restoration efforts (Boström-Einarsson et al., 2020). Though collection of colonies and/or gametes from mesophotic depths presents unique challenges in and of itself.
Population structuring across depth
Population genetic structure analyses indicate S. intersepta populations are structured by depth throughout FKNMS. Populations were significantly differentiated across depth zones throughout most of FKNMS, however, this was not demonstrated at Riley’s Hump (FST = 0) where populations exhibited similar population structure across depth zones (Fig. 2). As dbRDA identified depth as the largest contributor to the observed genetic differentiation across S. intersepta populations, it is not surprising that of all sample sites Riley’s Hump lacked vertical differentiation and structuring, as these shallow and mesophotic sample populations had the lowest average difference in depth (<10 m; Supplementary Table S1; Fig. 1). Even in regions with significant genetic structuring across depth, genetic structure and differentiation may not align with depth specific definitions of shallow (<30 m) and mesophotic (30–150 m). This is illustrated by M. cavernosa populations in Belize, where 25 and 35 m populations were genetically similar to each other, but distinct from shallower 10 and 15 m populations (Eckert et al., 2019).
Overall, differentiation was greatest across depth zone as compared to within depth zone pairwise contrasts among sites (Fig. 2E), despite small overwater distances between depth zones within sampling site (Fig. 1). Similar patterns have been observed in other coral population genetic studies throughout the tropical western Atlantic. Montastraea cavernosa populations are depth stratified on the Belize Barrier Reef, despite extremely small horizontal distances between depth zones (i.e., < 10 m; Eckert et al., 2019). In Mexico, M. cavernosa populations are also strongly structured by depth, with some lineages almost exclusively found in mesophotic populations (Sturm et al., 2022). However, in this study we identified two depth-generalized lineages (Blue and Teal; Figs. 2D, 3A) and two lineages mostly endemic to shallow populations (Green and Yellow; Figs. 2D, 3A). In contrast, S. intersepta populations in Bermuda exhibit a total lack of genetic structuring across depth zones (Bongaerts et al., 2017).
The variable patterns of differentiation observed across depth in FKNMS S. intersepta populations are not unique within FKNMS. In the species M. cavernosa, populations across the same sampling sites also exhibit variable patterns of vertical differentiation (Sturm et al., 2021). Montastraea cavernosa populations in Lower Keys and Tortugas Bank are less differentiated across depth than in Riley’s Hump and Upper Keys (Sturm et al., 2021). This variation holds across regional scales where deep and shallow M. cavernosa populations in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico function as a single, panmictic population, and populations in Florida are structured across depth (Studivan and Voss, 2018).
The timing of spawning, the dominant current regimes post-fertilization, and abiotic factors influencing settlement selection and recruitment success all may contribute to variable patterns of horizontal or vertical population structuring. Stephanocoenia intersepta typically spawn annually after the full moon in August/September, in a tight temporal window (Hagman, Gittings, and Deslarzes, 1998). In some locations, shallow and mesophotic conspecifics, including S. intersepta, spawn within the same hour (Vize, 2006). Slight asynchrony in spawning across depth may even be beneficial to mixing of gametes, with earlier spawning at depth allowing positively buoyant gametes or gamete bundles more time to reach the surface and mix with gametes from shallow colonies (Levitan et al., 2004).
Mesophotic S. intersepta populations not only harbor greater genetic diversity than shallow populations in FKNMS, but they also act as larger source populations throughout the sanctuary. Generation time is relatively long in many scleractinian coral species, thus the two to three generations estimated through bayesass migration rates likely encompass decades. Patterns of migration are fairly congruent with previous biophysical models for the region, where dispersal of larvae is strongly eastward across the Florida Keys, but mesoscale coastal counter-currents may emerge from mesoscale eddies and result in episodic westward movements (Lee et al., 1994; Yeung et al., 2001; Frys et al., 2020). With this in mind, mesophotic S. intersepta populations have the potential to function as genetic refuges, providing future gene flow and potential genetic rescue if oceanographic and environmental regimes remain conducive to successful migration and post settlement success (Harley et al., 2006; Matz et al., 2020).
Variable Symbiodiniaceae communities
Structuring was also identified in endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae communities. Cladocopium was the most abundant Symbiodiniaceae genus found among S. intersepta across FKNMS, particularly in mesophotic S. intersepta populations. Similar to M. cavernosa Symbiodiniaceae assemblages in Belize, we found deeper populations generally harbored fewer Symbiodiniaceae type profiles and shallow populations were more likely to harbor unique profiles (Eckert et al., 2020). This pattern of depth-generalist and shallow-specialist ITS2 type profiles differs from studies of M. cavernosa in Mexico and the Bahamas, where depth-specific Symbiodiniaceae were found (Lesser et al., 2010; Sturm et al., 2022). The dominance of Cladocopium spp. within S. intersepta colonies is consistent with results from Curaçao; however, S. intersepta in Curaçao only harbor Cladocopium spp. and also have depth-specific symbionts at 50 and 60 m (Bongaerts et al., 2015). The patterns and dominance we observe among in hospite Cladocopium across FKNMS S. intersepta are rather expected, as Cladocopium is a genetically and ecologically diverse genus (LaJeunesse et al., 2018).
We found significantly different Symbiodiniaceae communities across sampling sites and depths in FKNMS (Fig. 6), consistent with M. cavernosa Symbiodiniaceae in Mexico, where communities differed between Alacranes and Bajos del Norte reefs (Sturm et al., 2022). Some ITS2 type profiles are only found in shallow S. intersepta colonies, possibly due to adaptation to shallow reef conditions (e.g., light, nutrients). Since S. intersepta is a broadcast spawning species with a large depth range and potential for long-distance dispersal, acquiring symbionts from the local environment where larvae settle is advantageous, especially if there is prevalent endosymbiont zonation across depth and/or site, such as we identified here (Bongaerts et al., 2015). It is likely that different site and depth zone combinations in FKNMS harbor specific Symbiodiniaceae within the environment, as seen in American Samoa (Cunning et al., 2015). In the case of S. intersepta in FKNMS, there is some correlation between host genotype and Symbiodiniaceae association, these differences across depth and site may potentially avoid any issues with maladapted Symbiodiniaceae associations which could occur through symbiont transmission from parent to offspring (Bongaerts et al., 2010). Environmental factors other than depth (light and current velocity) were also found to significantly contribute to Symbiodiniaceae community structure across FKNMS (Fig. 4B; Supplementary Table S2). These factors may be influencing the most abundant taxa within a site, influencing host-symbiont associations, or inhibiting the dispersal of taxa across site (e.g., current velocity), thereby shaping the differences observed here (Cooper et al., 2011; Tonk et al., 2013).
RADseq alignments to Symbiodiniaceae spp. genomes were highly concordant with ITS2 sequences at the genus level (Figs. 6B & C). While using markers such as ITS2 or psbAncr allows a much finer level of differentiation (i.e., species or genotype), these methods require additional lab work and sequencing costs. Despite the reference genomes coming from congener algal taxa, and despite the high level of diversity and homology across Symbiodiniaceae, using RADseq SNPs to identify algal symbionts, as first proposed by Manzello et al. (2019) was highly effective and significantly correlated to the ITS2 assignment at the genus level. Identifying algal endosymbionts via RADseq-based approaches can provide critical time and cost savings if genus-level resolution is sufficient to answer the research questions at hand.