In this study, we evaluated PHMG-induced lung injury and its changes according to the number of weeks after exposure in a rat model using chest CT and pathologic evaluation. In addition, we proved that PHMG exposure caused lung tumors and genetic alterations under the guidance of CT.
In both the chest CT and pathologic analyses, at least one lesion in the lung appeared every week in all rats exposed to PHMG, despite the single exposure. In addition, the major CT findings of lung lesions showed significant changes over time, which were also proved though pathologic evaluation, and the lung lesions remained persistent after 8 weeks of exposure. In the pathologic analysis, the extent and severity of inflammation did not show statistically significant changes over time, whereas the extent and severity of fibrosis increased continuously up to 6 weeks after exposure and then decreased significantly at 8 weeks. Among the major CT findings, we found that 84.6% of peribronchial GGOs were inflammation and the rest were fibrosis through a radiologic-histologic correlation. Centrilobular nodules were 60% fibrosis and the rest were inflammation, the linear densities and nodules were 62.5% inflammation, 25% fibrosis, and 12.5% tumors, and diffuse GGO was inflammation (100%). Most of the lesions were located along the peribronchial area, which may be due to the fact that PHMG was instilled through the trachea and reacted by spreading along the bronchus. These findings suggest that PHMG can cause significant lung injury and if exposed to PHMG, the lesion can be evaluated by chest CT. In previous studies, exudates fill the alveolar air space as well as the peribronchial fibro-inflammatory lesions in both early and chronic stages in pediatric patients [25]. In adult patients, extensive fibrosis was also noted in the chronic stage [5]. However, in the previous study, they did not analyze pathologic findings which correlated with CT findings in all patients. Several studies using mice also reported severe pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis caused by PHMG exposure [8, 26]. PHMG exposure led to persistent pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis for at least 10 weeks and dose-dependent exacerbation of both inflammation and pulmonary fibrosis on day 14 was found. However, these studies did not provide quantitative pathologic finding results and did not analyze the changes of pathologic findings over time in detail. In addition, there have been no studies on the occurrence of lung lesions and changes according to time caused by PHMG using chest CT.
Another important finding in our study is the incidence of tumors caused by PHMG. Previous studies have not reported the incidence of tumors, probably because the pathologic evaluation did not include the section where the tumor grew. In this study, the CT findings were analyzed in advance and slides were made in consideration of the mass or nodule part. As a result, we found tumors in 50% of rats 6 and 8 weeks after exposure. In addition, our study was the first to detect tumors in lungs exposed to PHMG.
In our study, the tumors were all bronchiolar-alveolar adenomas. A spectrum of bronchiolar-alveolar proliferative lesions such as hyperplasia-adenoma-adenocarcinoma has been best described in rodents, where they can occur after exposure of various carcinogens or spontaneously [27]. Bronchiolar-alveolar proliferative lesions apparently represent a spectrum that progresses from hyperplasia to adenoma to carcinoma in rodents and some researchers have argued that all lesions should be designated as carcinomas, even in earliest lesions. In addition, bronchioloalveolar neoplasms in human are generally considered malignant [27]. In our study, analysis was only performed up to 8 weeks after PHMG exposure, but considering the spectrum of bronchiolar-alveolar proliferation, the possibility of carcinoma being discovered after 8 weeks cannot be excluded. Therefore, in future work, it is important to consider results beyond 8 weeks.
In the RNA sequencing analysis, we found several genes associated with lung cancer, acute lung injury, and pulmonary fibrosis. In addition, there were no genes associated with DNA repair and RNA splicing, and the genes related to cell proliferation were significantly downregulated. Since the lung lobes with lesions were identified using CT beforehand, the tissues to be used for RNA sequencing were selected, resulting in a more robust and direct gene association with the lung lesions. It has been reported that dysregulation of DNA repair and RNA splicing can cause various genetic disorders and eventually lead to cancer [28–30]. Taken together, our results demonstrate that genetic alterations due to PHMG exposure may provoke pulmonary inflammation and pulmonary fibrosis by attenuating the normal recovery mechanism of the lung, consequently resulting in tumorigenesis.
There were several limitations in this study. First, RNA sequencing was performed for only three rats at 4 weeks after PHMG exposure. However, because the primary goal of this study was CT imaging analysis with pathologic correlation, much of the tissue could not be utilized for RNA sequencing. In addition, since the tumors were detected 6 weeks after exposure, gene analysis may be necessary in rats after 6 weeks. Second, it is difficult to accurately correlate the dose instilled in rats with the amount of inhalation through the humidifier in humans. In addition, further studies are needed to determine the extent and severity of lung lesions, including tumors, using a smaller or higher dose in addition to the concentrations used in this experiment.