Uranium is a radioactive-lithophile metal which occurs in many geologic formations; including metamorphic, magmatic, and sedimenatry rocks (e.g., [1–4]). It forms interesting concentrations in some plants, water, soils, sediments, bitumens, coals, and fossil woods [5–12]. This element is mined in some sandstones, comglomerates, shales, granites, pegmatites, alaskites, monzonites, limestones, carbonatites, syenites, pelites, soils, sediments, tuffs, metaschists, metacarbonates, and some acid volcanic rocks [4, 13–18]. The presence of positive uranium anomalies in rocks, plants, soils, water, coals, and sediments is signified by its radioactivity or high contents which might save as a guide for uranium deposits exploration [4, 6, 8, 12, 19–26].
Many types of uranium deposits are distinguished: quartz-pebble conglomerate deposits, carbonaceous-siliceous-pelite deposits, carbonate type deposits, the vein type deposits, surficial deposits, intrusive deposits, the metasomatic type deposits, the phosphorite and lignite deposits, the hematitic breccia complex deposits, albitite type deposits, sandstone deposits, and unconformity-related deposits [8, 13, 17, 27, 28]. In their deposits, uranium is hosted by many ore minerals including : (1) major U-minerals (uraninite, uranite, coffinite, brannerite, davidite, carnotite, pitchblende, and betafite), (2) minor U-minerals (uranotile, chalcolite, clacouranite, gummite, tyuyminite, autunite, uranothorianite, torbernite, uranophane, euxenite, fergusonite, and samarkite, torbernite…), and (3) as substitute of other elements in zircon, xenotime, monazite, apatite, and titanite, [3, 14, 27, 29–33]. These minerals are either disseminated in their host rocks or carried by specific features such as fractures, veins, lenses, sheet-like or pod-like features, reticules, stockworks, faults, and brecciated-shear zones [4, 27, 28, 30, 34–38]. In some sandstone type U-deposits, uranium ore minerals occur as grain coatings and intergranular fillings or as replacements of sand-size and smaller grains [18, 38]; as clay aggregates, in volcanic rock fragments, or as replacements of carbonaceous plant debris [39]. The identification and study of U-ore minerals and their hosted structures place a better role in characterizing its deposit. U-ore minerals in some deposits are associated to other mineable minerals such as zircon, thorianite, monazite, xenotime, hematite, magnetite, pyrite, scheelite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, cassiterite, chromite, columbite, arsenopyrite, gold, rutile, molybdenite, ilmenite, apatite… in a gangue made up of feldspars, chalcedony, plagioclase, sphene, quartz, tourmaline, amphibole, chlorite, muscovite, fluorite, sericite, biotite, garnet, calcite…[3, 15, 27, 28, 30]. The identification of the above minerals, and their characterization, coupled to other features already presented, are of interests; as they play important role during ore prospecting, grading, mining, and processing, to define a deposit type, and to present a genetic model for each of the deposit [8, 21, 23, 40]. U-ore processing techniques include leaching, solid-liquid separation, ion-exchange, and solvent extraction [41–46].
In Cameroon, U-ore mineral occurrences are found in Lolodorf (in the south) and Kitongo « Poli » (in the North) [2, 13, 47, 48]. The Kitongo U-ore mineral occurrence has been subjet of many studies (e.g., [2, 3, 13, 48–50]. AIEA [13] proposed that the Kitongo U-ore mineral occcurence is a disseminated types formed as a result of structurally-controlled metasomatic replacement in syn-orogenic granitic plutons of Pan-African age intruded along a deep-seated fault. The granitic nature of the rock hosting the Kitongo uranium occurrence was confirmed by Kouske et al. [2]. For Kouske et al. [2], the Kitongo U-ore occurrence is an albitite structurally-controlled with metasomatic fingerprintings. This brecciated-albitite uranium ore occurrence affected by Na-metasomatism (albitization), Ca-metasomatism (calcitization), coffinitization, oxidization, and hematization encloses uraninite, coffinite, U-Zr-Si, U-Fe-Si, and U-Ti phases in a gangue made up of albite, riebeckite, aegirine, amphibole, monazite, magnetite, calcite, zircon, epidote, apatite and titanite [2]. Saïdou et al. [48, 49] carried out natural radioactive measurements in Poli (area of location of the Kitongo uranium ores). Limite published information are available for Lolodorf uranium ore mineral occurrences and other uranium ore mineral occurrences (e.g., those found in d’Awanga and Ngomba, and Mbanga). The first radioactive anomaly found in Lolodorf was evidenced on alkaline syenite during 1979 BRGM “Bureau de Recherche Géologique et Minière” which in enghlish is GMRB (Geologic and Mining Research Board), field survey [47]. Collected and analyzed samples shew the presence of uranothorite, uraninite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, and galena [47]. Survey work carried out by Mega Uranium Ltd an uranium exploration company gave an estimation of up to 11000 tones of U in the Lolodorf prospect. Natural radioactivity measurements in uranium and thorium bearing zones in Lolodorph, recorded significant 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K radiations [24, 49]. The Mbanga Massif found at about 43 Km SE to the Lolodorf uranium ore occurrences has not yet been studied in detail. Information characterizing the U-bearing ores and their host rocks found in this massif are lacking. The U-bearing ores has not yet been processed. In this paper, we present geochemical, and mineralogical data characterizing targeted U-bearing syentic rocks cropping in the Mbanga massif. Radiometric analytical data are coupled the other obtained results (this study) to evidence the presence of uranium ore minerals and evaluate the potential. The identified and sampled ores are processed by H2SO3 acid leaching to extract uranium.