Our objective was to characterize cortical activation and connectivity changes during and after a cued simple finger tap motor task. Our primary novel findings supported our hypotheses and were that the stroke group continued cortical activation even after the end of the task, and the connectivity between cortical regions in the stroke group changed compared to the controls. Cortical activity, quantified as the change in the beta band (13-26Hz) power relative to baseline, showed a positive inflection (ERS) in controls that was not present in stroke (Fig. I). Further, cortical activity during Finger Tap was spatially dispersed in the stroke group compared to controls (Fig. II). Post Task decreases in task-based coherence (tbCoh) seen as negative coherence values between the ipsilesional sensorimotor regions, and the frontal regions of the cortex were observed in controls but not in people with stroke (Fig. III), suggesting a reduction in cortical connectivity in stroke. These results suggest that alterations in cortical activity and associated connectivity between the sensorimotor and frontal cortices might underlie clinical observations of prolonged muscle activation in people with stroke.
Unlike controls, the stroke group exhibited a continued presence of ERD until 1.5s post-movement offset and a lack of beta band ERS. Although not directly measured in this study, there is evidence of people with stroke having difficulty volitionally relaxing their muscles, such as delays in termination of muscle activity in the upper extremity (Chae et al. 2002; Seo et al. 2009). The beta band ERS differences between the stroke group and controls might contribute to the difficulty in movement termination seen in people with stroke. In controls, return to synchronization or beta band ERS is associated with a return to the "idling state" (Pfurtscheller 1992), an active inhibition of the motor network at the end of the task (Fry et al. 2016; Heinrichs-Graham et al. 2017), or sensory feedback marking the end of the task (Cassim et al. 2001; Houdayer et al. 2006). Problems terminating muscle activity and the lack of ERS observed in the current study might be related to damage to somatosensory pathways in stroke survivors. While motor deficits are readily observed after stroke, functional outcomes are worse when patients have both motor and sensory impairments (Carey 1995; Patel et al. 2000; Platz 2000). These studies highlight the impact of sensory problems on motor function in stroke survivors. The relay of signals between the motor cortex, the periphery, and back to the motor cortex forms a closed neural loop of beta oscillations that has even been suggested to underlie muscle synergies (Aumann and Prut 2015). In other words, beta oscillations are associated with the connections of the motor cortex to afferent pathways involved in motor commands (Baker 2007). Although the stroke participants in this study had low levels of impairment and did not show visible signs of an inability to deactivate the finger after the task, the ERS was not just delayed in time. Instead the ERS did not appear to be present. In people with spinal cord injury, ERS is attenuated following a brisk toe plantar flexion, possibly due to a deficit in the sensory feedback (Gourab and Schmit 2010). In addition, ERS following ankle movement is reduced in healthy adults when sensory feedback is attenuated using prolonged vibration (Lee and Schmit 2018). Thus, the loss of somatosensory feedback after stroke could underlie the absence of ERS in the current study; however, it is unlikely to be the only cause. We may also be able to attribute the satisfactory performance of the task, despite the lack of ERS, to the simplicity and shorter time duration of the task itself.
Losses in active inhibition of motor commands and resetting of motor regions to an idling state after stroke likely contribute to the loss of ERS. According to Heinrichs-Graham and colleagues, afferent sensory feedback and active inhibition work together to give rise to ERS (Heinrichs-Graham et al. 2017). Similarly, Alegre and colleagues found increased ERS following a cue of "no-go" and during a cue to inhibit movements, suggesting the involvement of networks associated with active inhibition at the end of the task (Alegre et al. 2004). Parameters related to the complexity of the task or force generated relative to the task (Fry et al. 2016) regulate the level of ERS in healthy adults, and both active and passive movements also result in ERS (Cassim et al. 2001). ERS is also seen during imagined movements of feet (Pfurtscheller et al. 2005) and hands (Pfurtscheller and Lopes da Silva 1999), which might minimize the sensory feedback necessary for movement termination. Pfurtscheller and colleagues imply that returning to an idling state or resetting cortical networks might result in ERS with inputs from primary and non-primary motor networks (Pfurtscheller et al. 2005). As ERS is seen during active, passive, or imagined movements and found to be somatotopically arranged (Salmelin et al. 1995), the delay in termination of cortical activation seen as a lack of ERS in stroke could be the result of a lack of sensory feedback. However, changes to networks contributing to active inhibition, or an inability to reset to the "idling state" are likely to also play a role.
Similarly, differences in connectivity between the sensorimotor cortices and the frontal cortex in stroke participants (compared to controls) provide a potential mechanism for motor impairments in people with stroke. The increase in connectivity between the motor cortices and the frontal lobe during a motor task, followed by a decrease in connectivity following the task, occurs with self-paced movements in the healthy controls (Leocani et al. 1997). We saw a similar pattern in controls in the current study; however, people with stroke did not show a negative coherence after the task (Fig. III). Post Task, a negative coherence indicates a decoupling of networks at the end of the task (Gerloff et al. 2006). This lack of modulation of connectivity of the primary motor areas with frontal lobe regions near the supplementary motor area could contribute to challenges in the initiation and termination of muscle activity in stroke survivors.
Our study showed bilateral cortical activation as beta band ERD in both the stroke and control groups. Our results suggest that both hemispheres contribute to the action stage of a motor task. Several studies have quantified beta ERD in the contralateral hemisphere in healthy controls (Leocani et al. 1997; Pfurtscheller et al. 1999; Formaggio et al. 2013; Snyder et al. 2019), but there is also evidence of ipsilateral hemispheric involvement during a motor task, as shown in our study. Chen et al. used repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) to briefly disrupt the ipsilateral motor cortex during a sequence of finger movements and found timing errors even with simple sequences (Chen et al. 1997), suggesting that both hemispheres contribute to a simple motor task. The primary communication pathway between the brain and the muscles involves the corticospinal tract, and this communication occurs via both hemispheres (Kandel et al. 2000; Lang and Schieber 2004; McMorland et al. 2015). In stroke, functional magnetic resonance imaging studies (Cramer et al. 1997; Carey et al. 2002; Cramer and Crafton 2006; Calautti et al. 2007; Rehme et al. 2012), and MEG (Rossini et al. 1998), and EEG (Platz 2000; Leocani et al. 2001; Steogonpień et al. 2011; Rossiter et al. 2014) have both described a shift in cortical activation to non-primary sensorimotor areas in the ipsilesional hemisphere or the primary sensorimotor areas of the contralesional hemisphere as well as a reduction in activation. Thus, we expected a reduction in the magnitude of activation and a shift in activation to non-primary sensorimotor regions of the brain. While the spatial distribution of beta ERD in the stroke group was diffuse compared to controls, including non-primary sensorimotor regions of both hemispheres, we did not observe a reduction in activation. These results agree with the visual task based activation maps generated during a functional imaging study in people with stroke by Kalinosky and colleagues, who saw an increase in activation in the contralesional hemisphere (Kalinosky et al. 2019). The similarity between the stroke group and controls may be due to our stroke group's low level of impairment, based on the Fugl Meyer upper extremity scores.
Similarly, with task-based connectivity between C3 (ipsilesional region), C4 (contralesional region), and Fz (frontal region) in people with stroke, we found a similar pattern, but lower magnitude compared to controls during Finger Tap (as shown in Fig. III). These findings are consistent with magnetic resonance imaging (Feydy et al. 2002; Grefkes et al. 2008; Mintzopoulos et al. 2009; Crofts et al. 2011; Rehme et al. 2011) and EEG (Strens et al. 2004; Gerloff et al. 2006; De Vico Fallani et al. 2009; Wu et al. 2015; Bönstrup et al. 2018) studies that have found a reduction in intra-hemispheric and inter-hemispheric connectivity post-stroke. Ipsilateral networks typically play a supportive role during motor tasks in the uninjured brain, but if the primary motor cortex is lesioned, the ipsilateral networks can act as primary networks (Feydy et al. 2002). These studies highlight the variable nature of connectivity changes seen in stroke. The reduced task-based connectivity for the stroke group seen in our study is consistent with these previously reported changes to cortical connectivity in people with stroke.
There were several limitations to this study. While we accounted and corrected for EEG data collection and analysis-related issues such as movement artifacts and volume conduction, we could not eliminate all contaminations due to extraneous muscle activity associated with arm stabilization. Specifically, it was difficult to separate EEG signal from EMG associated with arm and trunk stabilization during analysis. We secured the torso of the participants with straps to minimize trunk-related muscle activity, although we could not tightly secure the arm to the manipulandum due to EMG electrodes on the forearm of the participants. We monitored and minimized non-task-related movements in participants. We also observed the participants to ensure that they performed the task uniformly and according to the study protocol. However, we could not document the movement level using EMG as it was impossible to isolate the muscle involved in the task. The participants with stroke had low levels of impairment (average Fugl Meyer = 57.33 ± 8.33) and could perform the task successfully (full range of motion). However, as the presence of ERD has been noted during active, passive, and imagined movements (Pfurtscheller et al. 1999; Neuper et al. 2006; Wörtz and Pfurtscheller 2006), we cannot eliminate the possibility of imagined movement if the stroke participants were mentally coaching themselves during the study. We did not instrument the participants to document movement kinematics and timing, which might have aided in the interpretation of the results. We also had a heterogeneous group of stroke participants with varying, albeit smaller degrees of impairment (including but not limited to motor impairments), so we could not generalize the level of compensation across the stroke group.
In conclusion, our study has highlighted that at the end of a cued simple motor task, people with stroke demonstrated prolonged beta ERD and a lack of beta ERS. Contrary to controls, task-based connectivity did not show negative coherence between the ipsilesional hemisphere and the frontal region. Our results concur with other studies that have explored the spatial characteristics of cortical activation and connectivity but incorporated the temporal component that contributes to motor impairments, which is pertinent to volitional termination of muscle activation during a motor task in people with stroke.