This prospective observational study was carried out to evaluate the impact of contrast media on thyroid function in patients who received ESI. First, we revealed that the serum level of FT4 was significantly elevated following ESI. Second, nearly 20% of our patients with euthyroidism developed a thyroid disorder. Third, we discovered that these conditions were unrelated to the ICM dosage.
ICM is routinely and necessarily employed in ESI procedures. An average 1,5 − 2 ml dosage of ICM with a 35µg/ml concentration is used in the procedure, providing 70µg of free iodide, which is much lower than CT or angiography ranges [11, 12]. Some research indicates that repeated ICM exposure and large ICM volumes are more likely to elevate the risk of thyroid disorders [13, 14]. Contrary to these studies, we found no correlation between contrast volume and thyroid hormone dysregulation. This might be due to the low amount of contrast media and the short follow-up period.
The iodine or iodide load provided by ICM likely explains the observed connection between ICM exposure and hyperthyroidism. Once the iodine has entered the thyroid follicles, it is used to produce the thyroid hormones T4 and T3 [15]. After an iodine dose, defective autoregulation is the mechanism behind ICM-induced hyperthyroidism, and a high consumption of iodine will lead to either temporary or permanent hyperthyroidism [16, 17, 18]. This mechanism may shed light on the link between ICM-exposure in our study. Similar to the findings of Chen Y et al., we discovered a slight difference in T3 and TSH levels but a significant change in T4 levels compared to pre-treatment. However, when compared, the amount of contrast material used differs [10]. We postulated that this may be due to non-dose-dependent personal and other variables, including living in an iodine-deficiency region and having an underlying autoimmune disease or thyroid issues (euthyroid goiter, euthyroid sick syndrome, etc.).
One-fifth of the participants in our research experienced subclinical hyperthyroidism after ICM exposure. A prospective observational cohort research examined the long-term consequences on thyroid function in euthyroid individuals employing ICM for coronary angiography. After eight weeks, they discovered that ICM may give rise to subclinical hyperthyroidism [21]. It has been proposed that the association between ICM exposure and developing thyroid dysfunction may be more widespread than previously anticipated [22]. A nested case-control study between 1990–2010 consisting of 3678 individuals was conducted in the euthyroid population by Rhee, C. M., et al. [6]. They showed that overt hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism were significantly associated with ICM exposure. Over the course of a year, 1 million patients in the general population of Taiwan showed a considerably greater incidence of ICM-induced thyroid dysfunction after 6 years of observation [5]. Using Taiwan's National Health Insurance Research Data- Base, a later investigation discovered that individuals with euthyroid nodular goiter had a nearly 5-fold greater incidence of ICM-induced thyroid dysfunction than those without thyroid nodules [19]. Yet, in certain studies, ICM exposure caused thyroid dysfunction, particularly in patients with a history of thyroid illness or renal insufficiency [14, 19, 20]. However, since we were unable to recruit adequate patients with thyroid dysfunction, our investigation focused on participants with normal thyroid function. In our subsequent investigation, we intend to include individuals with thyroid disorders.
Despite convincing retrospective research, the outcomes of prospective observational studies in various regions assessing changes in thyroid hormone levels after a single exposure to ICM are highly diverse [23, 24, 25]. In accordance with a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, during radiographic processes, the frequency of thyroid dysfunction following ICM injection is remarkably low [23]. These differences may be caused by the selection of participants (based on thyroid functions), the amount and type of contrast agent used, and the follow-up period, which cause substantial heterogeneity among studies [26].
Our study has several limitations. First, our study has a short follow-up period. On the other hand, the relationship between ICM volume and the long-term risk of thyroid illness, as well as the requirement of thyroid function monitoring, remains obscure. Second, due to the nature of the technique, we carried out ESI utilizing low-dose contrast volumes. Third, participants in our study were not strictly selected from an iodine-sufficient region. Finally, due to the difficulties in diagnosing asymptomatic autoimmune diseases and goiter, this population may be mistakenly included. It might affect our clinical results.
We also have strengths in our study. It is the first study to address the change in thyroid function tests due to ICM exposure in ESIs. Moreover, we demonstrated that those procedures could deteriorate thyroid function values and lead to a thyroid disorder in euthyroid individuals. Given the growing prevalence of ESI implementations in clinical practice, the results obtained are of importance in the daily routine practice of ESI.