One might ask why bother with detecting antigen-specific memory B cells (Bmem), fragile live cells that need to be processed within a short time window after they have been collected from the body, when simple serum antibody measurements provide the sought-after information? The answer is simple: Bmem measurements can provide insights into immune responsiveness that serum antibodies cannot. Because another chapter in this volume [1] is dedicated to this issue, here we will just touch on the major points. Antigen-specific plasma cells (PCs) and Bmem both arise during an immune response triggered by antigen encounter, but the generation of these two daughter cell lineages follows different fate-decision pathways. Precursors of both cell types, germinal center B cells (GCB), undergo somatic hypermutations (SHM) that results in the generation of subclones with slightly modified B cell antigen receptors (BCRs). From this repertoire of daughter cells, subclones that have an increased affinity for the antigen are positively selected to undergo further rounds of proliferation and SHM, and eventually differentiate into PCs. Contrary to the previously held notion, PCs are not necessarily long-lived (Note 1) and neither are the Ig molecules they secrete (Note 2). In contrast, GCB progeny endowed with lower affinity BCRs for the antigen can still join the long-lived Bmem compartment. Hence, PC and Bmem fulfill different roles in maintaining host immune defense.
The antibodies produced by PC constitute the first wall of acquired humoral immune defense [2]. They provide immediate protection by preventing the re-entry of the antigen, or if it enters, by neutralizing it, and/or facilitating its elimination by phagocytes via immune complex formation (precipitation), opsonization, and complement fixation. As evidenced during the recent COVID pandemic, and previously with seasonal influenza, the first wall of adaptive humoral defense may fail to prevent (re)-infection when antibody titers drop below protective levels, or upon emergence of viral escape mutants capable of evading the neutralizing activity of antibodies elicited by the original (homotype) virus strain. In such cases, Bmem provide the second wall of adaptive humoral host defense [2]. Owing to their increased frequencies compared to antigen-specific naïve B cells, and having already switched from IgM to expression of specialized Ig classes and subclasses (Note 3), Bmem not only mediate a faster and more efficient “secondary” antibody response against the same (homotypic) virus, but also against antigenically-related viral escape mutants (heterotypes). This is because, within the antigen-specific B cell repertoire that was clonally expanded by the homotypic virus during the primary response, there will be Bmem that joined the memory compartment with mutated BCRs that have affinity for the heterotype as well. Because such cross-reactive Bmem occur in increased frequencies compared to naïve B cells, and have already undergone Ig class switching, this population is poised to engage into a quasi-secondary B cell response if infection with a variant virus occurred.
From the above, it follows that measurements of serum antibodies provide insights only about the fading first wall of immune protection. Measurements of Bmem, in contrast, provide insights into the cellular basis of long-term immunity. Through measuring the frequency of antigen-specific Bmem within all peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (Note 4) the magnitude of the existing memory compartment within an individual can be directly quantified. Such information sheds light on the vigor of future secondary antibody responses upon antigen encounter. Moreover, through establishing the Ig class/subclass utilization of the Bmem compartment, one can also predict the type of antibody that will be produced upon antigen encounter (Note 5).
There are few techniques capable of detecting rare antigen-specific Bmem while also providing information regarding their relative abundance, Ig class/subclass usage and functional affinity (Note 6). B cell ImmunoSpot® assays are ideally-suited for this purpose as they enable detection of Ig molecules secreted by individual antibody-secreting cells (ASC). While resting Bmem do not secrete antibody, such cells can readily be differentiated into ASC following a simple in vitro stimulation protocol (Note 7). The ImmunoSpot® assay principle for detecting ASC, irrespective of their antigen specificity, is described in Fig. 1A, its variant for detecting antigen-specific ASC, in Fig. 1B.
In this chapter, we share our expertise on how to best establish the frequency of antigen-specific, Bmem-derived ASC in human PBMC, including their Ig class and subclass use, and how to do so with the least labor, and the lowest number of PBMC possible (Note 4). The type of testing described here is also essential for determining the so-called “Goldilocks” number of PBMC to be seeded into subsequent ImmunoSpot® assays aimed at evaluating the affinity distribution present among antigen-specific ASC (see the chapter by Bezca et al. in this volume, [3]), or the cross-reactivity of homotype antigen-primed ASC with heterotypic antigens (see the chapter by Lehmann et al., also in this volume, [1]).
Owing to the requirement to detect individual ASC-derived secretory footprints to accurately determine the frequency of antigen-specific B cells, an ImmunoSpot® assay-related challenge to overcome is that Bmem-derived ASC producing different classes and subclasses of Ig span orders of magnitude [4]. Importantly, this problem is readily overcome by seeding PBMC (or other single cell suspensions) in serial dilutions. For establishing the frequencies of antigen-specific ASC following in vitro polyclonal stimulation of PBMC, we recommend starting at 2 x 105 PBMC per well and progressing in a 1 + 1 (2-fold dilution series) down the 96 well plate to generate 8 additional data points. Similarly, for establishing the frequency of all ASC producing IgM, IgG or IgA, irrespective of their antigen-specificity, we recommend starting at 2 x 104 and performing a similar 2-fold dilution series down the 96 well plate for 8 points of cell titration (Note 10).
Four-color ImmunoSpot® assays are suited to generate maximal data while saving on cells (Note 11). Figures 2 and 3 show that such fluorescence-based tests detect the secretory footprints of individual Bmem with the same efficacy as do single-color enzymatic assays. As can be seen for higher cell numbers in Fig. 3, the confluence of secretory footprints and resulting ELISA effect interferes with accurate recognition and counting of individual spot forming units (SFU). At SFU counts lower than 100 SFU per well, however, a close to perfect linear relationship exists between the number of PBMC seeded per well, and the number of SFU counts per well, from which, by linear regression, the frequency of SFU within all PBMC plated can be accurately extrapolated. A fully automated software module built into the ImmunoSpot® software permits the identification of the linear range of SFU counts, the calculation of means of replicates, and the frequency extrapolation (see the chapter by Karulin et al. on this issue in this volume, [5]).
Our in-depth studies of such regression analysis-based frequency calculations showed that performing serial dilution experiments involving replicates offers only a negligible advantage in precision over performing the assay with single wells (Fig. 4, and Becza et al., manuscript in preparation). Doing such serial dilution-based frequency measurements in four-color reduces the required number of PBMC by four-fold compared to performing 4 independent single-color assays, and doing so using a single well serial dilution approach permits another four-fold reduction in cell material compared to testing each cell input in quadruplicate (as was done in the data presented in Figs. 2 and 3).
Figure 5 depicts the results obtained from a typical serial dilution-based four-color ImmunoSpot® test detecting all four antibody classes (IgM, IgG, IgA and IgE) of SARS-CoV-2 Spike-specific ASC in a convalescent individual with a PCR-verified infection. Similarly, the IgG subclass usage of Spike-specific ASC was determined in parallel using an IgG1/IgG2/IgG3/IgG4 four-color assay. The abundance of all ASC in the test sample producing each Ig class or IgG subclass was also established to permit calculation of the frequency of antigen-specific ASC among all ASC, for each Ig class and subclass (Note 12 and 13). As seen for this individual, and consistent with the majority of convalescent COVID-19 donors we tested thus far (Kirchenbaum, unpublished observation), the SARS-CoV-2 Spike-specific Bmem primarily secrete IgG, and IgG1 in particular. Notably, although our IgA class-specific detection system works perfectly well for detection of total IgA+ ASC activity (see Fig. 2C), very few Spike-specific IgA+ Bmem-derived ASC were detectable in this individual. Moreover, a small population of Spike-specific IgG3+ Bmem-derived ASC was also detectable in this donor. Importantly, for the precise enumeration of the latter very rare antigen-specific ASC, higher cell inputs would be required, inputs that would be too high for determining the frequency of antigen-specific ASC producing IgG/IgG1 (highlighting the importance of testing samples across multiple cell inputs through serial dilutions and the value of multicolor analysis). Of note, the large number of IgM+ SFU detected in Spike antigen-coated wells do not appear to be “specific” since comparable numbers of SFU were also present in negative control wells. Such IgM+ SFU likely originate from naïve B cells possessing broadly-reactive BCR specificities, and which differentiated into ASC following in vitro polyclonal stimulation. This lack of “specificity” exhibited by IgM+ ASC following polyclonal stimulation of human PBMC has also been reported previously [6] and reiterates the importance of including negative controls in such B cell ImmunoSpot® assays. In contrast, while IgG+ Spike- or NCAP-antigen-specific ASC were absent in all PBMC collected in the pre-COVID era, abundant such IgG+ ASC were detected in individuals with PCR-verified SARS-CoV-2 infection [4]. Therefore, unlike IgM, detecting antigen-specific IgG (and IgG subclass)-producing ASC in PBMC following short-term in vitro polyclonal stimulation signifies in vivo primed and class-switched memory B cells. Antigen-specific, IgM+ ASC can be detected, however, when PBMC are studied acutely (5–9 days) after induction of a primary B cell response.
Performing the above test required 8 x 105 PBMC to be seeded into the antigen-specific assay, plus we added an optional pan Ig class/subclass assay requiring an additional 8 x 104 PBMC (Fig. 5A, and Note 4). As PBMC can be cryopreserved without loss of B cell functionality [7], samples can be run in batches instead of testing them one by one as soon as the blood is drawn (Note 13). During freeze-thawing up to 30% of the cells may be lost, but the functionality of the recovered B cells will be unaltered compared to freshly isolated PBMC ([7], and Becza et al., manuscript in preparation). If an additional polyclonal stimulation is needed prior to the actual ImmunoSpot® test to convert resting Bmem into ASC, approximately 50% of the frozen PBMC will be recovered after thawing and performing the five-day in vitro polyclonal stimulation protocol (N. Becza, manuscript in preparation). Therefore, only 8.8 x 105 PBMC are needed for the type of test shown in Fig. 5, and allowing for a safety margin in cell recovery, we suggest that 2–3 million PBMC should be cryopreserved per aliquot to perform such a test. Furthermore, we recommend freezing several aliquots of PBMC (or other single cell suspensions) to permit subsequent tests using higher cell inputs and/or additional replicates in scenarios where antigen-specific ASC frequencies are very low (Note 15). Furthermore, the availability of additional aliquots of cell material permits further in-depth characterization of affinity distributions or heterotypic cross-reactivity within the Bmem-derived ASC repertoire (Note 16 and 17) and references [1] and [3].
In the following, we provide detailed protocols for cryopreservation of PBMC to maintain their full functionality, subsequent polyclonal stimulation of these PBMC to differentiate resting Bmem into ASC, and four-color ImmunoSpot® assays for defining the Ig class and IgG subclass use of antigen-specific ASC.