1.1. Definition of affinity, avidity, and functional affinity
Antibodies, also called immunoglobulins (Ig), can specifically bind to nearly any type of molecule (collectively termed an antigen) whereby the antigen-binding domain located in the hypervariable region of the antibody molecule (called the paratope) associates with a defined region of the antigen referred to as an epitope. The specificity and strength of antigen-antibody interactions depends on the presence of complementary structures on both surfaces in three-dimensional space (“lock and key principle”) with the summation of attractive/repulsive forces contributing to the net binding strength. The binding forces involved in antibody-antigen interactions include (a) pairs of oppositely charged molecular groups, (b) hydrophobic regions capable of attracting each other, (c) coordinated hydrogen bonds and (d) van der Walls-type interactions. As all four binding forces are reversible, the binding of antibody to antigen is reversible, too. Consequently, there is a constant “on-off” flickering of the paratope-epitope association that follows a second order biochemical reaction. The association- (Kon) and dissociation- (Koff) constants of the paratope-epitope interaction jointly determine the equilibrium constant (Kd) that defines “affinity” (Note 1).
The affinity of antibodies elicited during the course of an immune response can range from nearly undetectable (e.g., Kd < 10− 4 M) to extremely high (e.g., Kd > 10− 10) [1–8]. Consequently, a difference of greater than 6 orders of magnitude in antibody concentration can be required for low vs. high affinity antibody to attain the same level of epitope coverage. Thus, while all such “specific” antibodies can result in “specific” antigen binding if they are present in sufficiently high concentration, it would take 1 million times more antibody molecules for a low-affinity antibody compared to a high-affinity antibody to achieve the same density of antigen binding! The affinity of an antibody is, therefore, a critical factor determining its capacity to contribute towards protective immune reactions.
Affinity will suffice for defining the binding strength of an antibody to antigen when only a single arm (so-called Fab fragment) of the antibody can interact with the antigen. This is the typical scenario when antibodies (immobilized or not) interact with individual antigen molecules in solution. This is because on most protein antigens the epitopes are singular unique structures, i.e., there are no other epitopes present on the same antigen molecule for the other arm of the antibody to associate with. Avidity defines the net binding strength when a single antibody molecule (that possesses 2 to 10 Fab fragments or arms) can attach to multiple epitopes that are structurally connected. This is the case when repetitive epitopes occur on the same antigen molecule and are within the reach of the antibody’s arms, or when separate, but physically linked antigen molecules are sufficiently close in proximity that the antibody can associate with more than one antigen molecule simultaneously (e.g., when two membrane-anchored antigen molecules are in close proximity to each other). The net binding strength attained from such multivalent binding (avidity) is exponentially higher than that resulting from monovalent binding (affinity). This is because, as mentioned above, the interaction of the antibody’s paratope with the antigen’s epitope is a reversible “on” and “off” flickering, and during the “off” state, in case of a monovalent interaction, the reaction partners can diffuse away. If, however, more than one arm of the same antibody molecule is simultaneously involved in unsynchronized “on/off” flickering, the time window in which two or more arms are dissociated, and the ligand(s) could separate and diffuse away, is greatly reduced.
To define affinity, single arms of antibodies (so-called Fab fragments) need to be studied, that however, do not occur naturally. As all naturally occurring antibodies in humans (and other commonly used animal models) have at least two arms (IgG, IgE, and monomeric IgA have two; IgM and dimeric IgA have 10 and 4, respectively), whether monovalent or multivalent binding occurs (i.e., whether affinity or avidity applies), depends on the special circumstances of the antigen encounter. In terms of immunobiological consequences, however, the overall attachment strength of the antibody molecule with the antigen is fundamental for host defense. The latter is pragmatically called functional affinity. Since in this chapter we will also be analyzing the binding of bivalent antibodies to antigens, we adopt the term functional affinity, when appropriate, hereafter.
1.2. Biological benefits of antibodies with high functional affinity
A critical effector function of antibodies is their ability to bind and neutralize antigens (e.g., toxins or viruses) through preventing their association with cells of the host. Importantly, for this process to occur effectively, these antibodies need to possess a functional affinity for the antigen that surpass that of the toxin/virus for their endogenous host receptor(s). Thus, the higher the functional affinity of these antibodies (e.g. the lower the Kd), the lower the concentration required for them to exert their neutralizing effector function. Moreover, another effector function of antibodies with high functional affinity is their ability to cross-link soluble antigens and generate immune complexes facilitating the effective elimination of the antigen by phagocytes. Activation of the complement system, another effector function initiated by antibodies, depends on the cross-linking of at least two of the six “arms” of the C1q molecule [9–11] being the first component that initiates the classical complement cascade. For this to occur, two antibody molecules need to be bound simultaneously, in close vicinity, so C1q can bind to both at once. As antibodies with high functional affinity bind more stably, even when they occur at low concentrations, they outperform antibodies with lower functional affinity in their capacity to initiate complement activation. The same applies when antibody binding to antigen labels the latter for FcR-mediated elimination via phagocytosis (opsonization) or destruction (antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, ADCC). For all these effector functions, the concentration of “specific” antibody in bodily fluids is critical for their efficacy. As antibody levels tend to decline with time after an immune response, increasingly only those antibodies at the high-level end of the functional affinity spectrum will effectively contribute to host defense.
1.3. Affinity maturation of the antibody response
Owing to the fundamental role that antibody functional affinity plays in immune protection, the B cell system has evolved means to maximize the affinity of antibodies deployed in the course of an immune response. This starts with recombination of V(D)J gene segments within the IgH/IgL loci during early B cell ontogeny, a process capable of generating an estimated 1014 unique B cell receptors (BCRs) [12] (Note 2). As B cells are limited to the expression of a single BCR (with rare exceptions), each B cell is endowed with a unique antigen binding specificity. Importantly, any given specificity occurs at a very low frequency among naïve B (and T cells) and such cells continuously recirculate through secondary lymphoid tissues where they may encounter their cognate antigen (Note 3). Both naïve B and T cells are efficiently retained in secondary lymphoid tissues during the onset of a primary immune response when they first encounter “their” antigen, and, driven by (affinity-based) antigen receptor triggering, these cells are induced to proliferate. In this way, clonal expansions occur resulting in an increase in the frequency of antigen-specific B and T cells among all lymphocytes in the body. The activated T and B cells also acquire specialized effector functions, i.e., T cells become Th1/Th2/Th17/Tfh21 cells, each of which are capable of secreting a distinct cytokine signature, and B cells undergo Ig class switching that is characteristic of antigen-experienced B cells: they switch from IgM-expressing naïve B cells to downstream Ig classes such as IgG or IgA, and within the IgG producers, to subclasses IgG1/IgG2/IgG3/IgG4. Of note, the process of Ig class switching is governed by instructive signals provided primarily by T helper cells (Note 4).
During the primary immune response, the proliferating antigen-stimulated B cells also undergo an additional fundamental process aimed at improving the efficacy of the ensuing antibody response, the acquisition of somatic hypermutations (SHM) in the IgH and IgL encoding the antigen-binding variable regions of their BCRs. Initially, naïve B cells with adequate affinity for the antigen become stimulated and then these cells can acquire SHM as they undergo additional rounds of proliferation within the germinal center reaction. Their progeny, therefore, will consist of subclones that have BCRs with a spectrum of affinities for the eliciting antigen: some with higher and others with lower affinity. Of these daughter cells, only those with the highest affinity for the antigen continue to participate in the germinal center reaction and undergo further rounds of proliferation and acquisition of additional SHM. This process of positive selection for high-affinity subclones (and negligence of daughter cells with lower affinity) continues throughout the primary immune response, and becomes more and more stringent as the antigen becomes gradually eliminated as a consequence of the ensuing successful immune response. This process of affinity maturation through acquisition of SHM can also be re-initiated at a later timepoint if the antigen is reencountered, providing the cellular basis for why booster immunizations can progressively raise the affinity of the elicited antibody response. Whether in the context of a primary or secondary (recall) immune response, the B cell progeny endowed with the highest affinity BCRs for the eliciting antigen will differentiate into plasma cells (PCs) that secrete antibody with identical specificity of the BCR expressed at the time of their disengagement from the germinal center reaction. If such antibody-secreting cells (ASC) settle into the bone marrow, or other suitable niches, they can become long-lived PC (Note 5).
Relevant to this chapter, the affinity distribution of B cells for any given antigen is expected to be variable among human subjects, being dependent on the dose and duration of antigen persistence during the primary immune response (that dictates the initial affinity-based positive selection process) and on the timing, dose and duration of secondary, and possibly subsequent antigen encounters triggering further rounds of affinity-based selection of the antigen-specific B cell repertoire. Based on past efforts generating monoclonal antibody (mAb)-secreting B cell hybridomas, experience supports that the more booster shots are given, the higher the chance of isolating a clone that secretes antibody with very high affinity.
1.4. Measuring antibody functional affinity in the serum vs. the B cells themselves
It is important to understand the fundamental differences between immune protection mediated by the B cell system via the first vs. second walls of adaptive humoral defense. Antibodies already present in serum and other bodily fluids can instantly bind to antigens as soon as they attempt to, or enter the body. This first wall of defense can prevent reinfections and it can be readily assessed by serum antibody measurements. Serum antibodies, however, are relatively short-lived molecules (Note 6) and their continued presence depends on constant replenishment by PC. While PC are potentially long-lived, their lifespans are heterogenous and likely fall on a continuum [13, 14]. During the recent COVID pandemic we got reminded how rapidly following natural infection, or after vaccination, the induced specific serum antibody levels can decline [15, 16]. We also learned that frequently the detection of memory B cells (Bmem) is far more reliable for revealing whether an infection has occurred than measuring serum antibodies [17].
The second wall of B cell-mediated protection is conferred through the reactivation of Bmem. If the first wall of adaptive humoral defense fails, and a (re-)infection occurs, antigen-specific Bmem (and memory T cells) can rapidly engage into secondary immune responses. These lymphocytes can mount a stronger and faster counterattack against the offending pathogen because they are present in greatly increased numbers in the body compared to the numbers of naïve B (and T) cells in the pre-immune repertoire. Moreover, many of these pre-existing memory cells have already undergone differentiation into effector lineages (Th1/Th2/Th17 etc. for T cells, IgG subclass or IgA switched B cells). Additionally, the B cell affinity maturation process re-engages during secondary immune responses, starting however from the elevated levels established following the prior antigen encounter(s).
Studying the first wall (existing antigen-specific serum antibodies) and the second wall (the antigen-specific Bmem repertoire in the blood, Note 7) of adaptive humoral immunity therefore provides fundamentally different information. The former provides a low-resolution and fading image of the past as it still applies for the integrity of the first wall, the latter, permits to gain a high-resolution image of the second wall, thus assessing the immune potential present in case of a subsequent antigen encounter. High-resolution in this context means being able to assess for individual B cells within the entire antigen-specific repertoire, the type, and quantity of antibody they produce, and, relevant for this chapter, the functional affinity distributions of the individual B cells.
1.5. Measuring functional affinity by B cell ImmunoSpot®
Being able to assess the functional affinity distribution of the antigen-specific Bmem compartment in an individual requires defining the functional affinity for hundreds (the more the better) of individual B cells to obtain a representative picture. Doing so by the standard approaches, either through surface plasmon resonance (SPR) or biolayer interferometry (BLI) measurements of mAbs, would be an effort too involved for immune monitoring purposes (Note 8). We introduce here modifications of the ImmunoSpot® assay that promise to fill this gap simply.
The principle of one of the underlying ImmunoSpot® variants suited for this purpose, the inverted assay, is shown in Fig. 1A. In brief, the membrane is coated with an antibody suited for capturing the Ig produced by ASC irrespective of their antigen specificity or affinity: in case of testing human PBMC, the capture reagents typically would be xenogeneic anti-human IgG, A or E-specific antibodies, or a pan Ig-specific (anti-kappa + anti-lambda light chain) antibody (Note 9 and 10). Onto this lawn of Ig capture reagent, the cells are plated (Note 11). During the time in which the ASC reside on the membrane, their secreted antibodies will be captured in close proximity to the respective ASC in the form of a secretory footprint (often also referred to as a “spot forming unit”, SFU) (Notes 12). After a brief period of cell culture during which the secreted Ig analyte is captured, the cells are removed from the plate (Note 13), and the antigen probe is added to replicate wells containing the same number of ASC, but decreasing (graded) concentrations of antigen. When the antigen probe is added in excess, all secretory footprints retain the antigen probe: ASC with low- and high-affinity will be revealed alike. As the concentration of antigen probe becomes limiting, however, increasingly only the high-affinity secretory footprints (SFUs) will capture a sufficient quantity of the antigen probe for their detection.
For such affinity measurements the cells need to be plated at a predetermined “Goldilocks” number that, assay dependent, is between 50 and 200 SFUs/well (being at the upper end of the linear range between cell numbers plated and SFU counted, so that as many individual ASC can be assessed per well as possible, yet without ASC crowding interfering with the image analysis, see also Note 14). Testing a fixed number of replicate wells for each antigen concentration thus permits to assess the affinity spectrum within the same number (ideally ≥ 300) of antigen-specific ASC for each antigen concentration. The percentage of SFUs lost with each successive reduction in antigen probe concentration reveals the affinity thresholds for the ASC subpopulations lost, respectively. A detailed protocol for such B cell affinity measurements is provided below.
1.6. B cell hybridoma studies validating ImmunoSpot® affinity measurements
While performing B cell affinity measurements using the inverted ImmunoSpot® approach outlined above seems simple and intuitive, this strategy has not yet been introduced. To experimentally validate this approach, we tested B cell hybridomas with established affinities for defined antigens. An example is shown in Fig. 2 using a pair of anti-human Granzyme B (GzB) hybridomas we generated during our efforts to raise mAbs against this protein. Among 7 such hybridomas, two clones secreted mAbs at opposing ends of the antigen-retention spectrum when tested using an inverted ImmunoSpot® approach: GzB12.4 and GzB30.1. These two clones, along with an additional SARS-CoV-2 Spike-specific control hybridoma (generously provided by Giuseppe A. Sautto), were all plated at ~ 200 cells per well. Visualizing the secretory footprints with an anti-murine IgG detection antibody showed that most cells within each of the three hybridoma clones were capable of generating a secretory footprint, and that the per cell IgG productivity rates were comparable across the three (the SFU sizes and fluorescence intensities were similar between individual ASC within each hybridoma line and between the three B cell hybridoma clones (Fig. 2). When recombinant His-tagged human GzB (rhGzB) was added at a concentration of 500 ng/mL, the secretory footprints of both GzB12.4 and GzB30.1 bound the antigen revealing ~ 200 SFU, whereas the footprints of the control hybridoma did not capture rhGzB. When the concentration of rhGzB was decreased in a 1:5 dilution series, footprints of GzB12.4 continued to capture this antigen down to a concentration of 4 ng/mL, whereas the secretory footprints of clone GzB30.1 were no longer discernable when the rhGzB probe was added at concentrations lower than 100 ng/mL. By ImmunoSpot®, clone GzB12.4 was identified as secreting mAb with high-affinity for rhGzB, whereas clone GzB30.1 secreted mAb that appeared to possess a substantially lower affinity for this molecule. To verify by an independent method that this was indeed the case, we purified mAb from GzB12.4 and GzB30.1 and established their functional affinity for rhGzB using surface plasmon resonance (Biacore): a KD value of 7.0 x 10− 11 was calculated for mAb GzB12.4, while the KD value of mAb GzB30.1 was 2.3 x 10− 8. Thus, both techniques concurred that clone GzB12.4 secreted mAb with substantially higher functional affinity for rhGzB than the mAb produced by clone GzB30.1. Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2 (Note 15) provide further examples in which inverted ImmunoSpot® assays provided confirmatory results for hybridoma pairs secreting mAb with differences in functional affinity for alternative antigens; influenza hemagglutinin (H1) or SARS-CoV-2 Spike, respectively.
Another semiquantitative approach for assessing the affinity of individual ASC via ImmunoSpot® is based on the direct assay (Fig. 1B), studying the SFU morphologies on antigen-coated wells, in particular when coated with graded antigen densities. In direct B cell ImmunoSpot® assays the membrane is either coated with the antigen itself, or adapter molecules are used for attaching the antigen to the membrane (Note 16). As such, only ASC which produce antibody with sufficient functional affinity for the membrane-associated antigen will be capable of generating a secretory footprint. Next to the per cell quantity of secreted antibody, the antibodies’ functional affinity for the antigen defines the size and density characteristics of the resulting secretory footprint: ASC that produce high-affinity antibodies will create crisp and more intense spots, whereas ASC producing antibodies with reduced functional affinity yield more diffuse and fainter/sparse footprints [18]. The difference between secretory footprints generated by high- or low-affinity ASC will be further accentuated when the bonus effect of multivalent binding is negated through reducing the antigen coating density. At low antigen coating densities, antibodies can only bind using a single “arm”, i.e., the binding is defined by affinity alone; if antigen is coated densely onto the assay membrane, however, the antibody can attach with both arms to neighboring antigen molecules and now avidity can amplify the antibody’s functional affinity. Figure 3 illustrates the spot morphologies observed when murine B cell hybridomas secreting mAb with differential functional affinities for an influenza hemagglutinin (H1) were evaluated for secretory footprint formation on membranes in which the antigen coating density was progressively limited.
1.7. B cell affinity distribution measurements in PBMC with inverted ImmunoSpot® tests
After having experimentally validated the suitability of both ImmunoSpot® assay variants for B cell affinity measurements using hybridomas as model ASC, we set out to translate these tests for studies of antigen-specific ASC in human PBMC. As described above, B cells endowed with a wide affinity spectrum for the eliciting antigen participate in the primary immune response. However, progressively the engaged BCR repertoire is selected for those with increasingly high affinity, particularly in cases of prolonged or repetitive antigen exposure. Every individual’s Bmem repertoire at a given time point is therefore a variable defining that person’s capacity to engage into an effective anamnestic, adaptive humoral defense reaction. One critical variable for evaluation is the clonal size of the antigen-specific Bmem compartment, as revealed by their frequency in PBMC. A second critical variable for assessment is the antibody class/subclass usage of antigen-specific Bmem since this will offer insight into what will be secreted acutely following antigen reencounter. Thirdly, but not least, the frequency of high-affinity Bmem capable of producing the desired Ig class/subclass will define the efficacy of the anamnestic antibody response elicited in case of antigen reencounter. Importantly, all three of these parameters can readily be assessed using tailored B cell ImmunoSpot® assays.
As PBMC can be frozen without losing B cell functionality (Note 11), we recommend undertaking high-resolution B cell ImmunoSpot® testing using aliquots of the same sample and a tiered approach. In the first experiment, the frequency of antigen-specific Bmem-derived ASC is established by performing serial dilutions of the cell input to define the Goldilocks number by linear regression (Note 14 and 17). Of note, this first experiment only requires ~ 2 million cells per antigen to define the frequency of antigen-specific ASC secreting each Ig class/IgG subclass, respectively (Note 18, and see the chapter by Yao et al. in this volume [19] that is dedicated to such measurements). In a subsequent experiment, thawing an additional aliquot(s) of the PBMC sample, the affinity distribution of the antigen-specific ASC is established at the Goldilocks number, testing each antigen concentration in the same number of replicate wells. The number of PBMC needed for this second experiment depends on the Goldilocks number, the number of replicate wells needed to obtain a total of minimally 300 SFU, and the concentration range of antigen being evaluated. It can be calculated with high accuracy once the Goldilocks number has been established. In the example provided in Fig. 4, as detailed below, the number of PBMC needed to perform an inverted ImmunoSpot® assay encompassing 4 concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 Spike (receptor-binding domain, RBD) antigen probe, each evaluated in 10 replicate wells with ~ 50 SFU/well (thus assessing the affinity distribution within ~ 500 IgG+ Bmem of this specificity) was 4 million PBMC.
In Fig. 4, we present typical results obtained using the inverted ImmunoSpot® assay to assess the affinity distribution of antigen-specific ASC present within a human PBMC sample using limiting quantities of the antigen probe for their detection. In this case, cryopreserved PBMC collected from a healthy human donor 7 days following a second COVID-19 mRNA vaccination were tested. In the first experiment, the Goldilocks number for the SARS-CoV-2 RBD-specific IgG+ ASC was determined for this PBMC sample (as described above) at 50 SFU/1 x 105 PBMC per well. In this test, saturating concentration of the RBD probe was used enabling detection of all antigen-specific IgG+ ASC; low- and high-affinity alike. Thawing a second aliquot of these cryopreserved cells, the PBMC were plated into 10 replicate wells for each of the four RBD probe concentrations tested, at the Goldilocks number. In Fig. 4A-D, representative well images are shown for each RBD probe concentration. A reduction in SFU numbers is readily seen visually as the RBD probe concentration decreases. The corresponding SFU numbers are shown in a conventional bar diagram in Fig. 4E; most of the expected cumulative ~ 500 SFU were detected at 100 ng RBD/mL. Figure 4F shows these results in a composite bar diagram format that is better suited for comparing affinity distributions between different PBMC samples, e.g., to visualize affinity maturation for a subject’s B cell response with repeat immunizations, or for representing such data for cohorts.
Figure 4 also illustrates that, next to the decrease of SFU numbers, the fluorescence intensity of the individual secretory footprints changes as the RBD probe concentration decreases. Footprints of high-affinity ASC continue to stain bright as the RBD probe concentration declines, but ASC whose threshold of binding capability is approximated at the given probe concentration, become fainter. Such transitions can be graphically captured. In Fig. 4G, the intensity of spots detected at each RBD probe concentration is stratified into ten intensity groupings and the percentage of SFU residing in each “bin” is reflected by the width of the corresponding section. Flow cytometry standard (FCS)-type representation of ImmunoSpot® data also permits such further high-content data analysis. Figure 4H shows an FCS-type scatter plot representation (fluorescence intensity vs. size) of spot morphologies, and the difference seen between the highest and lowest RBD probe concentrations.
Inverted ImmunoSpot® assays are particularly well-suited for measuring B cell affinity distributions when the frequency of antigen-specific ASC producing the Ig class/subclass to be captured on the membrane (e.g., IgG) is relatively high within all ASC present in the sample producing that particular Ig class/subclass (Note 19). This is often the case when studying plasmablasts that transiently circulate in the blood acutely (5–9 days) after initiation of a B cell response (Note 20). If the frequency of antigen-specific ASC vs. total ASC is low in a given sample, direct ImmunoSpot® assays offer an alternative approach for measuring the affinity distribution of Bmem-derived ASC.
1.8 B cell affinity distribution measurements in PBMC with direct ImmunoSpot® tests
Direct ImmunoSpot® assays inherently reveal information about ASC affinity. Following basic rules of antigen-antibody binding, ASC that produce high-affinity antibody will leave dense and sharp secretory footprints on membrane-bound antigen, while ASC producing antibody with lower functional affinity for the membrane-associated antigen will form faint and diffuse spots [18]. Performing direct ImmunoSpot® assays under conditions when the membrane is coated with graded antigen densities helps to further enhance such affinity studies. Typical results for these types of tests done on human PBMC are shown in Fig. 5, in this case using PBMC from a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine recipient. Like for the inverted ImmunoSpot® assay, here too the cells were plated into all replicate wells at an assay-specific, Goldilocks number (3 x 104 PBMC/well) needed to achieve 50 Spike-specific SFU/well. A direct ImmunoSpot® assay was performed in which, however, the Spike protein coating density was graded. In Fig. 5A-D, representative well images are shown for each coating concentration of Spike protein. Here too, a reduction in SFU numbers is seen as the coating density was decreased. The corresponding SFU numbers are shown in a conventional bar diagram in Fig. 5E, and in a composite bar diagram format in Fig. 5F.
In this chapter we present data demonstrating that B cell ImmunoSpot® assays are capable of distinguishing between model ASC (murine B cell hybridomas) known to secrete mAb with variable functional affinity for defined antigens. Further, through characterizing the B cell response elicited in COVID-19 mRNA vaccine recipients, we highlight the utility of both antigen-specific, inverted and direct ImmunoSpot® assays for characterizing the functional affinity distribution of the antigen-specific B cells present in PBMC. In the following Materials and Methods section, we provide detailed protocols for performing such inverted and direct ImmunoSpot® assays. Here we also refer to a chapter by Yao et al. [20] in this volume that describes defining of the Goldilocks number in detail, and to a chapter by Karulin et al. [28] on high content image analysis of B cell-derived SFU. The underlying B cell biology is elaborated in greater detail in a chapter by Lehmann et al. [18], also in this volume.