BMC isolation from healthy corals
Coral fragments from Stylophora pistillata Clade IV, Galaxea fascicularis and Pocillopora verrucosa, were collected by snorkeling and Scuba diving at Thala reef (22°15'46.9"N 39°03'05.9"E), Aquarium (22°23'15.6"N 38°55'07.2"E) and Al Fahal reef (22°18'18.4"N 38°57'52.5"E) respectively, in the central Red Sea, at depths of 1–10 m, between February and May 2021. Coral fragments were collected by Scuba diving using gloves and pliers, and transported in 50-ml conical tubes on ice for approximately 1 hour to the laboratory. Immediately on arrival, the fragments were macerated using 1–2 mL of 3.5% sterile saline solution with a sterile mortar and pestle. Serial dilutions up to 10− 6 were performed using the macerated paste with 3.5% saline solution, and 100 µL of each dilution was plated in Marine Agar (MA) (Zobell 2216, HiMedia Laboratories, Mumbai, India), adjusted to 3.5% salinity, diluted Marine Agar (Marine Agar Medium 2× diluted to 3.5% NaCl) (DMA), and Luria Bertani agar (LB) (Sigma-Aldrich®), adjusted at 3.5% salinity. Plates were incubated at 25°C (corresponding to the in-situ water temperature registered at the sampling sites at the moment of fragments collection) overnight. In parallel, the coral macerate was incubated in 50 ml of 3.5% saline solution in a 250 mL sterile Erlenmeyer at 27°C overnight with glass beads at 130 rpm. After this first incubation, triplicate subsamples (100 µL) of 10− 4, 10− 5, 10− 6 dilutions were plated into MA and DMA culture media and incubated under the same conditions described above. Additionally, 0.5 cm coral fragments were placed on the Petri dishes containing MA and DMA. All the plates were incubated at 25°C for at least 48 h or until visible bacterial colonies were observed. Approximately 350 bacterial isolates were obtained, based on colony morphology, and were preserved at -80°C using sterilized glycerol with a final concentration of 20%, for further analysis.
Bacterial genomic DNA extraction and 16S rRNA gene sequencing of bacterial isolates
Each bacterial isolate from the glycerol stocks was re-grown using 200 µL of the stock and inoculated into 6 mL of Marine broth (HiMedia Laboratories, Mumbai, India), and incubated overnight at 26°C with 140 rpm agitation. For bacterial DNA extraction, 2 ml of bacterial liquid culture were centrifuged for 5 min at 10.000 rpm to obtain a pellet and washed twice with 3.5% saline solution to wash the cells from the culture media. The DNA extraction was performed using the Wizard® Genomic DNA purification kit (Promega Corporation, USA), following the protocol for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Genomic DNA was purified with the GFX™ PCR DNA and Gel band purification Kit (Cytiva Company, USA) and then quantified using Nanodrop™ 8000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific™) and Qubit™ dsDNA broad range assay kit (Invitrogen™). To target the full 16S rRNA gene, universal primers 27F 5’AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG 3’ and 1492R 5’ GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT 3’ were used 115, using the AmpliTaq Gold® 360 Master Mix (applied Biosystems®, by Life Technologies™) under the following PCR conditions: one cycle of initial denaturation at 95°C for 5 min, 30 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 1 min, annealing at 50°C for 1 min, extension at 72°C for 1 min, and one cycle of final extension at 72°C for 7 min. The amplification was verified using 1% agarose gels (100 V, 40 min) and visualized in a Bio-Rad® transilluminator. PCR products were sent to Macrogen (Korea) for taxonomic identification by Sanger sequencing. The forward and reverse sequences (1000–1500 bp) were processed to remove low-quality bases and generate contigs using the ChromasPro software. Ambiguities in the assembled sequences were resolved visually (either by choosing the base from the read with the cleaner signal or changing the consensus base to “N”). Cleaned assembled DNA sequences from each of the BMC isolates were then identified using the EzBioCloud server 116. The top-hit taxon, obtained from average nucleotide identity (ANI), was used to estimate the taxonomy of the BMC isolates.
Functional screening of bacterial isolates
Bacterial strains identified as potential human or coral pathogens (e.g. Vibrio spp.) were excluded (n = 305). The remaining bacterial isolates were tested for beneficial functions, following previous studies 13,14. For reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers, 20 µL of pure culture of each bacterial strain was placed on a portable microscopy slide, and a drop of 3% (v/v) of hydrogen peroxide was immediately added in the center. The criterion of a positive result was evaluated qualitatively, based on the production of bubbles, as a proxy of catalase reaction. Phosphate assimilation was tested according to Nautiyal, 1999 117 using Pikovskaya’s agar culture media (HIMEDIA®): 20 µL of pure culture of each strain was dispensed onto the media plate. As bacterial growth occurred overnight, strains that were positive for phosphate assimilation produced a transparent halo around the cultures. The antagonistic effect against Vibrio coralliilyticus (a well-known coral pathogen) 118117 was assessed through the diffusion agar method 119118: first, 20 µl of each BMC bacterial strain was spot-inoculated onto 2.5% NaCl LB agar, placing three spots for each strain (representing replicates). The plates were incubated at 26°C for as long as necessary to allow the strain to grow. The strains were inactivated by chloroform volatilization, followed by pouring 3 ml of semisolid 2.5% NaCl LB medium (0.7% agar) containing the strain Vibrio corallilyticus BAA-450 indicators over the inactivated spots. These plates were incubated at 28°C for 16 h, and the antagonistic activity was indicated by inhibition halos around, or no detection of Vibrio growth over, the colony spot.
Selection of BMCs and probiotic preparation
Six bacterial strains (two Pseudoalteromonas galatheae and two Cobetia amphilecti isolated from P. verrucosa; one Halomonas sp. isolated from Stylophora pistillata and one Sutcliffiella sp. isolated from Galaxea fascicularis) were chosen for the probiotic consortium, based on their beneficial traits (Table S1). As the probiotic consortium is composed of a diverse combination of bacteria, each strain was collected proportionally at the peak of the exponential growth phase, to achieve a concentration of 1 x 109 cells/ml per strain. Fresh bacterial cultures were collected and washed three times using saline solution (3.5% NaCl) by centrifuging at 6000 g for 5 min each time, followed by resuspension in 1 L of saline solution (3.5% NaCl) for a final concentration of approximately 109 cells/ml. The probiotic was stored at 4°C for a maximum of one week until in-situ inoculation in the corals.
Experimental design
The study site was located in a shallow sheltered area in “Al Fahal Reef” (22°18'18.4"N; 38°57'52.5"E), a mid-shore reef in the central Red Sea, 15 km off-shore from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia (Fig. 1B). The experiment was performed at “The Red Sea Research Center Coral Probiotic Village”, a multidisciplinary research initiative established to test the use of coral probiotics and other pioneering strategies in situ in real coral reef setups. It covers an area of about 500 m2, with a maximum depth ranging from 8 to 10 m. In the study area, 30 visually healthy colonies (no visual signs of bleaching or disease) of the brown morphotype of P. verrucosa were selected for the experiment (with a minimum distance of 3 m between colonies to minimize sampling of clonal genotypes), and were randomly assigned to the probiotic and control (referred to here as placebo) treatments (n = 15 colonies per treatment). The health status of colonies was qualitatively evaluated throughout the experiment, using a coral health chart to assess signs of bleaching. The study was performed from summer to winter 2021 and late spring 2022 to encompass seasonal variations. Four sampling points were considered for analysis: T1, before the treatment inoculations (late August 2021); T2, after one and a half months of inoculations (mid-October 2021); T3, at the end of the inoculations (late November 2021); and T4, five months after the last inoculations (April 2022). Inoculations were performed repeatedly with a frequency of three times per week during a three-month period (T1-T3), using 50 ml plastic syringes containing 30 mL of the probiotic consortium (with a final concentration of 1 x 109 cells/mL), released slowly over the coral colony (Fig. S4). The placebo treatment consisted of an autoclaved 3.5% NaCl solution (the same used to resuspend BMC-cells) applied in the same way. The use of inert negative controls (i.e., without the addition of any confounding factors), is the gold standard procedure for testing probiotics, as described in Garcias-Bonet et all (2023) 100. Dead cells should not be used as a negative control as they can also trigger specific responses in the inoculated hosts and are, therefore, not inert 100. Fragments from each colony were collected for coral-associated bacterial community analysis by Scuba diving at all sampling times (T1-T4) using sterile gloves and pliers (one for each treatment) and individual sterile collection bags (Whirl-Pak ®). On the boat, immediately after collection, coral fragments were placed in sterile 5 mL cryovials and covered with DESS buffer (20% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 0.25 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and saturated sodium chloride (NaCl), with adjusted pH 8.0), and immediately snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Samples were transported to the laboratory (less than 3 h after collection) and stored at -80°C until further processing. In parallel, sediments and water surrounding the coral colonies were collected at T1 and T3 to monitor their bacterial communities and assess water nutrients and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The surrounding water and sediments from 10 of the studied P. verrucosa colonies distributed in different areas of the experimental study site (n = 5 per treatment) were sampled (using a random number generator): sediment samples were collected at the bottom of each colony between 1–5 cm depth approximately, using sterile 50 mL falcon tubes. Water samples were collected approximately 30 cm distant from the same colonies, using 2 L dark bottles that were acid-washed in HCl 4% for 10 min prior to the sample collection. Samples were stored on ice on the boat and filtered the same day upon arrival in the laboratory, using a filtration rack with 0.22µm Millipore Sigma membranes attached to a vacuum pump. Filter membranes were individually stored at -80°C, for less than two weeks, until DNA extraction. All equipment and materials used were thoroughly sterilized to avoid contamination. All sampling procedures were carried out within a one week interval for each sampling time (T1-T4). During T1-T3, samples of coral, seawater and sediment were collected for microbial community analysis on the same day, immediately before starting the placebo and probiotic inoculations.
Monitoring of in-situ physicochemical parameters and inorganic nutrients
Seawater temperature and salinity were monitored throughout the duration of the experiment using multiparameter CTDs (Ocean Seven 310 Multiparameter CTD, Idronaut). The daily minimum, maximum and mean seawater temperature and mean salinity values are summarized in Table S8. Seawater collected during T1 and T3 was used for inorganic nutrient analysis of the surrounding water of each of the randomly selected coral colonies (n = 5 per treatment). Briefly, water was filtered on the boat, with 0.22µM Millex®-GV filters (PVDF Membrane, Merck Millipore Ltd., Ireland), into 15mL falcon tubes. Subsequently, samples were placed on ice on the boat and then frozen at -20°C until analysis. The inorganic nutrients analyzed were: Silica (Si(OH)4), Nitrite (NO2−), Nitrate (NO3−), and Phosphate (PO43−). All measurements were performed using a segmented flow analyzer (Model AA3 HR, SEAL Analytical Inc.) with the following detection limits: Silicates 0.08322 µmol.L-1; Nitrite 0.0217 µmol.L-1; Nitrate 0.0322 µmol.L-1; and Phosphate 0.01052 µmol.L-1 (Table S8).
In-situ photosynthetic efficiency for coral health monitoring
The photosynthetic efficiency of the algae symbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) was assessed through the maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry Fv/Fm. A pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) diving-PAM system (Diving PAM II, Walz) with a red-emitting diode was used (LED; peak at 655 nm). PAM data was collected after sunset, at least 30 min after complete darkness, to ensure there was full photochemical dissipation of the reaction centers. The diving PAM was configured as follows: measuring light intensity = 6; gain = 2; and damping = 4.
The changes in photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) over time in different treatments were analyzed using a linear mixed effect model using the function “lmer” from R package lme4 120 in R studio (R Core Team). Colony (biological replicates, n = 15) nested to treatment was treated as a random effect on the intercept to account for the non-independence of replicates with time. Fv/Fm was included in the model as a response variable, sampling time as a predictor variable, and treatment as a factor with two levels: probiotic and placebo. We performed model selection using likelihood-ratio tests starting with the most complex model and sequentially removing terms until all parameters were significant at p < 0.05. Changes in the Fv/Fm over time were tested using the “emmeans” R function in all pairwise combinations.
Coral Bleaching Automated Stress System (CBASS) experiments
To evaluate coral heat response behavior during the experiment, short-term acute heat stress assays were performed to determine the coral thermal threshold at the genotype (per-colony) level. Here, CBASS was used as a proxy to assess coral health and determine if the long-term inoculation of coral probiotics had an effect on coral thermal tolerance threshold, as well as their natural thermotolerance variation during a seasonal time frame. In sampling times T1, T2, T3, and T4, four fragments of each colony were collected. The fragments were transported in seawater to the wet lab facility of the Coastal and Marine Resources Core Lab (CMR, KAUST), where the set-up was ready to receive the corals. Briefly, the system consists of four 10L flow-through supplied with raw seawater collected from the site a day before the runs. Each tank runs different temperature regimes independently and the light setting was adjusted to correspond to in-situ irradiance (600 µmol photons m − 2 s − 1), which was adjusted using an LI-193 Spherical Underwater Quantum Sensor (LI-COR) and manual adjustment of dimmable 165W full spectrum LED aquarium lights (Galaxyhydro). The lights followed a 12:12 h day/night cycle. The temperature of each tank was controlled using the ITC-310T-B (Inkbird) thermostat connected to an IceProbe Thermoelectric chiller (Nova Tec) and 200W titanium aquarium heaters (Schego). HOBO Pendant® Temperature Data Loggers (Model UA-001-64) recorded the temperature of each tank every 10 min during the experiment. One fragment corresponding to each colony was exposed to a different temperature condition. The temperature regime of each tank was 1 control/baseline − 30°C, 1 medium − 33°C, 1 high − 36°C, and 1 extreme − 39°C. The CBASS assays ran for 18 h, where the temperature of the 30°C tank was maintained at 30°C for the entire experiment; in the other tanks, the temperature was increased to 33°C, 36°C, and 39°C, respectively, and then returned to 30°C overnight until the end of the experiment. The detailed temperature profiles are provided in the supplementary material (Table S9). After 7 h from the start of the experiment (and one hour in darkness), we measured the endosymbiotic algae photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) for all fragments using a pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry (Diving PAM II, Walz). The measurement also matched the temperature ramping down to 30°C.
The data were analyzed according to Voolstra and collaborators (2020) 43, where Fv/Fm values were used to evaluate the treatment’s ED50, corresponding to its thermal threshold. ED50 corresponds to the effective doses that cause a 50% decrease in the Fv/Fm. The dose-response curves were fitted using the R package “drc” 121. The changes in ED50 with sampling time at different treatments were analyzed using a linear mixed effect model using the function lmer from R package “lme4” 120 in R studio (R Core Team). Colony (biological replicates, n = 15) nested to treatment was treated as a random effect on the intercept to account for the non-independence of replicates with time. Fv/Fm was included in the model as a response variable, sampling time as a predictor variable, and treatment as a factor with two levels: probiotic and placebo. Model selection was performed using likelihood-ratio tests starting with the most complex model and sequentially removing terms until all parameters were significant at p < 0.05. Changes in the ED50 over time were tested using the “emmeans” R function in all pairwise combinations.
DNA extraction, library preparation, and sequencing of bacterial communities
The DNA from the coral fragments was extracted using a DNeasy® Blood & Tissue kit (Qiagen) according to manufacturer instructions, with the Gram-positive bacteria pre-treatment and the following modification: coral fragments of approximately 0.5 g were used directly for the extraction. The lysis incubation step after adding proteinase K was carried out overnight for approximately 16 h at 56°C, with a constant agitation at 650 rpm in a Thermomixer (ThermoFisher®).
DNA was extracted from water samples using a DNeasy® Blood & Tissue kit (Qiagen) by cutting the filter into small pieces with a sterile cutter and tweezers. The protocol was performed following manufacturer instructions, with the following modifications: at the sample pre-extraction preparation stage, half of the membrane filter was cut into smaller pieces and then placed in 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes. The volume of all the following solutions used in the kit was adjusted to similar proportional volumes (thus not changing any concentration of compounds) to fully immerse all the membrane filter pieces into the solution: 540µL ATL buffer and 60µL Proteinase K were added. After adding these solutions, the incubation step at 56°C was conducted for three hours. Then, the volumes of buffer AL and ethanol were 400µL, buffer AW1 and AW2 were 500µL, and the final elution buffer AE was 50µL. DNA samples were stored at -20°C until downstream analyses.
DNA was extracted from sediment samples using a DNeasy® PowerSoil Kit (Qiagen), with the following modification: 12.5 µL of Proteinase K was added to approximately 0.5 g of sediments for incubation overnight at 56°C, with constant agitation at 650 rpm in a Thermomixer. The downstream steps were performed according to the kit’s protocol. DNA concentration and purity for all samples (coral, water, and sediment) were quantified using a Qubit™ dsDNA assay kit (Invitrogen™) and Nanodrop™ 8000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific™). Sequencing of the V3-V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene was performed using the universal primers 341F 5’ CCTACGGGNGGC WGCAG 3’and 785R 5’ GAC TAC HVG GGT ATC TAA TCC 3’ for the coral, sediment, and water samples, at Novogene Corporation-Inc in China. In brief, PCR mixtures contained 15 µL of Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix (New England Biolabs), 0.2 µM of each of the forward and reverse primers, and 10 ng of the samples’ genomic DNA. The thermal cycling conditions were as follows: a first denaturation step at 98℃ for 1 min, followed by 30 cycles at 98℃ for 10 s, 50℃ for 30 s, and 72℃ for 30 se, and a final extension of 5 min at 72℃. PCR products were verified and quantified by mixing their equal volume with 1X loading buffer (contained SYB green) and performing electrophoresis on 2% agarose gels. For the library preparation, PCR products were purified using a Qiagen Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen, Germany). Sequencing libraries were generated with a NEBNext® Ultra™ II DNA Library Prep Kit (Cat No. E7645). The library quality was evaluated on a Qubit@ 2.0 Fluorometer (Thermo Scientific™) and Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 system. Libraries were sequenced on a NovaSeq platform (Illumina) and 250 bp paired-end reads were generated.
All sequence reads were deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the study accession number PRJEB65896.
Bacterial community analyses.
The DADA2 pipeline was used to infer Amplicon Sequence variants (ASVs) 122 using the 16S rRNA gene-based amplicon libraries of coral, sediment, and water. Briefly, the raw reads were decontaminated of phiX, and adapter-trimmed using the “BBDuk” tool from the BBMap suite (Bushnell B, PCR primers were then removed from the reads using the “cutadapt” tool 123. After performing concatenation of the forward and reverse reads via “justConcatenate” option in the “mergePairs” function of DADA2, the sequences were analyzed under the pseudo-pooling mode by following the standard DADA2 (version 1.22) workflow and using the SILVA database, version 138.1 124. The potential contaminant ASVs that were identified in the negative controls and the study samples were removed from the analysis by the “decontam” tool 125 using the prevalence-based method (on the default threshold setting). ASV raw counts are available in the Zenodo repository.
In brief, reads corresponding to mitochondria, chloroplast, archaea, eukaryotes, and singletons were removed, resulting in 46803 ASVs for the coral dataset, 34099 for the water dataset, and 68354 for the sediment dataset. Alpha and beta diversity, plots, ordinations, and statistical comparisons were carried out in R version 4.2.2 (R Core Team, 2018) using the functions in Phyloseq version 1.42.0 126 and Vegan version 2.6-4 127. All plots were generated using ggplot2 version 3.4.0. Additional figures to represent the experimental design were created in a licensed version of BioRender. Alpha diversity of the coral bacterial community was calculated using the rarefied ASV counts to the minimum sample depth (18364 reads) with the function “estimate. diversity” from Phyloseq, with the default diversity indices (Observed S, Shannon H’, Simpson, and Chao1). Statistical comparisons between treatments for alpha diversity metrics were calculated by implementing the Wilcoxon test, and previous testing of the null hypothesis for normal distribution of the data (Shapiro-Wilks, p-value < 0.05). Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (nMDS) analyses were generated from Bray-Curtis distances of Wisconsin-square root transformed ASV total counts using the “vegdist” and “metaMDS” functions in Vegan for the coral dataset. Principal Component Analysis (PCoA) was implemented for the water and sediment datasets from Bray-Curtis distances. Statistical differences in the microbial communities of coral, seawater, and sediment components were assessed using the transformed ASV counts to relative abundance. The Permutational Multivariate Anova test (PERMANOVA) was implemented to test for significance, using “sampling time” and “treatment” as factors, implementing the “adonis2” function in Vegan, from generated Bray-Curtis distances and 999 permutations. The homogeneity of variances was calculated between treatments (placebo and probiotic) using the “betadisper” and “permutest” functions in Vegan using Bray-Curtis distances and 999 permutations for the coral, water, and sediment datasets. For the coral dataset, this was calculated for each sampling time. In T3, the variances between treatments in the coral dataset were not homogeneous (Betadisperse, df = 1, F = 7.2107, Pr (> F) 0.012). Nonetheless, as PERMANOVA is largely unaffected by heterogeneity in balanced designs 128, we proceeded to calculate the statistical significance of the treatment using the Adonis function for T3 samples (biological replicates, placebo: n = 14; probiotic: n = 15).
Pairwise comparisons to evaluate changes in the relative abundance of the dominant bacterial families in the coral microbiome between treatments (placebo and probiotic) in T3 were carried out using the two-sided Wilcoxon test, after testing for normal distribution of the data (Shapiro-Wilk, p-values < 0.05). The enrichment of the BMC genera in the coral microbiome in T3 was assessed by comparing their relative abundance between treatments, using the Wilcoxon test, and previous testing for normal distribution of the data (Shapiro-Wilk, p-values < 0.05). The genus Sutclifiella was not detected in the coral dataset; nonetheless, this genus was previously part of the Bacillus genus and was recently re-classified 91. The coral 16S rRNA gene amplicon data might not reflect its most recent taxonomy; therefore, we included the genus Bacillus as a proxy of Sutclifiella in these comparisons.
To identify differentially abundant ASVs between placebo and probiotic treatments in the coral microbiome in T3, the Analysis of Composition of Microbiomes with Bias Correction “ANCOM-BC2” 129 was used. This method estimates unknown sampling fractions, corrects bias from sample differences, models absolute abundance with linear regression, and provides a statistically valid test with appropriate p-values, false discovery rate (FDR) control, and sustained power. We performed this analysis on total ASV counts (after removing singletons), using the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) method to correct for false positives and an alpha of 0.05 for significance. An ASV was considered significant when it was enriched or decreased significantly (p-adj. < 0.05) in the probiotic samples in comparison to the placebo (reference group) under the aforementioned parameters. We focused on the top 20 most enriched (p-adj. < 0.01, W statistic > 4) and 20 most decreased (p-adj. < 0.01, W statistic < 4) ASVs.