Phenotypic characterization
The two parental line, Liberdur and Anco Marzio, and the RILs mapping population were evaluated for yield components and grain size traits (YLD, PH, HT, TKW, GL, GW and AREA) for three growing seasons (2016, 2017 and 2018) in southern Italy (Valenzano, Bari, Italy). Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among RILs for all traits in each year (Additional file 1: Table S1), while the combined analysis across years revealed significant effects of RILs, years and a strong genotype x year interaction (Table 1). However, although the strong season effect, the genotype variability was higher than genotype x year component for all traits with the exception of YLD.
Mean values of Liberdur, Anco Marzio, and RILs in single season and across the three filed trials are reported in Table 2. The two parents showed significant differences for HT, PH, AREA in all three seasons, and for TKW, GL and GW in two trials. In particular, Anco Marzio has generally larger grains compared to those of Liberdur, which were narrower. Analysis of the frequency distribution of traits in the RIL population was performed to have a preliminary idea of the genetic basis for each trait. A bimodal distribution was observed for HT indicating a single locus segregating in the RIL mapping population (Fig. 1). By contrast, a normal distribution obtained for YLD, PH, TKW and grain size traits would be indicative of several to many loci each contributing to a small proportion of the total variation observed. High transgressive segregation was recorded for all traits suggesting the presence of superior alleles for grain yield components in both parental lines. Low values of broad sense heritability were estimated for YLD, confirming that the trait was strongly affected by environmental conditions. High heritability values, exceeding 0.55, were found for HT, GL and AREA while TKW heritability values ranged from 0.45 to 0.72 (Table 2).
Phenotypic correlation among the traits across the three seasons are reported in Table 3. HT was negatively correlated to TKW (r = -0.24), GW (r = -0.36) and AREA (r = -0.19), while a positive correlation was shown with YLD (r = 0.55). As expected, the grain size traits were inherently correlated, such as AREA and GL (r = 0.86). TKW showed a high positive correlation with AREA (r = 0.95), GL (r = 0.70) and GW (r = 0.83).
Genetic Linkage Map
Out of 81,587 SNPs assayed, 5543 (6.8%) resulted as failed and 67,999 (83.3%) were monomorphic across the mapping population. The remaining 8,045 (9.86%) were polymorphic; however, 2,686 had more than 10% missing data and 225 with distorted segregation (at p ≥ 0.05 value) were excluded from further analysis. Hence, 5,134 (6.29%) markers were used for the genetic map construction. The 5,134 loci were grouped in 21 linkage groups when using a LOD score 5. Linkage groups were assigned to the A and B genome chromosomes using the durum consensus map [21]. Eight chromosomes (1B, 2A, 3B, 4B, 6A, 6B, 7A and 7B) were assembled in a single linkage group (Table 4). Twenty-tree loci assembled in a linkage group of 4A chromosome resulted to be coincident in the same position. Therefore, this linkage group was discarded from the QTL analysis. A total of 2085 markers were localized on the A genome with a total length of 1,145.25 cM, whereas 3,049 were mapped on the B genome (total length 1,062.69 cM). The entire map covered 2,207.94 cM with an average chromosome length of 157.71 cM. The lengths of individual chromosomes varied from 73.25 cM (chromosome 5B) to 197.22 cM (chromosome 7A). The overall SNP density was 2.3 markers/cM, with a maximum of 3.8 for chromosome 1B and a minimum of 1.2 for chromosome 4A. The SNP markers were generally well distributed throughout the genome, although some chromosomes exhibited higher densities.
QTL detection
A total of 30 putative QTL were detected on ten chromosomes in the durum wheat Liberdur x Anco Marzio RIL mapping population (Table 5). Two YLD QTL were located on chromosomes 2A and 7B respectively, explaining individually 11.9-67.9% of the phenotypic variance. QYLD.mgb-2A, declared in 2016 and across years, showed the additive effect being provided by the parental line Liberdur (Fig. 2). QYLD.mgb-7B was detected in 2018 and displayed the additive effect being conferred by Anco Marzio.
Two QTL conferring HT were detected on chromosomes 2A and 7A, accounting for 2.4 to 85.7% of the explained phenotypic variance. The -log10(P) scores of QHT.mgb-2A ranged from 44.6 to 69.7 and explained over 70% of the phenotypic variance in each year. This locus was stably detected in three years and across years, resulting as a major QTL, which additive effect was contributed by Liberdur.
Four QTL were found to be significantly associated with PH on chromosomes 2B, 3A, 6B and 7A, accounting for 7.8 to 17.5% of the explained phenotypic variance. QPH.mgb-3A and QPH.mgb-6B were stably detected in two field experiments and across years. The additive effects at QPH.mgb-3A and QPH.mgb-6B were provided by Liberdur and Anco Marzio, respectively.
Five TKW QTL were detected on chromosomes 1A, 2A, 3A and 6B, which accounted for 2.9-35.8% of the explained phenotypic variance. Of them, two stable QTL were mapped on chromosome 2A, delimited by genetic intervals 35.6-36.4 cM (QTKW.mgb-2A.1) and 87.5-89.6 cM (QTKW.mbg-2A.2), respectively. QTKW.mbg-2A.1 and QTKW.mbg-2A.2 additive effects were conferred by Anco Marzio and Liberdur, respectively.
Six QTL were found to be significantly associated with GL on 1B, 2A (2 QTL), 5A and 6B (2 QTL). Among them, QGL.mgb-2A.2 was declared in all years accounting for 39.1-53.8% of the explained phenotypic variance, thus resulting as a stable QTL. Additive effect at this locus derived from Liberdur. The QGL.mgb-1B and QGL.mgb-5A were declared in two years (both 2016 and 2018), while the remaining three QTL (QGL.mgb-2A.1, QGL.mgb-6B.1 and QGL.mgb-6B.2) were detected in a single year. For these five QTL, the alleles for longer grain were carried by the parental line Anco Marzio.
Six QTL were found to be significantly associated with GW on 1B, 2A (2 QTL), 4B, 6B and 7B chromosomes. The QGW.mgb-1B and QGW.mgb-2A.2 were stably detected and accounted for 8.4-16.3% of explained phenotypic variance. Both QTL showed the additive effect of Liberdur’s allele. The QGW.mgb-2A.1 explained a large phenotypic variation (42%), although it was detected in a single year and across years.
Five QTL were identified for AREA on 2A (2 QTL), 3A, 4B and 7B. The QAREA.mgb-2A.2 was found in all years and across years accounting for 25.8-47.8% of the phenotypic variance, resulting to be a stable QTL. QAREA.mgb-4B was found in two years (2017 and 2018) while the other three QTL (QAREA.mgb-2A.1, QAREA.mgb-3A and QAREA.mgb-7B) were identified in a single year. Liberdur carried the allele for larger area for all QTL, except for QAREA.mgb-2A.1.
Out of the 30 detected QTL, ten were co-located in two different regions of chromosome 2A (Fig. 2). The first region included six QTL (QYLD.mgb-2A, QHT.mgb-2A, QTKW.mgb-2A.1, QGL.mgb-2A.1 QGW.mgb-2A.1 and QAREA.mgb-2A.1) in the genetic interval between 34.4 and 36.4 cM, while the second comprised four stable QTL (QTKW.mgb-2A.2, QGL.mgb-2A.2, QGW.mgb-2A.2 and QAREA.mgb-2A.2) in the interval between 87.5 and 89.6 cM. Interestingly, among the five QTL for TKW, two co-located together with QTL for GL, GW and AREA on chromosome 2A (both regions), and two co-located with QTL for GL or AREA on chromosomes 3A and 6B, respectively. Four out of 6 QTL for GL resulted co-located with QTL for GW on chromosomes 1B, 2A (two QTL) and 6B. QTL for AREA always co-located with grain traits QTL (TKW, GL, and GW) on chromosomes 2A (2 QTL), 3A, 4B and 7B.
Candidate genes involved in grain yield related traits
To identify candidate genes in physical regions underlying the QTL detected in the RILs mapping population, each region of interest was projected on the recently released reference durum wheat genome of cv. Svevo [20]. Regions with two or more co-locating QTL were considered as a QTL cluster (Table 6), and the sequences of flanking markers of each of them were anchored to their physical position on durum wheat genome. A total of eight clusters were searched for gene content, and the retrieved IDs genes were screened for their annotated functional role and involvement in cellular metabolisms, which were confirmed by searching for paralogues and orthologous genes in closely related species. The QTL cluster size ranged from 0.4 Mbp (on chromosome 3A, where two QTL for TKW and AREA co-located) to 57.1 Mbp (on chromosome 6B, with a QTL for TKW and a GL co-locating).
Among the several candidate genes localized within the QTL cluster regions, three were particularly noteworthy, as previously reported to be directly involved in grain yield: TRITD2Av1G019250, encoding for pseudo-response regulator (Ppd-A1) in the 2A cluster that included QHT.mgb-2A (Table 5); TRITD4Bv1G171270, encoding for a Big Grain 1 protein in the 4B cluster, and two candidate genes encoding for an acid β-fructofuranosidase (TRITD6Bv1G005370 and TRITD6Bv1G005450), paralogues of the cell wall invertase gene, both in the 6B cluster containing QTL for GL, GW and PH.
Specific protein classes were frequently observed, such as proteins involved in ubiquitination processes, including E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase and RING U-box superfamily proteins (identified in six QTL clusters), cytochrome P450 (identified in four QTL clusters) and thioredoxins (identified in two QTL clusters), as well as serine carboxypeptidase proteins (identified in two QTL clusters).
Interestingly, in all cluster in which a QTL for AREA was detected, candidate genes involved in auxin metabolism were found: TRITD1Bv1G118820, TRITD2Av1G189400, TRITD7Bv1G173200, encoding for protein involved in auxin response; TRITD4Bv1G175480, involved in auxin signalling, and TRITD3Av1G012070, a paralog gene of the YUC family encoding for a Flavin-containing monooxygenase, which is directly involved in auxin biosynthesis. Similarly, except for one cluster on 2A chromosome, in all QTL clusters in which the QTL for GW were co-located, candidate genes encoding for cytochrome P450 were found.