We are among the first to investigate of the validity of the Equivital core temperature monitoring system in comparison to DataTherm measurements during simulated firefighting in a laboratory setting. In agreeance with our primary hypothesis, our results suggest that the Equivital heart rate derived estimation of core temperature provides sufficiently reliable values when compared to DataTherm rectal core temperatures during simulated firefighting tasks. While the correlation coefficient suggests a moderate-strong relationship between the measures; the two one sided t-test also suggests the measures are statistically equivalent. The Equivital did estimate a significantly higher average core temperature, however this difference was + 0.1°C. and is supported by 0.09°C bias observed from the Bland-Altman Plot (Fig. 1), and this is known not to represent a clinically relevant difference in core temperature [44]. Our finding of + 0.1°C is substantially smaller than the 0.4°C difference determined as acceptable in previous research [45].
Previous research investigating the use of the Equivital algorithm found that the Equivital Black Ghost system underestimated core temperature by ~ 0.75°C with up to 1.7°C variation when compared to injestable core temperature monitoring pills [25]. The divergence between our results and previous work is most likely due to equipment choice and subsequent potential differences in methodology resulting from different devices used (i.e., temperature monitoring pills vs rectal thermometers). In the previous investigation, participants completed a variety of tasks at different durations commonly used during firefighter training to simulate activities commonly encountered during active fireground conditions. However, recent data indicates that a majority (~ 80%) of firefighters’ calls are non-fireground activities (i.e., highway extractions, and medical calls) [26]. Therefore, the present findings provide generalizable results related to the typical day-to-day occupational demands required of firefighters during non-fireground tasks.
In contradiction to our second hypothesis, we observed no difference in the rate of core temperature increase during the SFT between the Equivital Black Ghost estimated core temperature and DataTherm measures regardless of time or condition. Core temperature rose at different rates than when in recreational clothing suggesting greater increases in core temperature and estimated core temperature in the firefighter turnout gear with longer exposure to the heat chamber when compared to core temperatures in recreational clothing under equivalent heat exposures. However, even though the turnout gear results in a difference in core temperature increases, the agreement between devices was unaffected. These finding suggest that the difference between the Equivital estimated core temperature and rectal thermometer measurements do not significantly diverge during prolonged exercise in hot temperatures. The heart rate derived algorithm appears to be robust enough to handle this difference without leading to significant differences in core temperature estimates. It is however worth noting that while not significantly different as exercise continued the average change in estimated core temperature was larger than the change in rectal core temperature until the final ten minutes of exercise when wearing turn out gear. This should be considered for future work investigating whether continued exercise in this environment with turn out gear would further lead to a significant divergence in the estimated core temperatures validity.
When results from our primary and secondary aim are taken together (the agreeability across temperatures, over time, and between clothing conditions) they suggest that the Equivital and black ghost software core temperature algorithm is a consistent and viable estimate for core temperature in research settings and may be an effective tool for core temperature monitoring during non-fireground activities. While it did overestimate core temperature by 0.1°C, we believe this may add to the utility of the Equivital estimation as not only is the device less invasive than a rectal thermometer but may also add to the safety of a trial as research participants will also be removed from heat stressors before imminent, and potentially irreversible, consequences.
In partial agreement to our additional secondary aim, we did see a significant impact of turnout gear on physiological strain. Our multivariate analysis of all Equivital data indicates that these variables differed over time and by clothing condition. Post-hoc univariate analysis of each variable however shows that the difference in clothing was driven by heart rate, as this was the only variable significantly affected by turn out gear. This difference in heart rate was likely due to the added external load created by the weight of the turnout gear (~ 20lbs). As the Black ghost software uses heart rate as a variable of estimating core temperature, the differences in heart rate across condition may explain its ability to overcome core temperature differences and still maintain an accurate assessment of core temperature between clothing conditions; confirmed by the equivalence between Equivital core temperature estimate and DataTherm rectal core temperature measurement.
Additionally, we have also further elucidated the cumulative heat stress created by firefighter turnout gear through our exploratory aim assessing AUC as a novel assessment of cumulative heat stress for rectal core temperature between simulated firefighting trials with and without turnout gear. When comparing AUC’s, we observed a significant difference in total heat stress between clothing. This suggests that turn-out gear itself may induce a significant increase in physiological strain from heat. It is worth noting that core temperature, heart rate, and skin temperature, while not significantly, due appear to increase more rapidly in turnout gear and with future investigations with a longer duration and larger sample size we may see the interaction of gear and time influence these variables. However, previous research has shown increased physiological strain with much shorter and longer durations of activity involving maximal treadmill testing and simulated firefighting task circuits [46–48]. In contradiction to this, other research in wildland firefighters [49] indicated little impact of full PPE (i.e. boots, helmet, gloves, neck shroud, and googles) on heart rate, oxygen consumption, core temperature, skin temperature, and physiological strain index during the first 60–100 minutes of treadmill walking when compared to wearing protective clothing alone [49]. Theses difference in findings could related again to the significant load of turnout gear which can differ from standard wildland firefighting gear and the selection of tasks used to mimic firefighting activities.
Even though there were not significant differences in physiological strain associated with the gear, other than heart rate, our investigation did show perceived exertion was significantly higher and increased more rapidly over time while participants were wearing turn out gear when compared with recreational clothing. These findings suggest there may be a disproportionate rise in perception of exertion in the absence of increased physiological strain due to the turn out gear. This could be due to thermal discomfort from the insulative properties of turn out gear. However, this is speculative and based on previous research that highlighted the thermal discomfort of firefighter gear [50] as we did not assess thermal discomfort in this investigation. Other previous research has elucidated negative effects of turnout gear on mobility and performance [11, 51]. The results of these previous investigation in addition to our finding may suggest that limitations in mobility, perceived exertion, and thermal discomfort may impact performance in turn out gear more than actual differences in physiological responses.
The present investigation has demonstrated that the Equivital and Black Ghost software is an accurate, noninvasive, and safe method of estimating core body temperature in healthy young adults. Future investigations should ensure adequate age diversity within their samples to improve the generalizability of these findings considering the diverse age, fitness, and health characteristics of current United States firefighters [52]. We believe a strength of the present investigation is the representation of females in firefighter research and encourage future investigations to continue this effort to maintain representation and rigor proposed by the National Health Institute [53]. In addition, the use of core temperature AUC as a measure of cumulative heat stress may be a valuable workload monitoring tool specifically in firefighters and other outdoor occupational workers that experience multiple bouts or extended heat exposure during their workday. Previous work in underground miners suggest this concept of the dynamic patterns of heat strain over time has a larger impact on heat related injury risk than maximum temperature reached [1, 40]. These results in addition to the data presented in the current study warrant future investigation into the implementation of core temperature AUC monitoring.
A potential limitation of our study was that researchers did not verify appropriate insertion of the probe prior to beginning the exercise bout and could not control and potential movement of the probe once the exercise bout began. However, participants were given detailed insertion instructions and offered visual assistance of a permanent mark on the probe to ensure full (15 cm) insertion and were provided adhesive tape to secure the probe in place prior to experimental testing. Additionally, while understanding the limitations of the rectal thermometer, we believe the use of the rectal core temperature was appropriate given that it remains the gold standard for core temperature assessment and that ingestible temperature pills present their own unique problems (ingestion timing, recent food consumption, and hydration). An additional limitation is that while the movements chosen for the SFT were in accordance with departmental leadership of the local fire department, these movement patterns may not precisely reflect activity achieved during occupational tasks in real emergency scenarios. However, these movements were chosen in efforts to mimic the most common movement patterns given the confines of our environmental chamber. Additionally, a strength of our study aimed to investigate the validity of the Equivital in the non-fireground activities. Even though these environments are most common for firefighters, future directions from this project include validating the Equivital in more extreme environments (i.e., structural fires or live-burn training), to determine whether the device would provide adequate, real-time assessments of thermal stress in life-or-death situations to which firefighters may frequently be exposed.
The use of an environmental chamber effectively provided a consistent and reliable control of heat and humidity that is not possible in field-testing environments. Control of these environmental factors reduces confounding variables related to the environment, however, solar radiation and substantial airflow are absent; both of which play a role in human thermoregulatory responses and may impact core temperature and heart rate based estimates of core temperature uniquely [54]. Furthermore, participants in our study only wore turn-out gear while lacking boots and a helmet. A 2014 study established component contribution of firefighting gear during 30-minutes of walking at 5.5 km/h [12]. These findings highlighted that removing standard firefighting boots significantly reduced the physiological strain experienced due to boots being mechanically insufficient and restricting heat dissipation from the feet [12]. However, the previously mentioned study in wildland firefighters indicated little impact of full PPE (i.e. boots, helmet, gloves, neck shroud, and googles) [49]. This may suggest that the type of gear worn by wildland firefighters compared to structural firefighters may have a differential impact on physiological strain and heat related injury risk. Future work should consider both the component contribution of gear and outdoor thermoregulatory factors that may impact the validity of this monitoring tool.