Salt stress in rice is complex and involves several physiological and adaptive mechanisms (Ismail et al., 2007; Ismail and Horie, 2017). Mapping and tagging of QTL is the first step for identifying genes associated with variation in an agronomically important trait such as salinity tolerance (Rahman et al., 2019). Despite the complexity of the traits associated with tolerance of stress, tolerance in most cases is controlled by relatively few QTL with large effects, and incorporation of these QTL into high-yielding varieties will potentially increase and stabilize rice yields in salt-affected areas and in areas affected by other abiotic stresses (Mackill, 2006; Ismail et al., 2007; 2013; Ismail and Horie, 2017).
Significant differences between genotypes were observed for most growth and physiological parameters (Table 1). SES scores based on visual salt-induced injury are often used for evaluating salt tolerance in rice at the seedling stage (Platten et al., 2013; Thu et al., 2017). Significant negative correlations were observed for SES score with shoot and root fresh and dry weights and shoot length. This clearly demonstrates the significance and detrimental effects of high Na+ accumulation in plant tissues under salinity stress. Although salt tolerance evaluated by SES is attributed to low Na+ in shoots and high Na+ in roots in this study (Table 2), the mismatch of QTL for SES and for shoot Na+ concentration (Table 3) indicates the complexity of the physiological mechanisms associated with salt tolerance in Kalarata. Moreover, the diversity of QTL for SES among rice varieties also suggests that salt tolerance could be controlled by multiple mechanisms, multiple genes or alleles (Ismail and Horie, 2017).
In this study we identified 13 QTL for 5 traits of the shoot and 4 traits of the roots controlling growth and physiological attributes related to salt tolerance. Within the 13 QTL, ten of them were newly mapped in this study and the other three QTL for shoot K+ concentration, shoot Na+ concentration and shoot Na+:K+ ratio identified on chromosome 1 (Table 3; Figs. 1 and 2) overlapped with QTL reported in previous studies (Koyama et al., 2001; Thomson et al., 2010). The QTL for shoot Na+ concentration and shoot Na+:K+ ratio were detected in the same position on the short arm of chromosome 1, which suggests that the loci affecting Na+ uptake also control Na+:K+ ratio in shoots, indicating potential functional relationships among these traits; or probability that either the same genes or tightly linked genes are involved in their control. The position of these QTL at 43.6 cM and 44 cM coincided with the well-known Saltol locus (Thomson et al., 2010), and, respectively accounted for 19.0 and 23.0% of the phenotypic variation (Table 3). Similar results were reported in the study of Koyama et al. (2001) where they identified QTL controlling K+ concentration, Na+ uptake and Na+:K+ ratio in this region.
Three QTL for root K+ concentration (rkc3.1 and rkc11.1) and root Na+ concentration (rnc3.1) were newly identified on chromosomes 3 and 11 (Table 3; Fig. 2). Azucena contributed to the positive alleles of rkc3.1 and rnc3.1 and Kalarata contributed to the positive alleles of rkc11.1. The QTL detected for root Na+ and K+ concentrations were different from those detected for shoot traits. Lin et al. (2004) suggested that the genes controlling the transport of these two ions, Na+ and K+, between roots and shoots of rice seedlings might be different or are differentially regulated under salt stress. Koyama et al. (2001) also suggested that uptake of potassium is controlled by genes related to the structure or regulation of ion carriers and channels, while the transport of sodium in saline conditions is expected to be controlled by genes affecting root development, anatomy and architecture. Gregorio and Senadhira (1993) also observed two groups of genes involved in sodium and potassium uptake in rice; one group was envisaged to control sodium exclusion and the other to control potassium absorption. This could explain why there are different QTL for Na+ and K+ uptake in shoot and root. Ismail and Horie (2017) also pointed that responses to salt stress could be attributed to Na+ efflux from roots to the rhizosphere through salt overly sensitive (SOS1) dependent Na+ exclusion, Na+ sequestration in vacuoles by tonoplast-localized Na+/H+ antiporters and Na+ loading and unloading at the xylem mediated by some high-affinity K+ transporter (HKT) proteins.
We identified one new QTL on chromosome 3 based on symptoms of salt injury at the whole plant level using SES scores (Table 3). The QTL for SES, with Kalarata as the source of the positive allele, overlapped with that for chlorophyll b (chlb3.1) in this study. A variety of QTL for visual salt-induced injury such as SES has been reported from different sets of rice crosses; e.g. chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 5 from a cross between CSR27 and MI-48 (Ammar et al., 2007), chromosomes 1, 3 from a cross between Milyang 23 and Gihobyeo (Lee et al., 2007), chromosomes 1, 4 from a cross between Hasawi and IR29 (Rahman et al., 2017), chromosomes 2, 4, 11 from GWAS study using 203 temperate japonica rice accessions (Batayeva et al., 2018), and chromosome 1, 3, 5, 12 from a cross between Capsule and BRRI dhan29 (Rahman et al., 2019). Three QTL controlling shoot fresh weight (sfw1.1), shoot dry weight (sdw1.1) and root dry weight (rdw1.1) were located in the same region of chromosome 1, with Kalarata as the source of positive alleles. These traits are related to seedling vigor, which is important as an avoidance mechanism under salinity (Ismail et al., 2007; Reddy et al., 2017). This result indicates the important role of this region in determining biomass and vigor of rice. The shoot fresh weight QTL identified in this study was close to the QTL detected by Haq et al. (2008) in the short arm of chromosome 1 from the cross of Co39 and Moroberekan, which also stressed the importance of this region for seedling vigor under salinity.
The QTL detected in this study should be useful for molecular breeding and for identifying useful genes for salt tolerance. Fine mapping of selected QTL will help identify closely linked markers for use in MABC (Ismail and Thomson, 2010). By developing near isogenic lines (NIL) differing in the presence of a specific QTL for each trait of interest, QTL controlling the trait could be verified more precisely and the biological functions of each QTL could be unraveled. The actual contribution of each QTL for a phenotypic trait should be tested and confirmed in different genetic backgrounds and environment. Larger populations of NILs need to be developed for fine mapping of these QTL that has large effects and agronomic value, for further use in breeding.
Candidate genes in the target region for root K+ concentration on chromosome 3 (rkc3.1) were further assessed. The genes encoding expressed proteins, hypothetical proteins, hypothetical conserved genes, non protein coding transcriptions, similar to predicted proteins, protein of unknown functions, family proteins and uncharacterized protein families were eliminated. Genes that share the same functional annotations and the same GO terms in biological processes, cellular component and molecular function GO categories were listed (Table 3; Supplementary Table S1).
Five genes were identified that are associated with responses to abiotic stresses (Table 3). One gene (LOC_Os03g27280) predicted to encode calmodulin. CaM genes regulate plant responses to heat stress, cold stress, heavy metal stress, drought, and salt stress. High salinity and drought impose osmotic stress on plant cells that is associated with increased concentration of cytosolic Ca2+, and decreased Na+ uptake in the shoots (Zeng et al., 2015). This gene is also similar to serine/threonine-protein kinase SAPK1. SAPK1 and SAPK2 function together to reduce Na+ toxicity by altering Na+ distribution between roots and shoots and enhancing Na+ exclusion from the cell cytoplasm and its sequestration into vacuoles to improve tolerance of crop plants to salt stress (Lou et al., 2018). The universal stress protein (LOC_Os03g53900) is another gene involved in abiotic stress responses. One example is shown in tobacco wherein unusual expression of SbUSP enhances salt tolerance and increases osmotic stress resistance by removing intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). It then recognizes cellular level Na+ and activates protein kinases (serine and threonine), which is involved in salt signaling (Chi et al., 2019).
Seven genes annotated in the rkc3.1 region were associated with metabolic processes based on GO classification (Table 3). Thioredoxin (LOC_Os03g58630) is a protein that plays an important role in redox regulation. One type of thioredoxins is TRX-h that is located in the cytosol and plasma membrane, and involved in the movement of plasmodesmata for cell-to-cell communication in Arabidopsis. In rice, thiredoxin takes part in C4 metabolism through PEPC-PK (Calderon et al., 2018). An example is OsTRXh-1, which is secreted in the extracellular region (apoplast); its knockdown causes dwarf and low-tillering phenotypes, while overexpression causes salt- and ABA-insensitive phenotypes (Zhang et al., 2011). This shows that redox regulation influences plant development under salt stress. Serine carboxypeptidase (LOC_Os03g26930) catalyzes the hydrolysis of the C-terminal bond in proteins and peptides and have been involved in biochemical processes including secondary metabolites (Tripathi and Sowdhamini, 2006). Among the SCPs, SCP 46 is dominantly expressed in rice developing seeds, and induced expression of ABA, and could potentially be involved in ABA signaling. Knocking down of this gene in rice affected grain size and seed germination, and inhibited sensitivity to ABA (Li et al., 2016).
Eleven genes were identified that are associated with transporter activity (Table 3). LOC_Os03g37840 encodes a potassium transporter similar to HAK16. Expression of OsHAK16 is downregulated in young leaves and its upregulation increases the accumulation of Na+ in the old leaves of rice under salt stress (Wang et al., 2012), suggesting its role partition of harmful salts in older leaves to protect functional young leaves. OsHAK1 is expressed in the epidermal and vascular cells of roots, and addition of nutrient solution with high Na+ to low K+ ratio decreases its K- deficiency-enhanced expression in roots and shoots in rice. Knockout of this gene also limit cell expansion resulting in stunted growth, and decreased K+ translocation from roots to shoots. Overexpression of this gene increased K+ concentration and K+:Na+ ratio in both roots and shoots (Chen et al., 2015). This high-affinity K+ transport system plays an important role in improving tolerance of rice to salt stress. Another transporter, NCX or sodium/calcium exchanger (LOC_Os03g27960) plays a crucial role in Ca2+ homeostasis. Expression profile studies of this gene showed different responses to calcium and its chelator EGTA in the moderately stress sensitive rice variety IR64, suggesting an important role in the diverse physiological processes involving Ca2+ as second messenger (Singh et al., 2015). A metal cation transporter (LOC_Os03g29850) is similar to the genes that encode ZIP (Zinc-regulated, Iron-regulated transporter like protein). This gene is involved in the transport of metals such as Zn, Cu, Fe, Cd and Mn. OsZIP1 is a Zn uptake transporter and overexpression of this protein decreased the concentrations of Zn, Cu and Cd in rice, resulting in improved growth under high metal stress (Liu et al., 2019).
Two genes in the rkc3.1 region were associated with transcription factors (Table 3). MYB family transcription factor (LOC_Os03g51110) is similar to R2R3 type. MYB-TF is abundant in specific plants and R2R3 play vital roles in plants including responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. AtMYB20 is an example of R2R3 MYB TF. In the study of AtMYB20, AtMYB-Ox (overexpression lines) enhances salt tolerance over the wild type seedlings, while AtMYB-SRDX (dominant repression lines) seedlings were sensitive to NaCl. Salt-induced expression of ABI1, ABI2 and AtPP2CA (negative regulators of ABA signaling), decreased ATMYB-Ox and enhanced AtMYB-SRDX compared with the wild type and binding to the promoter region of ABI1 and AtPPC2A improves salt tolerance in plants (Cui et al., 2013). Calciunerin B protein (LOC_Os03g42840) is another transcription factor that belongs to a group of plant calcium sensors that interacts with serine/threonine kinases, CIPK proteins. In studies using Arabidopsis, CIPK9, which is a homolog of CIPK23 interacts with CBL3 to form a CBL/CIPK complex. Overexpression of CBL3 and CIPK9 leads to more sensitive phenotypes under low potassium (LK) conditions. CBL3 mutants showed similar LK tolerant phenotype as CIPK mutants in LK medium. In addition, CIPK9 and CBL3 mutants have higher K+ content in the shoots than the wild type, resulting in better regulation of K+ homeostasis under LK conditions (Liu et al 2013).
Apparently, most of the genes discussed above could have potential role in abiotic stress response or tolerance in rice. Genes identified using this network analysis are potential targets for molecular breeding or for engineering rice plants with improved salt tolerance (Ismail and Horie, 2017; Zhu et al., 2019). These candidate genes with putative functions likely related to salt tolerance should further be assessed for their functional roles in physiological processes that confer salt tolerance in rice and for use in breeding improved varieties for salt affected areas. Haplotype and gene expression analysis will help extract more information on these candidate genes.