3.2 Discussion
Anthropogenic activities like industrialization, urbanization, population explosion and modernization has in obvious and unobvious ways affected the environment especially land, water, sediment and air. PAHs are widespread pollutants in the environment and their major sources are human activities, generated from partial combustion of carbon-based materials like fossil fuels, wood, emissions from engines, smoke from cooking, industrial activities and natural occurrences such as when volcanoes erupts (Ossai, et al., 2015; Abdel-shafy et al., 2016),
Concentrations of PAHs in Sediment
A summary of the U.S EPA 16 PAHs concentrations in sediment indicated Not Detected (ND) in some locations, however the range of PAHs concentrations for locations with detectable values varies 0.81 µg/kg to 3.47 µg/kg. The highest PAHs concentration of 3.47 µg/kg record in s in all sampling point 5. The concentration of PAHs in the samples is P > 0.05 suggesting spatial significant difference (Table 2). CV% was less than 100% while the F-calculated is less than the F-critical.
The PAHs concentrations in some sampling points could be linked to illegal bunkering, illegal artisanal refinery and industrial activities like oil exploration and production of crude oil which make the environment prone to PAHs pollution (Abdel-shafy et al., 2015). Also, natural sources cannot be ruled out Abdel-shafy et al., 2015, Ossai et al., 2015). The behaviour of PAHs ecological matrices was documented in a study done by (Cornelissen et al., 2006). How toxic PAHs are detected and their prevalent and widespread dispersal has contributed to more interest of these compounds in most ecological biota (Aderemi, et al., 2003). Comparing with other reported studies, it is lower than the PAHs concentration in surface water of the Almendares River, Cuba ranged between 836 to 15811µg/L (Santana et al., 2015); 570.2 to 2318.6 µg/L surface water of Daliao River (Guo, et al., 2008); 99.60 to 3805.00 and 235.84 to 11812.2 µg/L in dry and wet season respectively for surface water in Songhua River Basin, Yangtze River Basin, Yellow River Basin, Pearl River Basin, Huai River Basin, Liao River Basin and Hai River Basin (Yu, et al., 2020). Also lower, in sediment samples obtained in Hoor Al-Azim wetland, Iran (15.78 to 410.2 µg/L (Fakhradini, Moore, Keshavarzi, & Lahijanzadeh, 2019). Results of sediment from River Niger, Ase and Forcados in the western Niger Delta areas which fall under same region of this study revealed that PAHs concentration range between 2400 to 19000 µg/kg, 2930 to 16100 µg/kg and 1620 to 19800 µg/kg for River Niger, Ase and Forcados respectively (Iwegbue et al., 2021).
Composition and Distribution Patterns of PAHs in Sediment
Figure 1 shows the compositional patterns of PAHs in this study. The sediment samples are mostly dominated by LMW PAHs. The HMW PAHs ranges between 4–6 rings and LMW is between 2–3 ring PAHs. HMW PAHs ones settled are not prone to surface exchange due to their low vapour pressure and HMW PAHs exhibit more resistance to degradation. In contrast LMW PAHs since they have vapour pressures are associated to gaseous phase. While LMW PAHs are susceptible to weathering through oxidation, photo-degradation and losses by leaching owing to high water solubility (Iwegbue et al., 2021; Najmeddin et al., 2019., Marynowski et al., 2018). The PAHs homologous distribution sequence for surface water is 4-ring > 3-ring > 5-ring > 1-ring, therefore confirming the prevalence of BaA, Chr, Flt, Pyr, Ace, Acy, Flu, Ant, and Phen as the major components, and 3-ring > 2-ring > 1-ring > 6-ring for sediment revealing Acp, Acy, Flu, Ant, Phen and Nap also as the dominant components. This study reveals that 6-ring PAHs; BghiP and IndP are the most recessive components because they were below detection limits of Not Detected as 5-ring PAHs were only detected in surface water samples. The presence of Flu and Phen in sampling point 1, 2, 4 and 8 are also indicative of combustion sources in those sampling points (Wang et al., 2015; Zhang, 2006).
Source Apportionment/Diagnostic Ratio
Isomeric ratios and multivariable statistical analysis were carried out to determine the sources of PAHs in sediments samples. This tool is used to design control strategies and evaluating both ecological and human risks associated within the study area. From previous studies, isomeric ratios like Ant/(Ant + Phen), Flt/(Flt + Pyr), BaA/(BaA + Chry), IndP/(IndP + BghiP) BaP/BghiP and others LMW/HMW, ƩCOMB/TPAHs, PAH(4)+(5)/TPAHs have been employed for PAHs analysis of input sources and transport properties (Iwegbue et al., 2021; Iwegbue et al., 2019; Effiong et al., 2016). Fossil fuel combustion and petroleum product leakage, are pyrolytic and petrogenic sources of PAH, and are the principal sources of anthropogenic PAH. To differentiate between petrogenic and pyrogenic sources of PAHs, ratios of Phe/Ant and Flu/Pyr have been commonly used. Phe/Ant values > 10 are typically associated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of petrogenic origin, whereas low Phe/Ant ratios 10 are frequently produced during combustion processes. Values > 1 have been utilized to denote pyrolytic origins, while values 1 are assigned to petrogenic sources for the Fl/Py ratio. (Chen & Liao, 2006, Magi et al., 2002).
Though PAHs compositional may be used in some instances in distinguishing sources, it’s not the only ultimate tool because of some other limitations. LMW/HMW can also be used to differentiate emissions from pyrogenic source and petrogenic sources (Effiong, et al., 2016; Soclo, Garrigues, & Ewald, 2000). LMW/HMW ratio from this study in Ifiekporo Creek ranged between 0.00 to 3.08 and this revealed that most of the samples (94.4%) had LMW/HMW values less than < 1 while only 5.6% LMW/HMW > 1. Similar to previous studies, it strongly suggests prevalence of pyrogenic source over petrogenic source inputs. Ant/ (Ant + Phen) ratio ranged from 0.00 to 1.00 thus suggesting prevalent inputs from combustion sources. The BaA/(BaA + Chry) values in sediment of Ifiekporo Creek ranges between 0.00 to 0.75. Only 16.6% were > 0.5, thus suggesting dominance input from biomass combustion sources. (Flt/ (Flt + Pyr) were between 0.00 and 0.51. Flt/Flt + Pyr < 0.4 is an indication of petroleum source, values between 0.4 and 0.5 depict petroleum combustion sources (especially carbon-based fuel, fumes from outboard engines and crude oil), while ratio value > 0.5 depicts contribution from biomass combustion, coal, and wood sources. Values of > 0.5 indicates dominant contribution from biomass combustion sources, < 0.2 indicates petroleum related sources, values between 0.20 and 0.30 suggest sources related to combustion of liquid fossil fuels, while values > 0.35 relates to coal/biomass combustion sources (Yunker, 2002). Both IndP/ (IndP + BghiP) and BaP/BghiP were absent in the samples collected from this creek. This suggests further studies should be carried out in the studied areas for confirmation or clarity. Although, IndP/(IndP + BghiP) ratio between 0.2 and 0.5 is an indication of the existence of biomass and liquid fossil fuel combustion as major source of PAHs contaminations, BaP/BghiP from other studies has utilized to distinguish between vehiculars traffic and non-vehicular traffic sources. COMBPAHs/TPAHs ratios are indicative of relationship between PAHs input sources and combustion of typical organics (Iwegbue, 2021; Dong, & Lee, 2009). The ƩCOMB-PAHs/Ʃ16 PAHs value of < 0.3 is an indication of petrogenic emission; the range of between 0.3 and 0.7 portray mixed sources of emission or deposition; while ratio values of > 0.7 is usually suggestive of input from a burning process of high magnitude (Iwegbue, et al., 2019; Ravindra, Wauters, & Van Grieken, 2008). In this research, 33.3% in sediment samples were between 0.3 and 0.7 which suggests dominance of mixed sources while the rest were below equipment detecting limits. Finally, PAH (4)/PAH (5 + 6) used to provide details on transport features of the PAHs from some related studies was not shown in this studies. For example, high PAH(4)/PAH(5 + 6), value is an indication that the contamination is related to PAHs transported from quite a distance, while low value suggests inputs from local or nearby emission sources. (Iwegbue, et al., 2021)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Principal component analysis (PCA) is an important tool for identification of the source of PAHs (Tables 2 and 3) and it is resolved into different components/factors loading. For sediments PCA carried out revealed 28.855% having positive loadings for Flu, BaA and Chry for factor 1. BaA and Chry are makers for coal, wood, natural gas combustion, gasoline emissions (Lin, et al., 2011; Larsen, & Baker, 2003; Simcik, Eisenreich, & Lioy, 1999; Duval, & Friedlander, 1981).
While Flu is a 3-ring PAHs which is characterized with low temperature combustion process such as burning of wood, grass and other biomass (Dong & Lee, 2009). Factor or component 2 accounted for 56.398% with positive loadings comprising Nap, Acy, Phen and Carb. Nap is 2-ring while Acy and Phen are 3-ring PAHs. Nap is an index for incomplete combustion processes (Zhang, 2006). Although Carb is not among the major or priority US EPA 16 PAHs, it is semi-volatile and Factor or component 3 constituted for 70.997%, having Ant, Flt and Pyr as the main positive loadings. Flt and Pyr are tracers for combustion of coals (Liu et al., 2017). Flt and Ant are indicators of oil combustion (Soltani, et al., 2015; Harrison, Smith, & Luhana, 1996). Finally, factor 4 constituted for 84.860% with only Ace and Flt.