Body composition and height over 36 months in a group of children taking CGMP or AA protein substitutes showed no statistically significant changes in any of the measured parameters. However, in the CGMP100 group, statistical modelling indicated a trend (p 0.42) towards improved longitudinal growth, a reduction in fat mass, % body fat and improved lean body mass. When growth is represented as a median change from baseline over time, it shows the CGMP100 group had the greatest change in height. However, age modifies this trend and although the CGMP100 group continues to show an improved height growth it does not reach significance.
We can only speculate about a suggested trend in improved body composition when taking CGMP as the complete source of protein substitute. One possible explanation is the bioactivity of CGMP; it is rich in the branched chain amino acids isoleucine and leucine, which are potent modulators of protein turnover and have been shown to have a significant effect on insulin and glucose metabolism [28, 29]. If CGMP by the action of these amino acids improved insulin sensitivity it is possible growth may be improved. However, we did not collect any information on insulin resistance in this group of subjects, so it is difficult to draw any firm conclusions.
Huemer et al [30] measured growth and body composition over 12 months in 34 children with classical PKU. Total protein intake was 124% of the German recommended daily allowance. A significant correlation was found between lean body mass and intake of natural protein suggesting that improved natural protein intake was beneficial. Evans et al [31] also reported a similar significant relationship between a lower % fat mass and a higher total, natural and protein substitute intake, with natural protein > 0.5g /kg/day associated with an improved body composition, no relationship was found between natural protein intake and improved height z scores. Evans, similar to Hoeksman et al [32] observed that neither natural protein or energy intake correlated with linear growth as reported by Aldamiz Echevarria et al. [33]. The effect of a low protein diet on energy balance and postprandial fat oxidation has received little attention in PKU subjects. A study by Alfheeaid et al [34] reported a lower thermal effect of feeding and fat oxidation after healthy subjects had taken a meal containing special low protein foods and protein substitutes, possibly leading to a higher fat mass and altered body composition. Patients with milder PKU, responsive to sapropterin dihydrochloride (BH4), have a higher natural protein tolerance but there appears to be no advantage in height, weight, body mass index or growth velocity, when BH4 was compared to conventional PKU therapy [35]. There are no studies reporting body composition in BH4 responsive patients who use less low protein food products and have a wider range of natural protein sources compared to the classically treated patients with PKU.
The importance of an adequate protein intake from protein substitutes (both quality and quantity) in PKU has been documented by many authors [36–41]. No studies have identified the protein digestibility score or absorption kinetics of CGMP protein substitutes; this is important to ascertain protein efficiency. In healthy adults protein containing meals taken at regular intervals improve skeletal muscle protein by 25%, reinforcing the need to consume protein substitutes in divided doses [42–44]. The optimal amount of protein substitute based on free amino acids or CGMP remains undefined, but any factor leading to protein inefficiency may compromise body composition, optimal height and increase the incidence of overweight. Other confounding factors that may affect body composition is the effect of a long term low phenylalanine diet higher in carbohydrate which may be associated with a higher risk of adiposity and insulin resistance [45, 46]. All these factors may lead to underachievement of an optimal growth potential in PKU children [47].
Comparison of body composition by gender regardless of group showed lean body mass was statistically significantly higher in males than females consistent with reports in the literature (p = 0.013) [48]. Fat mass and lean body mass vary with age, gender and pubertal status. Various authors have reported an age related increase in lean body mass index being more rapid in males compared with females particularly between the ages of 11-16y, in line with rapid accrual of lean body mass during male puberty [49]. Children gain lean mass disproportionately to height and this is more pronounced in boys compared to girls [48].
A multitude of methods exist for assessing body composition, including DXA, bioelectrical impedance (BIA), and whole body air displacement plethysmograph (Bodpod), each having their own assumptions, advantages and inadequacies [50]. Unfortunately, there is a lack of standardised reference data, making interpretation and comparison of results challenging. Sensitive and accurate measurements are needed to detect differences in visceral compared to central fat accumulation, as ponderal and body mass index alone are unable to detect subtle differences. The gold standard for measuring body composition is a four-compartment (4C) model [51]. DXA has been evaluated against 4C models in children, and although it overestimates body fat by 1–4% depending on age, sex and body size, the correlation compared to a 4C model is good despite the small error [52, 53]. Reference data for comparison of body composition parameters is limited; a recent publication Ofenheimer [54] has produced age and gender specific reference percentiles of body composition parameters for European children and adolescents. Comparison of our data would indicate appropriate body composition for fat and lean body mass when calculated as a median between baseline to 36 months.
There are limitations to this study, we do not have a healthy reference control group or UK based reference date to compare body composition parameters, an inherent problem using the DXA for body composition analysis. Endocrine parameters such as bone age or growth hormone were not measured which may have explained differences in linear growth. Until kinetic studies are conducted, it is unknown if a peptide compared to amino acids alters the delivery and assimilation of amino acids leading to improved lean body mass and growth. We did not collect parental height data, which may have been useful as a comparison within the groups. Not all the children were able to replace their full requirement of amino acids with CGMP AA completely, which may have reduced the strength of our findings. There were small numbers of children in each study group, the older children chose to stay on their AA supplement compared to the younger age group who were more agreeable to try an alternative protein substitute, which may have led to some bias.