Study area
Shea fruits were collected from the districts of Katakwi, Otuke, Amoru, Moyo and Arua and seedlings raised in a tree nursery at Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (NgeZARDI), Lira district (Fig. 1). Katakwi District is located in the North Eastern region of Uganda covering a total land area of 2,507 square kilometres. It lies longitudes 33° 48' E -34° 18' E and latitudes 1° 38' N − 2° 20' N. The district is 1090 meters (3,550 ft)above sea level. The vegetation of Katakwi District largely comprises savannah grasslands dotted with shrubs and trees. It is generally described as a wood land / shrub land –grassland vegetation dominated by Acacia, Conbretum, Piliostigma, vitellaria paradoxa and Hyperenia species. The mean annual precipitation is 1111 mm with bimodal rainfal with high peaks during April-May and August-October. The dry season extends from December to March with mean temperature of 26 °C. The soils are mainly of ferralitic type (sandy sediments and sandy loam), whichare well drained and friable. Bottomland contains widespread deposits of alluvium.
Otuke district is located 02°30′N 33°30′E / 2.500°N 33.500°E covering 1,549.8 km2 (598.4 sq mi) with elevation of 1,200 m (3,900 ft) above sea level. It is one of the districts in Lango subregion. Its vegetation type is predominantly savanah woodland vegetation type interspersed with shea butter trees and other species like combretum, grewiya terminalia, acasia species grow in a mosaic. The mean annual precipitation is 96.2 mm with bimodal rainfal with high peaks during April-May and August-October. The average annual rainfall in the district varies between 1200–1600 mm decreasing northwards. The dry season extends from December to March with mean temperature of 27 °C. The main soil type is sandy-loam with patches of red ferralitic soils in Otuke districts (Otuke district local government 2015).
Amuru district is located in the northern-most region in Uganda neighbouring South Sudan. It falls within longitudes 31°4'3"E and 32°3'4"E and latitudes 2°7'8"N and 3°6'3"N. Its altitude is 1075 meters (3,412 ft)above sea level.Grassland savanna is the dominant vegetation, with bimodal rainfal with high peaks during April-May and August-October, annual rainfall between 900 and 1000 mm. Average temperature is 22 °C. The area is covered with soil types weathered from basement complex gneisses and granites rocks (Nuwategeka and Nyeko (2017). The district is mostly inhabited by the Acholi group of people.
Moyo District is located in the north-western corner or West Nile region of Uganda. Moyo district is 865 meters (2,593 ft)above sea level. It has two rainy seasons which occur in April (short rainy season) and between August and October (major rainy season) and it receives about 1,267 mm of annual rainfall. The vegetation type in moyo district is predominalty woodland interspersed with shea butter treestowards the boarder with the Republic of South Sudan.
Arua district lies between latitude 20 30'N and 30 50'N and longitude 300 30'E and 310 30'E in the north western part of Uganda. The district covers a total area of 4274.13 of which 87% of the land is arable. The district mainly comprises of rolling plains rising from the Nile floor in the rift valley (600 m above sea level) to the Congo - Nile water divide (1200 to 1400 meters above sea level). Arua district has a bi-modal rainfall pattern with light rains between April and October. The wettest months are august and September, the average annual rainfall is 1250 mm. The soils covering most of the district are mainly ferralitic and sand loams with fine textile with rather loose structure, which are easily eroded and leached. Most soils are acidic. Soil types in the district include: Yellow - red sandy, clay loams latosols varying from dark grey to dark which are slightly acidic and mainly derived from granite, gneissic and sedimentary rocks. They occur on gently undulating - hilly topography. Brown - yellow clay loams with laterite horizon with a variety of dark brown to dark greyish brown, which are slightly acidic. These occur on flat ridge tops or as of undulating
Lira district is 1,080 meters (3,540 ft)above sea level. The vegetation type in lira district is savanah woodland interspersed with shea butter trees the predominant tree species are the combretum, vitellaria, terminalia, casia, grewiya species. The mean annual precipitation is 94.2 mm with bimodal rainfal with high peaks during April-May and August-October. The average annual rainfall in the district varies between 1200–1600 mm decreasing northwards. The dry season extends from December to March with mean temperature of 26 °C. The geological formations in Lira district is basement complex (mainly undifferentiated acid gneiss) covering most of the district. The site at NgettaZARDI was selected due to the presence of a research station that is situated within shea tree growing region that can provide an ample growing conditions for the experimental shea tree plantlets. NgettaZARDI is also place near urban settlement where shea trees were depleted and this gives opportunity for isolation of the breeding plants from contamination with other none superior materials from within the area.
Only mature and freshly fallen ripe undamaged shea fruits were carefully picked directly from under 180 jointly selected seed trees across the study sites. A total of 1204 fruits were collected during the month of June 2018 and transported to NgeZARDI for processing before sowing. The fruit pulps were then removed using fingers and each ethnovariety put in small cloth bags to avoid mixing. These were then placed in a thick gunny bags soaked with water and kept under cool shade for two weeks to allow kennels to crack before sowing directly into polythene pots filled with planting medium. Up to sixteen ethnovarieties were collected from the five districts and sown.
The planting medium composed of a mixture of 70% top forest soil and 30% clay soil. After mixing thoroughly, the medium was filled into polythene pots 6 inches width by 8 inches length, sealed at the bottom and punctured to let off excess water to avoid seed rot before germination,
The kernels were sown in a randomized incomplete complete block design with three replicates to measure the variations that existed among the experimental units after fourteen days when the radicles had cracked the kernels. The kernels were sown directly into the pots filled with the growing medium and watered twice a day with 10 Liters of water per square meter for a period of six months when it was believed that most of the seeds had germinated.
The seeds were germinated and kept in the nursery at NgeZARDI for 18 months to attain required height of ≥ 15 cm taken to the highest leaf point. The following were recorded from the seedlings for phenotypic analysis: date for first seedling sprout, Root collar diameter, seedling height, number of leaves developed, leaf length, leaf width and petiole length. Measurements were taken to the nearest millimetres monthly for eighteen months. The seedlings were then planted in two different sites as shea tree Breeding Seed Orchard intended for genetic trial of superior phenotypes for mass production of genetically improved materials.